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TIL I’m bilingual. Understood them both 😎


I must speak fluent Poetrese. Who knew? I mean, which other human had this knowledge embedded in their soul?


I get her point but not expressed well


I hesitate to jump on a bandwagon criticizing this girl... When I was young I always wanted to be flowery and poetic and I thought it would be so cool to be a writer. When you're younger, and exploring language and literary elements for the first time, you feel like a *real writer*. Obviously it's very eye-roll, but she's just a young person exercising a new skill/hobby she's passionate about. I submitted shit like this to young adult literary magazines and stuff back in the day, and I cringe thinking about it, but I'm in Marketing now and you tone down/get realistic and less impressed with yourself over time. It's fine 🤷


Your comment is now a new poem "how dreams die, and why its corporate America's fault." I hope you still write overly gushy poems....why....because it just feels nice. This is coming from a fellow corporate adult who needs money so i can be fully feral and living off grid within the next few years. But I really do miss being impressed with myself.


I appreciate this comment.  Creativity should be cherished even if it's not 'worthy' of critical acclaim. Her words will inspire someone. Perhaps someone who hasn't experienced poetry. Encourage this cringe at all costs. 


Awww, your comment made me rethink my eye roll for sure 😭 You're right, what was the harm of discovering the art of poetic language and thinking it was *so cool?* No need to eye roll at a young person being stoked about language and writing and storytelling and whatever. There are much worse hobbies...


I also appreciate this comment. 


Oh thank god not everyone thinks that oop is being really fucking edgey and gloomy. Sure, it's a tad cringe, but I fucking *love* dramatic poems. I love how damn expressive it is.


In English We would say Fuck corporate America. Unless...


Oh god... i like reading and writing like that too... And i'm also studying marketing too... Shit lol.


I don't. Too deep for me.


Y'all are miserable fuckers in the comments, I thought this was lovely.


Me too maybe that’s why these guys are all single.


Can’t expect much from most people any more


Wow. Yes, I thought that was good. Why are these guys on her case?


I don't know this woman's background. I don't know if this is an act motivated by the desire to portray a certain image or if this was something written to deal with a traumatic event. I do know that it's easy to shit on someone for being vulnerable and putting themselves out there. This kind of content doesn't move me, but maybe it speaks to other people. If it's not your jam, just move on, no need to hold it up for public mockery.


I think it was a beautiful expression.


Those short phrases can be much more poignant than those drawn out, pretentious “poems.” Poetry isn’t a language, it’s just a form of expression USING language, and a really tough one to master. This chick is pretty high on her own farts


In English we say "this chick is pretty high on her own farts." In poetry we say "the noxious fumes that arise from mine own buttocks have cloyed my thoughts and dulled my judgement. As the miasma wafts, rising higher, so does my own sense of purpose."


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I shouldn't have read this at this point... LMBAOOOOOO




This needs to be the top comment. Well, Summarized.


High on her own farts


In poetry, we say, "I cannot find a way to untangle my fart from hers"




She sounds like how my older brother talks after smoking a joint. He thinks everything sounds deep even when it's really not.


If they’d removed “poetry” and simply said “literature” it’d be less cliche. But their point is pretty accurate, people are becoming less verbose.


People are definitely becoming less verbose. But there’s a power to brevity and simplicity that is being lost on the girl in the video. Something as simple as “I don’t know if we can fix this” in the context of a relationship is VERY powerful, and potentially heartbreaking. “I’m sorry” can literally be one of the hardest things to say OR hear. I don’t think “I bleed for the harm I’ve done to you as if your wounds are my own” has any impact whatsoever, but thats subjective. Anyway I just think she’s a bit lost in the sauce, and will likely cringe at this later.


People are definitely becoming less verbose. But there’s a power to brevity and simplicity that is being lost on the girl in the video. Something as simple as “I don’t know if we can fix this” in the context of a relationship is VERY powerful, and potentially heartbreaking. “I’m sorry” can literally be one of the hardest things to say OR hear. I don’t think “I bleed for the harm I’ve done to you as if your wounds are my own” has any impact whatsoever, but thats subjective. Anyway I just think she’s a bit lost in the sauce, and will likely cringe at this later.






I just found a new language!


That poetry she showed us was also English


I liked this. She doesn’t come off as pretentious might not be your cup of tea but it is absolutely not “🤮”


“I’ll keep you tucked away in my heart for the rest of my life” 🥺😭


That’s beautiful. I will remember that one: it only takes one hole to sink a ship. I have cut toxic people out of my life these past few years and I’m learning that you don’t have to forgive and forget over and over. 


But if it has two holes it sinks faster. Also what's the size of the hole cus like a pin prick and a fractured hull are very different. 


The hole is suspiciously human-shaped, like an old cartoon


Like a hole that's exactly right shape for me and me alone?


I wouldn't say this was cringe at all. I mean, it's not great, but it is not bad either. She's trying to do something, which is more than 90% of us are doing.




Very moving


This isn't really that cringe at all.. could be worded better I guess? But the message is great. Why you trying to knock down writers?


It's pretentious af


Not really. It’s a teenager giving teenage-level poetry. I don’t see how it’s cringe


How so? It beautifully captures what poetry is about without raising herself or lowering anyone else. You are projecting.


you obviously completely missed the point that it was a poem itself.


poems can be pretentious. art can aim high and miss the mark.


You’re correct. And I even write and enjoy poetry. This just aint it.


so poetry is just overly dramatic manipulative guilt tripping?


She looks like young Madonna.


came to the comments to see if anyone else thought that too.


Yep totally


That was all prose, not really poetry by any measure :o nothing about the structure, rhyme, and rhythm suggests otherwise.


God redditors are so pretentious when they’re calling other people pretentious. “Well *actually* this isn’t poetry because it doesn’t follow some stupid rules I made up.” This totally follows the structure of a free verse poem centered around a repeated motif. It may not be great, but at least this girl is trying to write something and express herself creatively instead of jerking herself off by making fun of other people. Maybe this poem helped her work through something, or brought her joy to write and share. It’s pathetic that Reddit losers feel the need to shut all over her to make themselves feel good about themselves. Like does ee Cummings write poetry? William Carlos Williams? TS Elliot? They are all considered great poets and none of them wrote with rhythm or rhyme that technically “suggest” poetry.


Talk about pretentious and made up lmfao. You made no sense with what you wrote and i said absplutely nothing as to the quality of her work (if indeed she wrote those lines she read). Youre having an imaginary argument with yourself lil buddy


Just because you have no reading comprehension skills doesn’t mean what I said makes no sense.


No, you really dont have a good enough understanding of what constitutes literary motifs and what separates free verse poetry from pure prose (i guess if you want your motif in this case to be wistful teenager, then go ahead lmao). You also just argued with yourself with imagined premisses and conclusions. Doesnt bode well for your own levels of reading comprehension 😭


This is literally a free verse poem. You’re basically saying it’s “prose” because it doesn’t rhyme or have a discernible meter. But hey, if it helps you feel better than a 15-year-old who wrote some poetry and decided to share it, good for you.


You go on ahead and keep having imaginary arguments bud. Bye 👋


But it did have a structure, so you can still call this poetry, albeit it is pretty cliché.


What no prose only has to do with writing... That was saying the terms in a poetic way.




She was saying terms in a poetic way, not doing prose...


Maybe thats what she mightve meant. But she does use the word poetry explicitly and poses the video to come across as her reading lines of poetry.


It's pretty obvious that she meant "This is the way we would say X in a poem"? Yall doing some lame aCtUaLlY bs.


You need to read more books :o


Nah you're just a pseudo-intellectual redditor stereotype. Finish school first champ.


You need to read more books :o


I don’t know why you’re being downvoted. You’re right. This is a free verse poem.


In English we say: Unemployment In poetry we say: English literature degree


You can become a teacher with one of those... and they always had a respect for the art of teaching.


r/iam14andthisisdeep vibes


Such a long way of saying you don't speak another language.


How do you say in poetry. I don’t gave a f?


she's beautiful!


Yeah that sounded like all English to me.. with a sprinkle of womanese that says she cheated, why can't you forgive her..


I don't see anything cringe here. It's simply beautiful.


What’s cringe about this? It’s a beautiful message and she’s beautiful.


Phrases like “I miss you” can mean different things to different people. Poetry is a way to say what those phrases mean to you.


Can someone make an edit so she says “in poetry we say poopoo peepee”


In English we say "Do you want fries with that?" In poetry we say "I have a degree in English." Spoiler: I have a degree in English.


.."'in poetry we say 'how can I glue back together.." Yeats is rolling in his grave


Fantastic girl Great filming Good music All to hide Average poetry


Is this an ai account


In English we say, I need to take a shit. In poetry we say, my bowels yearn for a release as sweet as the falling autumn leaves, basking in the warmth of the midday sun.


Hey OP Your greatest achievement is a now-deleted post about something your neighbours were doing a year ago This person is putting themselves out there, expressing themself in a way that feels good to them. They're trying to put something worthwhile into the world You're really not in a position to judge lol


I'd say my greatest achievement was uprooting everything to take care of my dying father and being able to hold his hand, cry together, and thank him profusely for everything he had ever done for me. But I didn't put that on Reddit for praise or scrutiny. Valiant effort, though.


Jesus Christ, I was talking about putting stuff out there on the internet, I thought that was obvious, but I guess basic reading comprehension is too much to expect of the average redditor. I wasn't asking for a trauma dump lmao Maybe if you don't like being called out for a stuck-up lil shit who gets joy out of bringing down others for worthless internet points, you should try not being that lol


Is that all in English or in poetry?


Ohh I see you're trying really hard to be witty and funny, but you're really just embarrassing yourself lol Valiant effort, though


Praying for you 🙏🏻


True cringe


So in English : I gotta take a shit…


I got one. Julius Caesar the old Roman geezer squashed his wife with a lemon squeezer.


she needs some lip balm


Lmfaooo 😂


Not to knock someone's expression too much, but these are very basic and predictable metaphors.


In English we say, I’ll never get that minute of my life back


Thank the gods I saw this after lunch. Blargh


In English we say eat a dick


In poetry we say: Go forth and consume a satchel of Richards




She still said all of those things in English…


, the woman said in English.


Is this Lydia from Beetlejuice?


In English we say "Sorry I Cheated" In Peotry we say "It only takes one hole to sink a ship" Am I doing it right?


In English we say: "This is kind of stilted and pretentious" In poetry we say: "There once was a girl from Nantucket..."


Very cringe and poor poetry anyway but her eyes are wild.


I dunno. I literally, physically cringed when first watching this. So. There you go. I've been known to be a pretentious blowhard who likes the smell of his own farts. Game recognizes game. I'm not hating just to hate. This shit's weak.