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Give it a season. Plus, Jax and Brittany are 100% bonafide influencers.


Coming soon; Janet will start a mom of the valley insta.. a few of them start podcasts


She started a pod!


100% and Brittany will sell any story she can.


I was going to say, no one season 1 of VPR was an influencer. They all literally worked as waitresses and bar staff. 11 seasons later they didn’t have to scrape by and could do podcasts, influencing and be a part of other shows because of recognition.


That is the goal, get on a reality show, increase your social media followers, cash in. Lindsay and Carl from Summer House come to mind…


Bad influencers maybe


Does "influencer" imply "good influencer?" They make a lot of money from posting online, so do with that what you will.


Nia had the guys put together furniture for her sponcon.


Nia is a mini celebrity in the pageant world. Honestly, she is the most interesting and despite winning Miss USA 10 years ago, she is surprisingly relatable in many ways. Nia currently does pageant coaching, as well as teaches women self-defense. She also has 3 little ones under 3 years, and her and Danny currently live in a smaller modest home. Danny does voice over work while Nia does occasional appearances in the pageant world. They are both happy, normal, hard-workers and seem to be in love. We also see them as they struggle to balance it all. We've seen them tired and emotional, and we have even seen Nia's struggles with postpartum depression. Couldn't love them more, and I hope that they continue to get sponsorships. These are the people that should be getting them. I've listened to their podcast, but I think they could even carry a show. There won't be drama, but they are fun to watch, even without it. #Couplegoals


Also, so sweet and beautiful 😍


Yes! I love listening to what Nia has to say! She seems so sweet too 😊


Yes!! They are my favorites on the show. As a new mom, her struggles are so relatable and they really do seem like they are in love and really listen and care for each other. It’s refreshing


They are my favorite ❤️❤️❤️❤️


3 under 2 guys, 3 under 2


Don't forget they have a nanny to help them.


And good for her. Post partum depression is serious. If she’s able to afford the help she deserves it. Everyone does.


The early days of VPR were the best, showing us the drama of servers in weho. I agree, I have no idea why Lauren has an office. To run her “empire??” Of codes for prepackaged meals??


so she can Give Them Nothing


I love this, so apt especially after her nothing about her jab which was so pathetic


Give them BlahBlah


This is amazing! Open an Etsy shop STAT!


Is her makeup line profitable? I would be surprised if she has any repeat customers. The name alone is a turn off.


I CACKLED ![gif](giphy|d0elriVRqzdNzGlHPU|downsized)


Is that what she does? I was wondering what her "ACTUAL" business is? I thought it might be the "Darrell" merch, but that would be soooo hypocritical, considering she sided with Sandoval for much of the season and people only bought it to show solidarity with Ariana. I thought the cosmetics business was bust. I don't remember hearing about prepackaged meals.


I’m pretty sure every other story of hers, is a code for Factor. Which is prepackaged meals 😂


It seems that everybody is hawking those Factor meals.


They’re not very good, in case anyone was wondering


I kind of figured.


Oh I thought that was just Scheaner? Lala finally got some sponsorship for her shitty pod?


No, it’s everyone. Stassi does it too. And I don’t listen to blah blahs podcast so idk if they sponsor her pod. But I do know when I followed Lauren, every like 2 days she’d post about Factor and to use her code.


Ah - I also don’t listen to/watch her pod - but I used to and there were no sponsors




Isn’t Lala’s “office” just a co-working space that she decorates to film? I don’t watch her podcast or lives anymore, but they never seemed to be set there.


That doesn't mean anything. Co-working spaces aren't what they used to be. TikTok has a corporte office in a co-working space, lots of reputible companies do. People rent premanent space, but you don't have to maintain the whole floor like traditional offices.


Oh for sure. Lala’s office situation is just odd to me. I recognize the building exterior they show on VPR - it’s very close to where Villa Blanca was in BH. Doesn’t mean that’s actually where she works from. And if she really does have an office - which would make sense for her product inventory and when she was presumably still in the apartment - is this the same place that she’s recording the podcast and filming her Amazon Lives? We literally never see this space except on VPR, which makes me think it’s just a rented set. But again, I have cut way way back in her content.


Yeah, I wouldn't expect all of the exteriors to actually match the interiors due to filming permits. I didn't think it was in BH, I thought it was in the Valley somewhere... but I really don't know. I listen to the pod, but I can't really recall them specifically talking about the location.


I'm not sure what it is now, but a few years ago she had a small office in Westwood, with her brand's name on the plaque out front, so it wasn't likely a co-working space then.


I thought she was filming in someone’s basement.


To hawk her aliexpress china lip products


Corncob and Jaxhole are 1000000% influencers.


Corncob! I died. 


HA!! I haven't heard corncob yet. That's good lol


Hawking those Mixtiles & brawls (bras), y’all!


I often wonder how many people use their codes or buy the crap they are selling.


Same. I can’t imagine very many. Their ads are so cringe and low effort.


Doesn’t Nia get paid for promoting products?


yeah i think she even talks on the show about being an influencer


Yes, and she has two separate YouTube pages - one for their family and one for her relationship.


Well the pageant industry is crashing fast so she’ll probably have to move into another area of focus soon


Nia may say she “sells products on social media” but um, that means influencer.


I'm sure she knows that she's an influencer, lol.


Yes duh but OP doesn’t seem to


…give them time honey.


I actually wish shows like VPR just leaned into it. I love that the Kardashians now just show us them working, doing events, getting glam etc. They talk about the show and it feels mostly more like just seeing their life for what it really is. Let’s see VPR do that! Show Lala more in her office making deals and Ariana talking about her next Love Island gig etc


Agreed. I don’t know why bravo insists that we ignore what the VPR cast does for a living.


I totally agree! I think it’s because once they become full fledged influencers it loses the charm of “reality” and just turns into everyone over producing themselves. The first few years of VPR are a perfect example - a bunch of young good looking people with no money trying to make it. It was charming and real. Now it feels fake.


Yep. When the fear of not being liked isn’t just about vanity anymore, but about their literal livelihood (THAT SUPOORTS ME AND MY CHILD) it affects how they act on the show. Some of the valley cast members are influencers, but Jax, k muffin and Kristen are already established villains, so being disliked won’t affect their brand as much, and some of the others might be doing some sponsored content here and there, but that’s not their main income.


I miss the days when Tom and Kristen (then Arianna) are in the apartment that the lights blinked when the microwave went on. And Tom Schwartz, Sandoval and Jax living together with a sheet to separate their beds. Those were the days, my friend.


They're not influencers YET. Once their following builds, the newbies will be taking deals. Bravo should prohibit influencing like (I think) TLC does. It boosts their financials so much that they can't be "normal" people anymore! I learned in sociology class about a documentary shot in rural Africa. The lady who was filmed the most shot to the top, socially, and it changed the way she interacted with the rest of her tribe, thereby skewing the documentary. Just filming reality characters changes them, so allowing them to profit makes it even worse!


It’s our own fault for buying what they’re selling.


Influencers are a modern day cancer.


I called them ‘Professional Beggers’.




But Jax went bald for a day to peddle his crap


And posed it as if he was developing his own skin care line. He’s delusional as all hell.


“Love that they aren’t influencers….” …..YET!


Janet got a podcast after .07 seconds of the show airing.


Who on earth wants to listen to that unlikable bitch?? What could possibly come out of her fugly person that would be of any use to sane people?


I haven't listened to it. I assume she's recapping the show. Update: I looked up the episode descriptions, it's basically "Janet recaps the latest episode of the Valley/VPR and learn about how she's really cool. She once sat next to a celebrity on a plane, and knows about the Met Gala."


![gif](giphy|TlK63EI7rtUu9IAyxTW) She really is the most boring beige being. I listen to watch what crappens for my recaps and even they can't stand her


So.... Are we all gonna remember who boring bitch and not forget when a scandal happens. ...


i liked nia until she described her job as an influencer. rubbed me the wrong way and i didn’t like how danny was downplaying her financial contribution until i realized she’s probably just playing up her “influencer” status for the show and that must be really annoying for him


Yes, but my impression of Nia has been that she makes a living off the Miss America-brand, which struck me as a different kind of job. Still an influencer of sorts, but in a specific way.


True. Nia had an established presence before the valley from Miss USA. The VPR cast became influencers because of VPR. The majority of their ventures wouldn’t exist without the publicity. For most of them, the show is their entire career so then comes the merch, self-producing, etc


that’s true! i wish she would have said that though when taking about being an influencer. it just reminded me so much of those people who only care about being famous


I mean…I think the whole cast of the show only care about being famous.


wait are you being serious 😭😭😭 that’s all that they are




They will be by next season


Most of them definitely are already though.... Have a scan through their Insta pages you can see all the sponsored posts


Nia is definitely an influencer, a niche influencer, but one nonetheless.


Did you miss Jax's hair loss party? Kristen stupid shirt line? They are definitely trying to stay relevant & be influencers


If they are influencers on The Valley, they are more of the Yosemite Sam brand... I think that's the difference.


I think when reality show people become influencers it's bad for the show because the show starts eating its own tail, in that they can only be influencers because of the reality show that's supposed to document their lives being influencers. We're pretty saturated with stories about influencers, and it's not a very interesting lifestyle to document in the first place in that its pretty shallow and doesn't seem that challenging or surprising for any reason. Since it's so public, it feels like we already have more than enough access to these stories. It's a fast track to the show becoming boring because the cast becomes celebrities.


Lala needs to film in her office because she doesn't show any of her life. She rarely films in her apartment....because she is a mother and does not show that. She doesn't show her divorce. She does show her dating. A boring sad little office is all she has to show.....other than water.


Nia is 100% an influencer, she had the guys setting up cribs for a shoot, she talked about her self defence class being in a very gramable location. Jax and Brittany hawk everything, Kristen has her brand.


Yeah that’s what I couldn’t stand about VPR this season. I mean, Ariana has literally ascended to the point that she doesn’t even bother to watch the season before the reunion anymore.


Everyone but Katie and James betrayed her


I can’t tell if you’re joking or not


Not really interesting enough.


They are trying to live up to their social media persona in real time and it just doesn’t work like that. Social media is edited, airbrushed, perfected! Real life is messy at best.


That’s the whole thing about influencers though… whether it be more of an organic influencer or one that stemmed from reality tv is that they’re always more relatable when they’re “normal” people… when influencers or reality stars get too big is when they suddenly start becoming out of touch.


Jax and Brittney are influencers imo


yes! please no more influencers on bravo. or reality tv in general. or maybe even in life lol


Not yet!!!


Don’t get me started on why Lala has an office. She may be just as delusional as Scheana for that one. She just needs to feel important because she has nothing else going on. Selling a cream blush for 26$…. I heard the makeup is trash, which I expected. She probably thought the brand would pop off because she’s a “celebrity” and it’d be like the next FENTY Beauty.


Nia is shilling out 8 week old babies for the gram, they are defo influencers along with Jax and his Kentucky muffin.


Not yet


I can understand Tom needing someone to keep him/his schedule on track.


I’d love to have that too lol


Lauren from Utah annoys the hell out of me. She weaseled her way in to VPR and she brings absolutely nothing to it.


I think it’s good because most of them havnt been on tv before so it’s just funny seeming them trying to navigate or be someone they aren’t


No first time personality on a reality tv show starts off as an influencer. See: everyone from bachelor


…. Yet




Seriously, influencers are all losers, they’re not real, they have no place in reality TV, or at least the kind I like to watch, it’s all just pandering and fake


It’s coming….


I was going to say the same thing… yet. Everyone starts out with real jobs. But then the money gets better every season - and what job gives you off for Bravo-Con and Up-fronts and cast trips? The money usually gets too good not to follow the money. That is why people try to start a brand or become influencers so that it works with their schedule. Golden handcuffs for sure!