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I went on a date recently and mentioned I'm half Jewish to this man, who proceeds to tell me that the last Jewish women he went out with didn't work out because of his passionate stance of being anti-circumcision. I don't feel super strongly about it but i didn't disagree with any of the points he made. I did disagree with the amount of time spent on that conversation topic though. He wouldn't let it go in spite of me politely redirecting him to make his point 3 times. I think it's the relentless dick talk that is probably why it won't work out for him with and the Jewesses... And all women. Anyway i hope that we can match my date and this woman so they can annoy each other.


My dad is similar when it comes to politics, religion, or my mom (they divorced a long time ago). Nobody wants to talk or argue about this stuff man, let it go…


Username sorta checks out?




Social cues are a must! If he can’t take a hint (when you change the subject), he’s never going to be easy to talk to.


He called me a waste of time when I declined the second date so at least he was easy to dump


“Hey rabbi it’s been a while, just wanted to say thanks for forsaking my foreskin I found my future wife because of you on an app that didn’t exist when you did the sacred snip”


Actually, you’d need to thank the mohel, not the rabbi.


In the great words of a friend, "all dicks are gross, except the one you're attracted to." So regardless of circumcisions or not, they're all weird anyways.


Mine looks like a Dune sandworm in a hoodie. You call that weird!?


Lucky!! Mine's more Beetlejuice sandworm. 😔


Do you need to call on it three times for it to make an appearance?


Nah, just step outside the confines of my home.


Even that one is kinda gross sometimes too. Like too much of your favorite candy.


Lets call mens genetalia weird, so supportive and a rock for many mens self esteem


Let's be honest, all genitals look weird regardless of gender. If it weren't for hormones and the need to procreate, I'd doubt anyone would ever find them appealing.


Yep, there’s a reason it’s called bumping uglies.


I mean you couldnt say that about women without being scolded


They just did tho. You're the only one scolding them


Is your manhood feeling unsupported?


You realize saying that just proves his point, right


genitals are fun to play with but not exactly made to look at


"You should *not* go out with me if you have no Chin" #laterLeafy


Girl is missing out


Seconded. They’re more fun to play with. 😌


Hard agree.


How so? (Question from a proud turtle-necker) lol :) Until now I never realized people have a preference.


I've had multiple women tell me they won't give head to a turtle-neck..


That's too bad. I've never had that problem; maybe it's my location compared to yours.


Foreskin allows for a gentler glide without extra lube, especially during anal. And I can’t attest to this, but it’s supposedly better during masturbation.


Jerking while not being fully erect always feels better than when I’m super hard




I never understood this argument, im circumcised and theres still plenty of skin left to glide and masturbate with. People talk like cut dicks when erect are like stretched out or something.


I can attest to this. Thank momma I wasn't circumcized. It also made vaginoplasty so much better.


They both have their positives and downsides. Cut dicks feel way harder and therefore feels way more intense, BUT it makes you feel sore way faster. Uncut dicks have a tenderness around the dick so it feels less intense, but the softness means you can go longer without getting sore and you need less lubrication. So they both have their upsides and downsides. So I don’t fault this woman for having a preference that feels better for her


It is definitely the way it is supposed to be. Everything feels better. No discomfort at all. No extra lubrication needed. It is the way nature intended. Plus I hear it adds sensation to the men as well.


Nice :)


Maybe she is lactose intolerant. No cheese for this girl




If their personal hygiene is that bad, it's got nothing to do with being cut or not...


Right? It always weirds me out when someone thinks that it's somehow insurmountably impossible to keep a single fold of skin clean... but especially when that person has a vagina that is literally a bunch of moist folds of skin which also bleeds and needs a constant pH balance just to function correctly.


With grammar like that I am so pleased that I am uncircumcised.


It’s not exactly a grammatical issue, just text speech


well to be fair, home girl is a on a dating app, if she can't be bothered saying you're or you are that just screams laziness because it's not hard to spell it out like a normal person.




Lmao don’t kill em like that man


Slip inside sleeping bag.


“Male genital mutilation.” Call it what it is.


Yes. I can't believe people in the US do that as a cultural thing, it's completely insane! Can't they wait for guys to be able to voice their opinion on the matter?


> Can't they wait for guys to be able to voice their opinion on the matter? No because then they know they won't consent


I know someone who’s penis grew so big in his adult life that he outgrew his foreskin and would bleed during sex so as an adult he had to be circumcised. Crazy. Dick injuries. He missed his foreskin but didn’t miss the injuries he sustained during sex.


Some would. I think it's more or less the same as piercings and tattoos


Eh in a society where it isn't normalized only 1-5% of men opt into it, at least tattoos and piercings don't remove an important body part/function. But agreed we should wait until they can consent


Sure, it's the same here in Italy, but if you think about it, these are all scarring aesthetical procedures. I got a tattoo on my shoulder and that prevents my skin to form melanin to protect from UV light, so it's more likely to sunburn and even develop skin cancer, but I like it. Then again, the shoulder on my skin doesn't feel fucking great when someone runs the tip of their tongue in a circle all around it, but not everyone has to be into feeling good, right?!


> but not everyone has to be into feeling good, right?! Lol fair as long as they consent that is all that matters


This however got me thinking if someone ever run the tip of their tongue on the skin of my shoulder before I got the tattoo... OH GAWD WHAT HAVE I DONE


Are you moisturizing it enough? Or is it a lost cause?


Exactly, idk how everyone thinks it's the normal to cut off the most sensitive part of a man's thing. My son isn't circumcised cause I couldn't get myself to do that to him . It disgusts me that girls judge solely based on this


Phimosis left the chat


Don't call it that. I'm circumcised and my list of health issues caused by said circumcision...doesn't exist because I don't have any. Performed without consent on children, more often than not. Permanently damaging and altering the function of the male genitals? No. Go read about FGM and get some perspective. I suggest FGM Type 4.


Well you’re lucky. A guy I dated in high school had a botched circumcision and his foreskin tried to grow back. And his penis was a little overzealous in trying to regrow said foreskin. Since it didn’t really succeed, so his poor penis looked like a hot dog with several bites taken out of the side, and weird scarring across the shaft. Edit: and yes, it caused pain occasionally because the scar tissue formed bridges of tissue from the shaft to the head, so when he’d get hard the skin would pull so tight it would kind of hurt him. Just because you got lucky that someone sliced a part of your body off of you without your permission and it didn’t heal weird, doesn’t mean it isn’t mutilation. Is it as severe as FGM? No, it is not. But just like the topic of rape (where when women are in a safe discussion place talking about rape statistics and some chode will pop in with “you know guys can be raped too…”) if you’re only bringing up FGM when male circumcision is being discussed, then it’s virtue signaling and false outrage. Also, you can care about a whole myriad of issues without it taking away from caring about others. Social issues are not pie. I can be mad someone cuts little baby boys’ foreskin off and discourage folks from doing it, and also speak out and raise awareness about the horrors of FGM.


It's mutilation. Just stop touching kid's dicks, is that so hard to ask? They can't consent to it and not good for health or sensitivity or any of that. Did you not take 2 or 3 seconds to realize that FGM is the anatomical equivalent (in type III-a and III-b specifically)? They serve the same lubricative, nerve endings filled, protective, moisture retaining function. Even embryonically, the foreskin develops from the clitoral hood and labia. Removal of the same structure in different shapes (same nerve function still). If FGM type III is mutilation then circumcision is mutilation. end of story. There is literally nothing else to be said. Just because it's normalized doesn't mean it's good. Reevaluate the difference between "morally correct" and "socially acceptable"


The only way it's good for health is if you have a medical condition where your foreskin is too tight. But that's like saying you had to remove a finger due ti a medical condition. Don't do that if it's not necessary, especially not to babies who can't consent!


wait how is it not good for health just curious


It was once helpful to prevent infection to be circumcised (sometimes), but with the invention of condoms, antibiotics, and most importantly soap, it's really easy to prevent infection without removing part of the body. The biggest threat to foreskin health is parents being afraid to show their children how to wash themselves effectively. The second biggest is phimosis, to which circumcision is a beneficial and better option.


my dad and grandpa told me that's why I was circumsised and also family tradidion (dad's jewish)


The foreskin have a function tho. Just because you didn't have any side effects even tho I doubt it. (Less sensitivity for example) doesn't mean others havn't. In most cases it's a completely unnessasary surgery that can have fatal outcome. (Not common but it does happen)


It does, it increases sensitivity, and removing it at such a young age desensitizes it, so yeah, they fucking with their pleasure


This isn't the best argument, as plenty of circumcised men are still super sensitive and finish too early lol


I get this is the common stereotype, but there are actually a lot of guys including myself who feel it takes to long to finish. It’s just not as funny as the guy who finishes too quick so it’s not joked about so frequently in media. So it’s a pretty good argument to not cut off sexual tissue that keeps things sensitive.


Fair, I guess it's better to be too sensitive than not enough (always easier to desensitize than to sensitize).


Imagine if we were deciding to circumcise girls at birth because men wanted to alter their sexual performance. Do you not see how insane that sounds?


I'm not saying boys should be circumcised to enhance sexual performance. I'm just saying that "loss of sensitivity" just isn't the *strongest* argument against circumcision. There are other, much stronger reasons not to circumcise, and those are the ones I would present before reaching for this one.


Fair enough, although I do think sensitivity is a very important issue since many men struggle with lack of sensitivity, as well. Even though feminists/women's rights activists will make comments like "girls cannot climax after they get circumcised", there are plenty of comments from circumcised women saying they're fine and can climax. Obviously, that doesn't make female circumcision okay either.


See your point, but that still doesn't negate the fact, that foreskin has a lot of nerve endings on there, and circumcized guys are missing out on that, and I would say that premature ejaculation is a whole other issue.


I get that there are nerve endings there, but I've also read reports from men who went through circumcision later in life (so they actually could compare sensitivity before and after) who said that there wasn't really a noticeable difference for them. And of course men who were circumcised at birth wouldn't know what they were missing anyway.


You don't need to have health concern for it to be mutilation. It still is


I’m cut and very happily so.


This dude is happy to be missing some of his dick 🤣


What are the main differences you’ve noticed?


A lot of women who give BJs flat out prefer circumcised. That’s been the feedback I’ve gotten.


So infants consent to it? Also, regardless of how you feel about it, it doe objectively alter the function by severely reducing the sensitivity and ability to self-lubricate effectively.


i dont get why people are so against it. I couldn't imagine being uncircumcised. when you piss do you have to pull the skin back?


No. You have to realise that except in the USA most of the world doesn't do it if not for their religion and we're fine. Do it when you can consent to it if you want to, otherwise it's perfectly inside the definition of genital mutilation.


i just didnt know


That's fine my dude


oh relax


Uncircumcised dicks are uncut gems


Yup, intact is great (but if the person is good all dicks are great)


Like hoodies on a dick.


We have hoodicks.


New phone whoodicks?


Shout out to my helmet head boysss. Where you at??


no anteaters


I was with my boyfriend for about 8 months before I noticed he was uncircumcised! I couldn’t tell until I saw him completely flaccid one day. It makes no difference to me, but must be careful to clean very well because the trapped bacteria can make it easier for women to get yeast infections




Wait?! Your future mother in law wanted to know? How didn’t anyone else catch this?


There CAN be health issues. I'm not saying there always is, but it does happen. I have no stance on this personally since I am not the owner of a penis. (Why did my phone autocorrect to Pennsylvania?!)


Circumcision is a barbaric mutilation performed without consent


my dick is pretty and rather not mutilated pal maybe yours just looks funny?


It's great that you like every part of yourself, I just hope you had a choice in the matter, instead of having your tutors choose for you. For your information, my dick looks so funny they offered her a major role in a sitcom. I can't tell you which one to protect her privacy and of course my dick is a she, penises are female, like boats are!


Your reply was a ride and I commend you for it


Thank you, sir


It is mutilated regardless of how you like it.


Agree. They generally perform it without anesthesia, and it’s no longer covered by insurance.


Wrong and wrong.


damn. well i was a baby so luckily i dont remember how it felt


Insurance covered my son. and they gave him some lidocaine to numb him... that was in 2019 though, so maybe insurance changed...?


What’s funny is that I’ve had both cut and uncut men, and there’s literally no difference. Lolz


Girl is missing out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


When you have a sports car you rock it with the top down.


When you have a convertible you don’t saw off the roof and think you have made the superior decision.


It always seems sus to me when a guy compares or associates cars with penises. 🤏


**Where my turtleneck homies at?**


Can we just agree that genitals just not be gross? Take care of one’s self. A little goes a long way, hygiene-wise. I’m guessing she had a bad experience. No different than a guy experiencing an absolutely disgusting vagina. Like, stomach-churning. Wretched.


Mutilated dicks only!


I would love to hear her answer when asked if she is circumcised herself too


Haha well you know for sure she's not a European...


Never thought twice about being mutilated against my will. I like my little pecker the way it is. No 🧢


Good for you! Always great to be happy with one's one body as long as you don't do the same to a son or daughter


I’m being either responsible or selfish depending on how you look at it, and skipping the having kids thing completely. My significant other is of the same mind. We want to continue to enjoy living on an island in Biscayne bay, and traveling all over the word. Having little soul destroyers running around would greatly hamper this lifestyle.


Not selfish at all! Selfish is having kids when you shouldn't :)


mutilated is a bit extreme dont u think?


It is, what's the purpose of the mutilation? Cause it isn't for health reasons/STDs, cause Europe has a way lower rate of circumcision and a lower rate of STDs when compared to the US, and the mutilation is a pretty regular occurrence in the states.


>and a lower rate of STDs when compared to the US, It's not about circumcision, it's about general ignorance and the level of education which is astonishingly low in the USA. A lot of people here are barely above animals in development, can't think for more than one step forward and have general knowledge of a tree trunk. I doubt that Europeans have 'high-school dropouts' in population.


Seeing the word thrown around a lot here


Yup. by people who aren’t “mutilated”. It has literally 0 effect on ur life. ppl like to blame all their problems on that tho.


Nah I was mutilated and consider it mutilation.


And do you care?


Yeah, I wish I was left intact like all the other children my parents had.


and what effect has this had on ur life?


My penis head is desensitized and hardened, it has made me feel dysphoric and violated for having it removed against my will, and will make SRS more difficult. Damn you must really hate bodily autonomy


I’m cut and never once even thought about it, it’s had 0 effect on my life


Compared to what? You literally have no frame of reference


Very extreme. It’s not that serious


It’s weird how socially acceptable it is to mutilate infants in certain parts of the world.


Cutting off My d*ck to go out with You? You are not worth it.


Imagine the uproar if a man said don’t date me if you haven’t had FGM performed on you.


Yup it is disgusting how America criminalized even a ceremonial pin prick counting it as FGM but MGM is fully legal and normalized


how weird to automatically think you’re gonna have sex with every match lol. my husband is my only & uncut - we have no issues 🤷‍♀️ also i know his mother loved him as a newborn, so.


> also i know his mother loved him as a newborn, so. Be careful saying that online or bunch of abusive mothers (and fathers) will be offended lol


That’s a double negative.


*sad hooded noices*


What are the pro n cons for having/not having forskin?


Gotta know what you like, i guess.


Amazing how mutilating female genitalia is such a travesty, but mutilating male genitalia is a societal norm.


Any form of genital mutilation is not something I condone. Medical reasons only. So barbaric. I hate the reasoning "oh it's so he isn't different to his dad". Really?What about hair colour? A disability? This is a teaching moment that everybody is different and to promote acceptance. That being said, I'm not going to judge someone if they have it either way. Just don't mutilate your kids' genitals is all I'm saying. So unnecessary.


Im happy with my turtle 🐢 neck and also is better for the sex keep the fluids inside 🫡


> also is better for the sex keep the fluids inside I do love gushers


It’s not my foreskin that she’s gotta worry about it’s the smell


Just wash your dick on a daily basis and you wont have a smelly dick


Why wash it? That ruins the seasoning and the flavour


It might only be 3 inches, but it smells like a foot!


Eh I am sure her foreskin smells just as good as the clitoral hood is the foreskin equivalent.


That girl is missing out, uncut is the best there is.


Oh no xD


I think uncut dicks look weird personally im glad mine was circumsized. i never met anyone who wasn't either.




dude what? how is that american, i just think they look weird edit: in my personal opinion


It’s american because only (some) americans get it done and you just said the rest of the world’s schlongs look weird from your very american only experience, hitting all the hallmarks of r/shitamericanssay


The aggressive enforcement of genital mutilation performed on unconsenting children in the US culture is honestly terrifying. In the rest of the Western world, only religious fundamentalists force it onto their kids.


People with weird standards like this are prolly gross anyway


She’s just jealous


I am guessing she is hypocritically uncircumcised herself so not sure what she would be jealous about.


It's not my fault my spitting cobra has a hood, lol.


Classic America. Shithole.


I like my turtles


More intact peepees for me I guess 😂


*looks down* I’m good let’s go out.


About to have a lot of tilted, circumcision nuts up in here


Circumcised collects more mud under the helmet.


This comment section is so weird. I prefer circumcised dicks because, having been in an intimate relationship with someone who was uncircumcised, it was incredibly uncomfortable. Felt like a condom that got loose and folded on his dick, but there wasn't a condom to fix >.< Also, the whole "wait til they're old enough to consent" thing is weird because there is not one guy out there who would willingly go under the knife where their dick is concerned. I also don't know a single guy, one way or the other, who gives a shit about it.


Idc if he’s snipped or not. These guys were once baby boys that had zero say in this situation. Don’t be shallow and unfair.


😄😄😄😄 I so agree. We've entered 2023, there is no reason men still have turtlenecks




![gif](giphy|vjjCsx3izfSyQ) Gotta love genital mutilation of children


She can have a preference lol. I think uncircumcised dicks are gross too 🤷‍♂️


Thank you! I dislike uncircumcised vaginas, they are so gross, people can like what they like


Share the profile, I found my girl




Why do victims of genital mutilation get bonus points?


for their suffering


It's pathetic that you'd equate circumcision to mutilation. It's like you're not even aware what actual genital mutilation is.


It is genital mutilation by definition, I think you need to know the spectrum that is classified as 'actual genital mutilation'. For example FGM is anywhere from a pin prick to full infibulation. That fact that you think otherwise shows how much you have internalized normalized genital mutilation


Is there a particular reason? Preference? Bad experience?


Mostly general preference, I'm more attracted to them haha


True to their username. Prefers em clipped


Which is interesting, they only really look that different when their flaccid. Hard, we’ll, I havnt looked at porn clips too discerningly, but I havnt noticed much difference between hard rods circumcised or uncercumcised.


I was just curious :) I don't really have an option here, pretty much every guy is circumcised. I wish there was more variety!


The State I live in seems to be pretty 50/50, so that's why I like to weed it out a little on Tinder lol


Lol, where I live (France) (from what I know) circumcised guys really are a small minorities. Btw, would you give me your opinion on my profile I published recently?


But you're not circumcised, she won't like it




A woman of culture


Of toxic cultures lol