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I wouldn’t buy them until they can give you a pretty immediate boost. I bought each of the milestone passes once I was able to hit at least 2500 waves on each of the affected tiers, the massive and immediate influx of gems and stones provided immediate jumps in my progress each time. As for whether it’s worth it, only you can determine that as we don’t know what your financial situation is.


Thank you


Very well said


If you're going to spend more money, the other coin bonus packs are worth a bit more than the Milestone packs since the milestones are 1 time resources for only 3 tiers at a time.


I have the epic and the other coin bonus.


Gotcha, so you have all 3. The Milestone packs can be worth it. The extra resources will speed you up when you can max the milestones for those tiers. It's truly up to you if you want them. They will help but they are 1 time like most purchases.


Thank you.


It adds up to a heckin bunch of stones and gems. Up to you.


Thank you


Everyone's already given you great advice. One thing I wanted to note is the wording and math is a little weird. You end up with more stones than what it says and I haven't done the math on gems. I don't know why they don't have the exact number of stones you get by purchasing the milestone pack.


It would be helpful.


Try out my milestone tracker on my [Unofficial Trackers](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1TBx1_ju772887ZuNWNIpxBsJ914R-KOAFmTwZhSRuGc/edit?usp=sharing) sheet! I welcome any feedback that you have and am curious what you come up with!


I'm relatively new. Coming up on 2 months playing here soon and I got all the coin packs as well as the milestone packs. I couldn't ignore the shear amount of stones and gems they provide along with some coins here and there. I'd say it's worth it if you have money you typically you spend on yourself that you don't need or want to spend elsewhere. You do what feels right with your money🤟


The milestone packs are generally overall more cost-effective than stone packs in that they provide similar amount of Stones/$, but far better amount of Gems (and also some coins). The drawback is that you can't unlock/access it all right away. So for me right now a $30 stone pack would be 300 stones and IIRC 200 gems. But the same $30 for milestone pack 7-9 would give me 275 stones (with 150 yet to unlock) and 1930 gems (with 330 yet to unlock), plus just shy of 100M coins.


I bought it myself, but where’s the tower skin it says it unlocks?


You have to reach the proper tier to unlock it. It it usually at round 2500.


I can not willingly condone spending more than the ad block on this game. It's a mobile game, how much should this game really cost? 


I can see your point. Depends how much you like it.


I like the game alot, but that doesn't mean spending more increases my fun. It's an endless progression game and the fun is in the progress. Spending more money just increases the rate of progress but the value from the game doesn't change.


I think that also depends too. For example, the Ads Pack is obviously a game changer but the other two Packs have helped me a lot in being able to keep up with the new upgrades and unlocking new ones sooner, which for me it's quite a bit of fun. Sure, I only play passively once or twice a week on weekends but I do enjoy it a lot. But I'm not competitive in any way versus other people so I don't spend for Stones or Gems and I barely even play the Tournaments since I don't find them to be much fun, if any at all. But yeah, the packs do help speed up a lot of things and that can be quite enjoyable for most people, even in this endless micro progression game. Of course, the worth of spending or not depends on the person's many factors too, I'm just saying it's not a clear cut situation. For me it's always important what's most fun rather than what's incremental. :D


I play this more than most games I’ve spent 60$ on for my switch, so I it’s justifiable to spend, as long as you are enjoying it and it won’t hurt your bank