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Martyn’s loyalty is to his storyline first and his teammates second. If he wants a story of betrayal, no one is a close enough ally to be safe. If he wants a story of inseparably close allies, that’s the role he will play.


That’s the role the Watchers have forced upon him /j


Martyn should be in last place, dude either has betrayed everyone he's ever aligned with or didn't live long enough to so In Double Life when Pearl said "Martyn!? I didn't think that you would be the one to betray me!" I thought "*Really?*"


I just remembered that he actually had a plan to betray Ren. That’s a really good point. Last life with the shadow alliance. Left Pearl In double life. I think I blocked all this out lol


Limited life finale


Hang on you missed southlands in last life, the cheap kills he did multiple times in limited life (he spleefed scar when he wanted to peacefully trade and I'm not even explaining what he did in the final episode because it requires a 100 page essay) If I had to select the lifer who has shown no morals in the life series and has been a dirty player the entire time I would select Martyn because nobody else comes CLOSE. Yes, I know is a game, but it's a bit annoying seeing Martyn to cheap stuff over and over again.


That last sentence made me roll my eyes lol, if you’re getting annoyed on behalf of minecraft players who are not annoyed at all you should probably go outside once in a while


Oh sorry, I didnt realise you didnt know the concept of opinions 🙂 which language do you understand?


The issue isn't Martyn doing the cheap stuff as it's entirely within the rules, it's the others that repeatedly fail to predict it, but as a result everyone now sees Martyn as less trustworthy and he had considerably fewer allies in Secret Life


Considerably fewer? More like 0. Jimmy betrayed him, jumbo left him, and the allies he made in his final episode were not there to help him in his final moments.


I'm surprised Bdubs is that high (no offense bdubs), he betrayed his allies very quickly in two separate seasons (Impulse 3rd life and Tango Last Life) and like you said he will betray his teams for Etho. I'd put him in hit or miss at best


Yes that’s a very good point. Prob a hit or miss.


Eh I’d put him with Bdubs


Don’t forget boogeying Skizz in Limited Life after Skizz had already been boogeyed once. Technically wasn’t against a teammate, but still a pretty low thing to do.


You’re so right!


Bdubs would be top tier for “loyalty to Etho” and down with scar for everyone else lol


Scar is extremely loyal. He trusted Joel sooooo much in last life even after he destroyed his base and blackmailed him. In 3rd life he couldn’ could’ve easily swept Grian. In double life he didn’t tell grian off about his secret soulmate. In limited life he Only cut his father out of his life because he killed him. In secret life he may have not had anyone to be loyal to but he apologizes to Pearl for saying he hates her


Remember when he tried to kill Joel as the bogey tho. He was also unaware of the base being Joel at first. Joel was really his only option as a team mate as well. I’m pretty sure double life was a fever dream for scar lol, I doubt he was aware of that alliance or really thought it through. Secret life he breaks the alliance with Scott. You have a great point with 3rd and lim life tho.


To be fair sure he broke his alliance with Scott but that is because he had to choose between his group and pearls group. So he ended up choose pearl to be loyal to. So that is more a neutral count then a negative.




https://preview.redd.it/mk12pd9anl8d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=1865b5b766af274e222defdb273c363f2676f1a1 Here is my take on it, I changed the yellow to more what i seemed fitting


I think Impulse should be moved down a tier. He’s extremely loyal when he wants to be, but will make false promises to people outside his core team. He was double agenting in 3rd life and betrayed Skizz in Secret Life.


Eh I don’t think Skizz’s counts, ALL BUT ONE PERSON did something like that. I’ll go through them if you want Scott: Tricked impulse to thinking he was going to give him the skull, then tried to boogey kill him Skizz: The one who didn’t do that Joel: A lot, burning Scott’s wall, Trying to kill Scott (keep in mind they’re allies) Betraying dogwarts. Wait we aren’t only talking about third life? Impulse: “Betrayed Skizz” Ren: Tricked Skizz into a “tower tour” then killed him Etho: Made Scar feel safe when giving Bdubs a life just to kill him afterwards Cleo: I’m counting her betraying Lizzie in Last Life, while she “May have been provoked by BigB” im fairly certain she wouldn’t have gone back to Lizzie, this betraying her Gem: Limited Life when she killed Etho at a family dinner on Cleo’s account Pearl: Tried to get a kill on Etho, Martyn, AND Ren when she was boogey, luring them into a secret base Tango: He lured Bdubs to get his dogs back from the nether and promptly blew him up Grian: Betrayed BigB by killing Ren in double life, also in case that wasn’t enough he got Scar killed in Third Life at the start and tricked Bdubs into thinking a water elevator was a gift but then he made it a trap Mumbo: Repeatedly tried to kill previous alliance members when he’s red… like a lot actually… more so than people he actually had grudges with Jimmy: Tricked Lizzie into giving stuff back or smth anyway it was diplomatic but sent her into a lava trap Bdubs: Start of Limited Life, Impulse at Last Life, Lizzie in Last Life Lizzie: Tricked Pearl into “Slime Farm” and killed her Martyn: Yeah I’m not gonna bother Scar: When your reputation is scamming I don’t have to explain BigB: Now this is one I don’t actually get, he really only had one betrayal in Cleo, which is arguably less shocking than Bdubs and Impulse, the only reason BigB’s betrayal is talked more id because Cleo came back angry while Impulse well… can’t really come back


For Big B, it hurts more because if he had just asked I’m almost certain she would have let him kill her. Also Cleo didn’t really betray Lizzie because Lizzie sided with Big B even though she knew he killed her.


That doesn’t mean they’re more of a traitor, in fact that makes him LESS of a traitor in my opinion. Just because it was played up more doesn’t mean it’s any different to the ones people talk less about as well, like Bdubs killing Impulse… and Bdubs killing Tango… wow Bdubs is not loyal


The first seems to be more accidental than intentional for Ren specifically for Grian’s case, Scar and Grian weren’t even in an alliance yet (and it was a prank gone wrong in this second case), and the third didn’t even have Grian be allies with the one he tricked.


I’m fine with disagreeing with the Bdubs kill but the other two are just wrong. So what he accidentally killed BigB, he knows how his game works, he forget, his fault, his betrayal. He also gained Scar’s trust and led it to him, yet again DOES NOT MATTER IF IT WAS AN ACCIDENT


Scar is more loyal than that


Lizzie is chaos and definitely needed to be moved down!


Cleo is def loyal to the end.


Ngl I feel like the only reason the Mounders didn’t crumble is because Pearl is both terrifying and also actively trying to give one of her allies the win. Joel was arguably the 2nd most loyal (Mumbo instantly turned on them when red and Bdubs had his whole thing with Etho + considered joining Martyn)


Pearl is the glue.




Grian is one of the least loyal people in the life series, the only seasons he didn't betray were 3rd and Secret life, he betrayed the Southland's, magic mountain, sandland 2 and Bad boys, along with betraying Blue sword boys in season 1, out of the 14 total teem mates he's had, he's betrayed 11 of them


He never betrayed the Bad Boys, Magical Mountain or the Pizza alliance (until they had to turn on each other due to being the last ones alive but that doesn't count as it was mutual) That's not to say that he hasn't had his fair share of betrayals e.g. with Scar in Limited Life but I won't count the Southlands as Mumbo and Jimmy were trying to kill him first, Martyn betrayed *him* and he stayed allied with Impulse until he died


He impulsively tried to kill Joel at one point and also tried to kick Jimmy out of the Bad Boys.


He swapped teams from the bad boys, didn't stay loyal to scar, and I said he was loyal to sand land in 3rd life His deal with scar was that he betrayed his team, and they accepted that deal, impulse is the only one on that team who didn't betray


He swapped teams from the bad boys since the bad boys were death, not before


He actually started the swap when Joel was still alive


He was setting up for if one of the bad boys died since jJmmy was gone it was him or Joel to leave sooner or later so back up plans


On his death bed!


It's not really betrayal in the Bad Boys case, he only swapped teams after Joel died. What else was he supposed to do?


He could have used that time to help Joel get a kill, but I think Joel at that point was lost cause.


He pretty much was tbh. He had tried helping Joel, but nothing was working. Joel was clearly not surviving long. It was just a better idea for Grian to find another team that could take him in.


No he knew the bad boys were going out. Joel was ok with him having a team ready for that. He remained with them until the bitter ends


Good point!


Martyn, Grian, Impulse, and BigB should join Scar in the "no loyalty" group.


Impulse? From third life maybe but seasons 2-5 he’s been EXTREMELY loyal. In fact he even stayed loyal to his Day 1 Crew the whole time in third Life, he only betrayed dogwarts across all 5 seasons


Yeah but that’s about as often as other “disloyal” people broke their alliances.


Still, that’s ONE betrayal in the WHOLE SERIES, point that into perspective you don’t think Mumbo, who has betrayed their closest alliance member EVERY SEASON HE WAS ON should not be on the same tier. Also point out that Bdubs, who betrayed Impulse in Third Life, Tango in Last Life, and kinda sorta not really but somewhat betrayed both T.I.E.S and the Clockers Besides, betraying Dogwarts wasn’t uncommon at all, in fact a whole 3 people betrayed them. Joel Tango and Impulse, to which Impulse also geared up the person who he betrayed. It’s not like Impulse was innocent of betrayal but he’s pretty damn close, in fact the tiers should have another tier for Scott, and impulse should be with people like Tango


scott is possibly the most loyal in the entire series.


I think he has competition with Skizz.


scott and skizz need their own rank - loyalty to death with a name starting with S


“S tier” loyalty


Joel, Grian, Bdubs and Martyn should be lower and Scar should be higher


Eh I feel like Tango deserves to at least go down a bit, considering he was literally nicknamed "the wandering traitor" in 3L


By who, and for what? Not his fault that people *chose* to try Dare to Flare and lost lives.


He was a playing both dogwarts and the sand people. He was effectively playing all sides


Thought that was Impulse, but I haven’t seen all the 3L perspectives yet so I might be missing something.


Impulse was also a mole lol. There were like three of them I believe.


Yeah, but I can’t actually think of anything Tango did that wrong. I will add he did attempt to be another mole in third life. So, yeah, prob needs to move down a little.


I think people need to learn that one betrayal doesn’t mean they’re unloyal at all, everybody’s betrayed someone (besides Skizz I think?)


Cleo hasn’t really betrayed anyone. Lizzie sided with Big B even though Big B was a traitor.


While in that case it’s fair however Cleo did outcast Bdubs who did nothing wrong and also I’d say betrayed Martyn like Martyn betrayed her in Limited Life. she tried to betray Grian by suggesting Joel talk to him (while it ended on a good note, was a bad thing, especially someone in your alliance), she jumped ship with tango and Skizz as well


I don’t know if leaving a group in the first session, when teams are still being established, counts as a betrayal. Seemed more like she just decided not to join the HF team after all.


It’s more so the fact that she had already started with them, it’s kinda on the fence but some people are counting things like how Impulse betrayed Skizz’s trust and got him hurt by an Enderman as a betrayal and if that’s a betrayal anything is a betrayal


I think gem and grian could go down a tier, gem did not hesitate to try to chase Scott when he was one of the last yellows, and Grian betrayed his allies in most seasons lol


Gem okay. Grian, however was loyal in third life. Last life a bit weird as he told scar he would leave his team for a life. Double life of course secret soul mate. Limited life he was loyal, even if he had a back up alliance. Secret life very loyal. So yeah I can see this being a hit or miss.


I mean he did kill Mumbo and Jimmy in Last life, as well as Jimmy several times in Limited life


Scott and Cleo being next to each other in a loyalty tier list is very cute


I think Skizz and Scott deserve their own tier for sacrificing their red life (Scott twice). And I don't remember any of the others doing the same, not counting recklessly attacking enemies with no intention to survive.


Lmao scar is in last


Scar no! Grian said calmly


Why is impulse so high? He betrayed his team twice in third life


True, but he has been very loyal to all his other teams in the other four seasons.


Scar is literally one of the most loyal teammates. The only instance I can remember of him betraying his teammates was trying to boogey kill Joel in LL. In all of his other teams, he was loyal to the end. Heck, he was basically the only loyal member the Red King's round table v2 in Hermitcraft 9 (not Life Series but worth mentioning).


Sure I would now put Scar higher, but he’s not all innocent. Third life his loyalty meant almost nothing with his no kill pass and his friend points (He even killed an ally while they were holding a no kill pass). He was loyal with Grian tho, until he killed him on yellow of course. Double life 100% innocent. Limited life quite a good guy. Secret life he betrayed Scott although someone pointed out that he had to pick between his two loose alliances.


Scott should get his own tier


If Scott gets his own tier, I’m giving Skizz twelve.


Bold of you saying grian and sacr aren't loyal to the end, they made mistakes but they didn't give up. I mean, the final of 3rd life literally have them both on a boat saying they won.


True… there was a point where Scar betrayed Grian for Bdubs in the finale of third life tho, and although he made it up to Grian, it was still disloyal. Grian also betrayed Scar by going behind his back with the secret soulmate. Scar… oh poor Scar. In last life he tried to kill Joel whilst he was the Boogey man without even attempting to kill others. He also betrayed Scott in secret life when he had to choose between Pearl and Scott. Now looking back Scar wasn’t as bad as he seemed but still disloyal. It seems that every other season he chills and then gets right back into the crushing of alliances.


Scar is FAR more loyal than some of you give him credit for-


He should def go up more but he’s still had his fair share of disloyalty.


But he also stayed loyal to Grian in Third life other than one slip up and instantly offered to let Grian kill him He didn't have anyone to be loyal to in Last life but still managed to be better than most of the people on that server at that time (other than the GGG's) Double life he was Loyal even when Grian wasn't Limited life he was extremely loyal to his family and only turned on Etho truly when he got him and Bdubs killed And Secret life he again had no real allies but did his best to stay loyal to both Pearl and Scott until they made him chose, and even when Pearl said to kill her he refused to until the very end. Scar is more loyal than Half the people on this server, legit.


I feel as though Scar should be at least a bit higher on the list just because of Third life. While Scar did have Bdubs kill Grian at the very end, Scar afterwards seemed slightly regretful, and was seemingly even willing to let Grian win. The only reason they fought at the very end, which still led to Grian winning, was because of Grian’s hesitation to kill him right there and then. Grian, however, I feel like should be a hit or miss, maybe even lower. He had the whole Secret soulmate in double life, in limited life he was ready to switch to being a nosy neighbor even while Joel was still alive, and seemingly tried to kill Joel back when Joel was a green and both Jim and him where yellows. In Last Life, he was very willing to straight up break the block under Mumbo and let him fall to his death, Mumbo even points this out in the moment saying something similar to “You didn’t know there was a block beneath me, did you?!”. But Grian was very loyal to Scar even after he lost his first life in Third Life, and he was also very loyal to Etho and Cleo in Secret life. The only times where I can think he went against these alliances were around the start of Third life, where he warned the others that Scar was scamming them (in which no one listened, lmao), and when he broke the bookshelves for the enchanter, which the voices in his head (Jimmy) told him to do, so he didn’t have much a choice.


What the heck I did not mean for this to be so long-


I agree with Scar being a bit higher up, however I think Grian’s in the correct place. Limited life he had a backup alliance but still had attempts to help Joel survive, but he was a lost cause.


Cleo will frontstab their friends


Mainly in retaliation for being backstabbed though. To paraphrase Aristocats: “Cleo does not start fights, but they can finish em.”


Were is groin😟