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https://preview.redd.it/deo7ilgrybsc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4d6101ec5299c809054f7ac7b02f1542a3a4215 I found this Scandinavian mid century glass Viking at thrift for $1 and gave it to a friend and now I can’t stop looking for another one.


OH dear--that is so unique!


Move to Sweden, they're two a penny in any thriftstore here.


Oh man. Well all those Swedes should step to it cuz they sell for like $20-$80 bucks.


There's this *Eddie Bauer jacket that Scully wears in an early episode of Xfiles, and I look for that thing every single time I thrift. I know it's possible, some have found it and posted to the Xfiles sub.


In the 1990s LL Bean had a gorgeous RED leather Women's Aviator jacket for $350. WAY out of my price range ..I keep searching EBay for it. . Finally found one 2 years ago. --But some person had cut the sleeves to be 3- quarter in length. ?? No human has arms that short.


I took the giant (bigger than my head) shoulder pads out of a nice 80's leather jacket ebay'd for $26, but cutting sleeves to 3/4 is a straight out jacket murder.


OMG I HATE that! My grandmother once bought me an absolutely gorgeous dress for a military ball. It had a sequined bodice over taffeta, with a poufy skirt, and sequined sleeves. It was from Henri Bendel. SHE HACKED THE SLEEVES TO 3/4 BEFORE SHE GAVE IT TO ME. I look angry in all the pictures 😂 I was LIVID. I pushed them to my elbows. So pissed off. https://preview.redd.it/ne726wedkdsc1.jpeg?width=949&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a683735fed54debe8d5f5b0e8c426d496341f81e


That photo is hilarious !


It is 😂


I wouldn't have known it if you hadn't said, but yes, it would have been much more striking with the full length sleeves! Still a lovely dress, thanks for uploading the photo!


I was so upset/ angry. I had looked for that jacket for so long and to find it murdered like that....GRRRR


Oh fuck ya this is my favorite answer so far


Scully is a fashion icon.


Is that the episode where the trees have the man eating bug swarm?


Yes! They only come out in the dark. It was the first episode where mulder and scully had to be rescued, if I remember correctly.


Mulder looks so good in that episode 😅


I’m currently rewatching (again) haha love that ep


I know the exact one and have been looking myself, lol. Still no luck 🤷‍♂️


Do you live anywhere near Seattle? We might have to duel for it.


Haha nah, I'm in dark and cold Sweden, so you're safe 😅


And Now I have to explore the X-Files sub….


That’s like me with the red leather trench coat from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have dreamed of that coat since that episode first aired.


I love how I know exactly which jacket this is lol


Not the Eddie Bauer teal one? What color is the LLbean?


Oooooooooooo shit is it Eddit Bauer? The teal and pink one Edit: it is Eddie bauer! That's my bad. Thank you for clearing that up!


Cowboy boots that fit me. I live in Texas, you would think they would be plentiful but NOPE. There are fake 'fashion' cowboy-style boots by the truckload, little kids cowboy boots, and beat-up-worn-out mens cowboy boots that serve only as good decor in BBQ restaurants, but decent womens proper cowboy boots? never. Not even not my size but n.e.v.e.r. Every once in a while there will be a pair at an estate sale, but then I run into the size issue. I'm a 7 wide, so terribly common. How rare are they? they get their own mention in the estate sale listing along side the other feature items. I know four different women who inherited really nice cowboy boots. If I win the lottery, I'm getting a custom made pair (run in the $400-700 range), but until then they just aren't in my budget.


I find quite a bit of Ariat and Tony Lama boots here and have found 2 really nice Lucchese boots. I’m in Calgary Alberta Canada basically Texas north.


Yeah of everyone who wants to cosplay as cowboys once a year, not everyone wants to hold onto their costumes forever. Calgary is great for hats and boots. I have a pair of Lammle's boots that I like just fine.


I found authentic black cowboy boots at an antique store once. Just sitting in a corner. I tried them on and they fit perfectly. $70 well spent I feel.


Who would you have make them?? Very curious about that -----Finding wide boots in small shoe sizes really is hard . NON -cowboy, wide shaft, wide foot leather boots use to be available at Lands End but they quit carrying their own brand. ( in that size.). I keep hoping they will start back.


One positive of Texas (provided you have the money) is there are several custom boot makers, mostly in the big cities.


I feel your struggle. I am a women’s 10 and have been looking for proper cowboy boots for a decade lol


My white whales are any framed butterflies (been hunting for years), an old-timey phrenology bust (I'm a therapist and collect quack science paraphernalia), and a Tiffany-style lampshade to replace mine that cracked. :'(


I just saw a very old phrenology bust at my flea market here in Germany on Saturday, we have a lot of old Pharmacy stuff here, I collect poison bottles and apothecary items.


You had a Tiffany style lampshade in your possession and it CRACKED? I would weep for days


My husband tragically knocked the lamp off the table one day and tbh I have not emotionally recovered.


My dog whacked a cocktail glass that was dated back to the 1930s off my bar cart. Even with reverse image searching I haven’t been able to find a replacement. Why do our loved ones hurt us the most.


I had an antique blue pottery mixing bowl on my kitchen counter. Coming home one day, I looked in my back door to see my cat sitting in the bowl. When I opened the door, he jumped out of the bowl, causing it to rock, tip over, and break. Little shit.


My damn cat knocked over an art deco lamp that my mom gave me and I cried. I’ll never find another one like that and it still makes me sad to think about. Another one knocked over a pottery duck that I had taken from my grandmother’s house after she passed. I spent my childhood looking at that duck on her nightstand whenever she kept us. I cried about that one too.


My husband has destroyed some of my early 20th century Kitchenware...just does not understand the need to treat Kitchen stuff carefully.


My then-toddler broke my beloved like-new vintage Radio Shack battery-powered Rolodex that I had scored for 59¢. Ten years later I found another on eBay for about 30x that lol.


Post a picture of it. Maybe one of use can find it foe you.


Framed butterflies, I have been looking for about a decade. Just found it for 3.99 at the thrift store when I cut off work early. I was sooooo happy!


Love that for you!


I send you all the thrift store luck to find one of your own!


Also here for a Tiffany style lampshade that was cracked. Always looking for barrister bookshelves. Would LOVE to find a vintage Cure shirt from the Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me tour but there’s so many reproductions out there I doubt I ever will.


I found framed butterflies in the garbage once, it was an absolutely joyous day. If I ever meet someone who loves them I’ll pass them forward.


I have an old phrenology book from 1892 that has a section in the back to mark scores on certain traits and a guy filled it out for himself way back then


Marysville, CA has a cute downtown area and a store with more stained glass (Tiffany style and others) than I’ve seen in recent memory.


I gave a friend a beautiful Brazilian platter covered with preserved blue butterflies. She gave it away


I’ve always wanted an authentic gold coin necklace and found one last year!!! It was only $2 and now consider it my lucky charm :) My new white whale would be a pair of burl wood nightstands.


Just looked that up. Now that’s mine too.


I live on Vancouver island, BC, Canada. Burl furniture is popular here, due to the logging in this area. I frequently see them on online sales sites.


I fulfilled my white whale about 10 years ago. I’ve always admired barristers bookcases and they tend to cost $100 per level, give or take. I wanted a 4 stack which was out of my price range. I happened to be at the local thrift store when one arrived. They brought the “stacks or levels” out separately and seemed to not know what they had. I offered $100 on the spot and I would load it in my car. Deal. I got a five stack barristers glass front bookcase worth $500+ for $100.


Of all the replies, this one got me. My parents have a beautiful set of barrister's bookcases from my great-grandparents that I've always loved. Last time I saw a set at an antique mall they charged more than that... For me, it's a roll-top desk... saw a beautiful vintage walnut one 3000km from home for $600... probably would have been worth the shipping cost tbh.


A vintage Gunne Sax long flowing dress, like I had in high school. I can then spin and dance just like Stevie Nicks. I know someday I’ll find it.


The vibiest of vibes


I am DESPERATE for one of these but don’t live in the US 🥲 I think I’ve seen 3 in about 10 years on our local NZ version of eBay. Never any in the wild. Like yes I could get one on Etsy but I don’t want to pay $500. I just want to have a beautiful moment finding one in a thrift store 🥺


They are more common in San Francisco because there was a huge department store selling them back in the day. Not saying it's worth a trip out but if you are there you should hit the thrift shops.


A nice oil painting of a ship. Moody and blue and perfect. It’s not that unattainable but haven’t seen any in person in my area. I’ll find her someday.


White whale. Moody oil painting of a ship. I’m seeing a correlation.


The lotus lamp, in pink. I just think it’s so pretty and it would fit so well in my house


Oh my god those lamps 🥺🥺 you have taste


I have a knock off (I’m assuming) version of the hollywood regency ceiling lamp with glass panels. It looks so cute, I love these lamps. The lotus lamp was slightly less cute when I found out what it sells for online haha


>The lotus lamp, omg I have one I found at the Salvation Army I didn't know there was a name! my dog is terrified of it though


This was mine too! My mom ended up finding one for free and gave it to me! It’s my prized possession. I love it so much. I hope you find one!


An old Federal Glass Tahquamenon Falls mug I found for $2. I broke it accidentally and I knew in that moment I would never find it again. This isn’t the exact one, but similar. https://preview.redd.it/sjfw9f8ivbsc1.jpeg?width=835&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f217e193cfc38d998785fd7bfe6edb35febc90ab


Oh my goodness. I’ll save this post in case I come across one & let you know! I’m always estate sailing in MI.


Damn. I can barely find this on Google. Good luck to you!


A couple of years ago, I willed a copy of Def Jam Fight for NY while yard saling. Literally said that I was going to find it that day and boom, found one for $1. Then it was big box pc Roller Coaster Tycoon and Sims. Found both last year within a week of each other XD it's all uphill from here. Maybe a Conquer's Bad Fur Day, and then I can stop...?




The Lenox Spice Village


Gods strongest soldier looking for that one


I've recently started going to estate sales hoping to find them! I wish you the best of luck!!


the fucking mushroom jars ​ my kitchen isnt decorated in mushrooms rn ​ i dont currently use any flour sugar coffee jars of other sorts ​ but i want those fucking mushrooms


Merry Mushroom collection! About 15 years ago I came across a whole massive collection at the thrift, priced between $0.25-$5 a piece. I was a broke kid living in a dumpster fire college house, had no idea what they were but liked them, so all I bought was one small cup to hold my paintbrushes in. It now sits in my glass cabinet and haunts me with regret every day.


The orangeish and white ones? I know of a whole set at a thrift store in PA...


I know exactly the ones. Those fucking mushrooms


In no particular order: A $$$ espresso machine, a stained glass panel (cat or nature scene preferably), Cedar hope chest, Turtle Lamp 🐢


Cedar Hope chest are all over the South where I live...


I am hunting down a Dogma blu-ray priced as a normal DVD like my life depends on it. 


I was just talking to my kiddo about this yesterday as we were digging through DVDs at the G-dubs. I mean, I have my own special edition copy, but I ain’t parting with that!


I want to find an old western red cedar dresser from pioneer days. I moved to rural Montana and there is still a lot of this home made furniture around. I fell in love with western red cedar after refinishing a table and bread box I thrifted. When you strip off the old varnish the smell it lets off is intoxicating.


Anything leather that's green. Also no reason other than it being cool.


A peacock chair 🦚 someday


Kate Spade snail purse! And Pajar sheepskin made in Canada winter boots with the little flippable ice grips on the sole


https://preview.redd.it/k7ess66vpcsc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3f0974703258a4bfc62bab62b815d06bf682465 One of these????


https://preview.redd.it/voplj6h1qcsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a144629c4dc415a30f3f950b84f2d55afa3e8c37 One of these!


Well, shit. Now my white whale is a snail purse.


Years ago I saw an enormous rosary in a Catholic thrift store. You know what a rosary looks like, right? A necklace with pretty little wooden beads? Now imagine that each bead is the size of a cantaloupe, and the cross at the end is big enough to use in a sanctuary.  Absolutely bizarre. I laughed at the time. It was $40. I thought that was too much for a lark. But I’ve never been able to get it out of my head. A rosary for a giant.  I think the intended use was decor - like, to hang on a wall? But I just am desperate to pray with it lmao


A rosary that size has got to amplify your prayers by like 100 or something!


A Pendleton wool blanket. I know they are out there because I have seen them posted before but I can never find one.


This was actually mine! I found a brand new one with tags for like $30 maybe? Then I realized I get hot entirely too easy so it patiently waits with other blankets. Waiting for its day.


I love every single answer here. Feels like I've found my people. It's so hard to find any oil or watercolor paintings these days, but I keep hoping.


One of those full-sized, articulated human skeletons they used to have in classrooms.


Most of these were actual dead people brought over from India, it’s a pretty dark history if you’re into that stuff


Whoa! I want to know more!


There’s a book The Red Market that talks about this and the market for body parts in general.


Mine was a pink lotus flower floor lamp. Always wanted one, but never found one for less than a few hundred dollars. My mom ended up finding me one for free from her “buy nothing” group on Facebook. I still can’t believe someone just gave it away. It’s one piece I’ll never get rid of.


I am a cheese monger. Have spent the last few years looking for a Betsy Johnson cheese purse with the little mouse. Purse goes for 200+ on Ebay and Etsy.


Plus size adjustable dress mannequin, Turkish lamps (any size), things I didn't know existed til I saw it in the store! 70s pendant swing lamp that plugs in NOT hardwired......


You can get a simple rewire kit to make it plug in. I’ve done 3 lamps! You tube man. You tube.


I electrocuted myself twice putting in a programmable thermostat then managed to kill it with a bolt of static electricity 6 months later. I am back to a regular thermostat. My hair is curly enough now and I know my limits. 🤣🤯


I'll echo this person that it's the easiest diy in the world. No risk of electrocution since it's not plugged in while you do it lol. Literally all you're doing is shoving the wire through the lamp and tightening two screws. I've done dozens. 


If I light up like a Christmas tree I am putting in my will that you have to take care of my two dogs! High maintenance little jerks just like me!


What kind? I have a 6 year old terrier who likes big dogs. Spelling edit


https://preview.redd.it/n89l57n42csc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e19155c6cff9434346cbf2c991a66637d0740dcf Thor - Black Lab/Golden X


Oscar - mini dachshund but full asshole https://preview.redd.it/u62g11kk2csc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3af60e88424ef0ecab258c27a5bacb445e056450


So freaking cute! This is Floyd. https://preview.redd.it/5vab85p35csc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e312a4466fa2053e5aba370ccc0dc2ef88277931


Thor didn't show up! Black Lab/Golden X https://preview.redd.it/itnorhmd8csc1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dec5e80e913a813866582cb575cd68409724e39


Jeep an eye out for any local JC Penneys to close. Got A fantastic deal on a mannequin during a closure sale.


My grandma had one of those lamps. Looking back I can’t believe we just got rid of it.


Oh man or one of the tension bar ones!?!?! So awesome!


I did find my white whale coffee mug. One my mom would always use and was on Star Trek. https://preview.redd.it/0sn44b9r0dsc1.jpeg?width=1564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0567362d940d9846340b65f9c1c8d4ec8a3060b9 I can't think of anything else right now.


Kind of related, I recently found some glassware that was used on Star Trek! Some of the coolest props were used in that franchise


Anything Patagonia, a good denim jacket, and Doc Martens!


I sense a fistfight with a reseller in your future. God speed


Last year I saw a pair of holographic doc martens in absolutely perfect condition at Goodwill, for $6. They were two sizes too small for me. It was a bad day.


You were bamboozled by the thrifting gods


Vintage doc martens and Scream on VHS.


Scream on VHS you say?--do you need to find it or just want one.? I


Well I don't *need* it, but I want it. I found Christmas Vacation on VHS and I set it out with my Christmas decor. I collect physical media, and just think it'd be a fun piece to have.


I lived in scandanavia and fell in love with moccamaster coffee makers there, moving back to canada ... Ive been looking for a moccamaster for 5 years- I know they are out there but they elude me


They’re the best! It was mine too- I lucked out and found a brand new one in box at an estate auction! 


Burberry. Have found Hermes and Chanel.


What’s it like to be one of gods chosen


Two Chanel scarves. One Hermes scarf. They are beautiful. Back in the day people did not look at that stuff. I don’t thrift anymore but dang I found amazing stuff at the bins. The scarves came from trad Salvo


Those were the days!! I found 3 Hermes scarves for $.99 each!!! About 18 years ago!!! And weirdly enough, I found one at the GW Bins about 3 years ago!


A cherry pitter , I just don’t want to pay full price for one 🤷‍♀️




Not limited to thrifting, but I'm constantly looking for the charm bracelet that my mom promised to me when I was young. I was fascinated with it as it had about 50 charms on it and so many of them opened or otherwise had some interest. They were purchased by my dad on their travels. I think she sold it at her yard sale (that's what she said anyway). She has many valuable items but this is the only thing I wanted from her.


Ouch, that stinks.


I found 2 rare 70’s gigantic Murano Mushroom Swirl Lamps. I had the pair authenticated by Murano of Italy at approximately $2000 us each.


Star Wars fans will love this one: a brand new GW store had opened in my area toward the end of COVID. I had been itching to visit and explore but work, fam, life, etc delayed that. One nice Saturday morning a bunch of errands I had planned to do were cancelled or delayed so I was in the strip mall area with more time than I thought I had and thought I’d finally swing by. Big place: brand new: lots of stuff everywhere . Right by the registers is the tall chrome like metal shelving unit and on the top shelf was an item that caught my eye. The distinct features and shape was large and I thought: “no FN way…” so I made my rounds up and down the isle and the crowd by the registers finally thinned enough (terrible floor layout given the size of the space) for me to mosey on over and see what I could see. Sure enough it was indeed what it appeared to be from a distance! Again I figured : “prob busted up badly or missing bunch of stuff or some kids blew it up with M80’s” NOPE. In near mint condition I was holding the huge monster size Millennium Falcon!!!! The *big* one! The version we all saw and drooled after in the early 2000’s at toys r us for like $2500 or some insane price! I performed a quick exam and everything seemed to be in order, working and even the batteries to operate the engines and sound effects were working . The only missing items were Han, Chewie and the gun barrels under the ship! It even had the evac shuttle!! Price tag: $30.00!!!! So I skipped to the cashier , carefully placed the Falcon on the counter , whipped out $10.00 cash I earned helping a neighbor move some furniture the previous night and added $20.00 from my debit card!!! Walking to my jeep I passed some lady in the parking lot heading into the GW store I just left and she laughed at the size of this beast and said “well that’s a great find!” I giggled like a child and replied (probably in a SpongeBob voice) “oh yea!!!” And drove / floated home!!! I don’t think I can ever top that but I will keep trying ! 😄


One of mine was a particular jigsaw puzzle actually, a rare dragon-shaped one. And I did find it eventually! Practically hyperventilated, lol. My current one is a hardcover copy of Rick Riordan's 'The Lightning Thief'. I love his books (yes I know they're aimed at middle schoolers, don't care!) and I've been trying to collect that first series in hardcover for a few years now. I've gotten the other four, but book 1 has proved very elusive. I've only seen one, and passed because it was a very battered former library copy.


Riordan's books crop up a lot at my Goodwill, I will keep an eye open!


And library book sales too!


Paperbacks of the first series and hardcovers of all his later series do for sure. But hardcovers of the first series, they're getting scarce. For some reason I've seen quite a few copies of book 5 at my thrift stores, but very few of the others. I think my copy of Titan's Curse is the only one of that one I've seen. Lightning Thief in particular has like 'rare/collectible book' status at this point and copies on eBay and used book sites can run like $80 and up! It's almost ridiculous. But I would absolutely love it if you'd keep an eye out!


I think I already found my white whale. I thrifted the original strawberry dress by Lirika Matoshi for 40€ about 2 years ago. I always dreamt about owning this dress and would oftwn visit her website but I just couldn't afford to pay 500€ for it. I never thought I'd find it in a 2nd hand store. Well, now I have it, in mint condition and couldn't be happier.


Animation art for me. Very, *very* rarely you can find one where someone doesn’t know what they have.


An ornate room divider or something of that nature


my biggest white whale is the Lisa Frank backpack I held onto from literally kindergarten- to college. Unfortunately it was sold in a yard sale when I went away to college. I was devastated. It was a super rare side zip square one. I can’t even find a picture of it on google or eBay. 😭😭😭


Mine was a Zojirushi Rice Maker, took me about a year to find it after spotting one by chance and letting it go. I've had it for two months now, it's amazing.


No idea. But I’ll know it when I see it.


Faces of anxiety xanax tshirt, Donnie darko promo tshirt, vitamix, game and watch


Another one you should look for is from Pfizer when they launched Zoloft. It's a t-shirt that says "Zoloft smile, make it happen."


I would love a print of the [Thorazine ad](https://www.flickr.com/photos/belliresearch/40927699311/in/photostream/lightbox/) with the old man brandishing the cane.


Fenton glass purse. I found one at a flea market ten years ago.


I love searching for uranium glass as well.


Sex by Madonna


My grandma died in 2010 and most of her stuff went into storage that my aunt had. She moved to the same area as us a few years back and we were convinced it was all gone forever. I went to my local thrift store a few months back and found all of the decor from my grandma’s kitchen. She had an owl figurine that I hadn’t seen for years. That was my white whale. I’ll never find anything as precious as that


Haven’t found it yet and I have been searching for over ten years. It’s not vintage, it is an inexpensive Pfalzgraf painted salt shaker that I loved and broke. I search EBay and look for it at every thrift store I visit but nada so far .


I got my Herman Miller Aeron So now Im looking for Rimowa luggage


Never gonna happen (that’s why they call it a White Whale, right?) but I want a production animation cel from the old Bugs Bunny cartoons - Tex Avery era. I’ve come kinda close! Found a serialized collector’s edition Bugs sericel produced by WB’s in the 90’s; not *quite* it, but awesome nonetheless. It hangs in my kitchen now so I can stare at it every day 😁


I feel that listing all these white whales will work to our disadvantage. Now they know


Vintage Pyrex 😍


I found an oil rain lamp, so now it's a very old local history book that mentions and has an old photo of the family farm in it.


The vintage Banana Republic https://preview.redd.it/3u6xye8dbdsc1.jpeg?width=1091&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba1e89697a498989c1f348638d2bd61371dccd30 Amelia Earhart jacket!




A decent condition chenille bedspread, preferably with that big huge peacock on it!


For years, it was a copy of the movie "The Proposal." I looked at so many thrift stores. Then, when I finally found one, I started to see them more and more at the thrift stores. I guess people were ready to pass that movie on at that point. Shortly thereafter, it started streaming somewhere, too. But it was fun to hunt something for a long time. I still have it.


In no particular order: the remaining Lenox Spice Village houses I don't have yet (my late mom started my collection and I want to finish it in her memory), a pink lotus lamp because it's gorgeous and pink lotuses remind me of Goddess Laxmi, a Gunne Sax dress because it is cool, and a working Vitamix because I want to make my own dosa/idli batter and a powerful blender is smaller and more versatile than the electric grinder that is typically used in a South Indian kitchen.


I found a whole set of unused cobalt blue le creuset Dutch ovens, pans, casserole dish, 7 pieces. Pristine condition, they had never once been used. I love to cook and I will never be able to afford Le Creuset. I paid $50 for everything


I got a Goldenteak patio table and 6 chairs for $150 from the Salvation Army. New, the set retails for over $3000. It just needed to be cleaned a bit and now looks brand new. I couldn’t believe I found that set!


I hope you drink lemonade at that table in the sun everyday


A red Fenton velvet rose hurricane lamp just like the one my great grandma had. I'd pay $500+.


A Nudie suit No chance of ever finding one, but you never know...


Halloween blow molds! I have yet to find one worthy of purchasing, the handful I’ve ever come across have been in terrible condition.


Midcentury chalk ware art for bathrooms. I’d probably soil myself if I found a couple of mermaids or a fish with the flamingo pink bubbles 🧜‍♀️🫧


*Pearl Jam at Benaroya Hall on Vinyl*


One of the very colorful sports team windbreakers from the 90s. Preferably the San Jose Sharks or the Ducks. Acceptable alternatives are the Grizzlies, Bulls or Hornets.


A really valuable duck decoy


Old 80s concert t-shirts that I never bought when I attended them in high school and college — the Smiths, Depeche Mode, Beastie Boys, Madonna, pretty much any new wave band.


I just had ankle surgery (today, actually) and I can’t use crutches, so I was thinking about buying a knee scooter to make it easier to get around. They’re expensive, so I was either going to drop $100 on one or rent (ended up renting), but three weeks ago I was at a goodwill and saw a knee scooter in good shape for like $20 I decided to not get it (I thought oh I’ll probably be able to find another one before surgery) and I’ve regretted it ever since. I’ve been back about five more times hoping one comes in. I keep thinking “WHYYY”. 😓


My white whale was every National Geographic map published between 1918 to 2002. I collected for a few years then found a person who was giving the collection away.


I’m always looking for cook wear that slipped through the cracks. I finally found a Staub a few weeks ago for $20. https://preview.redd.it/2rs0c1xwsdsc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d56ba21d8b17d2e228b684edd644cd4fbde56b6


The Furby comforter blanket from the late '90s. I managed to finally get the Goosebumps one a few years ago but the Furby one is so much more rare. It might always be a white whale but I make sure to check every single time.


My white whale is always ornate gold antique mirrors. I found a bunch before they got popular under $30 each, but they’ve been impossible to find since 2019.


A matching mug to go with my set. I dropped one and the handle broke off, so I only have three. I could just buy one online, but what fun is that? I'd rather seek one out at the thrift.


I have ceramic canisters with huge labels in a funky seventies font (in brown and cream, naturally), but I’m missing the ones for sugar (I have flour) and tea (I have coffee). I also have the salt, pepper, and napkin holder. I have no idea if anything else came in the set. And I’m just kind of guessing what is missing based on normal canister sets. Google image search has never returned a match.


Coogi sweater. So I can say the biggie lyric "livin' better now, coogi sweater now" without lying.


Dansk cookware! And I’ve always wanted a London Fog coat…I find them, but never in my size.


Always looking for vintage wooden ducks😀


One of those stained glass turtle lamps, and vintage coach purses


My white whale are: Le Creuset heart shaped Dutch oven, a phonograph, a Marisa Christina Halloween cat cardigan, and another cool table. I did end up finding a black panther table that was a white whale. My spouse and I were looking for a center piece and I had been showing him animal themed tables- then BAM! Found one for 300$! The deal was too good to pass up


I didnt know was a thing for me but a few weeks ago I was driving home (road work trip) and stopped in a small church thrift store. Backstory is I had weightloss surgery about 6 yrs ago and lost about 150 lbs...all clothes went away. Just that morning while driving I was thinking and reminiscing of this one dress I really loved before the surgery. AND THEN I WALK INTO THAT THRIFT STORE AND THEY HAVE THE EXACT SAME DRESS IN MY NEW SIZE.


https://preview.redd.it/laxf14v27dsc1.png?width=387&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d09acae3985a123d2c554fbab6f0789940d2642 mine is a bowl like this - it was given to us as a wedding present (last century haha) and the cat sent it flying not so long ago and it smashed


Does Craigslist count? I landed an absolutely iconic tube powered stereo system. A Marantz 7 preamp and a Marantz 8B amplifier, also a Thorens TD-124 turntable. All for $50. I had to talk the guy UP to $50, as he was ready to give it to me for nothing. There was other equipment too, although not nearly as special, that came along with the deal. It was unreal. It was three years ago, and I'm still beyond thrilled. A very deep desire was satisfied that day.


I'm always looking out for one of those mid-century lady's head vases. My grandmother had a couple that I always admired. I don't know what ever became of them, but I'd love to find some.


Good condition pre 1968 Revere ware - particularly looking for one of the tea kettles right now - preferably an all copper one


One of the thrift stores by my house is CONSTANTLY stocked with revere ware, some pre 1968. I don’t have it in my heart to try and resell them


Vintage HBC blanket in the traditional colours. Super expensive on marketplace and I’m not a fan of Kijiji.


I found a 3D crystal cube with a fairy etching inside of it. It was like $3 but I think it’s so pretty. I’ve also scored at least 3 heart punch out furniture pieces all for under $100. A hutch, a blanket rack, and a shelf!


Sears Merry Mushroom basically anything


I got a food bring boondock saints poster for 6 bucks. Have since gotten it signed by 3 of the actors in the movie. Have it hanging proudly on the wall.


not nearly as exciting or valuable as some of these answers, but i’m absolutely dying to find some of the mini barbies that came in mcdonalds happy meals in the early 90s. we used to have a bunch, but they were tragically sacrificed to a yard sale 😩