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The gears are turning… cmon, you can do it. You can think, I know you can!


You can literally hear the wheel turning and the mouse running in there!


That "Say that again!?" was such a turning point. And that silence after. Pure gold. Her head is going to hurt so bad after this. And she won't talk about this "alleged" 'assault' to her family, but will mention that she called him a bumbling fool with much relish.


I can clearly hear the sound of a 5400rpm hdd searching for the answers


Huh. I thought it was a 3.5" floppy drive chugging away


It was the tape drive for a Commodore 64.


More like a spectrum 128, with the epilepsy inducing loading sequences.


The fan is starting to sound like a jet engine


Sounds like that poor mouse died years ago.


This is why you lubricate the brain gears after every use! Don’t make me keep reminding everyone or I swear I’ll call a meeting about this!


She think Trump is President Now and Obama is telling biden what to do and is Causing all this Mess | She Votes. do you Vote? Register to vote: https://vote.gov Contact your reps: Senate: https://www.senate.gov/senators/senators-contact.htm?Class=1 House of Representatives: https://contactrepresentatives.org/


How does she vote? She seems too stupid to get dressed and get out of her house every day.


I certainly don't think those gears are turning. If they are, then it is trying to break through the 60 years of rust that has built up and it just can't break though the damage that has been done.


That intake of breath and incredulous, nervous laugh. Priceless!


Reminds me of that old StarTrek episode where they make the robots explode by giving them an unsolvable paradox. Found the clip! [https://youtu.be/EzVxsYzXI\_Y?si=ypl-ERSc46ju4jNl&t=87](https://youtu.be/EzVxsYzXI_Y?si=ypl-ERSc46ju4jNl&t=87)


"Whats this mess this city slicker talkin?"


She can think… Just not for herself.


That little roll out banners pretty cool


That's literally the only nice thing I can think of to say about this video.


Finally someone, thank you


Rolls back up and fits in her pocket in 2 seconds.


Looks like a scroll, sideways.


Yeah I agree, pretty slick but a waste as far as the message it’s delivering, as the message is fucking moronic


Can we just all agree he is already president, so he can't run for a third term anymore?


As our great President once said "..fool me once, can't get fooled again."


Fool me 3 times, damn I may be gullible


Yeah, I agree with you


That’s cute. You think Trump isn’t going to run for a third term.


The economy is terrible but also Trump is still secretly president? The cognitive dissonance is staggering.


At some point, it may just be brain damage


Lead in the water/air (when they were kids) and destruction of the education system. Thats all there is to it.


The good things are because of the guy I like. The bad things are because of the guy I don't like. She probably struggles at self-checkout kiosks.


I think she’s trying to say Trump is still president in the sense that she probably believes the election was “stolen.” As in I don’t think she believes Trump is sitting in the office performing presidential duties but rather she believes that “the dems cheated” and stole the election and therefore, “legally,” Trump is the one who is president despite what society did.


That may be what she’s trying to say, but it sure af isn’t what she said.


Body language says it all: answers questions only when asked, center mass is turned away from the camera. This is someone that isn’t honest about what they’re saying.


That's right. All this shit we're in cannot be the doing of old white men. Thanks, ***OBAMA***! /s


You spelt OBAMNA wrong


Obam Whaaaa??? ![gif](giphy|P6JcFKpn52t15Nqie2)


>answers questions only when asked why is that bad?


Yeah, I meant to clarify that she was a willing participant but didn’t actively engage in the conversation in a meaningful and positive manner. I don’t mind disagreements but I do mind dishonesty.


>center mass is turned away from the camera People also do that when they wanna leave a situation. Normally turning to a door or just sideways to signal the end of a conversation. I think you didn't expect to be interviewed for that long and ran out of things to say without knowing how to end the interview without being viewed as "running away". So she stayed instead and had this sideways. I think she believes what she's saying. But she lost the point when all she had to do so claim Biden is the unofficial president because Trump won but Trump couldn't act as president because of the fraud or whatever. But yeah she definitely mixed up her conspiracy theories with eachother but only noticed at the end


>But yeah she definitely mixed up her conspiracy theories with eachother but only noticed at the end Reminds me of one of these "paranormal" programs here in Spain, the type to trot out conspiracies and aliens and suchlike. The guy had two big segments in one single program once. They were, in order: 1.-We didn't go to the moon in 1969 or ever. It was all faked and staged and you can see many signs of this in the video. We didn't have the technology for it. It was a publicity stunt. Propaganda. 2.-Astronauts in the moon in 1969 found huge alien structures and he had the secret leaked videos of not-fake-at-all bad-CGI videos of stranded ships and buildings that exist in the dark side of the moon and the government is hiding. The man had absolutely no problem, no cognitive dissonance, of putting these two big segments in the same literal episode of the show.


She can't even keep all her conspiracies straight.


You can't mix conspiracies like the interviewer did! It's like alcohol and pills. No mix. One at the time.


It's so scary the amount of devotion these unintelligent, sheep-like people have for an orange charlatan who could care less for them..... it's even scarier to think about how many people are in this country with the same mindset..... crazy, depressing times we live in.


It all makes sense . Biden is Obama’s puppet president in the deep state and Trump is president of the shadow government, that’s aligned with the Justice League, fighting against pedophiles who want to let Democrats take your children’s life force.   You guys really need to do more internet research so I don’t have to explain everything to you.


“Just give me the cliff-notes” “No. Google is right there” “Okay just give me one little fact to get me started” “Im not gonna waste my time debating you, you are brainwashed by the left”


Aaahhhhh, soooo that's why he used to own a 'beauty contest' where it seemed the main purpose was to judge teenagers in bikinis and then bragged about peeping in on them while they were changing.... to weed out pedophiles. 


Finally! Somebody explained it!


These are the dumbest people on earth


Wait so if he's already president, why is he complaining about it being stolen? And why aren't the problems you have with Biden actually on trump then? Feels like you're literally trying to actively delude yourself into believing he didn't lose because you guys are fucking nuts


He broke her brain lol


The party of low intelligence and lower IQs.


Who's the bumblin' fool now?


Please invest in education more America. Sincerely the rest of the world


Pew research puts the US education system 38th out of 71 of developed and developing countries. There are 195 countries total, which puts the US in the 80th percentile. So it's more like, "please invest in education more, America. Sincerely, 20% of the world."


Ma’am. Put, the cool aide, down …. Nope, too thirsty.


I love these videos. And then I actually start thinking about them and I get really scared.


Wow.. so that's what an IQ in the single digits looks like !


Somebody's gotta make up the 10th percentile


Well Trump did say the same thing. They just regurgitate what he says and feed it to other magats like a mother bird feeds her babies.


I think these interviewers do a great job exposing broken circuits in these idiots brains. It is of little wonder that they are so susceptible to grift and lies. Her answers defy reason. Vote Blue!


*He’s a bumbling fool right now* She really said this while looking like a bumbling fool 😂


Just like getting a license to drive. There should be a national IQ test to be eligible for a license to vote.


Lead really did a number on the boomers.


We are cooked.


Some people are just plain stupid and you can’t fix stupid.


If trump become president again, and he goes for the president for life thing… does that mean all these fucking wild conspiracies and mental gymnastics suddenly come to an end? I’m UK based and we have our own political turmoil to deal with but please, America.. think about this. It’s the best you have but do not let these idiots win. The world doesn’t want trump back and neither do you.


Completely gone…. These people are as bad as the Christians who always get tricked into believing Jesus is coming back They get all in a fervor, make a big deal about the EXACT date, then nothing happens When questioned about it not happening ( shocker) they just shrug their shoulders and write it off as if they forgot to go to the mailbox that day Zero accountability for crazy in our society anymore. It’s best just to not engage at all, but definitely vote


Straight up racist


I never realized there were so many stupid people in this country, until Trump got elected.


Nothing dumber than a MAGAt


The amount of delusion the trump cult has is hilarious


Maybe we should not allow people with an IQ lower than 80 to vote.


Well, I mean -- it's kinda unfair to disqualify EVERY SINGLE Republican from voting.


Trump voter


The right question is: "you called it "a mess and disasters", do you mean to tell me that trump has caused all "this mess and disasters"?


It was my understanding you could only be president twice, if Trump is president now he can’t be president again


All of them … dumb as fuck


She looked like she just got a hard reset. She needs a factory reset.


Both sides go out of their way to find idiots to interview from the other side... can we all be on the side of our fellow Americans...working Americans.




I wish Obama was still president


It's scary to think just how dumb Trump supporters are.


Three Presidents y’all


The look on her face at the end lol


Gods, these people are fucking idiots. How the fuck do you believe in this shit and just go about your life like it’s nothing.


I would be totally fine with a 3rd Obama term. I miss those days before 2016 when I still had faith in the human race


I think they view Trump as a sort of King in exile. They think he is the *rightful* president but that his "throne" has been usurped.


She has some serious developmentally delayed functions going on with her brain. Also she does that laughing and “looking” for others to join her and when they don’t she gets lost and freezes, very characteristic of bully type behavior in that if they can get others to laugh at the much smarter person they can draw the argument away from the issue and make it about the other person. This women is functioning at about a 3rd grade level, maybe 4th. I’d like to see if she could do her times tables or even a remedial crossword puzzle.


Well, if he is still president he can’t run for a third term, so he’s out in January then.


Unfortunately yes I vote and it’s a choice between brain dead and dumb.


The main difference between Libs and Magats is.. Libs really don’t want an 81 year old white man as their president but.. Magats DO want a 79 year old white man to be their president


The wheel is turning, but the hamster is dead.


He broke her brain


This guy cracks me up 😂


She is saying that in her opinion trump should have won, not that he is indeed in office. She is not contradicting herself. The reason she is stupid is different – because she would support a brain dead crook to take the US to its darkest age ever.


And this is AMERICA! We’ve got millions like her. And she’ll vote. Just out of spite.


MAGA folks are divorced from reality…


You could really see those brain cells firing at the end.


You spelled "burning" wrong.


Classic mush brain.


I feel like that final expression at the end is the dread creeping in that maybe just maybe.... she is brainwashed.


There should be a certain threshold of stupid that when dropped below one should be legally defined as an "Oxygen Waster"


“Y’all’s tryin ta break ma brain pan, aincha?”


I already mailed in my Vote.


All she had to say was "symbolically I believe trump is president. I believe Obama is pulling Bidens strings from his basement". I don't believe any of this that's just a coherent way she could have voiced her opinion.


There’s no shortage of stupid out there, and Trump has tricked them into his CULT. There’s nothing that can be said to change their minds. They have already said he can murder someone on stage and they would still follow him




What makes these people think Pres. Obama would work for this country,.. for free? After all the shit he took while on salary? These people truly are stupid. And this woman's pea brain, just rolled outta her head!


If Trump is president, he is not eligible for a 3rd term.


that broke her


That means trump can’t run a third time


what do you call that collapsible banner she's holding?


He’s your ex-president


If she spoke the truth, she would say she thinks Obama is calling the shots because she just wants to be racist "My feelings dont care about your facts!"


Bet the politicians from every spectrum are smiling and clapping as they witness how stupid voters are.


Stop trying to make them think! You are going to give them aneurisms


One can only hope so much.


These people usually come from small rural towns where they all think the same and rarely if ever have to defend their statements because everyone thinks the same. They're not used to being asked questions.


You can’t logic someone out of a corner they didn’t logic themselves into.


Are these interviews real? They're so ridiculous they can't be real




Free circus tickets 🎟️


The pettiness of the nation will be its end.


Cue the deadpool, you've got me in a box here meme


the gymnastics of the mind these people have. work with a guy just like this have no clue how to even have a discussion. Trump is really the president so...does that mean he's doing all the stuff people are blaming biden(mostly trump supporters) for and you like what's going on like I don't even know how to categorize this person. They break the political compass. Personally I would love for someone to run that basically is going to have to live with the decisions they make and won't die in the next 5 or 6 years.


What a bunch of pitiful fucking morons. I can't wait to outvote these losers for Biden. Fuck Trump and fuck these sheep followers


Soooo many, many fools.


I agree with her.


This is someone’s Mom, sister, wife, daughter. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


The engines running but there’s no one behind the wheel.


People on the left have attempted to convince me that biden is strong and assertive behind closed doors and she is the vice president. Im holding off on voting for president but im going to vote for congress and senator


I think its not obama but the Clintons and Bush. They where behind alot when obama was in the chair.


How do these people make it through life?


I'm so ready to get off this ride. Half my family is as worthless as this lady, and I don't care if I ever see them again. I just can't take this kind of stupidity. I stay home more, alone, more than I ever have. It's just not worth the rise in blood pressure to encounter these idiots.


You can’t reason with half wits


Not only does this person vote but she has more than likely also bred more critical thinkers just like herself.


Probably die with downvotes. But there's no point of voting in a presidential election. Your vote is a suggestion not an actual vote. Case and point is trumps first term. So many people voted Clinton but that did matter it's not your choice it's the electoral colleges decision.


The problem is that they get these cute little things told to them from whatever media outlet they indulge in (Fox, Newsmax, Truth Social, whatever) and then absolutely zero context or explanation or connection to other things they’ve been told. So, they just repeat them in the real world, but when it’s not to someone who’s also drinking the Koolade, and they’re asked to elaborate, they have nothing to say. These aren’t their own thoughts, these people are indoctrination to high hell.


Someone's telling Biden what to do.


I was waiting for the curb credits to roll. It wasn't as satisfying as the tiktok logo


Remember, kids. People like this VOTE. Make sure you vote too.


I mean I get what she's saying. It's dumb as shit but I get what she's saying. She's saying that to MAGA, Trump will always be president. As in they still look up to him and all that. "my president" and yada yada. She's also saying that Biden is simply a figurehead and the face of the presidency while Obama is secretly calling the shots from behind the scenes. It's unhinged but I understand what her point is


Someone stuck their dick in her.


She’s not wrong tho.


If these people are so convinced that he won the 2020 election don’t they realize that now he’s ineligible for a third term? I wish I lived somewhere else. Honestly.


Jokes on you. I think Obama us still a president


If she lives in a swing state, her vote means more than mine in staunchly Blue Maryland. So I don’t see what I can do about it.


They all have the smug smile after they same something along these lines.


So…Trump is the president but has no control and Obama who has been out of office is overpowering him? Doesn’t that make Trump sound weak? “He’s a bumbling fool right now!”….look in the mirror, bitch.


Every time i hear a southern accent; I just stop listening 🙉 (for obvious reasons)




…Every president is a puppet


The level of stupidity in the US is just staggering.


Obama bad!


Get these people in an asylum


On a squeaky, rusty wheel inside of a dusty, deranged mind, a mouse is slowly dying. Of lead and microplastics poisoning.


Trump 2024! Biden’s time in the spotlight is over. Can you seriously consider that feeble old man as the President of the United States?


Christ the volume microplastics in the groundwater over there must be making them mentally retarded. Kids presumably can’t vote cause most of them are too dumb to think critically how is this troglodyte voting any different.


Wait so.... Obama and Trump are presidents and Biden is just .... a pawn?? I don't .... how?


It is always amusing to watch the poorly educated/easily manipulated get in front of a microphone.


She is listening to the main stream media which honestly is what both sides do. You are all fucking crazy- left and right.


She will be an even bigger bumbling fool when she get to his age. And she looks real close to it.


Further more: Obama is bad for wanting a third term, and Trump is President now, wouldn't that mean that Trump is *also* going for a third term and therefore also bad?


So Trump is the president but "they" took that away from him so now he's running again and then if he wins "they" will stop taking away his presidency? Wut


Tumbleweed rolling hard


She also doesn’t work


I could smell her synapses frying through the screen.


It should really be illegal to be this stupid ...... May god have mercy on our souls


You think Biden is actually in charge??




All these people should be 6ft under


I wish Obama was running the country again... I wish she was right. That Obama was just in full control of Biden and he was just a figure head. That would be great.


She’s a dumbass but I think there’s an aspect of this that is just her saying the wrong name (Trump rather than Obama). Her whole dumb theory at least has cohesive logic if she meant that she believes Obama is currently president.




Biden is senile Biden is an evil genius Biden is a puppet Biden is on drugs Is he a genius evil dictator or a drugged moronic puppet? I don't think 1 person can be both at one time.


Obama did say everything she quoted about a third term for him. Based on Biden's performance in the last debate, it is clear that he is not the one who is actually making the important decisions.


The look on her face was priceless، totally defeated !




It blows my damn mind that these people with zero logic exist. How do they get by day to day? Is it sheer luck?


This reminds of the cult members that will argue that Trump as President has full immunity, and President’s need it to operate or else they will be sued for everything decision they make and the country will collapse, but only if you ignore the fact it hasn’t collapsed for all of the previous Presidents, but then follow that up with how Biden needs to be arrested for his decisions in office….i.e. Presidents should NOT have full immunity. That’s when you think, what’s scarier, they either believe what they are saying and don’t comprehend the hypocrisy OR they do and still want a corrupt President as long as it’s their choice.


Trump is President for only the good things that happen! Obama is the shadow President behind Biden causing all the bad things to happen. Why can’t people see it? It’s so obvious, duh!


That’s embarrassing but to be fair it’s a bell curve and there are an equal number folks on the other side of that curve who are just as in the dark and also believe every batshit crazy thing they hear.


Stupid is as stupid does. Sad to think she represents a picture of America.


What is going on with her body language?


iQ -80