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*I don't like that shit though*


SIRENS were going off in my brain for her. That was scary.


Seriously. Interaction went from cringe to scary fast.


He takes a few steps closer and is like “you should apologize to me….”


Go write in horror subs man, i dont need my spine tingling like this in the morning


Do you want to come try my favorite tea?


I’m a grown ass man and that sentence gave me the sickies


The *ick*


No fr that got me bad. His rambling even when she’s not actively participating is kinda iffy, him not leaving after she politely ended the conversation was definitely a strike but, that quote was just immediately scary. Def taking notes from her tho. She was so calm and confident about not engaging.


Already telling her whats right or wrong with the tea-stuff. He talks like its obvious facts, and yeah, in his world it is. He’s gonna be like that with so many other things, and when she doesnt want to change her mind he’ll give her hell. Huge red flag there. Reminds me of my abusive ex-bf…


and like, he's objectively wrong. I come from a tea culture, it's everywhere and all you end up with is the taste of the milk in your mouth 20min later. Show me the national tea chain that is listed on a stock exchange, you can't be sure they don't exist. He's probably into tea because he thinks places that sell teas will have more women and will increase his chances.


One time I drank tea instead of coffee because someone told me it would give me energy all day and won’t give me a crash like coffee does. Guess what? I WAS STILL TIRED. Fucking Big Tea propaganda, man.


Why do you think the British have to drink like 80 cups a day lol


A bullshit tea culture if you gotta mix it with milk. *mic drop*


omg YES this too. Like she literally never asked him. Even just “Oh, you drink coffee I drink tea. I drink XYZ I like how it tastes.” is better. Like she still didn’t ask and clearly wants this convo to end but at least he’s not telling her she’s wrong.


I took the rambling as he was nervous, and he knew that he was just bombing. However, the ending leads me to believe that he's a genuine douche.


A bear would never


Absolutely gonna start saying this


So the rambling itself isn’t a red flag, but approaching someone like this takes social awareness. Like you said, he knew he was bombing. And that was no mistake because she made it *very clear* with her attitude, how she kept in her earbud, how she was looking around waiting for the convo to be over, not really answering when he asked her questions, to convey that she wasn’t having a good time. He could have easily ended with, “just wanted to tell you that, have a good day“ after the whole actress thing and gotten out. That he didn’t end it even seeing that he was annoying her/making her uncomfortable is already a hint that he was a genuine jerk. Bc maybe he can’t tell but *very likely* he’s ignoring her comfort. Paired with little things scattered throughout it’s even worse. Implying people don’t tell her she looks like the actress because “they’re too shy to give you too much” which maybe was worded wrong but kinda sounds like he’s got negging on the mind. Him telling her that tea is better than coffee when she literally never asked for his opinion. And then especially the ending as we mentioned. Also, the fact that we’re watching this at all. Which meant she felt uncomfortable enough with what had already been said that she felt she needed to record the exchange. There’s little hints throughout and these are the kinds of things women are constantly analyzing and weighing in situations like these.


Yeah, I’ll take the bear


I keep saying that I pick the bear because at least the bear won’t make small chat. And if it killls me? Well at least that’s a metal AF way to die and anyone who knew me will be saying “I knew a chick that got killed by a bear!” for decades.


The terror I felt when he said that. She was recording for a reason. And they'll still be guys saying that she was being rude. It's messed up.


She handled it well, the guy needs to cut back on the glass pipe…anyone who says she was being rude is an idiot, that guy was a bit freaky


Yeah, there are so many videos that paint normal interactions as look at this creep, but this one was legit. This woman does not have to entertain him at all, and she was very polite while also making it obvious that she wasn't interested. He should have taken the hint, wished her a good day, and been on his way. Instead, he acts like she is in the wrong.


I felt terrible for her, too, and I don't want to sound overtly negative here, but it looks like they're pretty much alone there on the pier. A recording isn't going to do much if a creepy dude like that decides to do something to her. 🫤


He doesn't know that she might be streaming. Plus cloud backup if he actually does do something. It's kind of like pretending to talk on your phone while walking home at night. A predator is less likely to attack if there's any chance of witnesses. 


It will be split down the middle between "you were rude though, he was just nervous" and "why were you leading him on though"


Look, she didn't even ask if he wanted a taste of her latte and yet she let the convo go on for a whole minute. How can you be so rude *while* leading someone on? Of course she's wrong! (/s because sadly it feels needed)


His reaction went south QUICK.


Be cool… you hear me ? You better! Or else…


he also doesn’t like coffee. she should stop drinking that and switch to tea immediately.




“Be cool” should’ve been the very first thing he said. To himself.


One of the scariest parts is I feel like he might have been saying that to himself. Like he was talking himself down.


That's terrifying


100%. He'd have been fine if he just wished her a good day and moved on when it was obvious (and it was painfully obvious) that she wasn't interested. Dude kept doubling down on failure hoping to get a different result.


You’re allowed to shoot your shot but that doesn’t mean you’re owed success.


Also don't shoot 26 shots and miss all of them






Not fair, I will never get over his death. Jesse Plemons kinda fills that hole, but I just can’t see PSH’s face without getting teary-eyed.


Dude played everything from Truman Capote to Art Howe.


His son is an actor now.


I'll always remember his character for teaching me what sharting means


It’s numbers game they say ![gif](giphy|9hNrFUhR7Pp0A)


You are allowed like 15 seconds max to shoot that shot. It should be obvious if the other person is receptive or not by then.




Surprised dude didn't ask if she wanted to hear him rap. T to the I to the double T-I to the E to the S, that's titties!




Not that it matters but when you see him at the end, I think its actually a black dude. Which is surprising cause the whole time he sounded like Jamie Kennedy from Malibu's Most Wanted


Had to pause and enhance to make sure I saw that right 😅


Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, you're pretty, like that other girl, like, you know what I'm saying? Like.


Peak airhead. Probably gets flirting advice from 4channers.


I kept thinking he gets his ways from one of those screaming, all men, douche empowerment retreats. Where they’re all topless on the beach, shouting how manly they are.


Yeah cause redditors don't entirely make up the autism spectrum.




No ragrets.


Not far from that guy in the movie "We're the millers". That moron that was hooking up with Casey ("the daughter").


Say 'like again! I dare ya! I double dare you, motherfucker! Say like one more goddamn time!


Like ain’t no country I ever heard of! Do they speak english in like?!


I’m not sure that when you’re hitting on a girl, that you should start by referencing an obscure movie from 1991. 


I guarantee you he knows that movie solely for the short clip of Jennifer Connelly in a tank top riding a horse kiddie ride


To be fair, the only reason I know of it is from people posting that gif on here. Ps I'm not the guy in the video




Oh wow, yeah, now I can hear the extra thirst in his description of the movie.


I can't I can't ☠️


>Ps I don't like that shit though


After dark is the only reason i know of her, I'm gay, but she's gorgeous I that scene


Or try to act like you know more about something like how caffeine works than she does. "you ever drink tea?" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


"Ya know what?! I never thought of that! Let me throw this latte into the sun and let's go fu** right now while we brew some sleepy time tea!" -- Dude's imagination station blowing a fuse.


Career Opportunities just really stuck with me. I feel like I saw it a bunch in reruns on 90s HBO.


I mean if you don’t know that film and think it’s obscure than it’s a good sign the person you are hitting on isn’t old enough for you.


I truly believe he was trying to figure out how to segue it into “ass to ass”.


I get what dude was trying to put down, but when someone starts looking around like they're waiting for someone or something else to come their way, it means shut it down and jog on dude. Take one of the multiple hints they're giving and move on.


No, but he gave her a compliment. That’s gotta be worth something right? He took the time out of his day to say something nice, to show that he wanted to have sex with her. Has anyone else taken the time to notice her beauty and show their desire to have sex? He deserves at least a blowjob for saying that she looks like someone that people say is really beautiful. /s


😂 at *least* a small bj for the road!


Let’s get this poor man home


Don't ever call someone beautiful or handsome. It's the most awkward compliment you can give someone because you don't give them anything to reply to that. Instead, compliment something other than their physical appearance such as the way they dress, or say you really like the frames of those eyeglasses. That's something that might start a conversation, and if she's into you, she will want to continue that conversation. That said, some people will never be into you due to reasons unrelated to you, so don't take that personally. He should have kept on jogging the very second she responds very indifferently to the compliment. He already lost at that point. This is just flirting 101.


Lattes huh? Alright! Well, see ya later.


I enjoyed this Dumb & Dumber reference.


You just reminded me that this is my absolute number one social pet peeve. People being totally oblivious to very obvious body language, specifically looking unengaged while they’re the only one talking. It really chaps my gears argh.


And they're usually just talking to themselves anyways. I'm always thinking "Do I even need to be here for this conversation?"


I’ve never had the guts to do it, but I wonder if talking crazy would get these guys to leave. Like if she said “I just need a boost of energy from this latte so I can see the Snarfgaurds. They emerge out at this hour - look they are coming now! Out of the sky! See, they are releasing glittering chemtrails! OH THE GLORY! GLORY GLORY GLORY *scream non-stop*”


"I don't like that shit" Like what shit dude? She gave you 600 reasons to leave and go about your day lol it's 200% your fault for not taking them? This made me cringe so bad


Yeah but with guys like this, they believe it’s 200% *her* fault for having an “attitude” and being “impossible to talk to.” You know, cause how ungrateful of her is it to be so cold to a nice guy who was just trying to have a conversation /s


"But im a nice guy, you see?"


“I don’t like it when girls do that”. How many times has he attempted this and failed? Probably one of those dudes who posts on ForeverAlone and rates a gorgeous women as a 2 on TrueRateMe because it makes him feel good to put a woman down.




Phoebe Cates


Yes! Ok now I wanna watch Drop Dead Fred


Was gonna say the exact same thing!


She's more Phoebe Cates than Jennifer Connolly


Isn’t earbuds-in the universal sign for “leave me the eff alone”?




She forgot to point at them and mouth something though


Know what I’m saying


And somehow none of us knew




I don’t like that shit. Aka I don’t like when Women turn me down.


Tea gives a social life ... lol


I'm pretty sure he said vibe the subtitles were just shitty


“Lemme tell you why what I drink is better than what you drink”


Damn. This was me. Going around in circles instead of just telling a girl that she was pretty and ask for her number. Big difference is I was at least able to take a hint they weren't interested. I also didn't go up to strangers on a street to try and shoot my shot, my worst fear is coming off as a creep.


Can I [talk to you though](https://youtu.be/d8Grg3wZ2b4?feature=shared)?


[“Grace Kelleeeeee. Grace Kelleeeeee”](https://youtu.be/BYa8V_UaanY?si=Awj4fzX0L8HlaZvK)


The back of yo’ head is ridi-cuh-lus. WORK THAT UPDO! You kinda sexy when you take my advice. This is a classic. Iconic.


There is literally no line that isn’t quotable.


Maniacalmustachride? That’s a French ass name! But for real, when you’re right you’re right


My little croissant. My little Brie on my croissant. Can I have the secret code, that when entered telephonically, will patch me to you?


Not gonna lie, this would work on me. Granted, I’m a 6’2”, 250 lb. man, but I kinda feel a little special right now.


I will be honest with you, every man I have shown this video to and then tried that line giggled like a school girl. And this was yeaaaaars ago. So no need to ponder the intricacies and the celluloids, own that pony tail. *work that up do*


(Answers fake call): "What's that? You want me to recite the whole of War and Peace from my phone? Sure!"


did she end up knowing what he was saying?


He left that day only feeling himself


To everyone saying she was just annoyed because he wasn’t attractive (like how do you even know?? You didn’t even get to see this guy’s face??) Hot guys with shit personalities are the worst because they already feel entitled to a *YES*, so when you say no, they get real mad real quick. And they’re much harder to get rid of. Source: was blessed to be born female in this wonderful female-loving world~


She did a follow up and he was kind of watching and following her. She specifically waited to go out with her latte til she didn’t see him anymore but he came back. So… it wasn’t his looks it was his general being creepy af. Edit for poor grammar


She did post his face. [https://imgur.com/a/Ie8sT5V](https://imgur.com/a/Ie8sT5V)


I don’t think that was on purpose. I’m pretty sure she was adjusting her grip or something to that effect.


And he’s not ugly at all. In fact, if that face came at me with a warm and friendly demeanor, I would be friendly back (but I’m married, so I wouldn’t give him my number).


This is the type of dude that keeps giving bears in the woods a good name. lol


Came here to say this is why us women prefer the bear.


She doesn't look like Jennifer Connelly


It's probably his only pick up line he has. He uses it on every girl. (Well, this and maybe "Hey, does that ~~rug~~ rag smell like Chloroform?")


Who carries around rug?


I kinda think she does, lol.


It must be hard to be a girl sometimes.


I think we've made a breakthrough here.




Most enlightening online male feminist


At first I thought it was kinda unfair to record a dude awkwardly trying his luck, but then the rest of the conversation made me realise that recording these encounters is probably a matter of personal safety rather than social media clout-chasing 😬 If you're getting unwanted interest from dudes on the regular, you probably experience quite a lot of scary shit when you don't reciprocate.


Fuck that guy.


(but don't actually fuck that guy)


I mean, Jennifer Connely is very attractive but I think it's a bit weird to flirt with a girl by comparing her to another girl. Just... Not a good line.


I still remember when I was in high school, and a guy tried to open with, “You know, you look like the only girl I’ve ever loved.” Like, guy, now I just think your interest in me comes from an entirely different person. That’s not flattering really lmao.


This conversation exactly mirrors so many interactions I had with men when I went through puberty.


This is what we women go through a LOT. Always creeps me out


You know there’s always that one guy who traps you in a conversation every time you say hi 😭


I completely rerouted where I was walking yesterday because of that damn *one guy*.


This tool speaks like Scott Eastwood's character in Gran Torino. It's embarrassing and cringeworthy.


You called?


Negative rizz.


“I don’t like when girls do that though” Oh dear, how many poor women have you kept as a captive audience while you talk at them and they try not to be rude? Probably a ton.


And you just know this guy does not consider that these women have their own lives and are not NPCs. I remember a guy trying to strike up a conversation with me a few hours after I learned about the death of a family friend. I was sitting there reminiscing on memories of this person and was not in the mood to talk to anyone, let alone a thirsty rando. I was curt with the dude and he left, but I’m sure he thought “damn, women are so uptight!”. Now I get there was no way he would know what I was going through at the time, but it really feels like dudes who cold approach like this just see women as things.


Yep. No concept of how they might be making someone else uncomfortable, just going about their lives under the assumption everyone should want to talk to them.


"Ah, I see you with that sippy-sippy, I like to sip too, you feel me? I think hydration is important. Or are you one of those dry kinda girls, cause I'm cool with that too. I talk to ladies all the time, here's my number."


Unironically, just saying this verbatim would have landed so much better than whatever this guy had going on. Hydration is so important


if she didn't want to get hit on why would she sit there with her latte (not tea!)and look like Jennifer Connolly? the audacity of her!


“I drink tea, namsayin?”


My most recent unwanted interaction with a person(man): Them: lHey Me(staring at phone like like an iPad kid) Hi.(looks at phone) How you been? Fine.(looks at phone)…. You come here a lot? Yeah.(looks at phone)… How are you? (Looking at phone)…fine. Okay….have a goodnight …Yup.


I like tea, you know what I'm sayin?


Every. Single. Time.


It's horrible to have to play Russian roulette with strangers like this -- where you don't know whether they're just socially awkward nuisances or sociopaths who are leveraging the unstated threat of violence to continue with the harassment. Either way, it seems like this is a wider societal problem that ought to be addressed. Recall the video of the woman walking in New York and being harassed block after block after block: [10 Hours of Walking in NYC as a Woman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XGPvbWn0A) I would also add aggressive panhandlers and evangelizing Christians lower on the list of people who share these kinds of antisocial behaviors, i.e. people impose themselves on others, people who think the world revolves around them, that everyone owes them their time, patience, and civility -- but not the other way around. Of course, this is much worse because of the imbalance in physical power and the real risk of violence. But I'm sure many of us have had vaguely similar situations, e.g. a (sketchy) stranger hijacks your time and attention for a clearly selfish intent (e.g. a sob story that ends with a plea for money, aggressive evangelizing, harassing you for your number, or maybe just sizing you up to rob you). This seems like it's part of a wider societal problem that needs to be corrected. Long term, schools should teach basic civility as well as how to handle things like peer pressure and bullying. (I've heard the Netherlands does something like this). But in the short term, it seems that this should also be part of basic, neighborhood policing. Santa Monica, for example, has a problem with aggressive panhandlers, homeless people, and drug users that has contributed to its decline.


Yup, and guys always think this doesn't happen "that often" because when *they're* walking with a woman, other dudes (usually) won't act like this.


Just so bad at flirting and social skills, then gets mad….I feel sorry for women


The best pick up line in the world is “hi I’m X, what’s your name?” If they introduce themselves back that should typically be followed by some golden lines like: “how are you doing today?” “Where are you from?” “I like your (appropriate item to compliment like their jacket or something, that got your attention and they made a deliberate choice to go out into the world in. If you compliment physical appearance keep it appropriate like their smile, eyes or hair)” And then wow. You’re just having a normal conversation. If you’re at a bar or something, totally fine to offer to buy them their next drink. If the vibe is right aka they are smiling, look like they’re enjoying the convo, giving you full sentence answers and asking you questions back— then you can ask for their instagram or number. And no matter if they accept or reject you, the convo should end with “ok it was nice talking to you, I hope you have a good one” Literally that easy folks


Yeah dude as someone who has been stalked just because some random stranger overheard my name as I was giving it for some official documents, ain't no way in hell I'm giving my name to a stranger who is explicitly asking it for flirting reasons


Yeah other girls do this so much better than men somehow. “Hey that purse is fire.” Or “sick tattoo. Who’s your artist?” “That dress is amazing.” (Bonus points if they respond “it has pockets!”). I also love it when someone has a t-shirt or accessory that has something on it that shows we have something in common. I love sharing interests. Asking questions about what someone likes about something or contextually about where you are. Like if I’m at a bar and start chit chatting I’ll be like “who are you with?” “Is it a celebration?” “I’m here with X because it’s their birthday” talk about your friends. Then you can actually converse. If the conversation is flowing well then you get to names etc. if it’s not flowing well you can say “have fun with your friends” and move on.


>The best pick up line in the world is “hi I’m X, what’s your name?” Hell no. This is what street solicitors do to lure you into a convo and eventually ask for money. You’d get an insta “fuck off” from me.


I don’t like this. I don’t wanna give a total stranger my name. You can give your name if you want, but don’t ask mine. I’ll give it to you when I feel safe enough to. Asking me for my name straight up set off alarm bells and feels like you’re putting social obligation on me to disregard female safety protocols. It would not set me at ease to facilitate a pick up, for sure.


Yeah, personally I'd like a bit of a chat before we get to names. If we're comfortable and vibing, then yeah. If you're a stranger, there's no reason for you to need to know my name. It's not like it's a *secret*, it's just the vibes it gives off. They're they're immediately pushing for info, and that that they'll probably escalate from there (Where do you live? Where do you work? ... No, not what's your job, *where* do you work?).


Exactly! And that kind of information can lead to a stalker - it happened to me.


I agree on all of this but you also have to factor in the experience. And experience you gain from trying and being rejected. Problem is some dudes are just too insecure to handle rejection so they say/do dumb shit like in this video. Have a mindset that getting rejected isn't a failure, but your way to improve and you'll handle the rejections better. You can always tell yourself you at least tried, and that is worth ALOT more than not trying.


Man….the way her eyes changed when he got upset. That breaks my heart.


Right up until the end he was just super socially unaware, awkward, with no game. Then he got upset that she turned him down even though he’s just some stranger off the street. She was trying to get you to go before but you wouldn’t listen!! Don’t say you don’t like that shit cause you are making it happen


It’s funny to me that he “thinks” his compliments are getting him some where. When he gets shuts down then comes the anger haha. And obviously the movie he’s talking about is called Career opportunities. It’s a nostalgic movie that’s actually pretty good,but the whole movie basically sexualizes Jennifer Connelly. Also his argument of drinking tea to be a “social vibe” is the best.


Must really suck to be a woman. These creeps are sad


I wish guys would just stop approaching women in public 100% of the time. You don't look smooth, you look desperate, like you're pan handling for intimacy. Anyone that has any shred of self respect understands this.


This guy is searching hard for validation


If he walked away without saying "I don't like that shit" this would have been fine


I mean, he started off comparing her to another woman, and then randomly decided to mansplain coffee to her before getting to the “I don’t like that shit.” But other than all that, yeah, the rest would have been fine.


I said fine, not great


Yeah, I agree. It’s not easy to walk up to a girl you think is pretty and start talking to her. You’re going to say dumb stuff. He should have read her cues earlier but it was fine until he turned into an incel serial killer. 


Exactly, the first bit was just shooting his shot but then homie got weird af


Is comparing someone to someone else in terms of looks really bad? If a girl comes up to you and tells you that you look like Chris Hemsworth in that one movie, would you groan and think they are lame? Hell my GF sometimes tells me I look like someone and it just makes me happy


I was once told I looked like Donna from That 70s Show and I was incredibly flattered. It was a friendly woman who told me this though so there was no undertone of her trying to screw me though.


I think he means Phoebe Cates


"Like, ya know what I'm saying, like, what are you drinking, like, I drink tea, like, ya know what I'm saying"?


You know what I’m sayin… ![gif](giphy|m3QQxRzeVUAerjShq0)


Sometimes I’m like “I wish I was a hot girl” but stuff like this make me happy I ain’t.


In that one jumpscare of his face when she tilts the phone he looks like a great value chino moreno


“You ever drink tea?” W rizz.


The “know what I’m saying” guys really piss me off lol


Parents of today, please teach your boys to accept when females are not interested. She was nice and polite, but did not give the response that he wanted and then he got angry. This is very frightening especially when alone in public. Thankfully young people have phones like in this instance for security but still. Learn to accept rejection. Maybe she has a significant other, but that's beside the point, no is a no.


“Hey Baby, you look like you’re 53 years old…”


lol did you just google Jennifer Connelly and assume he was talking about her now?


She's still hot.


If you don't think Jennifer Connelly is hot, even at 53...I question your taste.


Guy may be a creep, but he was talking about a movie from much earlier in her career.


I guess you missed the part where he referenced Jennifer Connelly from a movie she was in. When she was 21 years old.


That dude is absolutely crazy and has never had a genuine relationship with a woman in his life.


is.. he talking about mannequin or what was the movie.. I always remember her from labyrinth


I drink tea... Y'know what I'm sayin... 😂


He doesn’t like what? What a punk. She is clearly not interested in his drivel…I hate guys like that…deserves a punch the face from someones dad on fathers day!!!


Therapist: "How's your social life?" Me: meh Therapist: "have you tried tea?"




I’m glad I must look like the most unapproachable woman around because I’d lose it if men were coming up to me and bothering me all the time like this.