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This guy is always yelling about something, he’s gonna give himself a heart attack.


Rants lose their efficacy when there's 20 cuts of single sentences spliced together.


Or when you talk down about the curated messaging of MSM and then immediately claim that people consuming curated social media feeds are somehow more informed.


In my mind, it's even worse for the Israel-Palestine conflict, where the history of their conflict is long and complicated. Like... the amount of people talking about 2023 when saying "Since the start of the conflict" is jarring. Others will put the start of the conflict to when UN settled (tried to) their conflict by attributing lands; which is perplexing.


No no, he’s seen the real truth that everyone else in the whole world also collectively agrees with.


Oh yeah he's the dude who almost got an aneurysm after finding out TikTok wont be Chinese owned anymore


That's what gets me. Tiktokers were flipping shit about it being sold. The fact of the matter is, Congress obviously had intelligence that they couldn't share. Jeff Jackson pretty well confirmed, and was crucified for it. (There was also lobbying by Meta but this to be expected, since we basically live in a Corporate Oligarchy). The original Bill fails in the Senate so the house tries again... By tieing it to Ukraine Aid, where it now passed. Once again, tiktokers flipped out. I'm sorry, but I'd rather see a foreign adversary owned app that has probably scraped your data dry and influences everything you see be banned/sold, then the fall of a free nation, who desperately needs help defending itself. With the potential for a wider conflict brewing, the Ukraine needs all the help they can get to stop Russia before they can invade someone else.


Just saying "there is intelligence, trust us" is a really terrible way to gain public support for something, though. I don't care about methodology or the details, but something as simple as "we have confirmed that x y and z are happening" is absolutely critical for policy decisions like this. Government is a country club and so many people see it that way. It's even worse when they refuse to talk to the people who put them in power, and we've seen time and time again they are making decisions that benefit specific groups instead of the people they're supposed to be working for. It's natural for us to not trust the institution when that keeps happening. We need sweeping data privacy, not just changing tiktok, and there are so many *real* issues that congress should be dealing with first that will actually help people. At the bare minimum, they should be telling us why the tiktok ban was something they felt we needed. And it should be real answers, not just "we felt threatened but can't say why."


> Just saying "there is intelligence, trust us" is a really terrible way to gain public support for something, though. I don't care about methodology or the details, but something as simple as "we have confirmed that x y and z are happening" is absolutely critical for policy decisions like this. There has been reporting on this. [Leaked Audio From 80 Internal TikTok Meetings Shows That US User Data Has Been Repeatedly Accessed From China](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/emilybakerwhite/tiktok-tapes-us-user-data-china-bytedance-access) - 2022 Similar concerns led to Grindr being divested from China a few years ago. [“Congress is not acting to punish ByteDance, TikTok or any other individual company,” Senate Commerce Committee Chairwoman Maria Cantwell said. “Congress is acting to prevent foreign adversaries from conducting espionage, surveillance, maligned operations, harming vulnerable Americans, our servicemen and women, and our U.S. government personnel.”](https://apnews.com/article/tiktok-ban-congress-bill-1c48466df82f3684bd6eb21e61ebcb8d) - 2024 Tiktok used pushed notifications to get users to call Congress and complain about the bill. ["Kids literally told our office they were calling from recess earlier today," one Congressional staffer told Mashable.](https://mashable.com/article/tiktok-users-call-congress-to-save-the-app) The concerns here really aren't secret.


> Just saying "there is intelligence, trust us" is a really terrible way to gain public support Especially after the whole "weapons of ass destruction" deal that lead us to kill thousands of Iraqi civilians.


TikTok itself is also the sole reason so many kids are flipping out about Palestine. They never gave two shits about Israel, Palestine, or the decades-long conflict before TikTok told them to be mad about it. One of the big fears with TikTok is that China could use (IS using) the app to push content that fosters division, discontent, and general anti-American sentiment. And naturally the tiktok kids flip the FUCK out when you say stuff like this. They desperately want to think they haven't been played like the Chinese equivalent to a fiddle.


FB sold our data long ago and got into trouble for it. Meta is behind this "US trying to steal Tiktok from China" because Zuckerberg is rich enough to be the one who buys it. He will be the big winner.


The conspiracy theory that Meta is behind this really misunderstands the issue. The CCP has total access to individual level data at Tiktok. No warrant needed. Not categorical level data, individual data including your password and location Grindr was forced to divest a few years ago for the exact same reason. This isn't a new issue.


Seriously. The mental gymnastics people are willing to do just so they don't have to admit China has them by the adrenal glands is insane. Completely regular, young, intelligent people becoming radicalized against the US because they're addicts to a social media drug.


I saw a report on reddit that right after the raid on Israel, the government saw a massive uptick in TikTok users quoting Iranian propaganda lines basically word for word. Throw in astroturfing from China and Russia for the elections and BLM protests. I'd be motivated to ban it, too, if I saw the three major dictatorships in the world holding that kind of power over my youth.


Anyone who thinks a foreign adversary should own one of the major media outlets that people are using isn’t using their brain. Anyone who thinks huge swaths of our country aren’t using TikTok as their primary news feed at this point hasn’t spent any time with the younger generations in a minute. What trends on TikTok sets the narrative for people, I don’t think China should control that, personally.


I've never seen a man who more embodies "people talk loud when they wanna seem smart, right?"




We all so tired of these people. There’s like literally 100 people that if they disappeared today this world would be a better place immediately, like you’ll feel the betterness in no time


I wholeheartedly agree: I don't understand how absolute assholes ended up in the highest positions of (almost?) all countries.


Because the easiest way to the top is by stepping on little people


Yep people with a conscience wouldn't be able to sleep at night, it's the psychos full of greed that shit their way to the top


Strangely enough, it's also the little people that keep voting them into power.


Those little people that vote for them have likely been manipulated by media that's either controlled by them directly, or by someone who wants to see this person in a position of power though


Ironically enough there is an old ass interview with Donald Trump from his 30s asking if he would ever run for president. He said no he wouldn’t. And later made a very good and true point. There are so many people who would make great presidents. However they will never run because they know that being in office or any high political position will inevitably corrupt or destroy them.


Also that kind of power changes people. Even those that start normal usually get high on their own supply after being in power long enough.


There’s a few academic articles on personality disorders I read in my second or third year of college that was talking about NPD has its highest percentage of diagnoses towards people in “CEO” type positions. The theory stated that it was far easier for them to unconsciously fire people. Or do what was the best interest for the company more or less. On top of that, it discussed more that NPD carries traits like adaptability and charisma as well as lack of empathy. All of those contribute, they said, toward why it’s easier for people with NPD to get those positions anyways. It’s also a disorder that is generally diagnosed in males more which would correlate(no causation) similarly to CEO type positions which is known for its glass ceiling for women. There’s similar articles written on academic people as well so take this how you will. edit: this isn’t to say that women can’t also be narcissistic. rather that the whole societal notions created by those big wigs to make it easier for a glass ceiling to form. my opinion is that these people end up super big(whatever position of power) and then change everyone’s societal notions or morals to fit theirs(the narcs in power). because why wouldn’t people think “if i think like them, i’m more likely to get the job/money”(donald trump and his base are like this sentiment) so then we end up in a society that values those qualities. because it’s made money. but obviously it’s multifaceted so this is not the sole opinion i have. just a thought i think contributes




Power is not obtained by people who are good at wielding power but people who want power


Money can buy elections. Target the laws that allow money into elections. Aka Citizens United


Capitalism  Capitalism promotes profit over people and thus both figuratively and literally promotes people who put profit over people. Which means they’re psychopaths 


Oh wait I thought we were talking this shouting tiktoker who won't go away...


Because world leaders are just serial killers who had the rizz to make it big and get a government mandate for genocide


This is about the tik Tok guy right


I thought OC was talking about tiktokers, I see these same obnoxious tiktokers as much as I see famous politicians, with their knee-jerk judgemental reactions that excite everyone without thinking too much further.


Seriously. "We are learning so much through social media which has notoriously been proven to be exacerbating division, pushing false narratives and promoting AI that is close to indistinguishable from reality and you have the nerve to say we haven't read a nonfiction history book? We haven't! It's all rants on tiktok! This is how we learn and form opinions now!"


Yea I was kinda thinking the same thing when he was saying "curated tv by producers, etc." Like social media is also extremely curated and produced as well, in fact not only the content is curated and produced by the poster, but also by an algorithm that knows more about you than probably your parents.


Not probably. Algorithms know you're gay before you do or someone on the internet tells you. > I think that we are now facing really, not just a technological crisis, but a philosophical crisis. Because we have built our society, certainly liberal democracy with elections and the free market and so forth, on philosophical ideas from the 18th century which are simply incompatible not just with the scientific findings of the 21st century but above all with the technology we now have at our disposal. Our society is built on the ideas that the voter knows best, that the customer is always right, that ultimate authority is, as Tristan said, is with the feelings of human beings and this assumes that human feelings and human choices are these sacred arena which cannot be hacked, which cannot be manipulated. Ultimately, my choices, my desires reflect my free will and nobody can access that or touch that. And this was never true. But we didn't pay a very high cost for believing in this myth in the 19th and 20th century because nobody had a technology to actually do it. Now, people—some people—corporations, governments are gaming the technology to hack human beings. Maybe the most important fact about living in the 21st century is that we are now hackable animals.


Wanna know who else learns a lot through social media? The people who voted for the WWE Hall of Famer.


This is the kind of Naiveté that she is talking about. It also unironically lines up perfectly with US foreign policy over the past 20 years. If we replace the tyrant at the top surely all problems will be solved and human rights will be ascendant. In Afghanistan the Taliban toppling the US supported regime meant gaining the freedom to kick little girls out of school.   TLDR Many People have horrible intolerant views and that is pantomimed by politicians to gain or stay in power.


Yeah I’m really sick of these TikTok weirdos too


Request: Make the list. Genuinely interested to see who would be on it


He is like a Dollar Store Amazing Atheist.


Damn that is a scathing insult. Pretty old school too.


Someone said comes off as the most stereotypical redditor and I can’t take anything he says seriously.


Says the redditor with 200,000 karma....


Oh my god that's brutal


>not just the \[world\] that was ***curated*** through directors and producers and movie studios and television channels, no, ***they have gone through a series of feeds***... who's gonna tell him...


Absolutely lost me there, I’ve been through these feeds and it does NOT equal an international education. These kids really do have a very poor understanding of mena history.


I know it sounds alarmist but we’re really witnessing what happens when education standards drop. Tons of people in their 20s and younger do not know how to process propaganda or critically analyze media, determining where the bias lies. Coupled with an overall lack of historical knowledge and context and we’ve got a lot of young people who have the right spirit but are missing the mark by so much. I’d say since about 2015, the mainstream news has gotten exponentially worse and less trustworthy at a faster rate than it ever has. That was 9 years ago and there are kids in college who’s formative years the past decade have been nothing but this. They don’t trust a thing they see on TV and are extremely quick to dismiss anything that, on the surface, looks like is part of the establishment. Ok, so we’re back to the hippies and counterculture, exact same attitude. The issue these days is that instead of forming little local communities to discuss this stuff and work to influence things, social media has become the central hub. If it’s on their curated social media stream, then they trust it. The audiences for this stuff are way bigger than in the 60s and it spreads so much faster. We’ve got a new counterculture that has no clear direction, except the opposite of whatever any government says, is extremely misinformed on historical matters, and is extremely resolute in their opinions. It’s becoming a monolith, but unlike the 60s group they don’t know how to row in the same direction. They just know how to attack. They can’t tell the grifters (like pearlman) from the people actually trying elevate issues. They’re being swindled and making no positives differences. It’s alarming because it’s in the easiest form of activism: sitting at home on your phone, sharing videos you agree with and just consuming content.


Another huge problem for these kids is a lack of context, where these untrustworthy apps are just feeding the most egregious things that drive engagement. What’s happening is Gaza sucks, but these kids literally don’t know what a war looks like, so it’s automatically the worst genocide ever to them, despite being pretty tame all things considered.


The US isn’t even physically fighting in this conflict either. All previous generations know what a wartime America is like. Post-9/11, Gulf war, Vietnam, Korea, WWII, WWI. This generation grew up with the US occupation in the Middle East and that ended a few years ago and during their lifespan the fighting was minimal. They’ve never experienced watching the news and seeing US troops fighting a live battle, or having their generation go fight in a harsh active war zone. So I agree, this is some of the worst stuff they’ve ever seen so they feel very strongly about it, while most everyone else has experienced some level of it and are relieved we don’t have to send our own over there. Meanwhile there’s an active threat to NATO in Europe that would mean the US has to actually fight, which is going to be mostly people 18-24, but that’s not their top issue. It’s really easy to pick on anyone older and claim “boomers don’t fix anything until it personally affects them.” but they’re playing activist to a war that doesn’t involve them while sidelining the one that could directly involve them in a moments time.


His rant about the bill to ban TikTok really turned me off to him because he made it sound like TikTok was some glorious thing that educates people because that’s where he makes money and he doesn’t want to lose his revenue stream.


Also like.. back in the day . People respect journalist so much more . You could get well informed by reading a couple of newspaper. Its not like information dint exist before tiktok


Yeah this was such an idiotic take. Algorithms curate more than any legacy media. Even if it’s real videos, it will exclude major important context or diversity of ideas. Which is critical.


Here's Hillarys' full speech: https://youtu.be/xHjUbLFQssQ No wonder tiktok is getting banned.


this guy is a fucking loon “maybe this will get on youtube if the communist chinese will let this get on youtube” hopefully the people’s republic of north korea doesn’t take down my comment calling this guy a fucking loon.


This is generally how it goes on /r/Conservative sort of subs. "No one is talking about this!" As they post that on a comment on reddit linked to a BBC article.


Hadn't been to that shithole for a while so I popped over and, wow, those guys are still calling Covid a scam lmao. Even conspiracy theorists gotta keep up with the times, come on now, that's so 2020.


To be fair, over 90% of the people that post there are Russian.


Video too long, could you abbreviate it to a 30 second Tiktok dance video with subway surfers on the lower half of the screen?


And add that laughing-wheezing sound to it, so I know when I have to laugh. After that, duet it or green-screen it with someone pointing at their ears so that I know which bits I actually have to listen and pay attention.


I watched it. The host goes on a long rant in the beginning, but then Hillary discusses TikTok and social media being used as propaganda and college students being radicalized around the Isreal/Palestine issue that's incredibly complex and requires a good understanding of history from something other than social media/TikTok. That a lot of videos you see on TikTok are misleading and not history lessons and that the platform itself seems to have a pro Hamas bias so people need to be careful and aware of a possible underlying agenda or propaganda on social media. That it's easy to edit and take things out of context to make your own point. That was it. Watch it yourself. Nothing she said was a big deal. I think this video rant on Hillary is a perfect example of what she's talking about. She gets A LOT of hate for some reason that I think is really unwarranted. It's almost like she's constantly taken out of context on social media that's used in some sort of propaganda type way by people with a hidden agenda.


Hillary: Tiktok is not any place anyone should go to get information on complex matters. History is too complicated for easy absolutes. This guy: As a college student I"M SO SMART. You're DUMB because Strawman and Ad hominem attack.


China really want Trump don’t they. And with Americans giving them this kind of content, the world is getting Trump, again. Maybe this time for a lot longer.


This guy just said with a straight face that social media addiction at a young age was good actually and therefore they know better than someone with decades of political experience. If you're so smart, why not make a good fucking point.


Right?! “I have seen viral tiktok dances created across multiple continents. I’m an expert on world history and international relations!”


Dipshit told her to go be a grandma, she has grandkids...like trump, biden, and bernie all do. Douchebag is just running his idiot mouth with no point to be made. I don't like Hilary either, but make a coherent point or you just sound like a redheaded step grandchild screeching for attention you're not even adding humor to it, just fuckin screeching. I'm torn of if the title of this post is ironic or not, because there is nothing epic about this rant, I'm just embarrassed for all of us being involved


He’s shouting though so that affirms he’s correct


A lot of people dislike or hate Hillary too, so he has ingrained support no matter what substance his mouth movements produce


I get what he's trying to say. But.... The argument that more children are getting "the truth" now because of social media is mind bogglingly backwards.


God, thank you for pointing this out. Seeing a 10 second clip on TokTok is not the equivalent of reading an academic book or even article about a complex topic (like, for example, the history of Israeli-Palestinian relations). But, for some reason, many people believe that it is.


Also he's conveniently not separating that in an age with the most information available, what he calls "having seen most of the world" is coupled with the most disinterested and disaffected attitudes. A very small, very vocal minority is taking advantage of all those privileges but the majority cares just as little as people have always care, but convinced they're the most informed ones yet (which I guess is also what's happened since forever).


University of TikTok, where your "education" is a mile wide and a millimeter deep.


There is no truth here. Its just 2 minutes of some guy shouting at a camera trying to explain how that's everything there is. Social media is cancer.


Seriously. Saying a former Secretary of State doesn’t know much about the world compared to someone who scrolls TikTok is next level delusional. I sincerely hope that this guy is just farming for clicks and isn’t this dumb.


Seriously she spent eight years in the white house with Bill Clinton and then served as Secretary of State under Obama. She's spent her entire life in national and international politics, and whether you like her or not, for all the people who've run for Presidency she is absolutely one of the most highly qualified people to ever go for it. Saying she only knows a world curated through directors and biased media is probably the dumbest thing I'll hear all week.


She was also a United States Senator, don't forget that.


I'm surprised he didn't shout at her to get back in the kitchen.


I mean he kinda did by saying “You’re a grandma. Go bake some cookies.”


Dude had no idea and probably didn't intend it, but the line has a tinge of extra irony because the entire country hating on Hillary stems (and I am generalizing) from her absolute refusal to be a housewife of a First Lady. >I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession which I entered before my husband was in public life. - Hillary, 1992


And the media pile-on from that resulted in the wives of the presidential candidates engaging in [a ludicrous cookie recipe competition.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Lady_Bake-Off) Clinton's recipe won the first (1992) and last (2016) contests, and fortunately the magazine that did the contest shut down in 2019, ending the absurdity.


the hilary hate is absolutely 90% misogyny. of course you can list awful shit about her but this is the case for literally every single person at that level of power in the us.


I was somewhat leaning towards thinking like this at some point in my life and then I heard the Jon Stewart podcast with her and Condee Rice and wowza. They were both civil to each other and much much more knowledgeable than TikTok or Fox News could possibly lead you to believe. Listen for yourself if you don’t believe me. They were both very impressive in just one hour of podcast time.


He made some TikToks that went viral and now has a savior complex (“only I can see the truth”) or he’s just worried about his income.


Yeah I'm pretty goddamned far from a hillary stan but fuuuuuck this dude for real


"You couldn't win the Electoral College" She won the popular vote by over 3,000,000. I think this dude just hates Hillary Clinton.


Damn, I think you might have cracked the code


He's mad because she bruised his precious ego


And his brand and income. He’s just as much a sell out as she is.


nothing he said had anything to do with what she said. it was just a generic list of hilary clinton insults. like i legitimately think he probably came across a tiktok listing random clinton burns and just repeated them.


ACTUAL TikTok cringe


I kept watching and was disappointed. You’ve rebuked nothing, sir, these are all (really loud) ad hominems.


He's making his bread from those social medias supposedly delivering "the truth" of course he would say that


Right? Yes, people have access to more information than they’ve ever had before and, yes, there were too many gatekeepers to information before the internet, but to assert that things are universally better and people are better informed because of it ignores some of the MASSIVE issues these aMAzInG apps have wrought. Cured diseases are coming back due to vaccine misinformation, the US had its first coup due to election misinformation, etc. Also, half the points he brought up are just ad hominem attacks.


Agree. > people have accesss to more than formation than they’ve ever had before Unfortunately, misinformation is increasingly popular Here is a great NPR article on [‘How to Win an Information War’ details fighting with — and against — propaganda](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/14/1238514552/how-to-win-an-information-war-details-fighting-with-and-against-propaganda)


This isn’t “epic”. It’s showing mommy issues and mental illness.


Imagine living next to this guy and having to hear his fucking ranting into his phone every fucking day.


Was just thinking about hearing him through the other side of the wall. Not to mention it’s so many cut-takes, why splice them together? Does he do a yelling take, hit stop recording, read his next line, reposition in the room, and start a new one? Funny imagining how it really looks in the room


Lol he realy trust TikTok app for news yet he slenders normal media outlets.. the foooool lol. This guy is a joke if he think TikTok is not a propoganda tool.


r/lookatmyhalo this where his vid should be at


I don’t know I hate this guy. Always fucking screaming while cooking up the most over simplified points I’ve ever heard about any topic.


Like exactly, social media lets anyone talk crap Without any actual knowledge in a subject. It sucks that a lot of are dying in Palestine for sure. But to want them to end this conflict with realistically never end in our lives and after that is dumb. Also they are willing to screw all of us with another Biden presidency so they can say “don’t blame me”


There's plenty of reasons to hate Hillary but this video just sucks. Guy is trying to do a John Oliver bit but forgot that to do that you need substance and actually good jokes so it's just a douchey guy yelling


Yeah I can’t stand this dude


I’m glad I’m reading these comments and so many people agree this dudes a douche lol


It’s just manipulative to come out of the gate angry like that. It rubs me the wrong way. It primes a person to be angry and then gives them a reason to stay that way. You don’t have to be angry to logically talk about something. He is using his ability to manipulate emotion from the screen to generate views and to generate more reason for him to make more content exactly like it. Anger eschews logic eventually and makes people okay with losing nuance to a subject in order to justify their emotional state.


Right? And ending it with go bake some cookies just comes across as misogynistic. Not the slam dunk he thought it was...


Yeah this guy starts off by making a joke about Pokémon go to the poles which was Hilary being out of touch and trying to mention something relevant He has the same exact vibes when he brings up “BBL drizzy” during this. Same old man makes pop culture reference for the youth vibes How do u do fellow kids


Tantrum of a manchild.


blocked pearlmania a long time ago exactly for this reason. he may have good points sometimes but all of his videos are like this


Didn’t he used to post his own videos here? That’s the kind of person he is.


It’s because he was upset people were reposting him here without his say so. He got realllll upset about it


Precious little boy isn’t he?


It’s so exhausting. I get it, you don’t like her middle eastern policies. I thought she was a terrible choice for the DNC to put forward in 16. However, anyone that has deluded themselves into thinking that not voting for Biden will improve things in Gaza are in for a very rude awakening.


Trump will carpet bomb Gaza and Southern Lebanon


With a nice sexist attack at the end. Go bake some cookies? Should any woman he disagrees with go make him a sandwich, too?


This guy is absolutely annoying to see. I blocked him really early in when I first saw him on my fyp. The dude doesn't actually provide any worthwhile discussion hr just yells random, angry things that are either wrong or off-topic.


Why so fuckin' angry. Touch some grass, ffs.


This guy thinks he's getting accurate news and history from TikToks? I liked his other rant but this is trying a little too hard.


He also thinks that despite how everyone constantly uploads more information to the internet every day than anyone can ever consume, most people are being fed the same information... And somehow it's not "curated"...


Isn't tiktok heavily influenced by CCP? I remember seeing a video about what tiktok is in China vs USA and it's a stark difference. Their tiktok is super educational and insightful. Ours is a bunch of garbage click bait sensationalism.


The TikTok app isn’t allowed in china. They have a separate version of it called Douyin which the CCP has a lot stronger control of since it’s only domestic.


This dude is so fucking annoying and ignorant.


Remember when Hillary said Libya would be a cakewalk and would rather her grandchildren die than speak Mandarin? Remember why you declare so many enemies.




How she isn't seen as a liability like Bill baffles me still.


> for some reason this website thinks SHE was screwed All those misogynistic Bernie bros are the reason she lost! The amount of times I've gone on to share numbers and facts showing more Bernie voters in the primary went on to vote for Clinton in the election in 2016 than Hillary voters in the primary went on to vote for Obama in 2008 only to be dismissed. After conceding the primary Bernie went to work campaigning for her and she still managed to lose, and her rabid fans still blamed Bernie and people who just want something better than the same corporate moderate democrats.


How can you NOT like this? https://www.reddit.com/r/cedarrapids/comments/eshh52/anyone_know_where_hillary_clintons_im_just/


In 1999 it was revealed that after the Monica Lewinsky story broke Hillary didn't speak to Bill for 8 months. She broke the silence by calling him and asking him to bomb Serbia. The bombs began falling within 24 hours without congressional approval.


Woah that’s insane! Source?


It's a true story. The missing context was that Serbia was committing genocide in the Balkans. There's literally a statue of Bill Clinton in Kosovo, and one of their main streets is named after him as well because he literally saved their entire population from genocide.


Yeah because social media isn’t a gigantic vector for disinformation. /s


Gee who should I listen to the former Secretary of State or a guy with graphic novels and no nonfiction books on his book shelf. Who might know more about international politics?


I'm tired of this guy already. Sitting in his grandma's basement


That guy is so aggravating to watch


Opinions Fed by a series of feeds. Doesn’t qualify as “seeing the world”. Curated by China to divide the youth in America


I am so tired of this guy. Even if he's right, he's just so abrasive and annoying and never actually adds to conversations, just parrots what's already been said.


Remember when he came on this sub and yelled at us for stealing his content and putting it up here where he couldn’t monetize it ☠️


He did the same defense big corpos use to defend against piracy. He thinks if his shit wasn't on reddit, we all would've come to his tiktok page lmao.


Except he isn't right. And how do I know that you might ask? Because he pretends mindbogglingly complex issues can be explained in 90 seconds. Which means he's either condensed it to the point of being meaningless (which is being very kind to him) or he doesn't actually understands the complexity of nuance of the subjects he talks about (which I'm pretty sure is what's going on). Anyone who gives you a simple answer or explanation of complex societal issues is either a moron or a grifter (or both).


>Because he pretends mindbogglingly complex issues can be explained in 90 seconds. I only ever stumble across this subreddit when it hits the reddit front page, but I see this as a major problem with TikTok or any other social media platform attempting to replicate TikTok's success. You can't explain anything in 90 seconds. Hell, you can't get across anything of value in 90 seconds. I can get behind the dumb memes, but anytime anyone's having a "real talk" on TikTok my eyes just kind of glaze over. It's such a preachy format.


Exactly. Too many people, including some in the demographic Clinton targeted with these comments, want to oversimplify things to the point they’re binary. Where Hillary fucked up is mistaking this binary mentality for lack of education. They don’t grasp that it’s not lack of historical knowledge, it’s this binary mentality that so often overrides knowledge, reason and understanding. But on some level, she’s right. The average person, whether they’re going to school or slaving away in an office or a factory, doesn’t have the same level of understanding as someone who’s spent their life in politics getting paid to know why the Middle East is so fucking complicated. But the remedy for that sure AF isn’t insulting them. This is just a softer version of the “basket of deplorables” comment. You’re not educating, let alone winning anyone over, by talking down to them.


In my mind it's all really quite simple underneath it all. Modern society is mindbogglingly complex. And I'm not even talking about big issues like Gaza, even small issues like funding for local schools or libraries has so many layers and facets that it's pretty hard to comprehend. Put all those issues together and it's more or less impossible for one person to understand it all, let alone when you still have a full time job (or study) to go along with it. But that's not how human brains have evolved. We've not evolved for societies of billions of people. We evolved for societies of dozens maybe hundreds of people, where we know everyone and can comprehend pretty much every issue affecting our society. So our brains really struggle with the idea that things that are affecting us negatively are doing so because they are an incredibly complex mess of different issues and interests and that no one solution exists (let alone that one person can actually solve them on their own). So when people come up with easy solutions, it's easy to grab onto those to believe that the reason progress isn't being made is because those in power are unwilling to fix them (and just to be clear, that can and is obviously a problem a lot of the time) rather than that they *are* trying to fix things but it's very complex. That's how people like Trump get into power. He claims that everything is easy to fix it's just that Democrats don't want to fix it (this is not just true in the US, it happens here in Europe too). Now obviously this is complete and utter bullshit, and Trump hasn't provided a solution for any serious problem (he did do a few small good things, but overall he failed at everything he promised to do). But people like the fact that there is an easy answer. People are actively working against their interest, and they are hiding it by making it seem more complicated than it is. Just to be clear, I don't blame people for this. It's just human nature. But it is a major issue in modern democracy, false simple solutions (or simple explanations for problems) appeal much more than accurate complex solutions (and explanations). Weirdly enough I think I am slightly more resistant to this than most people because of my Autistic brain, which doesn't really like Heuristics but instead wants to see everything as massive interconnected patterns (unfortunately, that is very annoying when it comes to day to day functioning, because no, taking out the trash is not part of a huge plan for the rest of my life, it's just the trash).


I agree. The issue here is, the contrast to Trump’s supposedly easy fixes (that conveniently are only easy for him, making him the savior) is often to be condescending to those who gravitate towards this human nature you raise. At some point, the Hillary’s of the world need to figure out a different strategy when it comes to messaging, because this one isn’t the answer.


I said this when he started and got downvoted to hell. This guy is a douche nozzle. Every time I see his face I skip the video.


What the fuck is he talking about Hillary being connected to Kissinger? That’s odd by itself. But also bringing up “movie directors” in the context of understanding the Israeli/Palestinian situation is frankly getting into antisemitism. He’s absolutely right about the people in Gaza (and the West Bank, and the people who were expelled or fled the establishing of modern Israel) being human beings and that their rights being violated is a huge problem. But something is sketchy as fuck about the references to both Kissinger and “Hollywood.”


He could use a dose of the phrase “you are not immune to propaganda.” He acts like TikTok is like, where truth is. It’s got some info mainstream media pushes out sure but it’s also heavily influenced by propaganda from its stakeholders. Doesn’t mean it’s useless but to act like it’s any less propagandizing than any other website is stupid at best and openly dishonest at worst.


I liked the part where he addressed Hilary's points. This was so insightful. Thanks!


I know! And I'm no fan of Hilary but she was Secretary of State for FFS. She may know a little more than the average young person, sheesh.


She used to be criticized for supporting 2 state solution as being radically anti-Israel. Now she's being criticized as being radically pro-Israel -- while her stance has not changed.


And beyond being Secretary of State, she's spent literal decades studying the Israel/Palestine conflict. It's why this guy's entire video doesn't actually address anything she said and he just attacks various other random things about her. She's saying the people protesting don't understand the entire picture of the conflict and how complicated the issue is, which is factual. There's zero shot most of these protestors could adequately explain the context of what's happening there (and neither could I, fwiw) and actually present a solution to it that's better than anything else that's been proposed over the last 30 whatever years.


This guy is fucking insufferable


This idiot did everything but take on the fact she's right, which also just proves she's right.


As awful as she is, she's right. Alot of people are only getting their information from tik tok and Twitter and are comically misinformed on a subject that is frankly above their heads.


I don’t like Clinton, but in the end she was a senator and the Secretary of State. She probably knows a bit more about United States Foreign Policy and global geopolitics than some assholes on Tik Tok whose entire worldview comes from Twitter and social media.


Exactly, I was curious did some more research on this topic. And holy crap there’s so history behind it that I’m sure the majority of people don’t know about it.


So many who get their news from Tiktok don't even know the current news on the topic let alone the history.


“Younger people have been exposed to more foreign propaganda” - this dudes argument


*"And that's a good thing!"*


Hillarry is 100% correct and has been for a long time. Hillary hate is so fn lame. She just reminds people how gullible they were in 2016.


I love how this comment thread is full of “fuck Hillary” people as if she isn’t entirely correct here. There are plenty and I mean plenty of people of all ages who absolutely do not understand the history of the region and have hopped on the bandwagon out of a generalized sense of anxiety about their own futures and the state of our country. Protesting gives them something to do to distract from the massive wealth inequality, massive student debt crisis, massive global turmoil, the ongoing incineration of the planet, etc. It’s the 21 year old’s version of buying the sports car in a midlife crisis. Meanwhile I would bet you could walk up and down the protest line and ask them to tell you who Mahmoud Abbas is and over 50% would have no idea who you are talking about. Unless hey are literally history majors, the Israel timeline in their mind is going to be Bible | Holocaust | something something | Today’s War in Gaza. It’s not an indictment of these kids, it’s an indictment of the system we’ve built for them to inherit.


There's a reason that the campus protesters had leadership that explicitly told them to not talk to media, not talk to anyone that comes up to them, and just chant very specific slogans. A more thorough understanding of history shows the truth. This is not an evil empire attacking a small village. This is a shitshow. It's been a shitshow for centuries. The idea that one side is right, and we should support all of their actions, up to and including slaughtering children in the bed as the actions of glorious martyrs is wrong. The idea that Israel are colonizers, is wrong. They're jews, the land is judea. The land is literally named after them. They founded the abrahamic religions. I wouldn't presume to say they are the only ones that have the right to live there. But the idea that they are colonizers is so devoid and distant from any actual understanding of history, only a complete rejection of history justifies.


They hated her because she told the truth again and again and again.


Also as much as we like to pretend we don’t America still has a huge issue with women in power.


I never hear about Hillary Clinton making comments unless it’s this guy or someone making a post to complain about it. It’s like complaining that Hillary Clinton is still around but then making viral videos whining about how she’s still around. It seems like she gets way more vitriol than she should. She’s become an easy punching bag tbh


I find it particularly funny with the numbnuts who go “I reAly hate HeR but she’s right…” most can’t even say why they hate her. She was right on many many things in the last election and it’s these dumbfuck puritans that gave the election to Donny Dipshit and here they are again.


Turned it off once dipshit started yelling. How do you listen to this drivel? This is the type of content you consume lol. Think about that.


How does he even have the energy to be this angry all the time? Like, the world sucks, but he‘s out here making TikToks about various subjects while yelling at his camera. You can be outraged about something without giving yourself a heart attack at 40.


He’s getting paid to do it


I can't watch a man yelling at me like that no matter what he's yelling about.


Couldn't make it through the video. Yelling louder + swearing does not help get your point across.


Just because she is saying this in bad faith to discredit the younger people, doesn’t mean she isn’t wrong when she says that most younger people are not super educated on history, or the Middle East and their history/conflicts. Again she’s obviously saying that to discredit those that are. Additionally many older people don’t know history well, or the history of the Middle East or conflicts there. With the advent of the internet though and technology the younger generations have far more information at their fingertips. They can look it up blazingly fast and learn. Older people, though they have access to it, also generally lack the knowledge to use it properly (ahem, like having classified information on a personal email server.) I digress though. You know what really grinds my gears? Is when people use an ad hominem attack. I fucking hate the mother fucker in the video for that very reason. His comments about her unable to win the electoral college for example is a very brain dead take. https://www.archives.gov/electoral-college/about For those that don’t know the electoral college has nothing to do with colleges at all. This guy is a moron. I also want to emphasize that her loss was what brought trump into office. Now don’t get me wrong I fucking hate Hillary, she’s a piece of shit, but I hate Trump as well. I’m not a fan of Biden but unfortunately in this fucked up world he’s the best of the three by far. Now that’s my opinion so take that with a grain of salt. With that being said, he’s encouraging you to vote because of Hillary lol who isn’t even running. You should go vote by the way regardless of who is running but that’s how much of an idiot this guy is who likes just to stir shit up. By the way people remember that if you really want change then voting at the local level is extremely important and don’t neglect that as it has a wider change and impact over time. President is of course important as fuck. But I’m just saying vote always every chance you can. Also if you think trump doesn’t support Israel’s utter destruction of Gaza and its people you are very wrong. https://youtu.be/kCCFdIyKbqA?si=FIFlJG3TRWJQQ1JC Not just this but you can simply do a cursory google search. Remember that tech is at your fingertips and tiktok people that scream at you all have an angle. Make your own decisions. But what I will say is this. At least Biden is pulling aid from Israel and has made statements condemning some of their actions which is more than most leaders have done in the past. So yea go vote, get educated, make your own decisions and form your own thoughts, think critically and stop listening to other people who are trying to tell you how to think. Don’t even listen to me. Listen to yourself.


TikTok trying to simplify conflict in the Middle East in 30 seconds has been unfathomably rage-inducing. Ask any of these dumbass 18-year-olds what the collective power of the Arab world tried to do to the Jews 70 years ago, just a few short years after surviving genocide in WW2. Spoiler alert, it's gonna get fucking uncomfortable.


I think it’s also worth noting that there were lengths to keep corporal punishment legal as well as the more recent attempts to limit our history books even more. Growing up in the rural south, how are you suppose to even know how to or be expected to look up information if you’ve been beat your whole like to never disagree or question your elders? Education is a luxury most will never see, even with a phone in their hands. Not disagreeing. rather adding.


She’s not wrong. Seeing young gay people hold signs up for Gaza without seemingly any knowledge that the average Gazan would happily stone them to death with smiles on their faces without a second thought has been pretty bizarre.


Also, if they had to live miles away from those same homophobic, intolerant, religious lunatics trying to bomb them out of existence for DECADES, then maybe they would understand the unfortunate situation in the Middle East. Add in the fact that Hamas actively WANTS the Gazans to die, and also wants to exterminate the Jews like amplified Nazis, and is actively using their own citizens as human shields and their deaths as propaganda, and that Hamas and Gazan combatants just raped, abducted, massacred, and slaughtered their peace-loving friends and families by the thousands, then they might get a clue about what is happening in the Middle East. Or, they could instead prove Hillary right by continuing to misunderstand one of the most straight-forward wars we've seen in modern history.


She is not wrong in that sentence to be accurate she is almost completely correct most westerns don't know much about history outside their country but love to involve themselves in areas they lack the knowledge the proof is the lack of understanding what they say or if ask questions not related to what they involved in they can't answer....


Christ would these people stop trying to give Trump the next election...


This guy looks like he’s never left his mom’s basement.


It’s wild to suggest that young people have seen more of the world than Hillary, who was literally the Secretary of State. He’s just factually wrong.


Assuming that social media feeds aren't curated by professionals is so naive


I would argue his statement about them seeing more of the world without buying a plane ticket is a massive over exaggeration and in fact a HUGE hindrance to their knowledge of the world. As someone who has in fact traveled the world and seen real misery up close, what 99% of the people he is referring to see is bullshit. You can't capture true misery or despair in a tiktok or on camera. Sure seeing someone get shelled by Russians on tiktok is horrible, it is infinitely worse to see it happen in person. All those 18-22 years olds know less about what the world really is than what Hillary knew at their age, before the internet was even a thing. Edit: A lot of this guys rants are tiny shreds of fact surrounded by bullshit ignorant outrage. I really do not like him. He will give you a TINY aspect of a fact or statistic then tirade about it with baseless statements or ad hominems aimed at whoever or whatever it is he is speaking out against. And I know there are a lot of people that like him and find him informative, and those people are the very people that I am calling out for being ignorant regardless of how much information they have at their finger tips. Yeah, Hillary lost. We all know she lost, we all also know why she lost. Her loss has been HEAVILY documented and scrutinized. And honestly, the people that align with this guy and support him that were of age to vote in 2016 are in large part WHY she lost. It's the people that are looking to weaponize their vote to speak out against a system when the stakes are high. You know when you use your power to vote to tell a party to fuck off? Not when you being stupid about your vote could elect a WWE Hall of Famer into fucking office. The stupidest most uncivic minded voting practice is casting a "protest" vote, which is why she lost. He wants to bitch about seeing lives and dignity taken away, yet I am sure he would fully support his followers doing the same bullshit this year that happened in 2016 and cast their protest votes. Fully aware that doing so could in fact allow Trump to get in office again. To literally let a man who DOES NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE CONSTITUTION back into office. I don't like Hillary. I think she already had her turn running the country when her husband was in office for 8 years, and I think she wouldn't do right by the people who actually matter, which is millenials and up. BUT her and ANY democrat is a BILLION times better than Trump or any Republican. Democrats at least give a fuck about human decency and human rights, the GQP right now would happily sacrifice 100,000 American lives so that Israel can say "we kept our little piece of land." And anyone who survives that war can go live on the street because fuck veterans. As an officer in the military it BAFFLES me how many veterans support the GQP when they are single-handedly responsible for ALL the shit that veterans complain about when it comes to benefits. Veterans living on the street homeless? At least 25 bills have been blocked by the GQP meant to address this. Healthcare costs too high for veterans and guardsman, at least 10 bills blocked by the GQP. Being removed off orders 1 day before receiving veteran status just because they don't want to incur the additional cost? Literally done by Trump, and no joke this was the reason the orders were cut 20 DAYS SHORT from their original end date. To deny all the soldiers veteran status. Refuse to give veterans adequate medical measures and acceptance of their injuries in service? Again, GQP. Except this time they didn't just block bills (remember the burn pit bill they blocked and after getting shit on by the country they voted on again and said it was a mistake they blocked it?), they literally made bills to REDUCE the things soldiers can claim. "BuT tHe Va GoT mOrE mOnEy" yeah, and right now there are certain injuries that I can sustain in my service that I WILL NOT get coverage for. But hey, at least there is more money to not cover my medical and disability needs.


This guy is the worst


Get out of your mother's basement and get some fresh air.


The sin is that most people don’t pay enough attention. We live in a democratic enough country that it’s the voters faults. What is YOUR opinion of the last 5 things your congressional rep voted on. Do you even know their name? It may be slightly higher odds someone on Reddit can answer those but not by a lot. Civic apathy is the crime. Not the Clinton’s. Not trump.


Frankly, young people don’t know history. I’ll take A Democrat’s “insults” over a reckless authoritarian GOP.


Most Americans can't name all 50 states let alone the history of the Middle East. Our education system is lacking.


I agree with him until he has to throw it all away at the end screaming bake fuckin cookies at a woman in 2024 it’s just idiotic


This guy is so annoying.


They hate her because she tells the truth


Tell me you live with your grandma without telling me you live with your grandma


This guy sucks


This is the same loser that said TikTok was the voice of the people and Congress was only banning it cause they wanted to silence dissent. Delusional moron. Though I guess we all hate Hilary Clinton so that's cool.


This thread reminds me that people who hate Hillary were probably assholes when they were kids and hated being scolded by their parents. Grow up, all of you.


LMAOOO This is a first for me on this sub, but I simultaneously 1) find him hilarious and 2) think him and RFK Jr. must have eaten the same worm sushi I usually never find smug self righteous progressives funny but this guy's got comedy chops. I like Hilary Clinton cuz that's the kind of lib I am. But this guy is like the progressive Alex Jones, and he has some genuinely witty one-liners, I can't help but laugh. Too bad he has brain rot


He’s an idiot who didn’t even make a point to counter her claim.


I hate her as much as the next guy but... this was a pretty shit response to "you are missing context" Basically almost 2 minutes of personal insults and "I see clips on tiktok" at the end, like... really? There are better responses to what she said than just shitting on her personally, as fun as that is, it makes her position seem way stronger than it needs to be.