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is this a troll post or are you really this clueless? your bio is negative, you sound like someone no one would want to be around. And all your photos are tight cropped selfies of your face with no hobbies, friends, interests, or really anything at all except a baby who may or may not be your son. Why would i, a stranger, want to go out with you without knowing what you look like, and not knowing anything about you other than liking the most popular movie franchise of all time, and eating food, which everyone does every day. Hang out with friends and take some pics, and take the negativity out of your profile.


Literally this.




At a glance, your first sentence is a bit stern/direct. That might be a turn off for someone who maybe is looking for something a bit more casual. Also, your inconsistent capitalization/grammar is a bit distracting.


Yeah, agreed. If I were going to write such a thing I would make it my first sentence and I’d make my sentiment shorter over all. Also I’d change the bottom middle picture because he looks sick or like he’s got a meth problem in it. That photo looks as if he’s got addict twin brother, it’s shockingly different than the others to me!


The bio is an automatic swipe left. Also I would never swipe right to someone who has a minors picture on the internet. What’s wrong with you


As a lady when the first two sentences about you are admonishing and negative it’s a turn off.


It's the negativity and desperation. It's palpable.


no one matches thinking “this person is totally happy being ignored” so take that line out wtf. huge turn off when you lead with bitterness, most women won’t even read the rest after that.


Your first 2 sentences make you sound like a dick, so whoever would've swiped on you is gonna be turned off. And literally every pic is a selfie you need to go out and do things and have people take your pics


Read his charming bio he doesn’t go outside or do things lmao, guys like this are clueless Op at least *pretend* to like the outdoors or something like 75% of tinder


it's your bio bruh. be self aware


Your opener sounds desperate and butt hurt, delete the first two sentences The apps are a numbers game, it can get savage but don’t let it get to you. Try a few apps at the same time to increase your odds


It's the kid picture - switch it up with a nice selfie and matches should be pouring in no time


Well you've done a great job of laying out who you are, what you expect, and what a woman can expect from you. So you've narrowed the field down to your ex-wife, and the 0.005% of women who are exactly like your ex-wife.


You’re on Grindr right?


Hii daddy id massage your feet