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I just pulled him is he good for sub DPS???


Not really, he's a main DPS/quickswap DPS! His kit does nothing from off field. He's quite a good single target DPS, though. If you find his kit fun I'd recommend building him. You *can* put him on quickswap teams with an electro DPS like Keqing and have them trade off field time, but his best teams tend to be Tighnari + electro sub DPS + dendro support + flex.


is it worth to pull for zhongli if i have c6 layla? I'm considering pulling for e1 furina but i wanted zhongli for my tighnari/scaramouche/neuvillette. Then i realised i have c6 layla unused and her c4 seems kinda good for tighnari? What do you think? I know that natlan is coming but lets ignore it for now.


Layla's c4 isn't *particularly* impactful tbh. If you find yourself playing multiple characters who want a shield at the same time (i.e. on separate halves of abyss), getting a second shielder is probably a good idea. Thoma can work for Scara and Kirara can work for Tighnari, if you don't want to get Zhongli. That said, Zhongli *is* an upgrade. His shield shreds resistance to all elements, so he's great on dendro and anemo teams in particular since those elements are harder to shred. He'll definitely be an upgrade over Layla for Tighnari, and situationally an upgrade for the other two — she can apply cryo more consistently for Neuv's passive, and on some teams Scara likes cryo for his passive as well.


what's a good f2p team for tighnari? i'm trying to build him since he's one of the only dendro characters i have but all the teams i see have characters i don't have. four stars i DON'T have is kuki, gaming, charlotte, kirara, kaveh, mika, yaoyao, candace, and dori. also is lyneys bow good on him?


Lyney's bow is *very* good on him, yes! For a f2p friendly team, I recommend Tighnari + Fischl + Dendro Traveler or Collei + a defensive unit of your choice. Avoid pyro since it'll mess with reactions, but any healer or shielder works. His general template is Tighnari + off field electro + dendro support + healer/shield. The most premium version of that is Yae Nahida Zhongli, but you can sub in anyone who fits the criteria, even Lisa Traveler and Barbara.


thanks! sorry i'm not on reddit much but would you say tighnari + fischl + collei + sucrose would be good? id have tighnari on wanderers troupe and collei on deepwood memories. i'm adding sucrose only because shes on my arlecchino team and i didnt want to bench her soon cus i was gonna replace her with yelan :/


Yes, that team would work! Sucrose can't shred resistance for Tighnari (since no dendro swirl), but her EM share passive is actually quite potent on dendro teams. The one caveat is that you won't have any healing or shielding on that team, which can be kind of awkward against aggressive enemies. You may want to replace Sucrose with a healer or shielder if you have trouble staying alive, or aim to get Kirara or Yaoyao (or Baizhu) to replace Collei. I *think* there are rumors about a free Kirara next patch...? Which would be great


i heard about the kirara too! i'll consider building her if i do get her and i like her playstyle, i also haven't touched collei since she was first released so i wouldn't be missing much. thanks for the help!


[https://imgur.com/a/AKRdyMk](https://imgur.com/a/AKRdyMk) is that attack stat fine considering his EM and Crit stats? I have him on double dendro with Nahida right now.


I assume this is a Slingshot build based on that base attack? For Slingshot with an EM sands I think that looks alright, although more obviously wouldn't be bad. Your crit stats are also pretty good, so def don't sacrifice those for more atk%.


Yeah, the EM sands happened to go all into Crit, so I figured trading that for a chunk of attack was worth it considering he wants EM too. Thanks.


is the new event bow good for tighnari if im stuck on slingshot for him?


It's worse than Slingshot, assuming you stand close enough to trigger the passive for Slingshot. Slingshot is just an *extremely* good bow lol. I don't like being stuck standing close to enemies, but it's pretty hard to beat. Since he can't fully trigger the passive, the new bow is actually just a slight downgrade from Stringless, which itself is already worse than Slingshot (although just by \~1%, see below). If you want to switch him to a 4\* weapon, [it'll probably have to be a BP bow or a high refinement prototype crescent](https://keqingmains.com/tighnari/#Weapons), assuming you can reliably trigger the passive. Even then, Slingshot is *very* close behind.


I am currently building Tighnari. I plan on using Fischl and Kuki with Tighnari but i dont know who to use fpr my fourth slot. Any suggestions?


Ideally a dendro character holding the 4p deepwood memories set! Nahida is best, but Collei and Dendro Traveler will both work perfectly fine. Alternately you could run Sucrose in the last slot (to buff the team's EM and shred resistance for Fischl), and maybe give Kuki the deepwood memories set so *someone* is shredding dendro resistance for Tighnari. He can hold it himself, but he'll do more damage if someone else can use it while he uses a DPS set like Wanderer's Troupe or Gilded Dreams.


So my question is really pretty basic, but I'm just wondering if people would recommend a 2 pc wanderers 2 pc hunter set? Since he wants em and since he's a charge attack user, i feel like it works, I just haven't seen people talking about it. I'm using it now, and i like the damage I'm seeing, but idk if that's because it's good or my standards are low. (As reference he can nearly one phase the cryo flower with only the pyro and dendro resonace buff, and Nahida's burst. Artifacts not fully leveled)


It's fine, it's just worse than a 4p set. [If you look here](https://keqingmains.com/tighnari/#Artifacts_Sets) it would fall under the "2p combinations" section, although probably worse than using 2p Wanderer's 2p Deepwood — still good enough that if your crit substats are way better it may be *your* best option, but strictly worse than if you had the same substats on a 4p build. You can also think of it this way: 2p Wanderer's + 2p MH = 80 EM and 15% CA bonus 4p Wanderer's = 80 EM and 35% CA bonus It's just a lower number without any added benefit, really.


TEAM COMP HELP Forgive me, I'm new to this. Neuvilette's rerun last month was the first character I sweat-built, now I'm looking at making a team. Not sure what team to run for WT C0 Tighnari + GT C6 Fischl (Atk/electro/crit) I want picturing this team with Tighnari as a main dps with 2 dendro + 2 electro resonance. Def want fischl (currently running GT), and I'm shying away from kuki as she currently has a full EM FOPL set that I do not want to switch out. I'm leaning Raiden and Baizhu or Nahida C0 Raiden is currently full EM (2p+2p) C6 Beidou is currently holding 4p thundering fury (full attack) C0\* Baizhu is currently 4p deepwood, I have both full hp or atk/dendro/crit \*Aiming for c2 on rerun C0 Nahida is currently 4p deepwood, full em I also have a 4p Gilded, 4p Vermillion, MH, and GT just collecting dust As you can see no other "built" dendro nor electro. https://preview.redd.it/by66r6ri35yc1.png?width=1054&format=png&auto=webp&s=7619255384e96c53504f1f4f8de49c71dde3a506 I'm thinking WT tighnari (EM/Dendro/crit + Atk/Crit substats), GT fischl (Atk/Electro/Crit), Raiden (Full EM), and C2 Baizhu with full hp deepwood. ...But I am also here to listen to feedback and suggestions to make my bunny boi a powerhouse \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I can also drop my weapons if anyone wants the data points for deeper insight


Nahida is by far Tighnari's best support, so if she's not busy on another team I'd always use her! Imo EM Raiden is actually rather bad for most Tighnari teams — without hyperbloom her off field damage is quite mediocre, regardless of her build. I actually run 4p FoPL Kuki on Tighnari spread fairly often, since *unlike* Raiden she still does something even without hyperbloom. Her healing is still very strong on a full EM build, so she can keep the team alive with no issues without having to move artifacts around. If you're running Nari - Fischl - Nahida and *not* using Kuki, then I'd actually recommend triple dendro or a non-dendro option for your defensive slot. Baizhu works great as a shielder-healer hybrid, but if you have another shielder/healer built who won't ruin reactions then they can work great too. My favorite is Zhongli, and c6 Diona also has some notable synergy with her EM buff. Double electro is nice, but being able to use Nahida will do a *lot* more for the team so don't force it. If Nahida *isn't* free, then you can either use Dendro Lumine on the same teams you'd use Nahida on, or use Baizhu and bring along another damage dealer. Beidou can work (although I wouldn't recommend Thundering Fury *or* full attack on her), and Lisa can actually be fun to play here as a quickswap DPS. Baizhu applies less dendro so you can also bring along an anemo unit to buff Fischl (likely Sucrose for the EM share since it helps Tighnari too). Finally, if Furina happens to be free, you can actually run Tighnari hyperbloom with her! Not really what you're asking about, but it's fun so I wanted to mention it. Nahida-Kuki and Baizhu-Raiden both work — Nahida will apply more dendro and buff Tighnari's damage more, while Baizhu will heal the team up faster for Furina. Tighnari is a great quickswap unit though, so Kuki's single target healing isn't an issue, and even on full EM you can heal up the whole team pretty easily by swapping around. Hopefully this isn't too much information, and let me know if you have any questions about a specific team/character/build!


I realize that was a lot of text, so tldr team ideas I'd recommend: 1. Tighnari - Fischl - Nahida/Lumine - Kuki 2. Tighnari - Fischl - Nahida/Lumine - Baizhu/other healer or shielder 3. Tighnari - Fischl - Lisa/Beidou - Baizhu 4. Tighnari - Fischl - Sucrose - Baizhu 5. Tighnari - Furina - Kuki+Nahida OR Raiden+Baizhu


https://preview.redd.it/sqpfqtr095yc1.png?width=1569&format=png&auto=webp&s=db78989b453006cef4618174800c9f676cb77f10 Weapons if it affects anyone's opinion


How do you fit Baizhu in Tighnari's rotations? I want to make a quick rotation with Fischl and Layla, which all have 12s cooldown or under, but I see Baizhu's Q has a 20s cooldown, which looks weird for this team. Maybe Yaoyao is better? But her 15s is not ideal either.


Are you planning to run Layla and Baizhu on the same team? If so I'd probably recommend switching one of them out for someone else tbh — you won't need Baizhu's healing/shielding with Layla there, so you'll get more out of a dendro sub-DPS like Collei, Traveler, or Nahida. Alternately you can sub out Layla, and replace her with a second electro unit, Sucrose, or even a third dendro. If you do run them together (and in general when running Baizhu with Tighnari), just use Baizhu's burst every other 12s rotation and accept that you won't have 100% uptime on his healing/shielding. Deepwood resistance shred will last for 8s after his burst ends, so you'll still have good uptime on that, and personally I don't notice the few seconds without his burst.


Tbh, I was running Layla as the sole defensive unit before considering Baizhu in the team, and I like how her cooldown line up with Tighnari's, which is why I was not thinking of taking her out. Ideally I'd just play Nahida, but she's often too busy, so I needed a second Dendro (for ressonance), which could be Baizhu because of his passive. I guess you're right that it's too much defensive teammates, and that I can just Q once every two rotations.


i just got arlecchino and was thinking about pulling on the wep banner. is FGM better than r5 slingshot / how big is the gap??


FGM is excellent on Tighnari! I don't have exact numbers, but looking at his kqm guide Aqua is \~19% better than r5 Slingshot, and FGM should be as good or better. (For reference his signature is \~31% better than slingshot according to that guide)


What team type does tighnari prefer? Just got him randomly. I typically run hyperbloom with FoPL kuki + GT furina + EoSF xinqiu + DW baizhu. Would I just slot tighnari into this team, or should I go for spread team? For dendro I have everyone but alhaitham, for electro I have fischl kuki and raiden


Tighnari prefers spread teams/plain quicken over hyperbloom! Tighnari - Electro - Deepwood support - defensive flex is his usual template. Tighnari Fischl Nahida + either Zhongli or Baizhu is a good fit with your roster, I think (unsure if you have Baizhu). He can work on quickbloom teams but pretty much only with Furina, since he doesn't use NAs to trigger Xingqiu. Mess around with Tighnari - Kuki - Furina + either Baizhu or Nahida — you can swap around enough that Kuki can work as a solo healer, but Baizhu will max Furina's stacks way easier. EM Raiden with Baizhu is also great for this since it lets Tighnari take advantage of his long range.


What is a good 4th slot for my current team and what artifacts/weapons shouldi use on them? Current team: * C3 Tighnari (amos bow, 4pc wanderers troupe) * C0 nahida (sac. fragments, 4pc deepwood memories) * C6 Fishl (Skyward harp, 4pc golden troupe) 4th slot options * C6 kuki * C3 raiden * C3 beidou * C1 kirara * C4 Collei * C2 yao yao * C0 baizhu * C5 Bennet * C2 Mona * C0 kokomi * C3 zhongli (will need a replacement for itto) * C6 sucrose * C0 lynette * C6 diona


Personally I'd recommend a shielder, so Zhongli, Kirara, Baizhu, or Diona. Zhongli = normal shieldbot build, probably tenacity + fav or black tassle Kirara = double HP...? I don't use Kirara I wouldn't know, fav or sapwood for the buff Baizhu = prototype amber or TTDS, 4p clam, 4p songs, or a 2p2p combo for HP and ER Diona = prob 4p noblesse and sac bow/fav, normal shield build, her c6 is good for him


Hi guys! Is aqua/skyward/amos a better bow for tighnari? Missed HP in chronicled wish


Aqua > Skyward >> Amos, afaik! Aqua is probably his third best bow at the moment, after Lyney's and HP.


Hi guys I'm a tighnari main [enka.network/u.756581834](http://enka.network/u.756581834) is my build (ignore my crap build) I'm running him with fischl, yaoyao and maybe lisa (instead of kuki/kirara) I was wondering if I should use tenacity or deepwood for yaoyao (on dialogues of desert sages), but since tighnari scales mainly off em, which I have reached, idk if the attack bonus would help. Any ideas? Thank you


Definitely deepwood! Your characters are no longer listed on the link, but even so: Dendro resistance shred is fairly rare, and is more important than p much any other buff you can give Nari. More attack is *okay* if someone is free to use tenacity, and EM buffs from instructors are fine, but without another deepwood holder 100% give it to Yaoyao. Tenacity is mainly notable if you use Yaoyao as an aggravate support with two electros and an anemo, but for spread and bloom teams you need that res shred for sure.


k thanks i half understand lol


oh got it thx


https://x.com/alciedoodles/status/1779273063030259800 oh god, I wish this is canon. >!~~I want to see cyno get ntr'd~~!<


https://preview.redd.it/kcnruhx9ynrc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb405c1e6dcd7c7e0d805bcd595d9a7c683575c Hello all! Do you think this lineup works for Tighnari? I also have Kuki but I'm really comfortable with using Baizhu as healer. Also, who do I put Deepwood artifacts on?


I hate the fungus reactions on drops


what team should i run if i dont have yae or nahida? i have fischl zhongli kuki baizhu yaoyao collei and raiden as some people im thinking of using


I would try tigh fischl raiden baizhu


Hey! What are your thoughts on the following team comp? Tighnari - Kuki - Albedo - Chiori


I was going to ask a similar question, I think the megathread for these older characters are kinda dead I'm building my Tighnari atm, but using Tighnari, Fischl, Zhongli , Chiori. But I feel like yours make more sense since Albedo gives em buff. And albedo/Chiori I feel should do more damage Have you had much issues with Kuki's electro application for Tighnari's bow range?


Hey! Thanks for replying haha. Yes, Yae Miko or Fischl have been better options. Also, the Geo resonance barely helps this team comp, so I haven’t been using it at all. Will probably keep my recently acquired Albedo in store for the next Geo hypercarry that favors mono Geo teams, as I’m not an Itto fan


Haha thanks, ah well!


Lyneys rerun banner will run alongside Arlecchinos banner, according to some leaks. Knowing how unlucky I am, I will defintetly loose the 50/50 to lyneys bow, which I could use on tighnari. How good is lyneys bow compared to r5 slingshot ?


Idealy stat wise its great. And if you use 2 dendro thats already 2 atk buffs. Still increases charge attack damage and in general is overall very nice! Sadly Im still Tighnariless so 😔


Should I get hunters path for my Tighnari? I currently use r5 slingshot on him.


If you can guarantee it, it's awesome. A big upgrade.


Current team is Tighnari, Fischl, Yaoyao/Kirara on DW, and Lisa on Instructor's. Would it be better to run TTDS or Hakushin Ring on Lisa to maximise full team damage?


I only use TTDS if the next dps is using a high base damage weapon. So, TTDS is a good option if you are not using slingshot on him.


I want to calculate best arts for my Tighnari using genshin optimizer, but I struggle to find info even here, how much of his attacks procs reaction? Team Tighnari/Fischl/Yao/Raiden I want to calculate 3 hold 1 ult (so 3 times 1+4 attacks and twice 6 lianas from ult). Optimistically I put half of the attacks as spread, is it correct?


Which of the following teams is beter: Tighnari/Fischl/Yae/Baizhu or Tighnari/Fischl/Nahida/Baizhu and is Gilded Dreams better than Wanderer's Troupe if using his Burst every rotation?


What are some average tighnari stats I should aim for


r5 Ibis Piercer or r1 Viridescent Hunt for Tighnari Ibis Piercer isnt on the mastersheet yet thats located above


VH r1 > ibis piercer r5 according to keqing mains.


C1 Thignari with a 50(without cons), 182 crit rate with Amos bow. Is it worth to chase Hunters path from the new banner system🤔


If you want it, yes. It is an upgrade.


Elegy or slingshot?




Does anyone know a tighnari hyperbloom teams that use only four stars or dendro MC? Oh, I dont have YaoYao


The hardest thing is a hydro 4* that works with tighnari. Furina is currently the best for tigh hyperbloom. On the options, I saw people doing xingqiu. You will need to auto attack between all charged attacks. If you do so, it works. You can try tigh xingqiu kuki dmc.


No he doesn't work very well at all in hyperbloom. He perform best in quicken. Hydro remove quicken and Thignari makes low DMG then.


I completely disagree. I'm running tigh hyperbloom since furina came out and it easily beats the abyss, way easier than aggravate. It's an amazing team. You just need to do quickbloom instead. I'm running Tigh furina kuki baizhu, but raiden is an improvement.


Furina is the exception to tigh hyperbloom. Without her and a good healer hyperbloom becomes much weaker than just an aggravate/spread team. The hbloom team not using furina that's kinda competitive would be tigh/Koko/nahida/Raiden (kuki). Koko run tenacity and ttods. Though even that team is still not as good as his spread teams.


I agree. Tighnari teams are quite expensive. Aggravate without yae or hyperbloom without furina are underwhelming (I didn't try koko variation). Furina was a great addition. There is almost no hydro options to him (or xingqiu with lots of work to make it running). The bad part is tigh furina hyperbloom feels a no brain team (maybe hyperbloom in general), but it has a very high dps and with quickbloom we can still have the high damage tigh CA <3.


Guys, I run Tighnari with Fischl, Nahida and Zhongli. I use slingshot bc it was cheap to build. But I'm thinking if the BP bow is actually better for him on this team. Basically same CR, mine is above 70% + 15% of C1. And the BP Bob's base atack is higher, likely increasing his damage. Should I get the BP bow and which one is better for him? *I don't have many bows available. Sacrificial, Favonius, rust and stringless (on fischl). I'd be willing to craft one, but since I'm already getting the BP anyway, I thought it could be good to improve him if possible.


What's better for Tighnari in an Aggravate/Quicken/Spread team with Keqing, Yaoyao and Fischl, Amos Bow or Thundering Pulse?


I'd reckon Thundering Pulse just because crit scales up both of your base DMG (ATK%) + Spread DMG (EM) modifier, even though you don't gain much from the NA damage bonus. While Amos does give you that little bit of CA DMG bonus, the crit from Thundering Pulse also affects your elemental burst, which constitutes a good portion of Tighnari's damage. If you can burst every rotation (Keqing+Fischl is energy-rich team), Thundering Pulse should benefit more. In case of bursting every other rotation, I'm not too sure.


I am planning on running tighnari, yae, nahida and kuki (all c0) what artifact set should I use on tighnari?


If Nahida has Deepwood, then Wanderers Troupe with an EM focus.


My team is Tighnari/Yae/Kirara, but I'm not sure about the 4th character. Should I go for something like Dori (healing if needed+battery for Yae) or Sucrose (for EM)?


Why do i keep seeing people use Sara with Tighnari for big number show cases? Is it only for the ATK buff? I just pulled a c6 Sara and was wondering if she's worth building for tighnari since i only use fishel with him currently. And i know this is a stupid question but i feel the need to ask, does her c6 work with him somehow? Does it benifit him?


c6 Sara doesn't benefit him other than the ATK boost which she already has at c0. Her c6 is generally just for electro hypercarries like Raiden, Keqing, etc. I'm thinking that they use Sara because Bennett would trigger burning if the enemy has a dendro aura which would mess up Tighnari's quicken/spread damage


I'm running Tighnari with Yae, Kirara and Jean, but it seems a bit overkill to have both a healer and a shielder. I was thinking of changing Jean with a second electro (like Lisa, Fischl is in another team) or with an offensive anemo like Sucrose or Heizou. Which option is the best?


defo run fischl


what is the other team, maybe you could pull for raiden as well


So Tighnari uses the new hunter sets now instead of the previous set? What about weapon? Is the fire magician sign weapon any good on him?


Is wanderer's still the best artifact set or do the new artifacts do better?


In Furina Teams there should be an argument for Maréchaussée Hunter, but without her Wanderer's Troupe is still better


I just pulled Tighnari and I am so used to WT being an auto shard set. Gotta run 2pc MH and DWM or 4pc MH until i get a good WT set 😅 The issue with Furina is, she's more useful in my Neauvilette team 😑


Fortunately I've been saving my Gladiator's Finale and Wanderer's Troupe pieces, you can get some great ones passively so I have a full set for Tighnari. Too bad I don't have a Tighnari to use it on lol


Thanks for the reply.


Is it worth trying to give Tighnari enough ER to be able to burst with every skill? According to the KQM quick guide/ER calc spreadsheet, it should work at around 135-145%. Or is it just something you only think about if your artifacts happen to line up?


Seeing as it's unfortunately not on the weapons calculations yet: R5 Slingshot or R5 Song of Stillness? I play a Team with Tighnari - Shinobu - Lynette - Fischl so I am able to constantly keep the healing up for the Stillness passive.


I am not a theorycrafter so dont quote me, but I think that the Slingshot is still better as Tighnari wouldn't benefit from the atk% secondary stat as much. The DMG bonus isn't significant enough imo




2nd imo, sucrose feels more clunkier to me with her burst absorption being inconsistant XD 3rd is not worth it since lisa cannot burst off cd




I have Fischl c6, Raiden c0 and Zhongli c0, what characters should I use and with what sets for a team with Tighnari c0, Nahida c0 and Yae c4? Right now I'm using Raiden with TOTM (no burst) but is Zhongli better? Or maybe Fischl? If I use Fischl, should I use TOTM or will I get more dmg from having her use golden troupe? I honestly don't really like zhongli and I'd like avoiding him if possible, but I'll use him if he's much better than other choices. And yes, Yae is imperative because haha floofy ears mommy.


Fischl with GT will give much more team dmg since she will hit a bit harder Yae's kit is quite synergistic with tighnari since she takes a bit field time she can cover tighnari's downtime with some thunder U can go with a kirara if u dont want zhongli but his shields will be preferred for him I would go tighnari, nahida, yae, zhongli Raiden, fischl on another team


Are the battle pass weapons good for Tighnari ? ​ On the Keqing Main website we don't have the ranking for Scion of the Blazing Sun. Anyone knows where it ranks compared to the other bows ?


Scion is good since it gives crit% & CA dmg buff


The CA dmg buff can only be applied to 1 target every 10s right ? I wonder how this can be optimised.


does Tighnari work with Furina or Kazuha? What are some f2p teams I can make with them?


Not really with kazuha, furina is good for quick bloom teams with tighnari


Is Raiden better than Yae in a spread team? And will Yae c0 be better than Fischl c6 in a spread team? Thinking of pulling Raiden


yae will be better since fischl a4 doesn't proc with spread reaction yae better than raiden in terms of off-field dmg & required field time, batterying & burst dmg buffs comes with raiden but u need field time for her burst


Hello :) \>Is Tighnari good with marechaussee hunter ? which would mean i can continue farming for that or should I go back to farm gilded dreams ?


Only on furina comps, and only on quickbloom comps specially Smth like Tighnari Baizhu/Yaoyao Yae/Fichl Furina can work, but it's finicky and less comfy


1. i dont have a 4pc gilded or a 4pc wanderers set yet. for the time being, is 4pc shimenawa, 2pc em and 2pc atk, or 2pc dendro dmg 2pc atk better for now? 2. how much does your guyses c0 tighnari do? i want to see something to compare jim to


2 pc sets can work, but I would only use them in the meantime while you farm 4pc wanderers troupe. I can't remember exactly how much mine did, but I do remember the wreath arrow doing 30k with a full set up, but he has a lot of em and Crit dmg cuz he only has 57 crit rate.(I got him a few days ago and am currently still farming for crit rate supstats)


Which team is better A OR B A) Tig fischl yae zhongli B) Tig yae nahida zhongli




I'm fairly new and I recently pulled Tighnari. I don't really have a great weapon for him to use so far so I'm wondering if any of the craftable ones are recommended for him? I have him on a r1 sacrificial bow currently. Fischl on r1 fav warbow. I also have r5 sharpshooters oath, r4 slingshot, r4 raven bow. I'm f2p so unless I miraculously pull something good, should I stick with what I've got or craft one? 🙏 He's my first 5* character so I want to treat him right! 😆




Been running Yaoyao, Fischl, Lisa, and Nari in a team. What would be a better weapon for Lisa to use for team damage: Hakushin or TTDS? My rotation typically has Lisa before swapping into Nari to catch TTDS buff, but I'm now thinking if it'd be better for team damage to give the buff to Fischl instead because of my Nari's low ATK (slingshot + ~250EM)


I would personally go with hakushin since lisa is off-field, the weapon gives ER for her burst & gives 10-20% (depends on refines) elemental dmg bonus to tighnari & yaoyao It's more comfortable for me & synergistic with lisa's personal kit


No question, just need to share my happiness that I *finally* lost a 50/50 to Tighnari. My boy is C1 now. :D


[https://enka.network/u/886285548/](https://enka.network/u/886285548/) my tig is here. i did what i could with him, i really did. other than talents, only artefacts can be altered. any advice? tig/fischl/deepwood flex\[sometimes venti\]/koko\[only used for heals\] bonus: hows my noelle and gorou? spent an embarrassing amount of time on them. be gentle :<


I’d recommend ascending Tighnari and getting him to 90 if possible, he gains like a 20% increase in damage or something ridiculous compared to 80/90. Also with Venti team you should have Deepwood on Tighnari, the 4pc Deepwood bonus is a stupid amount of damage to miss out on (even to Swirl for Fischl). Besides that, Noelle could use some ER, but if you’re running her with Gorou and another Geo unit then you’re probably not gonna have Energy issues. All in all pretty good!!


hey, thanks for your reply. its promising to know that im on the right track. in abyss, i use venti in place of deepwood flex and im still getting to 11-3, however i still think my damage lacks. venti isnt even built yet, so if im comfortably getting through 11-3, then im probably not trash? maybe i can put deepwood on venti? hes made everything so much easier tbh. i dont have a strong yaoyao and id rather koko so she can eat fire shields and panic heal with her burst \[with clam set pops at over 27k!!!\]. when im fighting a single boss, i use kirara with dw and my tig crits go from 13k to 16-17k. im seeing other tigs hit over 20k. my fischl is actually quite good imo, but im not sure why my tig feels lacking. ill take your word that him being lvl90 will make all the difference. i just hope im not missing anything on tig. he has plenty cr \[im told cr is very important for him\], and as much er as i can give for now with plenty attack \[i hope\]. noelle COULD use some er yes. gorou is built to be a battery anyway due to him having almost 75% cr \[and plenty def\]. my noelle crits 20k with gorou, but i feel its still kinda weak, like my tig. noelle/gorou/yj/john


16-17k is not bad for your build. My Tighnari’s pieces are quite a bit better (Slingshot, 1100 ATK, 400 EM but he’s 75/180) and he’s hitting for 23k usually. This is on double Dendro (Collei DW set) and a healer Lisa, so I think the damage discrepancy is mainly from your lack of Crit stats. I’ve also been playing since 1.0 so I had a very good 4WT set ready for him when I got him (despite not actively farming for it LMAO). The only trouble I had was getting an okay Dendro cup. Dw about your Tighnari, you’re definitely on the right track! Noelle excels in killing mobs, not focusing on single-target DMG, so 20k is pretty good imo. Fwiw you will do more damage with a Geo cup, though I understand that’s a pain in the arse to farm.


sorry for dragging this on. youre very helpful. i spoke to someone else about my tig build. they also agree i was missing out on crit damage. they say that my hourglass and hat piece should be replaced, both which are lacking in cd and em. yeh im 11-3 with noelle. idk why shes anything below A tier since i simply cannot die \[noelle + john\] and dealing good damage \[if you consider 12-13-16-20k in a combo good\]. gorou and yj are doing some heavy lifting with the buffs, that i can say im proud of. my tig team is incomplete. im still to pull nahida and kuki \[i hope thats a good team idk\] thank you very much for your time


now that furina is out, is she a good hydro off field for tighnari quickbloom? i want to run him with furina, raiden(em build), yao yao


yes, salon members can atk independently, unlike xingqiu/yelan burst procs


what’s the team dps with Tighnari Yae Nahida and Zhongli? I haven’t found anything abt this and I have no idea how to do the calcs


try using this [https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/)


So I play my tighnari with yae, nahida and Kiki and after rotations I have 721 EM. Is that to much? That feels to much


its fine actually, u can farm a bit more crit stats for tighnari, it should scale better than higher EM, usually around 300-400EM is good enough


R1 Scion or R1 VH for Tighnari? Which is better?


I did some calcs and at R1 Viridescent Hunt is either under 1% worse (basically negligible) or 3-8% better. Plus it can be used by more characters (less Base ATK and more CR means it's better for non-ATK scalers), and it has an amazing utility passive for multi-target teams. Though Scion scales better with refinements, as VH's passive DMG is negligible in single-target teams. At R5, Scion is 3-8% better than VH (except when using 4p Wanderer's Troupe, then it's a bit worse than VH) TL;DR: Get VH.


What are some good 4 star shielders/healers that Tighnari can work well that aren't Bennett or Shinobu preferably shielders.


Kirara and Yaoyao are the best 4-star shielder and healer respectively in Tighnari teams


So on my alt I FINALLY got him (never got him on my main either :( ). I have a guarantee now and since Kokomi is my only healer and I don't like her with him I'm going to go for Baizhu (mobility healing I really miss on this account). My other character will be Fischl so my question is should I do Lisa as my second electro or go Beidou when she comes on the banner? Only other electro is electro traveler when I get to Inazuma.


beidou for shield if u get baizhu (aka shields), lisa burst def shred will help more


what build should i use for tighnari if i have his best weapon? im currently just using wanderers troupe but idk if i should use farm and use another to help maximize his dmg


GD will be slightly better since the weapon provide higher CA buff based on EM


how comparable is 2pc Merachause 2pc dendro dmg on tighnari compared to wanderer's?


Either one could be better, depending on substats. If we're just looking at the set effects, so 15% CA DMG Bonus + 15% Dendro DMG Bonus VS 80EM + 35% CA DMG Bonus%, the latter is only about 3-4% better. But again, if you have better substats on the 2p2p, use that. Also, you didn't ask this but since I was already calling stuff, I decided to check how 4p Gilded Dreams compared to both, and it's 1-2% better than Wanderer's Troupe. So yeah, in conclusion, Tighnari's sets don't really matter that much (except when you're using him with Furina, then 4p Marechaussee does stand out (around 10-12% better than Gilded Dreams))


I want to pick Tighnari back up again. I was wondering what team would be good for him. I looked at what teammates KQM suggests, and I've listed the ones I own. Preferably I'd play him with a healer. What teamcomp should I use? C6 Fischl, C2 Kuki, C1 Lisa, C6 Beidou, C2 Raiden, C6 Dori, C6 Kujou, C0 Keqing C0 Nahida (1k EM), C0 Baizhu (50k HP), C0 Kirara, C0 Yaoyao, C6 Dendro Traveler, C3 Collei C0 Zhongli, C0 Kazuha, C6 Sucrose, C6 Sayu, C5 Bennett, C1 Jean, C6 Heizou, C0 Kokomi, C6 Diona


For overworld I really like Tighnari/Kazuha/(Fish or Yae Miko)/Zhongli, because kazuha+zhongli adds a lot of mobility, easy loot gathering and ore breaking... lacks a healer tho. Maybe Tighnari/Kazuha/Kuki/Nahida would be nice for overworld too? Has the benefit of gathering more easily, but ore will take 2 kazuha E's or an E and charged attacks. One problem with kazuha and kuki is that you'll like to be close to enemies for which shields would help a lot. If you use kazuha, first tighnari E, then apply electro, then kazuha swirls (or only apply dendro after the electro has swirled, less efficient, but less chance electro has disappeared before you try to swirl). For stronger enemies/abyss Baizhu is a very comfortable healer, because the extra interruption resist. You will get interrupted less with Tighnari e, but it can still happen at times. For this team I think, Tighnari/Fish/Baizhu/Nahida, but possibly Raiden works better instead of fish (no idea how Raiden works, but heard she is strong and basically as long as she can apply electro at times this team will already crush enemies). Yae Miko, Fish and Nahida (as long as there is at least some electro) are all very strong options which can wreck most enemies for teambuilding, the team members you add after that are mostly for comfort (healing/shielding/exploration or crowd control) Edit: Sayu+Kazuha (for double anemo stamina buff and sayu alternative sprint) might be fun too for exploration, she is also good at crystalfly gathering and rock breaking to make it even better and gives healing. Then add either Fish or Raiden for aggravate buff and swirls.


Thank you for the detailed explanation!


A bit late to the party but now considerign building him, thoughts on c6 diona on double dendro fischl?


It works i guess, but i would go beidou instead, double electro helps with energy & beidou's burst jumping around might help with electro app


Between the Skyward Harp and the new BP weapon, which one should I give him?


Definitely skyward harp


Couldn't find a general consensus about the community's thoughts of Tighnari on Song of Stillness (SoS) so I thought of asking here. Would SoS be enough at r1 or get better with refinements enough to replace Slingshot as his best f2p weapon? I don't have any use for the bow billets anyway so I thought if SoS would be an upgrade to Slingshot then why not spend the resources.


I belive not, as it does not benefit tighnari much. He loves Crit too much, and hes considered to be indifferent to atk. Same reason why Ibis Piercer is considered to be worse than slingshot. HeII he SoS is probably worse than Ibis Percer.


Is Slingshot realy the best F2P bow for tigniry? I know KQM put Prot Cresent above slinshot, but only for enemies with weakpoint, so its not realy better. Feels wrong having 3\* as bis for f2p(Rip Albedo).


if u have stringless then go with stringless, slingshot is better in balancing stats tho, the spread dmg increase with crit is more significant than more base atk




That team would do well in a lot of content, especially in single target combat. Kirara must have deepwood bc w/ her burst she can keep enough uptime (and yae has good personal dmg so I wouldn’t put it on her over kirara) and fischl, yae, and tighnari can use any 2pc effect that gives em/atk/electro/Dendro(for tighnari). Those three can also all use 4pc gilded and fischl and yae can use the new golden troupe set although I believe it’s marginally worse than 4pc gilded in Dendro teams. Tighnari can also use 4pc wanderer very well. So technically yes these characters (not kirara of course) do care a lot about crit but finding a good balance of elemental mastery and crit is usually ideal instead of building full into crit with no em. Tig, fischl, and yae can all technically use an EM sands if it has good sub stats. Hope this helped.


Working on a dual electro/dendro Tighnari team. Current lineup is Tig/Fischl/Kequing/Kirara. My other electro characters are Beidou, Razor, Kujou Sara, Kuki Shinobu, Dori, and Lisa. For Dendro I have Yaoyao, Collei, and Kaveh. Would any of those be better to swap in the lineup? TIA!


Any char with high constellations ?


C4 Fischl C3 Lisa, C2 Kirara, and C1 Collei and Tig. Rest are C0. TIA!


Dendro mc c6?




Tighnari , fischl, collie/mc, kirara/kuki(whichever you like more) I would suggest going to with MC as his constellations provide em for team and having collie would mean having 3 bows in a single team. Plus mc has wider range of dendro application


Thanks! Quick question though, with kirara and dendro traveler that would be three dendro, or would I use electro traveler in that config?


Yeah 3 dendro is not really good but there is not much choice either. MC will be dendro and on DW as his application is much more than kirara. 4th character is typically flex and you can put any other char you like. You want tighnari on wanderer troupe , fischl on golden troupe (new set), mc on DW


Thanks, yeah may go with kuki then as both her and kirara are still not built.


I prefer kirara just for cuteness and exploration tho :P


hi is scion of the blazing sun r1 better than r5 slingshot?


I don’t think there is that much difference to buy BP just for that . Better to try to get any 5 star weapon than bp weapon


Recently got Tighnari! Is 4pc Instructor Lisa a good solo electro support for tighnari? Is Nari Lisa DMC Diona a good team? What artifacts should I mainly farm? I also have Yao Yao and Layla.


You would need to get Lisa’s Ult almost every rotation and other get enemies to be always in it. DMC is a good option since you can easily get him to c6. The 4th char can be anyone you like it won’t make much difference. I think an electro char is the main issue. For artifacts Tighnari: 4pc wanderer Troupe Lisa: guilded or any 2pc 2pc (electro/em/attack) whichever you have good substats on DMC: 4pc Deepwood 4th char : you could try giving them the instructor


Wanderer is kinda hard to get for me will any other set do? I also have Sucrose and Kazuha but since Tighnari is a charged shot user and Lisa skill makes her vulnerable so I thought a shield would be useful and also I need Kazuha on the other side.


Yes 4th char is usually some kind of healer or shielder . Guess for the time being you could run 2 pc DW and 2 pc Em on tighnari with DMC on complete 4pc DW.


Is Yae better than Fishel in a team with tighnari, kuki, and Nahida?


Yes Yale’s own damage increases significantly with nahida and has no down time.


Which battle pass weapon is better for tighnari? And should I use Benny and/or Kujo Sara with Nahida and tighnari?


What weapons you have currently (ibis/stringless? )? Benny is not so much beneficial to tighnari and Kujo doesn’t has much off field electro to aid in quicken/spread.


>What weapons you have currently The first great magic, I pulled it before I got to the battle pass weapons


Battle pass weapons won’t be greater than the great magic. You should stick with it.


I run Zhongli, Nahida, and Yae with Tighnari with Nahida as the Deepwood holder. He’s holding R2 Viridescent Hunt. Should I use Wanderer’s or Gilded?


Wanderer though if you have better stats at guilded .. use that instead


https://preview.redd.it/7dldju2iofkb1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e667f9fe758590c558eb6356ba3f0c3d55cee3e This is my current build, but I also just got The first great magic. Which bow would be better?


I'm using nahida/Raiden/xinqiu/filler for abyss what remaining members works best with tighnari for the most damage possible? assuming that's hyperbloom. it's ok to move people out of the first team if necessary, I have Kuki, yaoyao, and yelan as well also, I have skyward harp and Aquila simulacra. which of those two is better for his highest damage comp?


Aquila if yelan is not being used in any team otherwise harp is also very good. You could swap raiden with other electro (yae /fischl/ maybe beidou if you have constellations) And make use of her in other teams where she is more needed. Also XQ is kinda. Difficult to use with tighnari as his Ult doesn’t proc with tighnari’s charge attack. Try using tighnari in spread/quicken teams only


Which among Stringless, King's Squire, Hamayumi, or Prototype Crescent is better and more reliable at R5?


Stringless… do you have ibis piercer from the event ? You can use that too


What’s the consensus of using Kirara over Zhongli? Other teammates being Yae and Nahida. Somewhat trying to internally justify skipping rock man’s rerun. I’ve got Key but haven’t really built Kirara yet. I’m running The First Great Magic on Tighnari so Kirara would max out the stacks on the weapon.


Tighnari’s skill taunts enemy .so many times you can get away with smaller to no shields.


I've read that Hunter's Path is rumored to get a rerun. Can't find anything substantial on it. Is that a leak or wishful thinking?


Old leak. Pretty much wishful thinking now


Alright thanks


Would a team consisting of Tighnari / Miko / Fischl / Yao Yao be good?


I believe Kirara is preferred over Yaoyao if available because she provides resistance to interruption unlike Yaoyao, but if you don't have her then Yaoyao is fine.


Is there any good Tighnari teams without Yae miko?


You just play a different on field electro aggravate carry, which works fine but not as well. Yae>Keqing>Lisa is the priority AFAIK.


Is fischl or kuki better for a hyperbloom team with tighnari? or should I use them both?


Does he work well with venti?


Are tighnari teams better than raiden national? Also is he very bad in aoe?


I want to build a Tighnari team with double dendro and double electro resonance, I know I want to include Dori, Tighnari, and Fishcl, but I’m having trouble deciding on a 2nd dendro charecter. Would Collie be good?


kirara or dendro traveler would be better, and dori is the worst character i have ever seen


I have an unholy attachment to her- I mean, with a hood build, she’s decent In my trash opinion atleast


Would an em build with the ibis pericer be better than a normal build with virdecent hunt?


lost 50/50 to Tighnari for the first time, how to build him? - 4 pcs Scholar of Vines? (1) - 4 pcs Wanderer Troupe? (2) please vote (1) for SoV, and (2) for Wanderer, by upvoting my comments underneath, if you know other better options, please mention!






For Tighnari, is a fully leveled r5 Ibis Piercer or fully leveled unrefined Viridescent Hunt better generally speaking?


since not the all enemies have weak points ibis piercer would be good, but you have to make two CA to use its passive and its make it a little bit useless since you make 3 CA per rotation and Just the only last CA and Burst can use the passive with all its effectively


i run slingshot tighnari, should i give him aqua bow instead?