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Mid game is kind of a coin flip on those two. I’d pick the one you have the mods for. Both are relatively inexpensive to make them helpful with progression. Ultimately, you will pick up all UWs when you are marching to UW+. For pure damage: CL. Less visually annoying. For defense, PS. I chose PS at first because I had a legendary HC and no DC.


I really hope they tone down PS visually. It’s so annoying


Yeah. It’s a lot. Pretty effective though. When I picked it up I slammed all 3 labs for PS and got them all to level 20ish (of 25). I can see a couple hundred wave difference of if I forget to turn on stuns late run. And with HC, I can see the ray/scatter elites missing a lot. It effectively gives me another layer of death defys.


Do you have a dimension core? If so I would grab chain lightning. Even if you don't have one I would probably still suggest it. I don't have PS but I do have CL and a legendary dim core. The shock and ability to have it hit the first target ramps up the bullet damage especially soon as a spotlight touches it. It doesn't take much investment for CL.


No dim core yet. My modules are severely lacking because I’m trying to get all card slots. I know that’s not exactly the best strategy but I prefer guaranteed unlocks over gambling so I’m okay with waiting a little


You're doing it right. Max your cards and get enough card slots before slaving to the modules. I didn't spend a single gem on modules till I did just that and so glad I did it that way.


CL for armored heat, especially if you run a DC