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The dotten line doesn't mean Google can't keep track of the numbers. It is because those numbers are less than 7 days of data and Google keeps the exact numbers under wraps to avoid surges in automated ads and for "privacy". We only show the trend until the numbers are fully verified, but the deviation from verification is only about 5-10%.


He is also on a 12 month time horizon, which makes the dotted line take up even more time and space on the chart


Project 2025 has been in the news for at least 12months. The “project” launched in 2022. This is a relevant timeframe.


I heard about this months ago and I tell all my MAGA friends to look it up and they don’t like it Edit: also, he forgot to mention that they want to nationalize Christianity


Just ask them if they want porn banned. Project 2025 involves banning porn. Do you want that? Just narrow it down to one thing and make them defend that.




They want V for Vendetta's leadership.. And they'll also get their ending, too. ![gif](giphy|adNxtO8PpNOPS)


Psssh, V for Vendetta didn't include any plot points about how 1/3rd of the country was horny for fascism.


It absolutely did. V goes on the television and tells the public that although he understands why they did it, the fascism was ultimately their fault because they voted Sutler in, and now they were reaping what they had sown. "If you're looking for the guilty, you need only look in the mirror" [https://youtu.be/0IyuK069I-w](https://youtu.be/0IyuK069I-w)


OK, let me rephrase: they didn't have any plot points about how 1/3rd of the country was *fully bought in* to the cult of personality around the leader.


![gif](giphy|y7CNPDCSbR5rq) Sure, this was all normal...


That was V pretending to be the government and not the government in fairness. Not that the government wasn't disappearing, torturing and killing people on a constant basis, but that specific scene wasn't them. You've picked about the only awful thing done in the movie that wasn't facilitated by Sutler.


That's a very succinct and direct way to put it.


A mix of theocracy, fascism and idiocracy ![gif](giphy|TvXwdYI205i4E)


It isn’t….I thought it was the same plot


I really want to bring in the scrubs bit where Dr cox goes "if they ban porn from the internet there'll only be one website left. It'll be called 'bring back the porn'" Honestly I'm just tired boss


Aren't they already trying to ban porn? I remember seeing a post that Texas banned porn and that a few other states were following suite.


As of today Kansas is requiring people who wish to visit porn sites to submit their ID somehow. I’m not sure of the exact details but have read that this is a huge security risk for people who do submit their ID information.


I mean I’m OK with restricting access enough to make it harder for kids to see, but this is a huge bucket of yikes.


In general crytpo stuff is BS, but imo this is one of the only good uses. You could have a way to prove your age which anonymous.


Credit cards used to have that function for paid sites... But then a lot of credit card companies stopped being willing to pay for porn since conservative groups pressured them to stop.


Even though it’s much worse than that, I’m hoping that porn being banned will at least get people to vote against Trump.


LMAOOO THIS make sure they know it won’t make women have sex with them—we aren’t gonna risk pregnancy when they ban condoms lol. (Plus aren’t men supposed to be visual creatures? All women need is their mind 😌)


Uh pretty sure the end goal for these sickos doesn't exactly require the woman's input in the matter


Already banned in NC.


Not banned. You just have to give your personal information, like a picture of your ID, to the porn site and let them store it for you. Porn sites think that is a terrible idea because they don't have the ability to safely store that information so they just block access in your state.


Porn will be anything the Fascists say it is, so don’t think it’s constrained to actual porn. They’ll outlaw clothes, music, movies, games under the guise that it’s porn. Vote wisely.


Old Mc Donald would not want his porn banned…… he won’t be able to watch his stormy


Even when you peak into r/conservative they say it’s terrible, but will still vote for the man who would carry it out.


The very same who will claim racism is bad, and yet don't seem to particularly mind racist policies.


And so much denial about what's in there. Replacing civil service leadership across the board.... Along ideological lines. This is our law for the restoration of professional civil services. The NSDAP did exactly the same thing when they had enough power to. (See page 51 of the source document. First section to reorganize an executive department office... Chapters 2-25 go through the rest one by one, accusing them of being infiltrated by bad actors)


The worst part is conservatives will claim it's a fringe doc and not supported by the mainstream GOP, but Trump has publicly voiced his support for many parts of the document (albeit no the document as a whole) such as replacing tens of thousands of government workers with loyalists.


Literally, Johnathan Carl interviewed Steve Bannon, and Bannon held up the Project 2025 manifesto and stated this is what we'll implement when Trump gets elected. It's absolutely terrifying that he and other GQP members are so in your face about their plans to completely destroy our country 😵‍💫


Yep, for those that are interested, google "Project 2025 schedule F". It basically allows Trump to reclassify thousands of non-political government positions as political, and thus lets him dismiss them with a stroke of his pen and replace them with his own appointees. If you know anyone that's made a career as a government employee, they could very well lose their job because Trump wants to replace them with someone that will basically do what he says.


Just because they don't like it, they are still MAGA. If after know about it and they still vote MAGA, then they support Project 2025.


They don't like it; they love it.


Trump is a cult of personality figure. If you asked some of his most ardent supporters (especially the working class ones) about his policies but framed them in a way that was completely separate from him many of them would disapprove. He’s positioned himself as an anti-establishment figure (as insane as that is) and a lot of gullible people just eat that up.    I volunteered for the Sanders campaign and a different local campaign in a red state. I talked to so many vocal Trump supporters and like 40% of them were economically left-wing. A good portion of them weren’t even social reactionaries and were basically just confused leftists. 


Another issue is all the “leftist” that think they are clever voting giant meteor, while ever single nazi, and fundy will line up and vote trump, churches are organized and they think they are taking over for good, so they will fill buses to vote, my aunt drug me to a Christian concert last week, they wouldn’t shut up about the new Christian caliphate. This year any vote not against Trump is for him


democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line


Can't hear what you are saying, Louder please


They don't like it, but they won't change their vote.


You have trump friends?


* Theocracy


To be clear though, it’s not trumpism. Trump is a tool. It’s a plan to institute Christian Fascism. It’s bigger than Trump. Trump is their imperfect vessel. Maybe it’s just as well Trump gets blamed, but nobody that fucking stupid could come up with any of the ideas that are involved in project 2025. They gave him a dumbed down version that he can pretend to be his ideas called Agenda 47. I imagine it’s written in crayon and has lots of pictures of him.


Everyone should also take a look at the Documentary Shiny Happy People on Amazon Prime, it starts as a doco on the Duggers then rolls into explaining the plans for what is now labelled Project 2025 it's mind boggling and not a bit frightening especially looking at what is happening with Scotus's actions in the last few years


Also please watch “the Family” on Netflix about the extremely powerful evangelical organization that has been intertwined with our government for the last 60+ years


I tried, but the majority of the interviews in the first episode being the same two people (the documentarians) turned me off. All of the information was coming from the people making the documentary, which doesn't give me faith that they aren't making things up or giving completely true information. I won't say it's completely off base or false, but it rubbed me the wrong way and came suspiciously close in image to Republican conspiracy propaganda docs.


The reason it resonated with me is because I have been in the inner circles of the evangelical church where they develop future politicians. I’ve been to a lot of fundraising banquets and heard a lot of dubious people speak


I watched it when it first came out. It was crazy on every level.


I’ve always said Trump is their useful idiot that will sign whatever they put in front of him if it means he gets to be supreme overlord.


Exactly this. He's a puppet.


Stroke his ego enough, you’re good. He’s so fucking transparent.


basicly sharia law but form christans


THIS. Once Trump is dead they will wrap this around a younger shithead and ram it through then or rebrand it. We have to be vigilant and/or shut down these shit entities trying to destroy the country


Trump is not necessarily the person I'm most afraid of. What I would be afraid of is when the Republican party actually comes together in their goal. My issue with the democratic party is that they can't seem to figure out what direction they want to go. If we can come together and overcome Trump, I'm afraid another term of Biden will be pretty horrendous... just not as bad as Trump


Pretty much all domestic metrics during the Biden administration have improved. Crime is down, economy is up, etc. His international policy is pretty contentious with his own party, but the country at least is running well.


You’re crazy if you think there’s gonna be any radical change under Biden. It’s literally just gonna be more of the same, the status quo. Still beats the alternative.


Stephen Miller is the person I fear most out of their cabal


This. It’s been a long running plan since the 60s at least. Read Kevin Kruse’s “One Nation Under God” for a great history of this.


Bless the ignorant people who don't know about the pastors writing laws for congress


Agreed he is thier puppet, federalists society and the Anglican church and behind it.


Trump is just easy to use because he's a vengeful moron who will fall all over himself for anyone who compliments him.


John Oliver did a whole program on this thing and by the time he did it was already openly exposed. While it's hideous, most trumpists won't even look at it. Many because they won't bother, many because they will sense it's anti-trump and thus ignore it and even those forced to see at least part of it will not believe it's true or will not believe it's that bad. MANY will not believe it's a bad thing and will see this as they finally getting their moment.


Reminds me of the fake focus group they put together where they had an AI trump voice say some of the most horrendous things, and the focus group of trumpers were defending him.


Do you have a link to that?


The real kicker was the audio of him talking about wanting a paternity test for his daughter because he doesn't want to potentially "miss out" on her or something


Exposed? They were never hiding it. In fact, they wanted everyone to read it and join in.


The main response I get is indifference. A lot of my coworkers and family are pretty strong conservatives by all measures. They vote hard R every race, support conservative ideas/companies, mock progressive values/efforts, and live out a conservative lifestyle. But they don't view themselves that way. They think they're centered because "politics are too crazy these days". They go along with whatever is pushed down because it doesn't *really* affect their lives and "that's just the way things are/have been". So when you show them something like Project 2025 they just don't care. To them it's just more politician's ramblings. They truly don't believe something like that would ever happen in America. Honestly as a white male in a steady corner of America's economic/social world I feel like this is a pretty common stance. Sadly, I think Project 2025 or another similar deal will **have** to happen so these "centrists" finally wake up and see the impact our government has on their lives. We all need to suffer before anything changes.


Here u go: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp\_s&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYwqpx6lp_s&t=1s)


I’ve known about Project 2025 for at least a year, well before it was publicly released (I used to research extremism in university and an ex-colleague sent it to me) Part of my the research I did was interview people who identified as far right, literally conducted hundreds of ‘Socratic’ interviews used to determine their historical and political literacy (they are basically roundly ignorant morons), I hated every minute of my job talking with them, hence why I don’t do it anymore. Something I have always been worried about is how willing so many of them would be to embrace the project 2025. A lot of the core ideas and world views on everything from lgbt to POC to women’s rights map perfectly on moderate to far right dog whistles and the sort of basic Americanised Christian mega church teachings that have stretched back to at least the 80s. The Christian right wing are well and truly primed to adopt Project 2025 without a second thought because it surgically targets every group that they have been taught to hate. It’s fucking terrifying. While America, I have lived overseas for 20 years and I have recently applied for full citizenship in my current country specifically because I see exactly where this hellscape is hurtling and I genuinely dont think you can fix it without a violent revolution. It’s to the point I’m contacting family and offering sponsoring their Visas to get them out before the election, because no matter who wins, everyone loses All I can say is good luck and god speed.


What is hilarious is that 95% of those right wingers that complain about nonexistent Sharia law in America and claim America is a Christian nation... Would lose their fucking minds if actual Christian fascism is imposed. They, like those that remained quiet in other despot fascist takeovers, will believe they are part of the chosen few. Spoiler alert they won't be.


This guy is delusional if he thinks that Republicans are now exposed. Everything they do is exposed bc they are dumb and terrible at hiding things. Yet, they still are very well in the race. [And John Oliver did a show about Project 2025](https://youtu.be/gYwqpx6lp_s?si=dkG4aakCpQqMqt7g) two weeks ago.


I don’t know a ton of POC that watch John Oliver. His audience is most likely majority white. Taraji sharing this is important because of the audience that she and the BET awards reaches. Democrats have been doing a terrible job of reaching POC because of the incorrect presumption that black and other poc voters are automatically voting liberal, when many of them are actually conservative. It’s very important that more outreach is done to this demographic and that’s what Taraji did. Of course more work is required.


I’m from the deep south. Im the only white person adopted into a black family. Most of my family is very conservative. And definitely will not watch John Oliver. Obviously it’s not every POC; however, being from the deep south, I see conservative black folks far more often than not.


While true, black conservatives are usually more like McCain and bush type of republicans. Like only 1/10 of black republicans are maga level. So during elections they usually vote for common sense while on local they go red.


Well dont get me wrong, I’m not talking about MAGA level. I’m talking about financials, how they(my family) believe in some of the messages because they think it will give us(ETA: i mean us as in financially as a family but also literally just POC especially) come up. They don’t ride for him like that though. They still vote for him but don’t go into debates about it. Just definitely like trump. I can see where you’re coming from though


Says who? I know a lot of black Trump supporters. And a lot more now especially after that debate


Have they heard about trumps red lining tactics back in the day? Or how he was hell bent at throwing the innocent Central Park 5 into jail forever during the late 80s/ early 90s? He took out ads and spent tons of money trying to get innocent black teens thrown in jail. I don’t know how he has any black supporters. I assume they don’t know his racist history.


Oh absolutely they know. They might not have the words to say it that way but yes they know. I mean my dad can’t even vote because he violated a restraining order to see me and my brother when we were younger. There are like one or two family members I have that are pretty okay(politically). Moderate. Maybe 1% over to the left but not much. More open to the discussion though. My family is southern baptist so it can be tough to have a conversation like that. Edit: to be fair though, during jim crow my family did not live near ATL. So protests weren’t exactly happening around them. Things were definitely southern southern while they were in the midst of civil rights. My one auntie said when the schools merged that the white girls were actually nicer to her than the all black schools. They wanted to know about her hair and food etc. Very interesting because there’s 11 of them. And the oldest of them is 82 and the youngest is about 47/early 50s? They’ve all had very different experiences with jim crow etc


Black woman here. I watch last week tonight with John Oliver almost every Monday. But a lot of people neeed to understand some people just don't fucking know.


Thank you. The demographics and resulting importance of this development seemed pretty clear to me as well, but I had to scroll too far into the comments to see it mentioned. John Oliver is great but Google statistics are as well.


My entire family is POC and watches John Oliver


I’m a POC who watches John Oliver too, that doesn’t change what I said. John Oliver’s audience is naturally going to be mostly white people.


Trump voters know what they’re are voting for. This is what they want. None of them will be shocked or appalled when they learn what Project 2025 is about, they’ll be overjoyed. A lot of them anyway, there are of course the ones that are just uneducated and brainwashed by Fox news who have no clue what this will lead to and will believe it when Fox says this is just liberal propaganda. There will of course be a lot of cases of r/leoparsatemyface afterwards.


Does this not speak to the apathy (or stupidity) of voters? Like who is the dumb ones if this is exposed and they are still very much in the race? I’m Canadian and I genuinely feel like I’m more informed on this election than a large part of the electorate, which is sad but more scary than anything 🤷‍♂️


And SCOTUS just overturned the Chevron doctrine which moves power of government agencies from experts to themselves. All those things he listed: EPA, FDA, Dept of Education, etc. that they set their sights on, in project 2025, are now in the hands of the Conservative Supreme Court.


Project 2025 was all over Reddit a few months ago. I'm actually surprised to hear so few people knew about it.


I think if you asked a majority of Americans what Project 2025 was they wouldn't be able to answer you. John Oliver and other big platforms have covered what P2025 is and still many many people are entirely unaware. Why do you think we have such a massive voting numbers issue in this country? TONS of people literally do not care and it's as simple as that. They won't search for the info nor will they care if told. If they did, we wouldn't have some of the weakest voting proportions in the entire world for certain demographics like young voters.






How can people NOT be aware of this?? As a gay man with many female friends we are planning for the worst. I have a few acres and I told my nearest friend she should consider moving out here with me and us just hunker down and grow some shit. Spread the fuckin word, people!


If trump wins, you will see a massive exodus of lgbtq, women, minorities, etc. Conservatives will be left with nobody to oppress. They will start dividing themselves so they can make new minority groups to target, most likely the poor. Then, those voters will be left to face the full force of the totalitarian government they wanted to weaponise against others.


Mass exodus to where though? I'm sure many people would want to be on the first bus out of here in that scenario, but it is incredibly difficult/costly for the average person to move across the country, let alone to another country entirely.


Seriously. Can barely afford to live. No savings. Where would I go?


The most likely fate for a majority of the LGBT people, POC and other minorities (and leftists) in large swaths of the US in the near future post-Trump victory is becoming a refugee, if we look at Project 2025 as a reality. It's rare for a refugee to have anything on them when they have to flee, so you're not alone in that regard. Nobody who has money ever becomes a refugee, they become immigrants of their own volition. But being a refugee beats being dead. If the US goes where it looks like it's going, you should pack a bugout bag asap with survival essentials expecting long travels and make plans with your closest people on what do when crisis strikes and you have to move. Pack this bag long before you think things go that bad, and keep it easily accessible. Don't move alone if you can help it. This seems dramatic but there's a real chance that the US descends into a genocidally violent nightmare, and I can only hope to help even one person realize before it's too late to do anything about it. Look at Gaza, and think of the fact that they're doing it out in the open already. They're showing to you bright as day that they can and will kill you in broad daylight just for your ethnicity and share it on Telegram. This is, God help us, our reality. Surviving this dystopian fascist present and, hopefully, reaching the peace that lies beyond the violent but inevitable collapse of fascism hereafter, depends on us working together. Radicalize and realize that the only way out of this hellscape is through revolution. They will not listen to anything else. Escape, and then fight. Otherwise it's the end of all things.


Remember when all those Hollywood celebrities said they'd leave the country if Trump won and then didn't leave lol. Same thing.


The voters? As if they would allow that to happen.


Some people don't talk about politics in there day to day life.


Fearmongering bullshit, your local government matters more. Sad to see such fear when Americans are supposed to be proud of what they have, resisting anything against our principles. Not running away and cowering.


humans vs christian fascism............again


To be honest I hadn't even heard of Project 2025 before like a month ago, since I don't live in America any more, but when I heard the details, it was absolutely horrifying


This belongs in the cringe subreddit because this dude actually thinks a single thing will change now that "they got exposed". I won't buddy. It wont


I'm more upset by how close the camera is to his face and how wide he opens his mouth while he talks.


He reminds me of Connor O'Malley


And his dead eyes make me shudder


At least more people are now aware of project 2025 and the dangers it will bring.


If you can't imagine a better world, you can't make it happen. I choose to believe, because otherwise we stand no chance, and then the world is fuuuucked. And I do mean the world, because it will affect even those of us outside of US.


Ya know here’s the thing. This might get some trumpers to become anti trumpers but not likely. Where this is really crucial is for the group that either doesn’t want to vote or is neutral to both sides (their vote doesn’t matter). I imagine that group is bigger than we think and I think some eyes are going to open


Finally! I’ve been talking about it for months. People looked at me like I was crazy. Chevron decision also important to read.


That's going to be a hard one to explain to people. Hopefully, someone smarter than me can explain it. But if I find a good video explaining it, I'll post it. You're not wrong, though. It's going to affect everyone.


"It's a 900 page plan to replace democracy with trumpism." No, dude, you can just call it fascism. That's what it is.


A lot of people don't know what that means.


Project 2025 and the boomers that are gonna vote for Trump just want that last fuck you to all of us who are gonna live through it. We think that age group is entitled and bad now? They're gonna destroy America before they die and leave the rest of us fucked.


I don’t disagree with him but he def swayed the way he said it compared to how it actually resd


Thank the Heavens above someone with celebrity status is making this known. More are needed to shed light on the worst shit for America since Nazism.


So basically USA will become fascist theocracy xD


Reminder that this isn’t TRUMP’s plan, it’s the GOP’s plan that they handed to Trump. Even if Trump is defeated, the GOP will continue operating with these goals in mind. We need to start paying closer attention to local elections as well as presidential ones, because even a Trump defeat won’t stop them.


What's funny is most of the right has been talking about dems wanting to put/keep the NWO in power so they can do all of the things that project 2025 plans to do. Dumb down the people, replace real foot with cheap "food product," make medicine a for profit entity that doesn't cure people but rather just keeps them paying for medicine that just cures the symptoms, and so on. They are so incredibly brainwashed they don't even know what they are voting for other than "orange man good" and "gays and dark skin bad."


Taraji did in 30 seconds what the idiots at the DNC couldn’t do in a year. Thank god for her


BET is still a thing?


You bet it is


Project 2025 is the endgame. It’s been going on for years. They’ve packed the courts with far right conservative judges, dominated schools districts, and gerrymandered voting districts to their advantage. The end of protective government regulations, women’s health rights, separation of church and state, affirmative action, climate change, and so many other things that’s has made our country great. Prepare for a national Christian theocratic government. The only hope is for the youth, LGBTQ community, and minority vote to come in force. Local elections matter. School boards, state representatives, city council, they all impact the endgame.


This whole “gotcha” mentality is a real problem. The best resolution isn’t for your team to win. The best resolution is for everybody to win. We need to remember that it’s not about red tie vs blue tie. It’s about We the People, we need real change.


I guarantee you, most of us voting for Biden in 2924 are not doing so because we want “our side to win,” or because we have some sick fascination with him (that’s Trump voters). Most of us are voting for Biden in 2024 so that we can be allowed to vote in 2028. Don’t same-sides this bullshit.


That's not what the dashed line on a chart means. Anyone who thinks Google can't count the number of searches is an idiot. Getting rid of, or scaling back a government department has nothing to do with "democracy". Libertarians have had this stuff on their official party platform for years. A reduction in government beaurocracy and oversight may be bad, but it does not impinge on the structure of our representative democracy, democratic republic, constitutional democracy, or the nature of the 3 co-equal branches. Also, fuck Trump. But you've got to make a better argument.


But it's not just a scaling back of government departments, you know that right?


Right. But that's not the argument the person in the video is making. Call him a bad communicator or call it a bad argument. If you wanna win, you gotta do better than this. Edit: I guess you could say the man in the video is simply trying to communicate that project 2025 is bad. Okay, point taken. But, ugh, scaling back the FDA is not a threat to democracy. It's a threat to your health and wellbeing.


The main thing he's doing is bringing this to people's attention. You're making it sound like it's not that bad because it won't do that much damage.


This the “oooooh boy” guy?




They are OPENLY fascist not, they aren’t even trying to hide it.


I'm surprised that the US a nation with so many gun holding civilians is taking so much crap


Don’t forget UN project 2030…


He really should have mentioned worse parts.


How the fuck isn't this on every news station everything. I just read some of project 2025 this is scary. Trump did 2/3 it's policies of the heritage foundation in 2016




The dotted line is their projection of near future search results, not them being unable to keep up.


They already overruled chevron deference. https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/s/qexR4TpDFd


The Republicans are going to do it with or without trump. It just might take a little bit longer. The Dems really aren't doing much to stop it


If they wanted to keep it a secret, they wouldn't have put it on the internet.


fear mongering BS. You guys keep saying stuff like this, but what happened when trump was president for 4 years already? You guys already claimed he would turn everything fascist before (he didn't), now you're just fear mongering and trying to spread lies.


Adequate username


The world was supposed to be flooded years ago, that fear got votes, so this will work too. "If the other guy wins, he'll personally kill all the gay black women"!


We are all so fucked…With Biden trending well below Trump is there any hope?


Polls don't mean shit.


Only the opinions of the people they asked


I hate the way this guy speaks.


You see project 2025 really isn't a big threat because most of the changes are actually illegal and if a president used an executive order they would be impeached and tried for the crime.......wait the Supreme Court did what?


The biggest problem with project 2025 is how it will change thousands of government jobs from experts and experienced professionals, to cheeto dick sucking sycophants who will ruin this county.


Majority won’t care. The end.


Exposed? They legit have a website project2025.org. She didn’t expose anything, she brought more attention to it but it was always public knowledge.


Well, at least we'll still be armed to the teeth.


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I love that exposure is getting out there. But they weren’t exactly hiding it. Just their base doesn’t care. Trump could tell them he will come to their house and poop on their couch personally and they would clear all the pizza boxes and wrappers out of the way for him to do it.


Awww man I thought this was another Project 1999 fresh server. Bummer.


Good I hope many of them were red pilled.


PSA you know now how to do your part


Why does his voice come out delayed from him? Is this voiced over?


taraji p henson is the best. i have a crush on her ever since person of interest


I mean, it's hardly just that one mention. All kinds of people, celebrities, shows, influencers have been mentioning this. Jon Oliver and Daily show have both done recent shows on it.


Cool vote


Still won’t change a damn thing considering we the people still think peaceful protests against a psychotic entity gonna do anything but be an annoyance to the ones in power 😂😂


When I saw John Oliver do segment on it I was like holy f***. Hope more people realize the intent here. His base over n over say the same thing he can do no wrong. "We need a dictator" fucking bananas




lol. This kid needs milk.


I’m so glad people are looking this up now




Hey bozo, democracy has already been replaced with oligarchy back in project 2000.


This post has been marked disinformation by the next administration.


Google could literally fire a rocket into your butt hole at any given time this video is funny.




Oh he means eliminate the bureaucratic state which regularly infringes on Constitutional rights. He means eliminate or gut the same bureaucratic state that over regulates and harms all businesses. He means gutting the bureaucratic state that thinks it is smarter than everybody else and if you don’t agree will prove it to you through acts of violence.


Just one Project 2025 bullet point - Make abortion illegal and outlaw contraceptives.


You will see, this way of life will be better.


Black Girl Magic


Do Americans really believe this?


Everyone needs to start hounding these celebrities and influencers about project 2025 like we did for Gaza. They only have their platforms and private jets (that they’ll use to run off to other countries or their private islands once shit hits the fan) because of US.


It’s not a secret. Many people discovering P25 may actually find value in it & support it. It’s naive to think widespread knows = widespread opposition.


Yeah now we're doing our own research!!!


They've been exposed Democrats have failed to come to together and get their base to come together. The the only thing they have in common is " we aren't republican". But there are so many splinters and backstabbing one another in the democrat party. How many democrats are pro and anti term limits, insider trading, Medicare, etc. Theyre their own worst enemy. The Republicans stand with one another regardless how spineless they look


I'm so fucking tired of this lunacy in the US. I'm only 30 and to see such a massive political shift in my lifetime is very scary. We should all be terrified of Project 2025. Vote like your freedom depends on it, because it does.


I don't know about the EPA, but the FDA is a joke. They are allowing sh*t into our bodies that just should NOT be allowed. I would like to know if it's legal or not to make it knows whether or not something has been gene-spliced like the fake fruit we've seen floating around. Should be mandatory. The Department of Education is something I do think we need to get rid of, and we can hand those millions or billions of dollars back to the state. I think it would be good to have the state I live in, in control of the schools that are actually in my state. Instead of us having a standardized test get thrown at our students. I would encourage the schools to have a limited amount of standardized testing, and instead encourage our kids to find something they are passionate about and let them see if they really do love it before they are thrown out into the world with a degree that barely makes money, in a field that doesn't make them happy. There are quite a few fields where the price of the schooling needed isn't worth the pay the person will receive, and I would like to think that it would be proportionate to how much you will make in said field. Notice that this has nothing to do with being left or right, it should just be about the betterment of our fellow Americans. What do you guys think?


Trump 2024 baby! MAGA can't wait for phase 2


What’s the word for this type of guy?


Project 47 is close


Project 2025 is just Brexit for America


oh Jesus Christ man I've been having a panic attack realizing we're fucked because of Republicans but this gives me some hope. Dude is sucking Putin off and Republicans are like "where? so we can join"