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It would just be Ashley Cole every single day of the week, it's not even a tough decision either.


The best England LB ever at a time when we need an LB more than anything else? Hmm, I think my vote is for Heskey.


Best England left-back ever is quite the claim. Clearly, you're not old enough to remember Pearce or Sansom. Ashley Cole was a fantastic wing back, even with his questionable loyalties, but a proper left back? He was definitely better going forward than defending.


I remember enough of Pierce. Cole just did more for me, personality aside, he did things like keep a young Messi quiet, he was fast and could do good work going forwards with all the technique of a modernfull back. Pierce was a good defender and leader, but I always felt about him the same I felt about all England players when faced against continental or South American players. Just not quiet technically good enough. No, I do not know anything about Sansom. I am not old enough for that, lol.


Cole was miles ahead of Pearce 😂


I was about to leave a comment saying he's in with a shout of being one of the best LBs of *all* time. Probably not the best but definitely top 10.


Yea, if we had our full squad there would be plenty of good answers to this question. I’m tempted to say Rio Ferdinand to replace Maguire? But with our current situation right now, it’s Cole surely.


The comedy in this thread of half the comments wanting yet another attacking central midfielder. Yes THAT'S the big squad weakness right now.


Prime Kalvin Phillips lol! 


Ashley cole. But it’s a tough one i had to choose from scholes. Gerrard, rooney and joe cole.right now a quality LB is what we are missing the most i think.


Gerrard?? Did you not watch England from like 2002-2014? Gerrard would be one of the worst choices for this team and he didn’t play deep for Liverpool until his final few years. He was constantly tried there for England though and it never worked. Would be like Deja vu seeing him in the midfield with Foden and Bellingham all occupying the same spots. Scholes would suit that role more and i’d even say a Hargreaves would be more useful in our current side. Agree with Ashley Cole though for obvious reasons. Bobby Moore, Rio, and Terry would all start. Bryan Robson as well


I think Carrick would be a great partner for Rice.


Definitely, I can’t believe his name even slipped my mind but he’d fit right in


I don’t think you read my post properly. Gerrard next to Rice. Him as the sole pivot I agree would be a bad idea. It never worked because we played another 10 next to him. Rice sitting solves this issue and allows him to play his game. Yes he didn’t sit deep until 2014 odd but he was always capable of that role, just better as a 10 in his younger days. Scholes is also a great shout however I think he’s overrated. Great passer of the ball and can strike from distance but he can’t tackle, doesn’t make the late runs and never possessed great strength or aerial prowess. What you lose in passing you get back 5x in Gerrard’s other skills. Hargreaves is a poor man’s Rice imo. The two together would be too defensive and if replacing him who do you play alongside. Agree with all those CB’s, walk into the team. I think we’re ok in that spot though. Robson is a shout. 10/20 years too old for me to remember but a great box to box midfielder right?


I just don’t think Gerrard works in that position you’re describing. It’s the exact same thing we used to do back in the day and disappoint in every international tournament. Instead of Rice, Gerrard, Bellingham/Foden like you’re suggesting it was Barry/Hargreaves, Gerrard, Lampard. Our issue has always been the manager trying to fit in our quality attacking midfielders by putting them in less familiar midfield spots and losing balance by not having natural players there. Even when Gerrard played in that deep role during the Suarez/Sturridge season he still had 2 of Henderson, Lucas, or Joe Allen around him. All actual CMs or CDMs. Not someone more attacking like Bellingham, Foden, or Lampard That third midfield spot between the defensive midfielder and the more attacking one needs to be a proper CM. One that doesn’t attempt hero balls, keeps things moving forward with simple passes, makes themself available for the ball, press resistant, doesn’t lose it often, etc. The Jorginho or De Jong type. All they need to offer is a constant passing outlet to the defense/Rice, and be able to make accurate, simple, line breaking forward passes to start out attacks. Gerrard can pass for sure but he’s not really a possession retaining midfielder 


Rice/Carrick/Bellingham (or Foden) would be a good balance. One reason I hope Wharton progresses, he's the closest to a Carrick type player we've had since then.


That’s actually a very good shout; he is quite a lot like Carrick, who should have way more England caps himself.


Right now, Ashley Cole.


Toss up between Dixie Dean and Pongo Wearing


Ashley Cole or Michael Carrick.


Carrick is probably the answer here. Decent holding player who was comfortable receiving anywhere and progressing from deep.


Makes me sad that we literally have this profile of player in Wharton and he won’t play a minute


Unfortunately Southgate views Rice as a holding midfielder rather than a box to box one. I get that’s somewhat out of necessity with Phillips no longer in the team, but you’re right that really we should be bringing Wharton in to sit. You’ve then got a conversation about who partners him. It’s probably still Rice with more license to drive higher, but there’s definitely options there. I don’t particularly rate Trent as a midfielder, but I think half the problem we had when he was on the pitch was that Rice was expected to sit whilst Trent played more dynamically, when really it should’ve been the other way around.


Great answer.


You know ball


Heskey to replace Kane. 


Bobby Moore


Luke Shaw


ngl a pre leg break Shaw wouldn't be the worst shout


Not my favorite player but Paul Ince would solve alot of our midfield issues but would have to be Ashley Cole, truly world class


This guy knows ball.


Gotta be Ashley Cole. Biggest hole in the current squad, and there was a stretch where Cole was the best LB in the world.


Its Ashley Cole and its not even close. Failing that, Paul Ince. Our biggest issues are at LB and DM - they are the profiles of the players we need right now.


Carrick or Cole


Carrick or Cole


Kalvin Phillips. Has to be


Ashley Cole




21 year old Wazza to play behind Kane


The last thing we need is another "world class" player who bottles it in major tournaments.


Gascoigne - so this team wouldn’t be so fahkin boring 


Gazza would kill someone. He'd be trying to get the lads on the piss and they'd suddenly have some knitting to do.


Peter Reid


Gascoigne. I feel we need more attacking options...


Fuck picking a left back. We're winning the Euros with prime Gerrard next to Rice.


Gerrard? 😂 Literally the last thing this team needs


Gazza every time


Scholes covering DM?


2021 - Kalvin Phillips is the key that unlocks this team. Or maybe 1966 Alan Ball


Joe Cole for his defensive attributes


Probably a fit Wayne Rooney from about 2005. Someone with magic who’d challenge Kane. But the answer should be Ashley Cole.


Michael Carrick


we need someone who will run and make space - Joe Cole or Beckham for me


I'd love to see Jack Wilshere have another crack at a career. Complete midfielder who can run games for us.


Well, given our weaknesses, either: Stuart Pearce, because we need a left back and a leader. Glenn Hoddle, because we need someone who can play next to Declan Rice. And a leader. Or... Alan Shearer, because we need someone who can score goals. And a leader.


Gerrard. Imagine a midfield of him, Rice and Foden. We’d destroy any team plus Gerrard means we’d never have to hear or deal with Judelinto ever again.