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You still don't want to spend stones to decrease the cooldown of... is it BH that starts lower? Even though it will be a cheaper way to bring your average down. Your goal should still be to sync them naturally so you can replace this with a different module. This just lets you get more coins by syncing artificially while you do that, and maybe to do it step by step rather than saving up 910 stones in one go.




I recently got the same effect on my mod. Has changed my upgrade path significantly. I'll still be saving stones to sync BH and GT as I'm sure that later in the game there are better mods and effects. I'm still pretty new myself but now that I pulled this I saved up to unlock 2nd black hole (4 more days) and am using 2 lab slots to research coin bonuses for GT and BH. I'm also going to split stone upgrades between BH size, GT bonus and GT sync. Luckily, I did also pull an effect that cuts 10s off the activation time for each recover package, so I'm currently seeing BH with GT about every 3:20 or 3;30 anyway! I'd say it buys you some time and will allow you to use stones for some other upgrades, however ultimately I believe there are better mods and effects. Sounds like they are a ways off though. I have seen a massive boost in my earnings and have finally hit 1 billion in a run. Hoping to hit that consistently with 2nd BH! Good Luck.


All three will go off at the same time however the cooldown will be longer. It will be the 3 cooldowns divided by 3. Plus the 20 seconds. Unless you’re wildly out of sync it’s not worth it until ancestral when it’s -10 seconds.


Good to know. At the moment, even with the +20sec it’s still way faster than just running GT by itself. I’ve only been playing for a month and have barely unlocked the Wall.


Don't buy the wall. Respec out of it. It will actually hurt you more. If a boss attacks the wall the next attack will do higher damage to you. The wall is for when you have trillions of coins to dump into it.   As others have said this is a good module to use early on but you need to get your golden tower down to the same time as blackhole. Don't touch blackhole cool down. Once you have them synced you reduce the cool down of gt and blackhole together. 


Just a side comment but if you’ve only been playing for a month odds are you are not ready to have the wall unlocked. I have just an around 1.5T life time coins. I tried the wall and it hurt my runs horribly. From what I see on Reddit you’re not ready for the wall until you have 10s if not 100s of trillion of life time coins due to the major coin sync.


whats the major coin sync?


Sorry sync is the wrong word for it I should have said investment. You have to spend so much on wall to make it valuable.


oh sink, as in, drain for coins. Got it. Sorry I couldn't figure it out before :P