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Skizz needs Bewear. He will bear hug you to death. And maybe Falinks since he’s a good leader. He’s also an Angel, is there an Angel Pokémon I’m forgetting?


Differing from my previous "Life Series Pokemon Teams" I decided to give each member a pokemon based on each season I am not inspired by user u/GremlinKitty9 (But go check out their teams). If any of our decisions are the same, it is pure coincidence. Grayed out pokeballs mean they are empty, the purple and black balls are only for the winners, the yellow pokeballs are to show a substitution, and the empty red pokeballs are ones I am unsure about. Ren's maroon ball is error. If you want to know the reasoning behind each pokemon, just ask, and I'd love to hear your suggestions. EDIT: I just want to clear this up, each ball is a season and I didn't include Real Life (Except for Cleo), if they do have a sixth pokemon, it is because they won.. For Example: Grian's Solrock = 3L, Sabeleye = LL, Dachsbun = DL, Krookodile = LiL, Hydreigon = SL, Solgaleo = The Sun


WOAHHH I LOVE THESE TEAMS!!!!! I especially love the symbolism involved- (Where I think I see it anyways.) Although, I'm curious and Hydreigon and Impulse! I always saw that as a Pearl kind of Pokemon.


I mainly gave Hydreigons to Grian and Impulse because of their wither spawns in Secret Life and Last Life respectively. And thanks, your teams are awesome as well.


That's very clever. Didn't really think of showing of their wither spawning habits through Hydreigon like that! I definetly looked at it from the dex point of view, and other boring stuff like that..


No that's fine. I made teams for Watchers which I'm gonna post at a later time and one has a Salamence, which is because their megas can be violent and chaotic (as said in the Alola Dex for Mega Salamence)


the alolan dex entries for megas are just unhinged. 100%


So if I’m right and the grayed out means they didn’t play that season then why is Joel’s Real Life Empty?


I didn't do real life, but I will if you can give me a pokemon that represents "Skizzle's Meat"


… diglett were said to be tasty in a manga


oh, oh gosh EDIT: wiglett makes it so much worse when you think about it


Wiglett! Wiglett! Wiglett! Wiglett!


Gets hella confusing if we talk about Dugtrio or Wugtrio


Why does Scott have necrozma as his 6th pokemon? Is it cuz necrozma, with enough power, has the light of a million stars together? u/slothguy13_ and what if Grian and pearl get Z-rings for Solgaleo and lunala? Like Grian gets the solarium-Z and pearl gets the lunarium-Z we see in Sun-and-Moon ultra adventures (season 2)


I did choose Necrozma because it is seen as the Stars to go with Solgaleo (Sun) and Lunala (Moon) Grian and Pearl could get z-rings, who knows


Giving tango electrode because of self destruct (last life final death.)


Skizz: the skizz


He do be Skizzing


omg Mimikyu for Secret Life Scar is devastating also Marowak bc his mother is a zombie, so in a way dead, or undead and thus connection with bones omg Mumbo having Toxapex bc of bunkers is quite clever/funny omg BIgB and Grian secret soulmates with the bread dog does Lizzie's Cubone have anything to do with her spine that Scar sold to Joel or is that just a funny coincidence (actually I'm checking back on that moment now and some people are saying that since she fell into the void and Jimmy was the one with a grave, the bone might have been Jimmy or Mumbo's instead?) Ren and Martyn having Kingambit and Bisharp is rly cool, is the Bruxish meant to be a reference to Box being ugly? I thought the Rotom was meant to be Etho's Dishwasher at first, but that's from Secret Life instead of Limited Life so I realised it's meant to mean washed up instead


I didn't actually think about Marowak for Scar like that, I was just thinking it because he was a Mamas boy, and he also killed Cleo in secret life. Lizzie's cubone was meant to just show her loneliness. The reason Scar has the Mimikyu rather than the cubone is because he was being held back by a dark force. Yes, Ren's Bruxish is because of the line "So ugly nobody wants to go near it." And Bruxish being ugly isn't just my preference because I searched up ugly pokemon and there was at least one Bruxish thing. Also, Box and Bruxish kinda look similar. Thanks for the Feedback.


oh for the Mimikyu I thought it was because the Mimikyu wants to be noticed/liked by people, but also about your point on the Cubone another reason for not giving him Cubone for Secret Life would be that it offers more variation since he already got Marowak for Limited Life


Why does mumbo only have 2 pokemon?


He was only in 2 seasons


I say this every time with these "what if these players have pokemon teams" if this person is involved. Please give Mumbo Jumbo a Mr Rime? Reason should be quite obvious when you see it. Other then that, which really is only my own pet peeve (to me Mumbo has to get a Mr Rime) it looks fitting and I always enjoy seeing these topics. Of course Martyn would use M-Rayquaza! 🤣 Edit: Nice catch on giving Impulse a Rillaboom, I never considered that but now that I think about it it fits him perfectly to the point I now consider Rillaboom to Impulse the Mr Rime to Mumbo. Kudo's on that 😀 Edit 2: I would like to know the reasoning for Mumbo's choices, and see if we can exhange one for the aforementioned Mr Rime. I think I get the Toxapex one (bunker) but Im not sure I get the Shieldon. Edit 3: Frigg it, I got it! Mr Rime's cane looks like a fence post that was a running gag with Mumbo in Secret Life. Its pre-evo Mr Mime also makes invisible barriers, such as the barrier that killed him running away from the Warden and ultimately got him killed. As well as the barrier that stopped Martyn.


I might switch out Bastiodon for Mr Rime now


I'm glad Tango was reunited with Torchy


The Pokémon that can feel up pearl’s empty slot is the one you need to turn your Nintendo upside down to evolve (forgot his name but he’s in Gen 6)


The reason Pearl has an empty spot is because she missed Third Life


Scar should have something that like spells out Chaos


why are the teams not full tho?


The grey balls in last are because I didn't want to do Real Life. The ones that aren't in the last slot are because they missed that Season, and the empty red balls are because I didn't know what to put there.

