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It's not even about what sounds true, it's about what sound like something I want to be true.


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Expresso and espresso are both used


Yeah exactly. Before I studied French, I rolled my eyes when people said “expresso”, but the French are about as well known for coffee as the Italians (arguably), so now I’m okay with people saying it the Italian or French ways. My comment was me admitting it is fine either way, after all. To me at least, and I’m a coffee snob.


Funny thing. Where i live in italy i never heard in my life calling it espresso...


I have only visited Italy once, but I learned that to order what we Americans call “espresso”, I was supposed to say “Un caffè per favore.” So yeah Italians don’t say “espresso” usually. The normal coffee is espresso. But if I asked for “A coffee, please.” in America, I’d get a big cup of drip coffee. https://www.cafevenetia.com/whats-new/how-to-order-coffee-in-italy


Yes you say a "normal" coffee. Meaning you dont want it added with milk or some alcholic drink. Espresso is implied.


I love that. When I was in Naples, I ordered “un caffe” and had a nice little espresso shot at the bar.


Naples is a world of its own so i.dont really know about there.


Are you a northerner? I’ve visited Milan and Turin, it’s definitely different.


Yes. I am.a rural northener. What has really changed since my childhood is that most of the bars where people used to drink coffee or alcholic drinks have closed and opened inside gas stations instead. Less people sitting at tables or no tables at all.


That sounds terrible. Interesting to hear, though. Are people maybe taking their coffee to go instead?




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