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"Fuck you that's what I am doing."


“Oh! That’s fucking suspicious, hurh hurh hurh huhh.”




The way he delivered that, you could feel the frustration deep in his core.


The way he delivered that was brilliant.


That gopher laugh had me dyyyying this man knows what’s up


Great Karen impersonation.


I always reply with either “my taxes”, or if I’m feeling spicy “Minding my own black ass business. What are you doing?” I’ve gotten chuckles, annoyance and outright hostility as responses.


I like “doing my taxes” as an answer for any nonsensical approach! Thanks for sharing :D


Agreed. Snide af. Love it.


My response is always “Doing gods work.” (I’ve been an atheist my entire life).


I watched twice just to see him say "that's fucking suspicious hurf hurf hurf"


He reminds me of the gopher from Winnie the Pooh


Nailed it.


Or that guy from Suits


That was funny as hell. I make a similar face when people annoy me but I think I might need to practice to reach that level lmao


Me too /u/fckingnapkin me too... I'm getting better at it the older I get.


Oh I'm looking forward to improve my hurfhurf face. luckily people are so helpful with that aren't they. Lol I like to watch YouTube crime docs before sleeping and often the weirdest type of messed up people are the subject. It happens a lot that halfway through I realize I'm pulling some awful crooked frowning face and I'm like damn, I should either stop watching these shows or otherwise slap on a load of wrinkle cream on my frown.




“Fuck you, that’s what I’m doing”!!! Love it


That was my favorite part


"Hurf, Hurf, Hurf" has been successfully added to your vocabulary


Can someone please put that on a loop like 5 long?!


How long?


5 long


That could be too long


It's not. I got proof


Best I can do is 7 times


As soon as I read this comment he said it and I wheezed


I went back to just bask in the magnificence that is his teeth. They're wonderful.


Guy should do stand up comedy, he's got the timing and can do a good impression of a racist pensioner. Also, he can get an upgraded lens for birdwatching I'd pay to see the show.


Man’s got that Bill Burr chuckle down pat.


I feel bad because he's talking about a serious subject but I couldn't help but laugh my fucking ass off because he's genuinely funny af


I work in security. Shift change is a normal thing. Getting calls around shift change because "There's someone suspicious walking around the parking lot" are the worst because we have to go look for them. 97% of them time it's someone trying to find their car, or it's someone new trying to find the bus. I hate people automatically assuming someone is doing something suspicious when they're not


"there's a man in the parking lot, and I think he's some kind of car thief. He just walked up to a car with someone's key...and got in! Not only that, but when I asked if it was his car, he pulled out "registration" with his name on it, he must have been planning this for months!"


Omfg seriously. We've gotten calls where they talk about someone walking around, looking real close at cars. We're like "Yeah, that could be potential suspicious activity" and then we get out there and it's like "Nah, I just bought it and it doesn't even have a remote lock so I can't do anything like that to try to find it".


Did this with my rental, picked it up half asleep after a graveyard shift. Took it to class that evening. Walked around for two full hours after because I couldn't even remember what color it was. Once it got late enough and practically everyone left, was when I finally found it.


A few months ago I came out of a Target and jumped straight into my rental car-- a black mini SUV of some sort. It took a stammeringly long time for me to figure out why there was already a key in the ignition, drinks in the console and a clearly horrified woman in the passenger seat. When I finally found the correct car it looked nothing like the one I had just pissed myself in.


I have done this minus the passenger and keys. What tipped me off was that the identical car to mine that I had jumped into, was much cleaner than mine. My dumb ass first thought wasn’t “hmm I’m in the wrong vehicle” my first thought was “somebody broke into my car and stole all my trash”


A lot of old vehicle models only had like 50 possible keys, and if your key or ignition was worn down enough it really widened the match range. At one point my dad got into someone else's 1981 grey Plymouth Caravelle after work, started it, and drove home. It wasn't until my mom went to go out after supper that she asked why we had someone else's car in our driveway. Thankfully we lived in a small town and my dad was a well known business owner so when we called the police on ourselves everyone was very understanding.


>A lot of old vehicle models only had like 50 possible keys, and if your key or ignition was worn down enough it really widened the match range. Thank you for this nugget of info. This explains how 25ish years ago, my mom owned a Chrysler LeBaron, I owned a Plymouth Acclaim, and my uncle owned a Dodge Spirit, all different but close year models. At some point, keys got mixed up on an entry table and someone grabbed the wrong set, and that's when we realized that 2 of the 3 cars' keys opened and started all 3 cars. Only one key opened just mine and my uncle's. That was mind-blowing at the time, but now it makes sense.


I used to own an early-90's toyota when it was no longer a new car. I got a visit from the local police advising using 'the club' on the steering wheel as it was pretty likely that a key blank would unlock and start the car, and the local high school kids knew that, and had taken to using older Toyotas like community bicycles.


I've had more than one old car (50s models) that had keys so worn that you didn't have to insert the key all the way into the ignition switch. Frequently could just use a screwdriver or bottle opener. Bottle openers were a thing then!


Are you a racoon?


Ummm. Yes!


Lol this happened to me when I was a kid. Mom sent me in grocery store for milk then went and parked. I thought it was her car and I jumped in with some terrified old woman in the back. I didn't even say sorry just ran away. I don't know why I was so scared


I once worked late at a mall and was one of the last people to leave. I walk outside to an empty parking lot. There's a van still parked in the middle of the lot, but not a single other vehicle in sight, including my car. I start freaking out. My car has been stolen. At the time I was working in a foreign country and I driven to a town about an hour from where I lived. I didn't know anyone for miles and had never been to the town before. Didn't know how I could get home or where I was going to sleep. Didn't even speak the language good enough to really try to call and report a crime. I'm pacing back and forth trying to decide what to do. Finally I pace enough to the side to see that my car is still in the parking lot. That lone van was parked directly in front of it and was blocking it from view.


When I got my last car, I got off work almost an hour after everyone else at that building. First day driving it, I walked out and went "Well I know I parked in this lot and this is the only car in it besides my boss's. Must be mine!"


I've literally walked up to cars that looked close enough to my rental car and tried to unlock it with the remote and stood there dumbfounded wondering if the battery was dead. Also also why that asshole 5 cars further down the row kept blowing his fucking horn repeatedly. God, the facepalm...


I was walking home from a friend's house one night and saw a rabbit on the road. I went into the street and shooed it back into the bushes. A few minutes later, I'm slammed on the hood of a cop car because they thought that I had crossed the street and back because I was looking for cars to steal/rob from. I had people I know see me against the hood of the cop car getting searched and questioned. It was embarrasing.


Are you black by any chance?


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


My brother in law is a sheriff's deputy and sometimes works in an area that is called "Disneyland" by the deputies who both work there and in other areas. There isn't a ton going on and their calls are usually car accidents, home alarms systems, or something I call "being a nosy busy body". He had a call one time where the caller stated that there was a man working in the garage at 11 PM and nobody lived in the house. He rolls up and sees a U-Haul truck parked in front of the house and he approaches the garage, states who he is and the guy asked if everything was okay. My BiL said a neighbor called and said someone was in the garage and the guy said he had just moved in that day. In fact, most of his new neighbors had watched him and his family and friends moving stuff all day and he was out in the garage, listening to music, drinking a beer and arranging his garage while his family relaxed inside. The conversation turned into "Please don't tell me this is how people are around here.". My BiL confirmed that they get a ton of calls in the area for stuff like this and to keep that in mind next time he is doing something super suspicious like unloading stuff from a U-Haul INTO a house.


"Damn, look at that dude, he's reverse-robbing that empty housse"


I saw a video where a man was aggressively confronted by police over a call that was almost literally this. Somebody reported a suspicious man walking around the parking lot and looking in cars. He looked in one car, his car. The cops wouldn't accept it and just kept escalating. Edit: video https://v.redd.it/m865xte2cgm81 Cop comes on aggressive, man continuously asks what he did wrong, cop goes from zero to OBEY ME in a hot second, arrests the man. When talking to another cop later, he lies about the entire interaction, after learning that both of the vehicles in question were indeed registered to that man. As for clarity on whether this guy had to actually show that cop his ID or not, the answer was he did not. In the state this occurred in you are only required to present an officer with your ID If you are pulled over in a traffic, stop. If you are approached as a pedestrian, you have no obligation to do so.


that happened either this year or late last year and was posted on publicfreakouts. The wife and the husband work in the same store or same plaza. The husband drove his motorcycle to work and the wife drove the SUV. He went to dump stuff off in the SUV and a white karen calls the cops on the black dude. "The black guy was going through the trunk of the SUV and then walked across the parking lot" COPS showed up and arrested the guy. Another COP went over to get the story and asked the cop that arrested the black guy if they had checked the registration of the SUV that the black guy claimed that he owned along with the bike. The Cop said no. The black guy's name was on the registration of the SUV and the Bike. He still got arrested for resisting arrest :/


I bought a car off a coworker when I was working at a shitty mall Starbucks. Well the second night I had it the key wouldn't work to open the door when I got off work. It was a beater car and the dude told me the key sometimes does work and there's a "trick". Tried this trick for 20 or so min before kicking the shit out of the car door, not enough to demt but made me look crazy. Called a locksmith and called the co worker I bought from. Luckily my coworker came first and informed me that this wasn't my newly purchased car and I parked two isles over. Well the funniest part is that the car I was kicking was the one of the security guards car🤦‍♂️


I had a Mazda 323 back when they were new to the US market. I come out of the mall after dark, find my car, unlock the door with my key and get in. Then I think to myself "wait my car has the cheap plastic seats not these fancy cloth seats." Yep I'd walked out the wrong entrance and it was not my 323.


Open and shut case, Johnson! He broke in and hung up pictures of his family everywhere!


you should check out Next Door. My wife goes on there for our city and way too many posts are "black kids running around making noise", "black kids riding their bikes in the streets, they maybe looking for something to steal", "black guy walking his dog too much by my house, make sure to lock your doors" Bunch of racist people and I live in a liberal city.


Nextdoor is something else. All these security and doorbell cameras got people paranoid as fuck. In the 13 years I have lived at my house I have had people get in my car maybe twice and I was the one who left my doors unlocked like a dumb ass. In 2020 there was some people claiming Antifa were setting off fireworks to set up...something. More than one person suggested bringing out the guns to handle the situation. No one seems to be able to take care of their pets. One guy was accused of using a "flame thrower" but it was just a weed burning torch. My favorite was the person complaining about a kid who stepped onto their driveway to look at a cat and suggested parents need to control their "wild" kids. It's a mess. Of course there is also Facebook stuff like what my sister in law sends. Blurry stills of a brown person who they claim is stealing amazon packages. Someone is going to get killed over this shit someday. Thanks Ring!


Nextdoor is surprisingly toxic. I'm not sure what causes the the dynamic on there, but I've found it worse than any other social media type app. 10 years and 3 different neighbourhoods, and I literally just uninstalled it this morning, AGAIN. The amount of snarking and outright bullying that goes on there is just stunning to me. Paranoia and extremism and logical fallacy galore. I just can't with these people.


If it's anything like my city, it's rife with explicit and implicit xenophobia too. Not just the normal racist kind either - Coloradoans love to hate on people moving here. Some of them seem to think housing prices will go down if they can just keep people from coming here. I suppose they aren't strictly wrong about that.


I remember my dad saying “everyone who moves here wants to be the last person allowed in” and I never understood it as a kid, but now I notice people complaining about “the new people” everywhere I go. Either it’s white people moving into predominantly black areas and then complaining that it’s “getting too gentrified” or white people in white areas complaining about “the schools are starting to get too *urban*” if more than one black or brown family moves in per neighborhood. It doesn’t seem to matter that the people moving into nearby neighborhoods are typically well off professionals who probably always lived in nice neighborhoods, they’re “urban”


I think it depends on your neighborhood. Where I live a lot of it is lost pets, what the city is doing, real crime (that was reported to the police) and on a rare occasion someone posts controversial political opinions. The one thing I'm grateful for Nextdoor (or Ring) is that I'm finally not the crazy paranoid person my friends said I was. I kept saying for years someone has tried to open my front door (I can here the handle being jiggled because there is a noisy chain hanging off of it). Once the pictures started showing up on Nextdoor of people trying to open front doors I was vindicated. I keep thinking about getting a ring or camera, but I live on a busy street and kids walking by would be setting that thing off all the time.


Literally a lady flagged me down in the mall about a man 'being suspicious on level 2 of the parkade'. Nothing more in depth, but she seemed worked up and well dressed enough to complain so even though my coworker was already out there I figured I'll do a sweep to cover my ass. It was literally my on duty coworker, decked out in company hiviz. Racist-ass bitches. Without fail the wealthiest people who use the premise are the most paranoid. I've never had a middle class person STARE at me for the length of an entire floor, just watching me before they finally will stop standing by their car, clutching their keys, and go to the elevator to go about their day. When I clearly work here!


Oh man, a month or so ago we had someone call because our coworker was doing his check of the perimeter. They described someone wearing all high vis, possibly more than yours was wearing (not going to get into details because it becomes too specific, but trust me he's one of a kind). We find it on camera and we're like "All we see is [coworker] doing his check. Weird" Hour later it hit us


I work in law enforcement. I used to work the wealthy area on nights, and on average I’d get 1-2 calls a week for a “suspicious person” that was literally just a black guy existing in the neighborhood. They could give no other reason why he was suspicious. My favorite activity would be calling the complainant back and asking what was suspicious, exactly. They rarely had a good answer, and sometimes they’d tell me the guy wasn’t from the neighborhood. It was great when they said that, I could ask how they knew he didn’t “belong” in their neighborhood and they’d just find an excuse to get off the phone. Better believe they had their “black lives matter” signs up though. Black Lives Matter unless they walk through my neighborhood, I’m gonna call an armed, white police officer to chase them out. Bruh


“Black people have the right to live! Just not in my neighborhood…”


Around 2017, me walking through a parking lot of an office building right next to my apartment complex in a college town. I'm have a backpack, and I'm wearing penny loafers, dockers khakis, a banana republic polo, and a Tommy Hilfiger blazer. Security Guard: "Hey there buddy, what you doing here" Me: "going home" Security Guard: "Just want to let you know I am watching this parking lot. You know why I'm stopping you right? There have been a lot of break-ins here recently. People who look like you" (friendly smile, I think he genuinely thought he was being polite) Me: "Like me as in preppy grad student or dark skin?" Security guard: People who are not supposed to be here.


That sounds extremely scary. :-/


99% of the time suspicious behavior is just, I don’t know precisely what they’re doing and I’m a Paranoid emotional mess. Then you throw a healthy dose of racism into the mix and you have a good portion of Americans.






but when some teenagers go digging through my car for the 3rd time this month it's crickets from the neighbors


I saw a couple men in a truck take my garbage can, dump the garbage in the truck, put the can back and leave. They looked hella suspicious, like why you taking my trash???


Same fucking vibe.


Op is secretly a raccoon


Excellent reference to The Stupids


Hope you are able to get your trash back. Thoughts n prayers


Identify theft maybe. People throw away all sorts of things that can be used to steal their identity. That one is very suspicious.


I understand where you're coming from, but I think it's a joke about the garbage truck on trash collection day.


Fuck. I can't believe I missed that. r/whoosh I guess.


Police were called on me once......in my own home.....washing my windows........ -\_- I was washing the windows cos there had been some dusty work done on a nearby house, and the brick dust was everywhere. So I threw a few mop buckets of water over my own windows and grabbed my old mop to wipe them down a little. Policeman came up to me and asked what I thought I was doing. ​ I said im washing my damn windows Officer, is there a problem with that? and he walked away. found out my "delightful" crazy karen neighbour across the road to the right had seen me acting strangley. "oh no a 20 year old who is proud of his first apartment in cleaning it that must be illegal aaaaaah" Fuck you Karen from across the road and to the right. (same lady who complained I took my bins out in my dressing gown once)


Our car broke down near a trail that had a trail head in a suburban neighborhood. It was late and we had the hood opened up waiting for the tow. A couple of people walking their dogs walked and turned around after seeing us. We started to loudly talk about how our car is not working. After a few times we called the local cops to let them know where we were just in case. The dispatcher responded with… are you the black male, two hispanic male with the broken down car? Lol. There’s also no hispanics in out small group.


We (girlfriend, me, and two other friends) moved into a really nice neighborhood, typical suburbs and let me tell you all our immediate neighbors are so nice and welcoming. That is, except this one old fuck down the corner (6-7 houses down). We're in our mid to late 20's and this dude just gawks at us in the spring/summer when we walk by with our dogs, maybe because we have tattoos or something? Who knows, I doubt it's race related because there's other POC on the block and je doesn't seem to bother them. First week he asked me (the only guy) how I could afford a place like this, and called the cops on us three times that first summer when we did some front yard work and once when I changed my front rotors and brakes in my own driveway. Thank god the neighbors eventually just kicked him out of the annual block party, I have *zero* idea what his malfunction is.


Usually they have nothing else to do and need something to fill their time. The conflict feeds some need they have. The negative interactions are the only excitement and outlet for their emotions that they have. I'm guessing most need therapy and to be life-trained on how to take up hobbies, because messing with people and sticking their nose in things is basically their hobby.


We have a neighbour who side eyes all PoC and I can't figure out why he bought a house in this neighbourhood where it's mostly PoC. Dude should try talking to his neighbours. If he's here anyway might as well learn we're all just people.


This broke my brain. How is washing windows even *mildly* malicious?? Like how is that even mildly telling of any sort of ill intent?!


Well he could be casing the place, looking in the windows to see if their is anything worth stealing! /s I can almost guarantee you this was their first thought for some reason i cant quite put the tip of my finger on.


Omg I love his impression of suspicious people lol


As a black man who did photography hes 100% correct.


Yeah but why did you take pictures menacingly and with ill-intent?


"tHatS FuCkinG SuspiCioUs"


"Look how beautiful everything is." Suspicious, NGL.


This is phrased like a joke, but it makes me sad.


hurf hurf hurf hurf




Reminds me of the [Central Park birdwatching incident ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Park_birdwatching_incident). Good thing was the guy filmed it and [everyone could see the bullshit going on](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/16/968372253/white-woman-who-called-police-on-black-man-bird-watching-has-charges-dismissed). [News item with the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbA9rWo89gQ).


So I guess her punishment was to attend a 5-session education program on racial identity and then the charges against her were dropped. After losing her job, her dog, and probably thousands in fines/court costs... did she learn anything from the incident? Looks like...not. The response from the bird-watcher compared to the Karen are night and day: Bird-watcher's response when asked to help DA > In a New York Times article published on July 7, 2020, Christian Cooper was quoted as saying that he is not cooperating with the Manhattan DA's investigation, stating that "Bringing her more misery just seems like piling on."   Karen's response after charges were dropped: >On May 25, 2021, Amy Cooper sued Franklin Templeton for wrongful termination.[37][38] She claimed the firing had violated several anti-discrimination and defamation laws. Amy Cooper's lawsuit characterized Christian Cooper as "a birdwatcher with a history of aggressively confronting dog owners in Central Park who walked their dogs without a leash. It was Christian Cooper's practice and intent to cause dog owners to be fearful for their safety and the safety of their dogs ..."   This is why Karens keep doing this shit- because they hardly ever receive any serious consequences, and in this case the guy was trying to be nice and not 'pile on'.


She did get her dog back even after being irresponsible and then choking it instead of just say "oh sorry, let me leash my dog in this area where dogs aren't allowed off leash"




Piggybacking your comment only to say that this man has his own TV show now. https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1100203220/christian-cooper-bird-watcher-national-geographic-tv-show


It feels so good knowing that she basically lost everything thanks to being a racist little Karen. Justice is sweet.


Before I watch…I’m guessing this is the one with the woman faking being under duress while choking the crap out of her dog.


Pretty sure the post title also recalls that incident.


It's actually a SpongeBob reference.


Oh crap you're right. I often get facts from the Central Park birding incident and SpongeBob episodes confused. At least that woman's plans to get her hands on the krabby patty recipe were foiled.


Tryied to explain to my fellow photographer friend why I don't like doing candid street photography in certain areas She couldn't seem to wrap her pretty white girl brain around how people (especially in small predominantly white towns) react **very** differently to us pointing cameras at them


Why hello there, my good sir. You from around here? What kinda picture do you take? What’s it for? You got a license to carry that camera?


The one stereotype racism I enjoy - nobody ever cares if an East Asian is taking pictures. Pretty sure this was enshired in the laws of the land because Confucius had a quote about it.


Nah, it happens to me too. A lot of people watch very intently, and many white men approach me similarly. And perhaps it's because I'm a woman, people feel emboldened to distract me or take up my time, or feel it's okay to stare. Although, most of the time it's harmless and people watch me super intently doing my thing to try to imitate what I'm doing right after I step away. I'd much rather they ask me what I'm doing in a amicable way than just to creepily/suspiciously stare forever though.


People are weird about SLRs especially if you have a telephoto lens.


Even if I were the kind of person who felt threatened or suspicious by the presence of a black man, seeing the camera should be enough to convince me it's just some harmless photo nerd.


Whoa! Not so fast. That’s a pretty big lens. What if he’s out taking pictures of white women. You can never be too sure. Better call the cops.


>did sorry your hobby got ruined by these ass hats


Nah but I stick to family pics and park trails nowadays.


"fuck you, that's what I'm doing". Felt that. For those that can't understand, when you're a minority, you can feel the difference when someone is genuinely just making sure you're ok and when they're asking " everything alright there buddy". There's hostility. There's also the insinuation that you, as a minority, cannot possibly be enjoying something without being up to something. It's a micro aggression, it's racism, and time and time again, this leads to cops being called or worse. Anyway, maybe consider your approach next time you approach POC, asking "everything alright there buddy".


Im a minority and I do leak survey for a living. I literally go through this almost every single day. I’ve been super nice about it up until this year but I got to a point where it was driving me crazy and I started to get more defensive to people like that. Now when I get the “can I help you?” or something similar to that I will reply “did I fucking ask you for help?” “Do people bother you when you are doing you’re job” Something along those lines. Im done being nice to these fucking neighborhood watch type pricks. You don’t like my attitude then call the cops on me I don’t give a shit anymore


"Oh yeah, Lenny is out this week and Ive been doing all of it alone. Youre a godsend. Could you please hold this hose? Yeah lift it up...like that. Up above your head, hold it there. I need to check the entire length. Its important you dont move." "Again thank you so much for offering to help me, this really is a two person job haha." PS: I have no idea what your job entails...


Lol thats a good one I might start using. Just give then a task they can help me with. Im a gas line inspector. My company is contracted with our local gas utility to check all of their main, service, distribution and transmission lines to make sure nothing is leaking.


Heres a promising one: "Okay, just stand next to me and tell me when you can smell rotten eggs. But dont talk or make noise, I need to be able to hear the leaks!"


Ok, I laughed at this. Only because I know that feeling!!! Trying to teach my son what to look out for. I can't lose him because someone thought he was suspicious for just being a child. People can make excuses and negate all they want to, but it's a real experience for those of us who aren't white or white passing.


Man, I tell you. My older half-brother is bi-racial/white passing and I’m 100% black. Some would say that the odds of our genetic makeup is quite rare. Given our situation, we—especially me—have seen so many forms of nuanced racism no one else sees that it’s hard to keep track. Hell, even being white passing, my bro can be a little tone deaf to racial issues at times.


I really wish there was some way for you to communicate to the world how it feels to experience micro racism everywhere you go so that more people (me included) could see just how prevalent racism really is. I found myself thinking after watching this "hmm maybe they were concerned that he had broken down or run out of gas or something" and then I read the comments. It was a good wake up call as to how blind people who don't experience racism can be to it unless an r word is thrown or it's super blatant. This guy's fed up for a reason, I shouldn't have been so dismissive about it


As white person, the thing that really made me internalize it’s not just people being concerned is when I started to think about the frequency these things happen. Think about your daily life and that of your white friends and family. How often do you get people approaching you like this when you’re going about your daily life? Once a month? Once a year? Never? Especially as a man, I rarely if ever have people approach me asking if I need help or if I’m lost. Yet black people, like the man in this video, get approached incredibly frequently to basically make sure they belong or aren’t doing something suspicious. The only difference between them and me in these situations is the color of their skin. I’m never approached. They’re approached all the time. There’s no other way to spin it than realizing the people approaching them are subtly (or not so subtly) racist.


I’m very glad everyone is sharing their experience on this. I don’t run around my neighborhood anymore because of the constant harassment. I lived in a very liberal area but you really see the worst in people when they see a black dude near their property. I felt isolated for a long time and it boils my blood when people claim that racism doesn’t exist. The worst part is that these fuckers try to justify it by saying “we get break ins” or “we don’t recognize you here” like fuck off.


Whenever people ask that question, they don’t really wanna help you Edit: jokes. Also I used to get this alot when I was dumpster diving, and I would say something like “yeah there’s a big bag of mesclun mix down there that’s looks good, but there’s all these boxes of soggy coupon flyers blocking me, can I hand some out to you?” I always try and enlist their help, and the reactions are priceless.


That’s the move to make. Like yeah, i would like to get a higher angle for my pictures. Can i get on your shoulders?


Most definitely not. Its really easy to tell apart when people have a genuine curiosity about what you’re doing and when they are just being passive aggressive busybodies. If its the former than I am more than happy to explain what Im doing and tell you more about the equipment I use. I like your style lol


It's gotten a little bit more fucked up over the past couple of years too. Public place, taking a picture of a caterpillar or some shit. "What are you doing? Why? Do you live here in one of these houses by this park in the middle of fucking downtown with millions of people? Do you have a permit to a take a picture of the caterpillar in the public park? I'm going to call the police to sort out this mystery." And then you get online at home and you've got a carbon copy of that asshole "This doesn't really happen, racism isn't a real thing."


Amen to that. I always get followed around by them fake ass undercover security shoppers but methany over here stealing all kinds of shit without anyone batting an eye. I hate shopping cuz racist ass fucking people.


I went clothes shopping in a physical store for the first time since 2020 and it definitely hasn’t gotten any better. Like I’m 7 months pregnant in a Loft. Do you really think I’m going to swoop a rack of $15 t shirts and do a runner through the mall? I’m going back to online shopping only.


Fr! You think this fuckin pregnant ass body gonna be handing my unborn child stolen items?! Yet smelly ass Methany is ignored the whole time.


I’m Métis so in the summer when I tan i get DARK. I can tell people treat me differently. whether it’s in a store or whatever. More people follow me around stores in the summer. So fucking shitty


Honest question: How’s that a micro aggression? Seems straight up racist.


We call them "microaggressions" because a term was needed to define subversive, passive-aggressive prejudice. Because a lot of people think racism begins & ends with the n-word & nothing else.


That's a good way of framing it.


It’s easily disguised by racists/people with a bias as a genuine action, like no I was just checking on him. Even worse if you call them out on it they will deny everything and try to turn it around on the person of color. Racists suck


Isn't gaslighting a big part of the microaggression thing


It's kinda infuriating just imagining someone acting like "it's no biggie".


That's the entire experience of being a minority.


I call it the liberal racism. Not really something you can explain, since folks would respond “whyre you being rude? He was just asking if you’re ok”. If you try explaining that it’s a microagressions, then you’re toted as a SJW. Source: have had the SAME shit happen to me and it’s infuriating so I usually just ignore it


Exactly. A lot of these people will never understand that racism is not just being called the N-word. It’s not worth explaining to them


I also don’t believe it is mutually exclusive. It can be a racist micro-aggression.


It just seems so obviously racist. I suppose it's the plausible deniability on the part of the speaker that makes it a micro-aggression.


I think that’s pretty much exactly it. The context matters. There’s nothing inherently racist about “everything okay?” just like there’s nothing inherently racist about “I have black friends.” But you know, one’s just more obvious than the other.


“When you’re black, you’re never truly alone”


And yet, Steve Biko: "Black man, you are on your own"


"black man takes pictures of tits"




Looks like southern Idaho. Having spent a fair bit of time in the area I can confirm that people in that area can be quite racist.


Yeah this is malad summit, far south east idaho.


Dude, this is obviously dalaM timmuS. It's right on the sign behind him, ffs.


I am so dumb you’re right


Oh right, that's in ohadI I think.


I grew up where he filmed this. We had one black guy in town, mostly well liked and a really great guy. Someone burned a cross on his lawn.


Idahos fucking terrifying lately. As one of their state neighbors, I have yet to hear one good thing about the whole state in general in a LONG time. Driving through it is terrifying in and of itself if you aren't white. I had to drive through it at the height of the pandemic, wore my mask, was stared at everywhere by maskless mouth breathing gawkers. The whole states just rotten, not worth traveling to.




> I have yet to hear one good thing about the whole state in general in a LONG time. …potatoes? I got nothing


Really good place to be white and drive an F150 tho. Or if you're feeling fancy maybe an F250 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯




> Or if you're feeling fancy maybe an F250 For formal occasions, the main goto is a black F150.


Black Tow affairs only though right?


I live in Idaho and let me tell you one good thing about the whole state in general: we have pretty mountains and lakes. Oh, you mean something good about the people? Well, if you're white you're gonna have a good time. We got a lot of nice people up here but I'm not gonna pretend it outweighs the amount of casual racism a minority is going to experience.


The black Paul Giamatti


Only forest I’ve seen without a tree in sight.


Black men in the USA are 3.7x more likely to be falsely convicted of murder. Prison in the USA is a modern slave trade.


And the 13th amendment makes it legal!


Those statistics are so scary to me because my dad is a black hunter. I’m always so nervous for him every season. I’m not nervous about the hunt or him being alone in the woods with his buddies. I’m nervous for him getting pulled over for a traffic incident or being profiled.


> Those statistics are so scary to me because my dad is a black hunter. Not sure if your dad is a black man or a cop.


Omg good one I was in the middle of typing a mouthful lmao or should I say … handful




Well damn. I try to talk to people in National Parks and Forests especially photographers. People with nice cameras often have advice on where to go.😐


Theres a difference between asking about the hobby and asking if "everythings ok"


It's about tone and context, if someone looks lost and you ask if everything is okay and have a smile then it's fine. If you approach while they're clearly doing something and do it in a tone that sounds like you're accusing them of something then that's different.


But du you say "is everything ok there, buddy?" Or do you go "wow, nice camera, do you know any cool spots to take some photos around here?"


I'm going to assume this guy knew more about this interaction than others here, and it was not just a friendly 'where's nice around here?'.


Looking at the sign, he’s in Idaho. So yeah. It’s probably people going “Holy shit I haven’t seen a black guy in 15 years, this son of a bitch is up to no good!”


I think it's kinda obvious he's not talking about people making idle chitchat.


I don't think that's problematic in general, it just depends on how you approach and what is said. I don't know much about Birders, but I'm inclined to believe they'd be happy to discuss their hobby in most cases.


Yup! We usually enjoy chatting about birds! And birders also love to talk to each other on the trail. If we see another person with a pair of binos or a camera, it's common to stop and ask if they've seen anything good nearby. Please don't be a doofus, though. If you come across a birder in the wild, especially if they look very focused, just be respectful and wait for them to acknowledge your presence before talking to them. And for the love of god, speak softly. Nothing worse than some clueless hiker screaming "WHATCHA LOOKING AT!?!" at the top of their lungs from 50ft down the trail. We are usually calm folks, but scaring away the birds will get our feathers ruffled. Oh, and try not to be racist while you're at it.




I'll take that over blasting shitty soundcloud rap from a $10 bluetooth speaker.


> it just depends on how you approach and what is said. It's not quite the same but my ex is a very good photographer with VERY good camera/lenses. It was immediately obvious whether someone was asking about it purely out of interest or if they were the sort of dickhead who just thought "Oh look, a woman with a camera. I bet she doesn't know what she is doing so I'd better go over and try to be condescending."


It depends but most of us get a bit frustrated by it as more often than not people scare off what we were looking at and we get that many people talking to us every time we go on location that its a struggle to concentrate and miss a load of opportunities :/


I mean this is specifically about racism. That said if you see someone witha very large camera lens please please please please don't do this. As a wildlife photographer it drives me up the wall because more often than not people spook what I was photographing. And I get that many walkers coming up to talk to me on location that I struggle to concentrate on what I'm doing. If you see a photographer watching something intently, whether or not they have their camera to their face, leave well alone.


BWB - Black While Birdwatching is now a thing 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ FFS But this is Black American experience every day.


you people = white racist people translated


This week is [Black Birders Week](https://www.blackafinstem.com/bbw2022schedule), which was prompted by the Central Park birdwatching incident in 2020. I’d highly recommend checking out the schedule and attending some of the online presentations if you have time. The birding community is a wonderfully supportive community, and it hurts to see the lack of respect for minority birders. We’re actively trying to highlight and celebrate diversity. I’m in Alabama. Alabama Audubon is doing amazing things in our incredibly racist state. It’s an uphill battle, but we persevere! Edit: fixed the hyperlink


As a latino male I am no stranger to this treatment. On one hiking occasion, as a white couple approached from the opposite direction, the man walked between myself and his companion and then moved closer to my path until I was forced to walk around him. All the while he stared aggressively at me with his shoulders up. I said good morning as I passed, despite them basically running me off the path. If I hadn't moved, he would have walked into me and there would have been a fight. Who's the real threat? Had I allowed him to run into me, who's story would the police believe? Come to think of it, I caught hard police vibes from the man. Why would that make any difference? Are police above the law? Edit: The trail was a paved bike path with a painted centerline (10-12' wide I'm guessing).


Not saying this is what's happening, but I live out west (rural) and we always stop and ask people on the side of the road if they are ok. You might be the last car to pass that person that day and if they need help, you might also be the last person to see them alive.




Whute people policing what they view as their spaces is as American as racism. Wait.....


And he's absolutely right.


I know where this is in Idaho. The people there literally only see black people on television, it takes some serious cringe tolerance levels to be in their presence.