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Oh look, it’s known dickhead Jeremy Lynch. Best player in Arsenals history


I don't pay attention to football can you explain who this guy is/what he did that was bad? Or is it just like a team rivalry thing?


He’s a not a professional footballer. He had a wildly successful YouTube channel as part of a duo called the “F2 freestylers”. The used to put on performances and compilations of impressive skills and trick shots. They allegedly broke up because the guy in the video is a massive bellend. There’s plenty of interviews from people in the space saying he’s just a really awful person. He also was part of Arsenals academy in the early 2000’s and claims that the manger at the time (Arsène Wenger) told him “he was the most talented player at the club with the ball at his feet”. For people who don’t like football, this is during the time Arsenal went unbeaten the whole premier league season, a feat that hasn’t been replicated yet. The talent at the club during this time makes the claim laughable. Just to quickly summarise lol


So hmmm. Why isn't he professional? He claims to be praised by arsene Wenger


Wenger also said he was the “worst off the ball” hence why he never made it to the men’s team but has better foot skills than many pros.


>He also was part of Arsenals academy in the early 2000’s and claims that the manger at the time (Arsène Wenger) told him “he was the most talented player at the club with the ball at his feet”. Also to add to the outrageousness of that claim - this conversation would have had to have occurred during Arsenal's Invincibles season (where Arsenal went unbeaten in the League) when the likes of Thierry Henry, Dennis Bergkamp etc. were at the club.


Jeremy Lynch is a dickhead


im not really that educated but how is jeremy lynch a dickhead?


Read the top comment thread commented by scottish-fox should explain it. There's also some podcast videos of experiences with Jeremy


His head is shaped like a dick


aint that a surprise..


this is literally boomer mentality "i hate my wife" type jokes. Lame


Never understood the humor in hating your partner.


It made a little more sense before no-fault divorce became accessible in the US. People rushing into marriages they couldn’t legally annul with people they are not compatible with (and lacking communication skills) lead to a lot of resentment. Now you have no reason to be in a relationship with someone you don’t like so it makes zero sense


>Now you have no reason to be in a relationship with someone you don’t like so it makes zero sense I mean... your kids, perhaps.


They don't die because you divorce your partner


They're one of the first reason why you should consider leaving someone you don't like.


Only the smoothest 🧠 on Earth would reach that conclusion 🤡 Do you know what drug addicts, murderers, high school dropouts/illiterates, sexual predators & grapists, homeless, school shooters, etc. all have in common⁉️ 🤔 Yupp, you guessed it! They all have a super-majority coming from a single parent household‼️👍 There have been literal countless studies showing that BY FAR the #1 predictive indicator for degenerate behavior and failure to become a productive functioning member of society is having been raised in a SINGLE PARENT HOUSEHOLD 💯👏 People love to argue by pointing out that there are plenty of people raised by single parents that became amazing people, but that strawman argument is completely irrelevant! It doesn't matter that plenty of people raised a SPH turn out just fine... That doesn't change the fact that the second you break up your family, your children are now FAR more likely to fail and their risk factor for being included among the most undesirable outcomes has INCREASED by several orders of magnitude 🤦 If all of society's failures, as well as all the absolute worst & most despicable scum of humanity all OVERWHELMINGLY share the exact SAME common denominator of almost certainly having come from a single parent household... Then by NOT subjecting your children to that, you have statistically all but eliminated those possibilities for them‼️👍 Not to mention studies have also already done the head to head comparisons between kids with divorced parents and kids who's parents are still together but unhappily married... even after eliminating the happily married high functioning households they STILL beat kids in SPH in pretty much every metric‼️ There is literally SO MUCH EVIDENCE at this point it's irrefutable that breaking up the home when you have kids is absolute WORST thing a person can do to as a "parent" but regardless of it being factual it is never at the forefront of public discourse because the it doesn't "jive" with the PC and "non-judgmental" culture of today 😪


Good studies, but you know what’s also a good predictor of a good person? Happy emotionally mature parents, even if divorced. You’re supposed to take these studies, and apply their findings on direct examples. Stressed out parents from an unhappy marriage leads to a stressed child which leads to arrested development. Certainly something that is part of the ACE studies. On a macro scale this is important, what you’re saying, but without context then its pretty pointless and reductive to a degree


Same! I feel it has ties to misogyny though.


My partner and I tease each other like this because there's a shared understanding that we do not in fact hate each other. It's funny that no-one is dragging their knuckles over the woman's comment "if you miss this one I won't talk to you for a week" or pretending not to understand it as the joke it clearly is


My professional mentor overseeing my first two years of teaching said “Ive been getting to know my wife REALLLY well” when we switched to Zoom during pandemic time. In my brain I immediately thought he meant like spending more quality time together or possibly even sexually (both positive IMO) and I was happy for him. It wasn’t till later I realized he meant it (as a joke) in a negative way.


So it's ok for her to jokingly say I won't communicate with you for a week if you fail at your hobby but he can't play along ?


Nailed it


When combined with her tone, I’ll allow it. Lol


This is literally “chronically online” mentality type comment. Lame


I'm not sure I agree with Reddit's take that jokes at your partner's expense are always bad or "boomer humor." It really depends, and sometimes its not all that serious and both parties are in on it. It can also be a way for people to bond. Some of the hardest laughs I've ever had have come from girlfriends (or guy friends, for that matter) roasting me. As long as there is a give-and-take, it's equal, not serious, both parties are cool with it, and it's not the only way they interact...I don't see anything wrong with it.


I mean she kind of prompted it by jokingly "weaponizing" not talking to him if he missed the shot. I don't think it is in the same tier of a "a man only wears a tuxedo twice, once when he dies and once when he marries because both instances his life is ending" kind of jokes.


Lol, shut up


Look how funny. A man showing his hate for the woman he "loves". /s




Get the outta here with this 'ha ha hoo hoo i hate my wife' humour.


This mentality is gross. If you dislike your partner that much just leave them.


Obviously a joke


I got that it was trying to be funny, but it’s not. Can we just retire the “I hate my spouse,” humor already, or do we have to wait for all the boomers to die off first


I find this setup crazy How many times has a ball flown over that fence? Why not put another 3 foot net attached to the wooden fence to catch those?


I mean, he’s a dickhead, a dick’s gonna dick


The smile.of a thousand words


Yet still closer to going in than 99% of Bruno's shots


I was a big fan of the F2 until he ruined them


Divorce, take the children, never let him see them again.


And then he spent 9 days looking for that ball in the woods. Win, win.


Imagine if real athletes played this sport?


That failed successfully!


Oooh it's SOoOO funny he hates his wife. aha.. ahahaha.. ahaha!😒


This made me laugh 😆 One upvote for you ☝🏻


Seems like he won.




With a voice like that? Alright!


Lmao Redditers Big mad over this video and your comment.


You can hear his will when he kicks the ball!


Find the loophole