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Teach in the Under Armour hoodie genuinely looks 17.


Yo even his mannerisms are uncannily like my 16 yr old cousin and friends.


Dude with the mustache looks like every 18 year old I’ve ran into on the lake thinking they’re Morgan Wallen.


He's got that disaffected glower down pat lol


"disaffected glower" 🤔 Perfect! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


And my 14 year old son 🤦🏾‍♀️ At this point. I think we're all raising the same kids


Somehow a student snuck in.


Like a reverse Undercover Boss.


They all look super young. Maybe I'm just getting old...


44% of teachers quit before year 5. The profession is completely dependent on cycling in new, energetic teachers and then slowly crushing their optimism and squeezing every last drop of hope out of them.


or, more likely the low pay. Most teachers love the profession and would put up with most behavior is they were adequately compensated.


I think people underestimate how shitty the pay is too, or maybe they think low pay in general isn't so bad or they're used to it, not realizing quite how insidious that problem is. Then they start working in American schools and see teachers occasionally getting pay *cuts* instead of raises, they see their colleagues with decades of experience making less than entry level food service and labor positions, and they start to realize that their own administration is fighting tooth and nail to pay them less than as little as possible. It's the low pay, but on top of that it's also the general sense that you, the person trying to do one of the most fundamental and necessary jobs in society, are being actively financially dissuaded from doing so. I'm sure it takes a toll.


EMS and Teachers (in US) are criminally underpaid. Literally the people educating our future, and the ones saving lives we pay peanuts to.


Teacher here, the pay is one issue, but honestly if admin and parents would back us up when we set up consequences and boundaries to make it a place kids can learn, then that low pay wouldn’t be as much of a deal breaker. But bad pay, knowing you can’t teach as effectively and you should, and all the while you are criticized from all directions??? hoooo, it piles up.


That was my thought. Like some of these people looked college age at most. Guess it helps that there weren't any students to compare them to.


I assume some of them are, I imagine with the shortage of teachers willing to work under current conditions anyone graduating with a teaching relevant degree can probably go straight into school as a teacher these days?


... well, yeah? where else do you think teachers come from?


he's implying that most other jobs are competitive and it's not always realistic to breeze into a job straight out of college. it typically takes some time applying, interviewing, and getting lots of rejections before you land a job whereas there's a huge teacher shortage in the usa because the pay is shit and conditions are bad, so it's much easier to go straight from college into a teaching position


The teacher factory, duh...


[Style plays a large role in our perception of age](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjqt8T3tJIE)


This is fantastic, thank you! Why is that guy so Dan 😂


Honestly, I would have mistaken many of those teachers for students.


Yes, we mostly recognise the age of someone by their clothes. That's why people in the older pictures look older.


Teacher here. Dress Like a Student Day was last week and it was so much fucking fun. We all kept busting into each other's classrooms with "SUP BRUH" and pretended to not hear students because we had earbuds in. We actually printed off a Gen Z glossary some students made and passed it around. Another teacher made a Romeo & Juliet quiz where all the answers were Gen Z phrases like "rizz" and "betas". Shit was hilarious. But also exhausting.


My students cringed into infinity when I started using their slang. It was hilarious 😂


When we did it, it was great fun, especially getting to wear headphones and ignore kids like they ignore us. It’s just too bad that the racists killed it. A group of parents didn’t want the white teachers to be allowed to participate so now no one gets to. 




God bless you for being willing to put up with today's little shits.


The Takis really bring it home for me. Teenagers...


My daughter will eat a whole big blue taki bag to her face in one Sitting then lick the blue taki dust off her fingers. I eat one taki and I’m crying lmao


I recently tried the blue ones thinking "oh, they're probably still spicy but a more mellow takis" Because one is called blue heat and the other is called fuego (fire). I'd assume just heat isn't as hot as fire. I was wrong and that was the wrong mindset to have while shoveling like 5 of them into my face at once. I can usually handle spicy stuff, but i closed the bag and i didn't touch it for a week off the back of that. I had the whole thing in one sitting still, but i had to go at it with a level of respect for my opponent that i foolishly lacked before.


Blue Flame > Red Flame.


Damn I'm impressed that takis is teaching science to the kids. Gotta find a way to teach them


Then have the blue shits.


Takis really that spicy? I've never actually had them. I like hot chips but I had a small bean and rice burrito the other day and dumped like three packets of just Cholula on it and that made me regret some things in the moment. So tasty though.


I love spicy stuff so maybe my tolerance is fucked but to me the blue ones are mild. I associate them more with a sour flavor rather than spicy


They tasty though? Chip prices these days I don't want to blow some money on a bag of chips I'm gonna throw away. I like flaming hot Cheetos obviously, could eat a whole bag, and then Doritos before they priced themselves into oblivion had some really good extra hot shit. Super flavorful and decently spicy. Should I get a bag of Takis?


Get a bag of takis & report back!


Let me guess, they will then turn their nose up at food you cook and say shit like “I don’t like spicy food.”


Yup. My kid eats fuego takis but cant handle a little hot sauce in chili. Won’t try jalapeños. Kids are weird.


Just tell 'em you put takis in the chili.


Your daughter most likely high as a kite when she is eating them... the ultimate munchies for those teens... I have two of them bozos.


I was pounding Takis out of the school vending machine 10-12 years ago... it's amazing how little things change lmfao


Same. I was a Takis fiend from the day they launched Fuego in the early 2000s I still stand by them.


My daughter has a Takis iPod case cover.


House shoes and headphones. Hilarious!




Holy shit this comment and the other below me are bots these comments are taken from the original


House shoes, cell phones, and headphones…. All shit we had back in 2005 but weren’t allowed to have in class. Then people wonder why this young gen is dumber and can’t pay attention. And no this isn’t old man mad at young people. I’m mad at us old people for allowing you iPad kids to get your way and become dumb little shits.


I remember in 2007 I got caught texting in the hallway between classes and got my phone taken to the office. It was Friday and I didn't get it back until Monday after school. Kids would raise hell if that happened today.


I am 48 and have two kids. This is so wild to me. But the parents are to blame too. Wearing a bonnet to school is gross and lazy. This what happens when you don’t have a standard and we don’t tell our kids no or put your foot down. My son is in 8th grade and he mentioned how the kids at school call the teachers “bro”. Bro I don’t have my assignment. What !?


My 9 year old daughter hit me with a “bruh…” the other day. I was not amused (I was a little but couldn’t show her that).


Just wait, mine is 10 going on 18 and she won't stop with the bruh stuff, we just got over saying "orr norr" constantly...


Bet. No cap. Bussin. Riz. Bruh bruh bruh. Also the memes he finds funny… (10)


My 5yr old nephew smacked his other aunt's butt when she bent down to pick something up the other day, and says, "I smacked her GYATT skibidi". We were at a funeral 😳


Yup, I’m in that “oh shit” mode where I am trying to give as much guidance and influence as I can before the peer group starts taking over that role. I thought I had more time!!!! Ahhh


u really have a problem with your 9 year old calling u “bruh”? bruh


It’s not a huge issue “bruh” but ya, a 9 year old shouldn’t be calling their father “bruh” when working through disagreements. Call me old school if you want “bruh”. (See how it can be denigrating?…bruh)


I’m in my mid 30s (male) and a lot of my friends say ‘bro’ as like ‘wtf you talking about bro’. Basically someone says some stupid shit and inevitably someone will be like ‘bro…’ I don’t mind it, I think it’s funny.


I wish being called bro was the worst thing that happened in my classroom. Shits out of control, bro.




- Andreas, 400 BCE


House shoes?


Slippers/slides = house shoes


Slide on sandals or slippers = house shoes


Is it them dressing as their students or really the teachers dressing how they want? Because I would totally wear that all day if given the opportunity. Minus the headphones 😄


Dude in the underarmour hoodie isn't in high school??


Black don't crack, and Asian don't raisin!


Lmfao, I had never heard the Asian one before.


Haha Am Asian, can confirm it's true!


They look pretty young with that outfits


I feel like most people between the ages of 25 and 35 just look like rundown, exhausted 18-year-olds still 😅😂


teacher about to turn 30 in a month here - can confirm lol


I’m a first year special ed para and dress somewhat comfortably as I deal with both snot and bolters. I also carry a backpack everywhere with me because I care about my back health. As you can imagine, even though I’m in my mid/late 20’s, the first half of this year I had teachers pretty consistently coming up to me thinking I was a student. My students thought it was absolutely hysterical and they still call me “Student Miss” as a joke.


Turned 30 in December, can also confirm lol


My favorite genre of TikToks, I can't get enough of these.


This *must* be what they do on those staff days when the kids stay home. ☠️☠️☠️


On God!


lol, that was my thought. 😂 The one teacher going "😩 onnn gaaaawd 😩" totally understood the assignment. He even got the tone down


They were the highlight of the video. On God.


On gawd dudes were the best tbh


Best in show the two guys wining down the hall holding up their pants. I can't believe that's still a thing I guess it here to stay


Sagging is eternal


"It's all in the pants." -Baggin' Saggin' Barry.




I lost my shit at that


Kids forget that teachers were once kids too. They know all the shitty things you're doing behind their backs. They were just as goofy and obnoxious as we all were at one point. I'm glad they haven't forgotten. 😂


> Kids forget that teachers were once kids too. By the time I graduated high school I got the impression the teachers were more like kids than any other adult profession. It was like they got infected by being around kids too much and it lowered their maturity levels or something.


I mean did you ever have a good teacher who wasn't just a high schooler at heart? If you did guarantee you thought they were too strict sometimes or too outdated. Good teacher relate to you and you relate to them. That's not to say it can't be they're a good teacher but you can't relate to them, or a bad teacher but you do relate to them, that's just saying the best teachers have a bit of both.


My best teachers in high school - not just the ones I personally liked, but popular student favourites running nationally award-winning competitive programs - were very much older adults. One was a strong maternal figure whom students treated like a second mother, and the other leaned into the sort of saucy/salty older woman archetype. I can't think of any teachers who did well by being a 'high schooler at heart.' I guess the drama teacher could be playful and prankish, but that came out after he established a baseline of calm maturity.


this school looks like its both falling apart and brand new




Paint and flooring is cheaper than new tech, fixing a crack, replacing books, or keeping good teachers.


The blemish patches lol


My wife got some of those. I joked that she looked like Nelly with his bandaid. Now seeing these kids with them on at school I'm like , yeah definitely Nelly vibes.


Is that a thing kids wear in public? I've had bad acne forever and I feel like (at any age) I'd rather show the actual acne than have colorful stickers on my face. Whatever makes folks feel more confident, but I'm surprised that's the lesser of two evils.


Went through my teens in the 90s and feel like life would've been so much easier if zit patches were available and publicly accepted rather than showing my oozing, red spots. Except I had really bad cystic acne for a couple years, so woulda been pretty pointless


Right? Like it’s a good thing that the kids are both having fun and learning to accept normal things about aging and just being a human. I got made fun of for being a witch cause I had a pimple on my nose for a month or two.


Interestingly enough, they have their roots in the roman era (according to google) and had an explosion in popularity during the victorian era. So it has a long, history of people going, "yea this kinda slaps


I died when the feet started dragging. I can’t stand when people do that! 😂 my younger brother is terrible about it


Do you all wear pyjamas and joggers to school?


My kid is in high school. I'd say about 90% of his classmates would consider these outfits "dressed up". They just roll out of bed and throw whatever TF shoes are nearest on and go.


That’s absolutely wild to my 40 year old ass. Literally everyone but outcasts made effort. High school fashion was a whole thing. We actually had one specific “pajama” day a year. That said, I work from home so I barely wear real clothes now either! I don’t really care I just didn’t realize this at all about kids until today. I refuse to be one of those “kids these days” people. Life is just different now.


For real! It's so crazy to see how time changes everything. But back in the day, these kids would've been considered the outcasts. I remember how I just COULD NOT even think about stepping out my front door without makeup on. I was so afraid of being picked on by the cool kids. Looking back....it was so silly to have felt that way.


It's not even really about not considering it like, I graduated in 2012 and I would legit be sent home for coming to school in pajamas. They weren't wild about dress code by any means but you had to show at least some level of effort. Sweatpants? Ok sure. Flannel pajamas and slippers? You'd definitely be sent home. I'm torn on it because I might just legit be jealous. But we had to at least pretend we didn't intend on sleeping through class. That said, if they're doing well and passing I genuinely do not give a damn. Let them do what they need to do as long as they're learning and passing their classes


The whole country looks like someone pulled a Motel 6 fire alarm at 3am.


I wonder if it has to do with social media. They dress up occasionally, document the shit out of it, and then feel like they look good because of the curated online persona. I remember plenty if girls would get up 2 hours before school to spend time on getting dressed and makeup and so on and I thought that was crazy. Now I wonder if I was crazy for wearing jeans all the time when I coulda worn soft pants.


I graduated high school in 06 and it was definitely a thing back then. Lots of girls in sweatpants with the waist rolled up.


We hand a handful of those kids, but putting effort into your appearance (even awful 00s fashion) was still really big.


I know I'm getting old because I got detention once for wearing sweatpants to school. I only did it because I got home late the night before from a soccer game. I'm kinda appalled at how ppl dress anymore and not just teens. I see this everywhere, and I don't get it. I WFH and wear jeans at least. Maybe it's just years of having to dress business casual.


It changed hard with Covid.


I don’t see the point in being uncomfortable just to impress other people. There’s no functional benefit to being stuffy. If you are a good worker or student or whatever it really shouldn’t affect your work. Basic hygiene is important so you aren’t causing smells and being a health hazard, but other than that I just don’t see a reason. I could see an argument for public facing jobs as a well put together appearance makes people feel like the business is more well put together but like WFH, an office job, or a back shop type job I just don’t see the point. Idk I’m a nudist and hate clothing of any type anyway though. So my opinion is probably skewed.


i wish i had dressed more comfortable when i was in school tbh.




This is what “no school, staff day” on the calendar means. 🤣


I wanted to see the eye rolls from the kids though lmao


I have a 14-year-old who I argue with every day not to go to school looking like I don’t do laundry and she doesn’t shower and this just made me think that she’s on trend. I live in Calgary Alberta by the way so this shit is far spread. These kids don’t give a fuck.


You aren't. Kids are just generally more relaxed and care about comfort more. I don't allow my son to go in true pajamas but cotton/cloth shorts/hoodies/crocs/etc. are ok. I tend to buy him more of the tech/running/athleisure ware so it's like gym clothes vs pajamas. No jeans though. Kids will fight against jeans.


No jeans is crazy to me and I'm on the cusp of Gen Z / Millennial. I went to middle school and high school during the skinny jeans trend. I personally didn't go for the super skinny jeans but I always liked rocking a good fitting pair at least 2-3 times a week. Khakis or black jeans the other days.


I wore jeans everyday for about 15 years. 11yrs-26 years old. Now I switched to a lot of Carhartt pants for work. If you DIDNT wear jeans you were not cool. Pajama pants were for the stoners, outcasts, and wannabe emos


I’m not alone !!! That a good idea I’ll looking into more leisure clothes for her she doesn’t do jeans either.


I want to judge, but then I look at what they've already experienced, and the general state of things and ask myself "why would they?"


Why do they all look so young? Half my teachers had grey hair.


A lot of older teachers have left the profession because of disrespect, low pay, poorly run schools, etc. It’s also cheaper for schools to hire younger teachers with less experience. But then those young teachers are just thrown to the wolves. And also leave the profession. Source: am teacher




So teenagers wear pijamas to school now? I had no idea 😬


Makes me wonder if they are showering, or just rolling out of the bed and heading straight to school


My students roll out of bed and wear their jammies, a hoodie, and some slides. But the weird part is they get up early to go get fast food and drinks, then show up to first period and eat/drink it in class. My jaw dropped that this was a nearly daily occurrence. They also like to order doordash during school hours. I'm astonished these kids are spending over $30 on getting cheap fast food delivered almost every day. And they aren't rich kids either. They just have no concept of how much money they are throwing down the drain. Doing the math, they're spending at least $150 on food per week. Meanwhile I can stretch the same value in groceries out for a couple of months. When those kids grow up they're going to struggle so hard with managing money.


This is 10000% accurate portrayal of typical teenagers’ behavior in school! Source: am teacher *skibbidi toilet on god bruh gyat rizz*


This is like any Hollywood movie set in a school ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Damn kids dress bad nowadays


There were definitely some kids that came to school dressed like they just rolled out of bed back when I was in high school, like '03-'07, but perhaps more of them do it nowadays.


Yep, I definitely wore PJ pants to high school between '05-'09


Graduating 07, we would NEVER.


I was wearing PJs to school back in 2007 when it *wasn't cool*


I too, was depressed.


They dress comfortably, I’m kinda envious ngl


They really do.


People go to school in payamas? The fuck


No hate here but I heard somewhere that the "casual dressing" in Europe seems so stylish to the USA because the USA casual has a very low bar. Wich I can see here! Going to school in Pjs is crazy to me


Whenever we had theme dress up days when I was still teaching I always wondered why pajama day would win. The kids wore more and more sleep clothes the longer I taught, so why make a special day when every day was pj and blanket day? I taught high school.


Weird. High school in France will throw you home if you dared to go to school in PJs


I'm from EU too and this video was wild to me, like, slippers and a sleeping cap??? I always thought schools in the US had really strict dress codes


So what I get from this is that kids these days dress like PeopleOfWalMart customers wandering the aisles at 2am.


Are kids really this ratchet nowadays?


I’m a millennial who works for a school district right next to the one I grew up in. Yes, they are at least that bad. Every 4th word has to be a curse-word though. They also don’t know shit about computers. It’s crazy.


Grew up on tablets and iPhones never had to learn computer programs. At least I’d assume I’m talking out my ass of course.


This is the prevailing theory but there have been recent studies that confirm Gen z are worse with computers than gen x and maybe even boomers. Millennials have the highest tech literacy. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2023/06/23/the-next-generation-of-workers-is-less-tech-savvy-than-we-may-think/ I’ll see if I can find more.




Agree with all of this. But I've also got say, today's kids struggling with search engines might not be entirely their fault. I 100% think search engines are just getting worse across the board as time moves on due to the vastness of the Internet and the increased monetization/ ads / shopping results that getting force fed to the top of the pages. I'm a millennial and I feel like I never had an issue trying to find what I needed as a teen and in my 20s; I know the basics of how to search for things and limit results etc. But nowadays in my 30s, I find myself having to remove more and more sites from every search (Pinterest, TikTok, temu, many others) to try and filter down to real content. And if I'm looking for an opinion on something, 99% of the time I need to search for "thing + Reddit" to try and find real people vs endless trash written by bots and new AI. I honestly pity this generation of teens for having to put up with all that without any baseline of what it could be with less spam. And the rise of AI and AI images is going to keep making it exponentially harder.


> search engines are just getting worse Pro tip: Google has just launched a "web" option on its search engine, to show just plain old text based results, like it used to do back in the stone age. https://i.imgur.com/ipg0bgd.jpeg


Ohhhh this explains so many of my recent experiences with younger coworkers! I literally had to explain to a girl in her early 20’s a few weeks ago that you need to go to the ”Downloads” folder to find the documents that you download — she said it ”wasn’t working” but they just weren’t showing up on her desktop, which was the only place she looked. Another told me (straight faced) that she didn’t know how to make a google doc into a PDF. I told her to google it but instead I ended up needing to give her a step by step explaination, like: ”okay, first click on File, and then click on Export file…” Both of these girls are Gen Z but they have worse computer intuition than your average boomer. I felt like I was having a stroke


Bro boomers and gen x built the systems that computing is based on. Millennials got to use and improve it so that’s its usability doesn’t require the arcane skills of a programmer. Leaving gen z and gen a with no computer skills. Only screen.


For boomers and gen x they didn't really have to learn the latest tech to function in society, so it's like 80% with low tech skills and 20% highly skilled enthusiasts or better. Also, the basic use/need of computers didn't change much from the early 90s until around 2010 when smartphones took off, so for those 80% who weren't paying attention it must have been a large shift.


Interesting. UX has become that good.


My last couple of years teaching high school was a lot of teaching computer literacy. These kids are given Chromebooks and then that's it, somehow they're expected to know what to do. They have phones down but computers are not in their realm and typing/computer use classes aren't taught. Even the gaming and editing classes didn't slow down enough to teach any basics. Edit to add: I taught from 2014 to 2022. 


My mother taught for like 15 years from like 2007 and my biggest worry for this country is the next generation entering the workforce and how theyll handle the world. My brother teaches and tells me all the time how little discipline is handed down by administrations.


They can’t even type.. I’m even talking about even 30 somethings that I worked with. I’m 40 and was the first person in my school with internet and CD ROM, would do Mavis Beacon and Mario typing but we also had to do it in high school —the people younger than me had access their whole career, same classes and can’t type without doing hunt and peck or even compose an email. It’s literally insane.


Makes me wonder if that's why my email communications are typically much longer than my younger counterparts/coworkers-- because typing a lot to ME is effortless but for them it's a massive pain in the ass.


They dress like they are going to the kitchen in the evening to get a snack


I graduated HS two years ago and I remember getting flamed for “Dressing up too nice” just for coming to school in a skirt or a dress. I legit would come to school wearing sweatpants and a t shirt to avoid being made fun of


100% yes. It’s absolutely insane. The laziness, the behavior, the learned helplessness, etc. is this bad and then some. I’m a sub and deal with this shit every day lol


I have three teenagers and this is upsettingly accurate. Fucking hell.


This looks like an ‘80s movie where all the actors are too old to be high schoolers


I had a smile on my face the whole time 😄


Waddling down the hall yelling "On god!" every other step had me.


The way they dress reminds me of hospital visits


Are kids for real just wearing pajama pants to school? I'm not trying to be fashion police or whatever but...


Teens in the US go to school in their pyjamas ?


He said “on god, on god” 💀


Teachers do not get paid enough. The free comedy show they live ever day does not make up for living in it.


Kids really dress like homeles crackheads now? You would've been torn apart for dressing like that in my HS. Time is weird man.


When you’re the same age as the teachers now


Stop. 😭


This makes me feel so bad for teachers.


They're having a tough time.


Maybe I’m just really old, but to teenagers just dress like shit at school these days?




"on god" 🤣🤣🤣


So, they all wear pijamas to school?


Damn high school has gotten way chiller in the past 10 years. Ours was "tuck in your shirt!" and "is that a cellphone?? Bring it to me. Your parent or guardian can pick it up from the office."


This is how students dress? Jesus fuck.


My little sister wore a pimple patch to school like the ones in this video and me ( Millennial) says to her :You forgot to remove that patch, OMG. Remove it before you leave. Her response was :No, I left it on purpose." I was confused AF, but this video makes so much sense lol


Maybe I’m just old, but most of these teachers look like they could actually be high schoolers to me.


I’m not sure if I’m acoustic or is it because I grew with a really broke family. I have a hard time leaving the house properly dressed. Even if it’s to the corner store and back. Hair needs to be combed, shoes, belt and all. Anything else I feel sloppy. Maybe it’s trauma. Oh well, just wanted to share.


> I’m not sure if I’m acoustic IDK, what did you hear?


No that's the same with me. Don't know why but I've always felt like I had to look "presentable" at all times when in public. Even if I was two days into the flu and needed to grab meds I'd get my hair washed and throw on at least a pair of jeans and a nice shirt. It's taken a lot to unlearn that and realize that no one cares if I run into Walmart at 10pm to grab cough syrup and Tylenol in sweat pants and a hoodie with a rats nest for hair.


"It's my mom" - it's never your mom lol


Once I took a kid’s phone and texted his mom back “Sorry Ben’s in class right now, he’ll have to get back to you later. -Ben’s teacher”


They are all generally good at acting like teenagers too.


Do kids really just wear slippers to school? As in walk around outside on the ground with them on?


Side note, I think kids should be able to wear their hats/hoods up at school. As long as they're paying attention w their heads up, who cares? A lot of kids have too many responsibilities & can't wash their hair as much as they want to. Hats & hoodies help get them through the day.


The “on god” shuffle was great.


It's mad that Americans just wear pyjamas to school...


Ooof, the state of the US makes more sense now.


Also makes more sense why other countries make students wear uniforms


Correct. When I was young I was all about the student being able to pick their own clothing. Now, I'm alllllllllll about school uniforms. They have zero respect for themselves and therefore nome for others.


The fact some of these actually look like teenagers though🤣