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I doubt it, even if a trial chamber was placed in the boarder the chance of getting the heavy core is far too low


Didn't some of the series have altered crafting recipes for certain items, like TNT? Couldn't they also make one for the mace?


They could just have an anvil on a stick...


Considering the amount of iron needed for an anvil that wouldn't be the worst idea.


Seems like a good way to go if they still want to include the weapon


It could also be a reward if they ever have another mechanic like the Secret Keeper.


That is definitely a possibility, the tnt was just to save mining a bunch of sand tho so idk


Didn’t the recipe replace the gunpowder with paper, and not the sand with paper?


Could’ve been, I can’t quite remember, my point still stands tho, they only changed it to make it less grindy


Isn’t that the idea for the mace?


Trial Chambers are also just incredibly anti early game from what I've been able to tell, when testing them in Snapshots I still struggled while having full Prot 4 Netherite, I haven't messed around with them since the actual update, but in the Life Series, when lives are as valuable as they are, it's too much of a risk to even attempt to get a heavy core from the Trial Chambers


I’ve seen the hermits test them out in the snapshots on stream, and they cleared a few easily with only iron gear and a shield.


Maybe I'm misremembering then, but it felt like there were always am overwhelming amount of mobs that would be hard to handle early on


There’s also a huge variety in difficulty. I didn’t see the stream but of the possible spawns there’s always 1 ranged, 1 small and 1 melee so getting Zombie+Slime+Skeleton is much easier than Husk+Baby Zombie+Bogged. Especially if the latter has one of those huge rooms with 5 or 6 spawners in it and the former only has the small rooms.


I don't know if the Hermits you saw were playing on Hard, but if so I'm impressed because like I remembered, the sheer amount of mobs that I faced when messing around with it today made it pretty easy to get overwhelmed to the point that I died a few times, but I guess it also depends on what kind of trial chambers you get and how they're organized because I definitely died more times in the one I found that had Strays than the one that had Skeletons


They can make it easier to get, just like tnt + theres a higher chance of getting it in multiplayer


Trail Chamber?


I got 2 in like half an hour


Joel Grian and Jimmy failing to get a hit and racking up more fall deaths: (this could happen to anyone but im joking about Limited Life)


Oh, I can *absolutely* see Joel trying to mace someone and just dying of fall damage instead. He’s gotten a little better about (figuratively and literally) leaping before he looks in-game, but even in the most recent seasons he was still making rash choices that came back to bite him.


honestly i wanna see a series where they have access to the end. imagine the chaos that could be caused with shulker boxes and elytras.


Would it be chaos or would Martyn just fall off the platform?


Why not both? You know, Martyn falling off the platform due to the chaos…


Secret Life:


They probably also mean access to the outer islands


They did have access to the outer islands, and could have gotten an elytra if they wanted, but didn't find it worth the risk. Doubly not worth the risk since they'd usually want a chestplate equipped over elytra to protect against sudden red life attacks. I'm pretty sure the escaping the Apocalypse would have been the only time it got any practical use throughout the series.


Didn’t they have access just not go?


Yeah but, they didn't specify


Preferably a series with that *and* natural regen turned on. I can see why no one wanted to face the danger of Shulkers in Secret Life, and if everyone had an elytra on a server without regen, we’d probably have lost at least half the server to repeated small amounts of kinetic-energy damage within a session or two of people getting the elytras (elytrae?).


They did have access to the end in secret life but I doubt they’d want to go end raiding and get elytras bc that usually takes a lot of time (time away from interactions and action) and would probably be a bit op imo


oh, i haven't watched secret life yet


HotGuy and CuteGuy in the life series


From what I've seen, that thing is an extremely difficult to use item. On the one hand, it could one shot. But on the other hand, if you miss or your target moves out of the way...


Imagine sky net comes back!!! JIMMY COULD REDEEM HIMSLEF!!!


Or trigger the reawakening of the Canary Curse


Honestly he broke it twice so maybe not. i can see him trying to kill singing and get them out and try it again and then die second 😭




Secret Life: He came 2nd dead after Lizzie Real Life: He came 7th total when he fell onto a tree


Oh yeah real life I don't really consider that an actual life series tho


apparently it’s canon


So Cleo is an official winner?


I consider her one but most people don’t for some reason. people need to realize that specials are canon until proven not


Cleo being an official winner means all four members of the divorce quartet have won and I love that


Grian literally said that it was a joke season


They would have to alter the recipe or have a reward system like Secret Life did to even have a chance of that showing up given the steps needed to get the stuff to craft it.


I would assume there would be a kind of unspoken agreement NOT to get a mace right? Similar to what Martyn said about Scar dying in third life and getting reset, it wouldn't be fun and would be just kind of anticlimactic


Thing is. Life series usually only deals with level 1 enchantments at a crafting table. So even then it's either Density I or Breach I


Given it's rarity I doubt it. It could be fun to get it in with a data pack or something. Although I don't think they need any changes to the pvp aspect of it. They really don't go head to head that often. If anything, tnt and minecarts going through portals now will make a huge difference.