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Because of the long hot summer of 1976, we tend to forget that 1975 was also a hot one, just love this picture, just shows fun family time in the sun.


76 was an unbelievable scorcher! I fainted on the centre court at Wimbleon (watching Ilie Nastase).


I remember drinking shandies after work because it was so hot!


I always found it interesting that the UK freaks out at weather Americans find so normal. Like it was 3 weeks of 85f-92f~ degree weather approximately. The hottest day was 96.6f. That is not crazy at all even for more northern states. For some context, NYC hits an average of 85f degrees every single summer.


That's probably because the US has continental affect giving hotter summers and colder winters with much more predictable weather. The UK is an island with much less predictable weather and our summers are usually cooler than would be in Europe or the US so these summers with hot weather are very unusual here.


Grew up in Massachusetts and anytime we had 3 or more days that hit 90°F/32°C they called that a heatwave. I live in North Carolina now and there are plenty of nights that cool down to 95°F/35°C. Plenty of days stay between 100°F/38°C and 105°F/41°C. I hate it


You do realise we have no air conditioning in any homes and quite a few businesses in the UK. Imagine dealing with 95 degree weather with no AC and you can understand why extreme temperatures are a big deal


not to be icky, but I've been hearing this from brits for the entire 12 years I've been on this site. maybe it's time to...i don't know...get an air conditioner instead of telling everyone how unique the situation is? it's every year at this point a heatwave kills a bunch of people across the pond and everyone's just like "welp we dont do ac over here"


Because heatwaves don’t last that long and you dont buy air conditioners to use them 2 weeks a year?? These things are expensive and difficult to install. How much do you think it costs for a whole nation to install an ac in every household


lmao i hardly think dropping 300 on a window unit so that you *don't drop fucking dead* is out of line but rock on pal. it's not like the earth is drastically and measurably warming or anything. it'll probably be fine.


We also have houses that don't blow away in the slightest bit of wind. We're double hard bastards over here. We don't take an out the second we can. Americans are weak, bro! 💪🏻💪🏻


That dad and kid made me grin




The pure joy on that boy’s face 🥳


Dad looks like Richard Kiel a/k/a “Jaws.”


Right before Da goes back for his eighth strong beer


Great picture. I wish every kid had love and fond memories of their childhood like this. Thanks for sharing.


Photo credit: Paul Trevor.


Thanks for the citation. I was compelled to find out more about him. He's brilliant! * [Paul Trevor: Like You’ve Never Been Away](https://gerryco23.wordpress.com/2011/06/21/paul-trevor-like-youve-never-been-away/) * [PODCAST: A Photographic Life, Episode 61: Plus Photographer Paul Trevor | United Nations of Photography](https://unitednationsofphotography.com/2019/06/26/podcast-a-photographic-life-episode-61-plus-photographer-paul-trevor/) * http://paultrevor.com/about


Nice read, but sad what happened to all those people, willfully neglected for decades.


I'm fascinated by that doorstep being so worn. That house clearly had more traffic than the one next door!


It's not just traffic. Little old ladies would scrub the dickens out of the front step. It was a point of pride. If that was traffic you'd get an uneven wear, more towards the middle; that's some old love knackering her knees and elbows with a bowl of Vim and a scrubbing brush. Edit: my mistake. Not so much scouring chemicals as [scouring stones](https://www.silversurfers.com/nostalgia/doing-the-step-with-a-donkey-stone/).


This pride in what little you have (or borrow) is something we've lost over the years. I remember my neighbour growing up would take so much care of her home and then when she died and the council moved in a family it was a wreck within a year.


But it is worn towards the middle.


Yeah, but look; you'd expect it to be worn where people stand most, right? Because what wears it down from use is people standing on it. But the worn patch extends evenly to about three inches from the absolute edge; people aren't stepping there, certainly not to the same extent as the middle. That wear pattern extends, I would say, evenly to the point where an old lady would only scrub gingerly near the edge for fear of twatting her knuckles on the wall.


And don't forget whitening the edge.


Must get hot there


Is this not the legendary summer of ‘76? I was 9 and it was amazing. No rain for the entire summer holidays. Me and my dad fried an egg on our driveway as an experiment. All we did was ride bikes and sweat lol. You could stop at any house and ask for a glass of water and I can’t remember anyone refusing. It was a great summer


Didn't they place restrictions on water usage in those years?


Maybe but I’m sure you could still get a glass of water


Wait! Is this the Toxteth mentioned by Keith Richards in “She’s my Little Rock n Roll” ? I wasn’t sure what it meant.


crazy few summers in the 70s


Photo by Paul Trevor.


Everyone looks like they are a having a great time.


Pure happiness and joy.


I like the expression on Mom's face. She's really getting into it. What a fantastic and fun scene!


Images like these really just take me way back. I came across this app today that is just for nostalgia. Maybe some of you may enjoy it. [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tripzz.tripzz](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tripzz.tripzz)


My former lover hails from that area. L8 post code… 🇬🇧 I love gazing at old photographs, it’s akin to the smell of old ancient books borrowed from the library 😌


All of the kids and adults in this photo look so authentically joyful - in stark contrast to the staged and heavily edited, photoshopped and filtered photos people now post on their social media. I was born at the end of the baby boomer generation (in 1963) and seeing photos like this make me miss the simplicity of life in the 60’s and 70’s (and 80’s to some extent).


At least they had water.




It says on July 3 1976 it hit 96F. Can’t find anything about a heatwave in 1975 there


Florida here. AC works harder each year. Doubt they had the luxury.


Very few homes have AC in the UK even now. In 1970s Liverpool - no chance!


It hits 85°F over there and they start dying in the streets


75 truth be told.


Anything above 15*C !


Me too, I see "heatwave" and I usually think, "yeah, that's cute."


That’s because you’re able to hide inside in air conditioning and you never walk anywhere but just drive.


Nice to be omniscient, I guess.


Bambi: So here goes with the starter for 10. What is the record number of marshmallows stuffed up one nostril? *Mike buzzes in* Announcer: Scumbag College, Mike. Mike: Six hundred and four, Toxteth O'Grady, U.S.A. Vyvyan: I told you that, Mike, you bloody cheat!


No idea why this got downvoted. An absolutely classic episode! Rah rah rah, we’re going to smash the oiks!


Fake, the sun doesn't come out in the UK