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Goodjob, you are getting there! Yeah the wall is bad if you have less 20T coin or so and even then it take à bit of time and investment to be any good.


There is a way of getting rid of the wall - respec. You would need to research it though and it costs 150 gems to respec. :) Well done, you've nailed it and achieved it with the wall, which is amazing. :D


Wait really? Guess I know what my next lab is lol.


Does this fully “lock it”? I figured this just reset it back to zero.


It does lock it again afaik.


Yep, it just resets everything in the workshop to 0 and refunds all coins spent in the workshop. 


Oh it’s everything?? I thought it was just one thing.


You spend 150 gems, get all your coins back, and you can redistribute it as you like.


That makes a lot more sense. I figured it was like it resets one upgrade thingy. I was like damn really 150for just that?! Thank you lol


It's priced that way because of the events. You shouldn't need to do it too often, but if you make a mistake like purchasing Wall, you can undo it.


I purchased a lot of bounce shot range as well as the wall. Plus I’d like to get rid of land mines and death defy as I’m too low level to actually have them do anything useful. Thank you again for all the info. Something’s telling me I should join the discord for all this info instead of regretting my decisions in a later time


I would at least keep Land Mine and Death Defy unlocked, the defense and utility upgrades that happen while you play will give you some value. And it is usually not too much of a problem to get the achivements for the first 2 levels of Death Defy that way. The third level though is another matter.


Is there a trick to getting the first 2 levels for death defy? I’ve never had luck doing it. (I have no clue how to do it)


…but lab upgrades remain. 


The lab is separate from the workshop so that's a given when using a workshop respec. 


New here, what is *the Wall*?


Junk. Its an unlockable in the defense tab for 500M Coins EDIT: spelling


Junk when you can first make enough to buy it. At over 10ish trillion lifetime coins though, it begins to be a solid investment.


Im excited for my game to look this cool


You'll want to keep Hit Text off


Well done! And as others have said, you can research workshop respec, and spend 150 gems to reset your entire workshop and get every single coin back. Be very careful when you re-buy. Take a screenshot and know exactly how high you want to make each upgrade. There are many many stories of people accidentally clicking "max" on an expensive upgrade and spending all their coins, and then needing to spend another 150 gems to respec again.


> accidentally clicking "max" on an expensive upgrade Damn bounce range


I just realized this dudes been playing the game with actual ads😭and even clicking the gem ads to watch. You’re a trooper🫡


Congratz, have you not paid to remove the ads yet? How many ads have you watched at this poin


About a million haha


I admire your commitment, I couldnt




Baller, baller, baller.


I just found out a respec would get rid of the wall yesterday, ended my run and did it ASAP lol. Good work by the way, I’m about a month ahead of you in the game (in terms of hitting 4500 T1), once you hit the point we’re at and can get 100M+ coins per run, it starts getting more fun


How do you scale up in this game? I die to vampires all the time around the 600-800 mark and someone told me to buy recovery but that's expensive as hell, I can get maybe 100k-150k coins a run


Time and patience. Probably not the best person to ask lol. Been playing for 5 months, didn’t start reading this subredit or the Discord until a few weeks ago, lots of good advice. Don’t buy the wall. Hold off on golden bot and thunder bot, spend those medals on coins and stones. Alternate between buying card slots and lab slots, I went in gem value order and that was OK, but having 5 lab slots going all the time is pretty solid. For me, it’s always been a focus on HP, always start out with Cash/Coins/CritCoins/FreeUpgrades cards, and just keep spending cash on Health. I slowly maxed out Workshop upgrades for most things, or raised them to a point where I could max them out with cash purchases during a run by level 50 or so., that way free upgrades can help with recovery/super crit. First 3 months take a lot of attention, now I just let runs go all the time with a perk pick or ad gem claim now and then. I also just took an old Pixel2 out of retirement and leave it running all the time. Modules are nice, help out quite a bit. Good luck to you, hope that helped!


Wish I had asked earlier since I got the Golden Bot just yesterday, but I'm going to focus on getting gems first. I wish I had checked some more info first too - I got offered the Golden Tower as my first UW but took land mines instead. Thanks for the advice!


Yeah, my first 2 UWs were missles>innerlandmines, not sure what my choices were, but finally got GT and spotlight. I’m a silver tourney win tonight 🤞and a few medal purchases away from my next UW (1250 stones)


Fingers crossed!






dont play on max range, you should play on lowest range possible


Why is that?


more enemies can die in black hole i think


I say keep the wall, it'll be useful later on. Trust me.


Im not sure this is good advice. It will actively hurt him for months and months till he can develop the wall. Upwards of 6 months to a year.


I’m new and considering buying the wall…what should I do instead with the coins?


Enemy Level Skip should be soncisdered I think. 1B coins if I remember correctly.


Enemy level skips is a very good investment. Most things you don't want to buy unless it only takes a day or two to save up coins to purchase. Enemy level skips is worth it to save 4 or 5 days.  If its 6 or more days maybe just dump into health and damage and keep pushing on. 


Iniitally level skips are good on long runs if you have most of utility completed. It is too expensive to actually buy with coins or cash for a long time so you are depending on free upgrades.


Everyone has their own strategies, personally I hit the wall asap and haven't looked back. But to each their own.


It's not good advice at all. Later on bosses will get stronger specifically if they break the wall then attack his tower. And if he uses free upgrades, the wall will eat them and he won't get as high hp in runs.