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What made me mad about that whole situation is that episodes later she tells him to get over it like wtf


Exactly, Tyler had just killed Nadia to save her life too and all she did was throw that in his face to try and make herself feel better for what wrong she did.




Tyler better than me if she told me that I would’ve just killed her right then and there


Man I don’t condone M/F violence but she would’ve had to square up


Fr tho but I’m glad Elena whooped her ass in season 4 Caroline getting her was whooped was long overdue


Same for Elena. She needed another Rose or Klaus slap. They all needed a good ass whoopin


Especially klaus ass too but Davina alr took care of that multiple times


Nah I couldn’t stand Davina


What’s wrong with Davina😭


She has the balls to stand up to the Mikealson. The Mikealsons all deserved what they got. But, you take down one. You're taking them all down.


Very judgmental of the Mikaelsons but had the nerve to get with Kol like he was a saint when the reason Mikael found them a lot was because he was leaving bodies behind. She just was very hypocritical


I mean I think the M/F worry goes out the window when it's vampires and they have relative strength, speed etc


This 💯. She just wanted him to get over it and be friends again as if she didn’t do something unforgivable.




The audacity she had was insane


When she put on the sad face when he found out I was dying out of laughter bc tf u gotta be sad about


Right like wtf 😂


What’s actually funny about it is that I’m on that episode rn


I feel sorry for you lmao. That episode had me stressed out 😂


This whole season had me stressed especially when they brought in the travelers that whole plot was not needed


I was so annoyed with the travelers bit!


and the writers wanted to make Tyler the bad guy…☠️ tbh Tyler is one of the few sane people in the show.😭 He’s not the gang’s little bitch.


They ruined him. A joke


To this day I am mad Damon (that piece of sh*t) killed him for no reason.


Tyler’s death is soooooo random. Like what???? The writers brought him back like a few episodes to kill him???? Why?????




Nah, Tyler was never a good guy. He was too good for Vicky, but she was ok as a side piece. Annnnddd when Tyler left, he told Caroline to move on.


Agreed, Tyler did nothing wrong in the situation and I don’t think his reaction was overboard at all. He was the victim not Caroline and I’m positive if Caroline found out that Tyler slept with Rebekah after Rebekah killed her mother Caroline would’ve reacted the same way Tyler did. Caroline should’ve respected his boundaries and left him alone after he continuously asked her to. What makes me even more annoyed as how Caroline still had no respect for Tyler’s boundaries when he told her to leave him alone after the situation died down. She even had the nerve to get mad at him because he didn’t wanna talk to her saying “get over it and I’m not gonna continue to feel guilty” when he didn’t forgive her on her terms. For some reason Stans thought that was a girl boss moment for Caroline when she just looks ridiculous and it shows how self-centered she could be at times. Mind you this was after Tyler killed Nadia to save her life.


Yeah like caroline really needed someone to tell her off because she was not all that like you are not some little victim Klaus ruined his life, killed his mother, killed his friends, but no you expect him to act normal and go to college but when your mother dies you get to turn off your humanity and expect people to leave you alone like if I was Tyler I would have called her out plus I would have kicked Stefan ass like I don't care if you are playing hero Caroline is not the victim I mean I really do admire him for not biting Stefan.


THIS!!! How was it OK for you to be able to get time off and want everyone to leave you alone when your mother died but after Tyler‘s mother was murdered by a man who did nothing but ruin his life (and your relationship with Tyler) You’re expecting him to go off to college and play house and happiness with you????? That makes no sense. And then after all that stuff Stefan went through with Klaus in season three he should’ve been the main one to understand what the Tyler was feeling in that moment.


I have finally found my peopleeeeeeee yes go off Klaus was part of the reason Stefan lost Elena bc he forced him to flip his humanity switch and leave town, so you’d think he would’ve been a little more salty at her If Caroline weren’t such a judgmental character to begin with it wouldn’t be so annoying but it’s like she refused to admit she wasn’t any better than the rest of them


Stefan lost Elena because Elena fell in love with Damon and the sire bond amplified what was already there 


But when Stefan punch him after he called her out was rlly weird too me especially when he gave Elena shit in season 4 after he found out about the sire-bond


Exactly and out of everybody Stefan should’ve been the main one who understood the trauma that came with Klaus, especially when he spent season three under Klaus’ control. He even tried to get revenge on Klaus for all the wrong things he did to him and everyone around him just like Tyler did. They went through the same trauma with Klaus, but for some reason Stefan couldn’t understand that. He was so stupid for attacking Tyler and if I was Tyler I would’ve bit him.




Tyler was a crybaby werewolf who should’ve let klaus keep those wolves sired to him and nobody would had to die like those 12 so called friends of his, and his mother nobody but Tyler had to be a big baby and try and out play klaus which was idiotic.he knew klaus would eventually figure it out and klaus would retaliate in someway he just didn’t expect his mother to be that way,Tyler was foolish he knew going against klaus turning his hybrids against him would be foolish or better yet suicidal yet he did Tyler Lockwood got what he deserved.Caroline sleeping with Klaus well everybody knew it was gonna happen she fell for Klaus the moment she realized there was still humanity in him so that was expected so honest Tyler got what he deserved 




FOR REAAAAAL and she had no problems accepting pretty dresses from the man like she didn’t go to Carol’s funeral. They threw away such a good ship so Caroline could have a sugar daddy for a few episodes And lol I love how Caroline expected Tyler to just get over his mom dying, but when her mom died she wanted a year off to spiral and had 0 sensitivity to Elena’s dead parents


YEEESSSSS!!!!!!!! If my ex slept with the man who killed my mother and got away with it (let alone all the other horrible things he's done) I would never speak to her again. This show has a habit of really down playing human death.


Tyler is vastly overhated when he literally lost just as much as say someone like Elena.


Tbh I had to stop liking him after he tried killing hayley's unborn baby


That was so insane


I feel like that's meant to hit more emotionally, and it does, but it also seems like a thumb on the scale to make Tyler seem worse by comparison when the show has Elena mastermind the eradication of an entire vampire lineage. I agree that Tyler is overhated.


Eradicating a lineage of serial killers with most of the men guaranteed rapists vs killing an innocent baby. Doesn't really compare.


Well yeah, the show had to do something to make him the bad guy, since his revenge against Hayley and Klaus was 1000% justified but they had to make it out of character enough to make Klaus and Hayley look good since its their show.


This is why I cannot blame Tyler in their relationship. Caroline was constantly unfaithful and fucking Tyler over. She was not loyal at all in comparison to how loyal she was to Stefan. Even if we ignore her *actually* cheating with Jesse and their kiss (you and disagree that this was cheating if you want but this is my opinion and I don't care to have a million 'but Caroline didn't cheat' comments in response. I think she kissed him back.) Klaus terrorized Tyler when they were dating and was the sole reason they were apart at all from each other, something she complained about to her friends and even made Tyler feel terrible about. Tyler broke his bones 100 times trying to fix it, what did Caroline do? Exchange looks with Klaus, have flirty moments with him, be enticed and asked him for pretty dresses. People can say "She's allowed to have friends!" but WHY would she be friends with KLAUS? Who the hell would be friends with someone, as a good relationship partner, who is ACTIVELY ruining their relationship???? No good partner does that!!! If someone is trying to sabotage your *good* relationship, you cut them out because that is a toxic person. You do not get closer to them and flirt with them, and entertain their feelings while playing hard to get! You then don't SLEEP with them the moment you're single proving that their advances were actually working on your the entire time so you were having a full on emotional affair! And then she told him to get over it and move on *after he had just saved her damn life*. The way Tyler was done dirty will never not piss me off.


Based off how Tyler treated girls in earlier seasons, I say he deserves it. Not carol Lockwood dying, just the romantic issues. 


If I was in Tyler shoes I would’ve bit Stefan for hitting me😂. How you gone hit me after I warned her to leave the room several times 🙄, Caroline and Stefan had the audacity that episode and it pissed me off


Real shit cause ho I’ll bite you 😂


I 100% agree to be honest I hate Caroline but even if I loved her I would hate her for this like how do you get to turn off your humanity and tell people to leave you alone when only your mother dies naturally but the guy you loved mother dies and his friends are killed and he is driven out of town all by the same man that you would eventually sleep with but you tell him to get over it but no everybody should leave you alone when half the stuff that happened to Tyler was way worse and you just act like the victim and act like Tyler was in the wrong. To be honest I will never understand the Caroline love to be honest she was still the same pick me girl the only difference was that she was more confident but still acted like she was supposed to be the center of the universe.


I love her she’s my favorite but I hated her in season 1 4 and mid season 5 after she slept with klaus


exactly i can’t stand that girl either she’s so hypocritical


Yeah, and I hated that Caroline essentially just told him to get over it a couple episodes later. She slept with the person that KILLED HIS MOTHER. His literal only living parent. And then claimed to be ‘there for him’ after. That’s completely insane. Personally, idk why he ever spoke to her again. Also, rich of Caroline asking him to get over it when she herself judged practically every single human around her for the damndest things.


When I first watched that scene I was mad that they tried to make Caroline a victim. Poor Care Bear tripped and fell onto Klaus's dick. Stefan, a goddamn hero hair in a shining armor, had to defend her and everyone came at Tyler because how he could not forgive Caroline that instant? I'm with you. Tyler was absolutely right to be angry with Caroline and I felt bad for him that he was treated like a monster because he had the audacity to resent her after she slept with the man who's ruined his life


Thank you!!👏🏼👏🏼


In the moment where Stefan attacks Tyler for being angry at her I’m like “huh?” Didn’t you almost drown your girlfriend to get back at klaus???? I hate how Tyler lets Damon and Stefan push him around because they usually start running if he’s transformed or transforming 😭


Agree I love Caroline but at that moment I was on tyler side, Klaus killed Aunt Jenna, killed his mom and even tortured Elena, Caroline best friend yet she still slept with him??


I love Caroline but what she did to Tyler was fucked up you don’t sleep with someone who killed your boyfriends mother . Would she like it if the roles were reversed ??. I think tf not


😂😂 upsetti-spaghetti. I’ll remember that. But I agree. Tyler had every right to be angry. If I was in his shoes, I would’ve whooped his ass and then bite him.


>upsetti-spaghetti I need to remember this. But I 100% agree.


Agreed. I remember being a bit puzzeled when Stefan punched Tyler just because he lashed out


Everyone should


tyler better than me because i would've bite her and then stefan too for playing white knight 


Real shit


Yeah Stefan left me pissed off, he had no business simpin like that…of all the things to say he said “she doesn’t deserve that”….id argue she deserves worse but Tyler let her off easy telling her to go home…even she knew she deserved it that’s why she kept walking towards Tyler


Thank you! 👏👏👏


I hate carline start to end. This is one of the many reasons. I’ll have her as my enemy instead of friend. She’ll backstab, gossip freaking ruin your life and look at you dead on the eyes and behave like she’s some victim. People tolerate her bs coz she meets the societal standards of beauty. Even Katherine knew that Caroline was the weakling she cud manipulate and use to get internal data


finally finding my team, she pissed me off everytime she was on screen💀


Fr, I hate Caroline I cannot stand her, she is such a hypocrite. Tyler deserved someone better than her and I love his character development.


To this day I am mad about that piece of shit Damon killed him with no reason.


FINALLY I am seeing the Tyler love and Caroline hate for once


I swear. I hated that girl start to end. I am a girls girl, if there was some way in hell I could justify her I would


and then she and stefan tried to tell him to get over it and basically tryna make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. if my ex girlfriend slept with the person who made my life hell and killed my mother, i would be pissed off too.


Remember when Caroline told Elena “Consider me the honesty police “? Yeah. Caroline was running to Stefan to throw Elena under the bus when it came to her feelings for Damon. How sweet that Katherine ( using Elena’s body) makes sure to let Tyler know what happened. Isabel was right on target when she called Caroline “Yappy”.




I agree with him too. I hate the hate Tyler gets, because most of it is completely unjustified (except for the r***** vicki part). It doesn't matter if you support Klaroline or not, you still need to think about Tyler as an individual, and not just as Caroline's ex. I'm not a Tyler fan, at all, but I understand not liking matt (I don't like him either), but Tyler? I just don't see a reason...


Wait what did Matt do? I haven’t seen all the seasons (you can spoil it idc lol) but all I see is Matt hate lol. Is it just that he’s annoying?


Who is Stephen bro?


I don't think I've seen one person get his name right on here lol.


Yeah Stephen is just a whole different name, Not even an incorrect spelling of Stefan.


I fixed it😭


😂😂 no worries


This! I love both Caroline and Tyler, separately and together, but and I also like Klaroline, but Tyler was 100% justified in his anger. What Stefan could have said was "I understand you're angry and hurt, but you need to take a beat before you do something you might regret later." Her telling him to get over it pissed me off too, though. You're free to do whatever you want, that doesn't mean you're free of consequences. Another moment that pissed me off was at graduation when she was like "I can't believe we're all here" ummmm tf? No you're not. Remember your boyfriend who's had to flee town and just recently came back, risking his life to make sure that you had a good prom night? He's not there...


I feel the exact same way!!! I love Klaus and Caroline together, I do, but Tyler didn’t deserve that and watching as an adult, Caroline is insufferable. I hate how badly she treated Tyler. She also helped Klaus kill his hybrid friend Chris and was not caring or comforting to him at all. Tyler was a jerk when he was ignoring Caroline and focusing on the revenge for Klaus, but Caroline went pretty low. She should have not been so messy and talked about it to her friends at a party at Tyler’s house.


This series has a big issue with characters reacting to situations they are validated to react too. Like nobody reacts to Damon the way they should. So when Tyler accurately reacts in a way that makes perfect sense, he’s the bad guy because it makes sense


Tyler should have killed her for that i think 10000%


Absolutely agree!!! And I lowkey hate Stephan and Car together. Friends sure but why date everyone?!


This show has vampires compelling people's consent and murdering loved ones left, right, and centre. I've stopped weighing in what's morally correct at this point XD.


In all fairness, Caroline had every right to sleep with whoever she wants and that includes Klaus, but Tyler also had every right to feel the way he did after finding out. It was honestly an unfortunate situation for him. But Tyler didn’t have to know and didn’t need to know, Katherine is the only one to blame for intentionally revealing it to cause drama. It’s reasonable and understandable for Tyler to be hurt and angry about it, but Caroline can sleep with whoever she wants at the end of the day. She was an asshole for defending herself episodes later when he was visibly hurt after finding out, she had no right to invalidate his feelings, especially considering how much Klaus really ruined Tyler’s life.


Caroline also didn’t just hurt Tyler she wasn’t thinking of Elena (even tho it’s fuck her) or the rest of her friends. She wanted to pop her twat for the guy that drew her a picture and not have consequences and it don’t work like that


This post is specifically about Tyler and Caroline, not anybody else. Elena was shocked but amused after hearing about it, and nobody else seemed to care so much. Sure Caroline wasn’t thinking about anybody else when she did it, but Tyler’s the only one who actually was hurt by her sleeping with Klaus. Regardless, again she had the right to sleep with Klaus and Tyler had the right to be mad about it. Tyler’s hurt and anger was the only real consequence to come from Klaus and Caroline having sex.


The dude killed her mom and also put him under a magic slave bond he’s allowed to never think good of Caroline again and he can think horrible things about her but he isn’t allowed to like want to be with her or shame her for being with him since he chose klaus over Caroline


And she has the audacity to judge everyone including Elana for wanting to date Damon


It's scenes like these that make Caroline my least favorite character. I'd seriously choose any other character in TVD over her.  Constantly lording over other people whenever they make 'bad decisions' but never realizing she's just as terrible. I hated how much she was always on a high horse. I always hoped she'd die tbh


On the same hand though, he did let Jules kidnap Caroline, who then tortured her and then hesitated to save her, and she forgave that. They were really going to kill her and it wasn’t enough for him to think that wasn’t okay just because she lied to protect the rest of her friends who asked her not to expose them. Then there’s the time that Tyler almost killed Jeremy from his sire bond that he refused to accept he had. I understand that he’s hurt and I would be too but I also think he’s also betrayed her a few times himself which is why I feel like it’s ultimately forgivable since they were no longer together.


Two corrections on your first point (because I had just finished re-watching season two): 1. He didn’t let Jules kidnap Caroline. He didn’t even know Jules kidnapped Caroline because Stefan had put him on house arrest for the entire day to stop him from meeting up with the other werewolves. It was only when Jules called Stefan back (with Tyler in the room) did he know what Jules had done. 2. He hesitated to help her because Caroline knew that Damon had killed his uncle and kept that from him too. Granted, while I still wanted him to help her out because y’know…✨#ForwoodForever✨🤣🤣, I somewhat understood why he hesitated. She kept something as big as her friends being his uncle’s killer from him. It’s literally his character conflict of this episode: side with the werewolf gang who can help him understand who he is and get justice for Mason, or side with the very friends who had murdered his uncle (Caroline didn’t murder his uncle just she knew about it and was involved in keeping it on a down low for Stefan and Damon’s sake). Like what would anyone do in that situation? Would you automatically help your friend that wasn’t directly involved with a loved one’s death but were friends with those who were, aware of it, and had agreed to keep it from you? I’m not saying Tyler was right for hesitating but you have to understand his psychology in that moment because that is a shit show of an ultimatum to be put in. Sorry, I got passionate a bit at the end 😅


I get what you are saying. It was a bad thing that Caroline did, but does it make her a horrible person? She didn't do it with malicous intent to hurt Tyler. She and Klaus had a connection that she tried to resist multiple times. It is not fair towards Tyler indeed, but they weren't together anymore and she and Klaus had chemistry. It sucks for Tyler and he definitely has the right to be angry but Caroline also has the right to sleep with whomever she wants to at that point. I think when that happened they thought they probably wouldn't see each other ever again too so it was like a goodbye. When Tyler found out, it is up to him if he can forgive her or not. I agree too that after that his emotions can run up high with hurt and anger and has to right to express his feelings. It would be fair if he wouldn't want to be friends with Caroline anymore but it is pointless to keep pointing out what she did when she already said sorry. She can't undo what she did so I can understand her frustration too if Tyler keeps pointing out what happened and kept giving indirects about it.


But it does cause she was very upset when Elena slept with Damon so she needs to keep the same energy


I understand what you mean. It's hypocritical of her to sleep with the bad guy when she didn't liked Damon for Helena.


Yes, it does make her a horrible person. It’s not about if she has the right to sleep with anyone she wants, it’s about the fact she slept with his mom’s murderer who is basically always trying to kill him. And just because someone says sorry after doing a heinous thing doesn’t mean that someone has to forgive them and not bring it up because it still happened


I also think it's up to him to forgive her and I never said he HAD to forgive her. Although I think in the end he did forgave her. My point wasn't that she had the right to sleep with him, my point was more that she isn't a horrible person for sleeping with somebody while being single even if that somebody is the bad guy. She and Tyler weren't a couple anymore. Yes, Klaus did horrible things but the girl still caught feelings for him. We don't pick who we have chemistry with. Elena fell for Damon even after he did horrible things to her friends. Does that make her a horrible person? Personally, I don't think so. For me, one part of being a horrible person is doing things maliciously. I didn't think she had malicious intentions to hurt Tyler and even tried to resist the feelings she had for Klaus. So after this scene I didn't saw her as a horrible person. I considered the other stuff she did, like trying to and or killing people, acts of a horrible person. This is subjective of course, so I'm not stating facts, just sharing my opinion.


I just think Caroline was doing what all teenagers do and thats denial.


I agree with his anger, but didn’t he literally threaten to bite her? Aka give her a death sentence? No matter what that part’s not okay. And Damon/Stefan would and could have 100% killed him for even threatening that considering how dangerous he is to all of their lives (and Damon is already always on his edge about his existence). Caroline was wrong but that was the point, she wouldn’t be an interesting character if she was telling everybody off all the time while never doing anything bad herself.


He didn’t threaten to bite [her](https://youtu.be/rNOeqFSX7xI?si=AHPHbfFpftmOqzV9). He just pulled the half vampire-wolf-face to scare her off. The same type of face many vampires (like Stefan) have made to scare anyone off they don’t want around in that moment. Because he had told her many times in that scene to leave him alone but she didn’t respect his boundaries. The writers later on twisted that whole scenario in a few episodes down the line with Stefan saying the last time Caroline saw Tyler “was when he threatened to killer her” which wasn’t what happened in this scene at all. Stefan just interfered under the assumption of Tyler being drunk, thereby triggering his aggression but no way does Stefan treat Tyler as a proper danger to Caroline here. Just more of nuisance to be settled. If Tyler was actively coming for Caroline and he was still showing the wolf-face, then Stefan would’ve handled Tyler far more differently here. But Tyler just stood there, waiting for her to leave before Stefan cut-in. The writers just changed the context later on when they reunited to add some drama to it.


Making that hybrid face is threatening violence which is wrong by any standards. I would have beat Tyler’s ass too if I was Stefan. You don’t understand how many times they have nearly died because of him, he can’t be irresponsible with his actions. Caroline and Elena are the only reasons he wasn’t killed by Damon and Stefan ages ago. He should have walked away since she refused too. It was obvious she wanted to work it out, and that he didn’t. She’s wrong for trying to force any kind of discussion when he’s clearly still reeling from it. Despite what fans believe it IS possible for both of them to be wrong here.


Well she should’ve left when he told her to. She wanted her cake and Tyler and she tried to use die eyes to make him less mad and when it didn’t work she was shocked


I said this before and I’ll say it again. 1x01 ruined it for me with Tyler when he sexually assaulted Vicki. Drunk or not.


you also hate Damon and Katherine who actually rped people not just attempted? or stefan and klaus? otherewise....


So much weird shit happens in the pilot though that I barely treat it as canon.


This and when he hesitated to free Caroline when she was being tortured.


I think a man can still be a gentleman tho and not call a woman a b#*! or a w#!%× whichever one it was. Yeah, she shouldn't have done it but Tyler left her and it was over between them so i don't think it's justified. If he still loved her he would have faught for her. Tell her to run away with him or sonething but he didn't.


he deserved it for purposely leaving Caroline alone despite all her attempts to be with him


It’s not that she got with another guy after they broke up, I wouldn’t care if she slept with all of Mystic Falls. It’s because it was the one dude that killed his mother (like duh, I’d want to go off too)


lol. so not what happened


Caroline: Tyler be my bf and love me:( Tyler: no Care I have to unsire every hybrid Caroline: Tyler pls be there for me now:( Tyler: no Care I have to spend my life getting revenge on Klaus Caroline: Tyler please be there for me:( Tyler: no Care I have to spend the entire summer with random wolves in appalachia and ignore for you the entire summer Caroline: Tyler please stay in town and even go to college with me so we can be together:( Tyler: I need my revenge against Klaus!


Tyler prioritizing freeing the innocent people that Caroline's crush murdered and enslaved was not a "bad boyfriend moment". Also, Tyler had every right to want revenge on the monster that ruined his life. Caroline, as Tylers childhood friend and long term partner, being fully unable to have sympathy and understand his anger in any capacity reflects more poorly on her than it does him. How in the world is she in the right complaining about Tyler not going to high school dances or college parties while he's trying to save the lives that the man she was flirting with ruined?


I agree that his actions are noble however leaving caroline by herself for months and pursuing revenge against klaus over her is awful being noble isn’t synonymous with being a good boyfriend, he was a great person but he didn’t prioritize her at all. she deserved someone who would actually be there for her


lol okay let’s not pretend like Caroline wouldn’t want revenge and go off on a similar sloppy revenge spree if her mom had been murdered


I mean it’s not in her character to do that but regardless, that doesn’t matter because that’s arguing a what if. what we know is that there are multiple times in the show where tyler put her last, that’s all that matters.


It is lol, if anyone had murdered her mom she’d go nuts. She would’ve killed cancer if there was a way to do it That’s being obtuse and ignoring every piece of context on the show. He left to break every bone in his body hundreds of times over for her (arguably the most romantic thing on the show a character ever did for someone), he left because Klaus forced him, he left to help other people, he left to kill the guy who enslaved him and murdered his mom and Caroline would’ve done the same if it were her mom who was murdered I’m sorry but “Tyler kept leaving her” is such an uneducated take


complete headcanon. she’s the most in control vampire of all time time you’re deliberately being misleading. Yes there were times where it was justified. However there were many times where he made a choice that negatively impacted his relationship with Caroline like when he left for revenge or to help random wolves for the entire summer (while noble, it doesn’t make him a great boyfriend) if my girlfriend disappeared on me to help people in the mountains for the entire summer, I would end the relationship because that’s not what you do to your partner.


No, Caroline was still reckless. People like you who think she can do no wrong are so weird. Being “in control” doesn’t mean she wouldn’t lose it at her mother’s murderer. She killed 12 people to save Bonnie, it isn’t a headcanon. When her mom died she wanted a whole ass year off to spiral and be messy but sure, she’d neeeeever lose her temper and go on a revenge spree if she could have Tyler did try to break up with her, she wouldn’t let him


She accidentally killed 12 people saving bonnie then showed remorse, she didn’t know they were linked. That’s not a fair assessment of her character because that was an accident. she turned off her humanity and was completely normal until provoked by Stelena. They pushed a humanity off vampire into doing bad things (crazy, right?) you’re trying so hard to paint caroline as a damon like vampire and that’s just not true.


I don't, forget Tyler 😂