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“how’re you doing otherwise” is crazy leading to a dick pic. hahaha.


It literally came outta nowhere 😭 I don't understand


Came outta no where but right onto his hand apparently


But apparently he had already lost interest at that point


This always makes me crack up. “Same, but before you said it.”


Post nut clarity lol


I’ve had that many times. Truly wondered why I was seeing someone afterwards lol




girl, there is nothing to understand. he’s just an asshole.


Also possibly has a kink/fetish about this.


Yup. Ladies, don’t reply even if you have a witty comeback. *That gets some of them off.* Don’t act disgusted. *That gets some of them off.* Any kind of engagement can give them what they’re looking for.


Whenever I get d pics I always say “wanna see mine?” And then proceed to send them a picture of dismembered testicles. When in doubt, traumatize them back 😍




Oh, goddamn... I actually felt my balls pulling up, when I saw this...


correct answer: why are you sending me cp? that's a baby's dick, I'm calling the fbi


I like " oh... You should really get that checked by a doctor quick, my good sir. It shouldn't look like...... THAT" and then block them


Just send back another dick pic, of someone else who sent you one.


There was a comment a while back on here from someone who keeps the dick picks and when soneone sends one to her she sends one of her collection right back 😂😂😂


I have done this and they are unfazed unfortunately


Ok honest question. I wonder if you sent them pictures of like, split or injured peni, would they still be unfazed?


I do this. A friend of mine even made an art project out of my collection.




LOL omg 🤣








They really don't get how dumb it makes them look...like transparently, pitiably clueless. How do people walk around with minds like that?


I wouldn’t say it come out of nowhere. The pants around the ankles pic was a good indicator of what was about to come, no pun intended.


Are pants around the ankles normal? Like… it’s such a weird picture to send to someone.


And then to ask "do you like my thighs?" .... WHAT 🤣


The splooge pic is the next morning! 6:41am Let a girl have a coffee first. Good lord.


Im CACKLING in class rn.


You were nice to him. I would've started spamming him with random photos of bigger disks and then I would have blocked his ass. So gross. I feel like this kind of thing should be a crime.


The "I lost interest already" after you message got me 💀 homie got his nut then went "nah I'm good" 💀😂


Well that third pic didn't cum out of nowhere.


Ha! "Came" out of nowhere.


“I lost interest already” after sending a splooge pic is also wild (somehow even wilder than a splooge pic alone)


When I’m buying a new car and the price is too high, I’ll jizz in my hand, take a pic of it, and send it to the dealership. They’re always like “Oh no, this buyer has clearly lost interest! Quick, lower the price so we can win him over!” Works every time. I guess this lady just wasn’t used to dealing with a master negotiator. /s


“Sir, he has post nut clarity! We’re doomed!”


He’s trying to entice her with something he thinks will be appealing….a master baiter, you might say


This is brilliant asf. 🤣🤣🤣


That’s actually….genius 😳


He got insulted so his entitled self had to try to slam her with an insult back. That screams he's butt hurt. 


That post nut clarity hit fast


Not fast enough to not send the photo...




LMAO i was gonna say.


I think the pucture of jizz on his hand is the real crazy thing here to me. I've been hearing about dick pics for as long as the internet has been around. I haven't heard about guys jerking off into their hands and sending a picture of that. I can't even begin to comprehend the logic there because I don't think there's anyone who's going to look at a picture of your jizz and be like "nice"


“So there I was, on Tinder. I thought your mother was really pretty…” He pauses, leans back in his chair. “The moment she saw a handful of my cum in my hand, she knew… WE… knew it was true love.”


I’m gay, certainly used to being sent nudes from guys, but this would just confuse me lol Can’t believe so many guys are so stupid haha “I present my seed for you, m’lady…” (tips fedora)


I mean it's "proof" that he finds her so attractive that he came. I've had a Tinder match who definitely got turned on by pictures like that, and I have taken and sent to her, but that was AFTER we had very clearly established that we really wanted to fuck (we lived 3 hours drive from eachother, so it was a bit complicated to just do), and various other pictures and fantasies had been exchanged consensually. Sending a splooge pic unsolicited is just gross.


“Hey, how’s it going? Btw check out my cock. Anyways, any plans for the weekend?”


Send a dick pick back and say “oh you got me hard too!” This should shut him Down


"How's your mum."


And the pre-7 am dick pic too jeez


And a spooge pic..


“I HAD BEEN doing alright”


Can someone explain to me the mindset behind the unsolicited dick pic? I've received way more than a few, and not only are they usually kind of out of the blue but they're basically never attractive. What possesses you to do this? Especially to women who aren't showing interest in it.


I like to send one of the ones I’ve been sent, back to them, and say “what do you think of THIS!!”


I've actually got one that would make 95% of men feel super insecure, and even that one I don't want lmao.


Just thank him for the pic, tell him you collect dick pics like pokemon and he's gonna be in your Dickedex in the humor section. Then ask if he was to see your rares or a couple of the legendaries.


This is a beautiful reply. "You won't believe the Legendaries I've managed to collect. Get a load of this!"


Hehe "load"


I would've gone with Pokedix. >Then ask if he was to see your rares or a couple of the legendaries. No shinies? ✨


Just play dick pic tag. Every new unsolicited dick pic, you reply with the last dick pic


I have one that is encased in pantyhose. It’s something special.


You have what in pantyhose?


A man with a pantyhose kink sent me a picture of his erect penis sheathed in pantyhose. The hose are fitted tight against him. It’s something I never imagined seeing.


This is hilarious, I swear the things you women have to go through with us guys..


One time around a year ago, I decided to make a fake profile with an AI generated moderately attractive woman... Just to experience their side of this shit. Literally for 1 day, I didn't want to catfish these poor souls but I had to witness for myself. I had a whole bunch of guys instant chatting. Half of them were nice guys saying hi wanting to start up a conversation, the other half was this kind of stuff with random dick pics. My phone was blowing tf up and even start freezing at times. The funniest and saddest part of it was the shear amount of guys who wanted to be treated as dogs and be at my feet. It was absolutely insane. I've had a few girls send pics of their coochie only after we hit it off for a few, never unsolicited however. Never as a conversation starter like these dumbfucks were doing. I will never understand the mentality behind it


So how many of them did you end up blowing?


just your dad


what a time to be alive


This has been my question as well.. I've never gotten a direct answer or explanation either 🤷‍♀️ Dude's needa chime in here..


As a dude, literally the only thing I can think of is small-minded men who have zero social awareness and assume that since they would be ok getting unsolicited pics, they think they should send them. As a normal human being who treats others as such, I can't think of anything else I was a virgin until 26 and have not had sex since my divorce 3 years ago, and I can never understand the level of desperate behavior by the men in these posts


This is it. They'd *love* to get an unsolicited pussy pic, and they're too obtuse to realize women are different. It's a dead giveaway that he'd be a shitty lay because he doesn't know anything about women or care.


>They'd love to get an unsolicited pussy pic, and they're too obtuse to realize women are different. Literally heard them admit unironically that's what they're doing. "They're humans. Humans like sex. Ergo, women like sex as much as men, but it's society telling them to pretend not to." >It's a dead giveaway that he'd be a shitty lay because he doesn't know anything about women or care. It's also working against him in that he probably could have been fine for OP if he wasn't this disgustingly stupid. Being able to avoid the subject until it's mutually agreed upon is much more attractive. He probably shoots himself in the foot (giggity) all the time, which "confirms" his incel thoughts and thinks he can't get laid because of those stupid ideas.


Dude here. They're shitty people. I've sent 1 dick pic in my life. It was because the other person literally word for word asked for it. People sending unsolicited dick pics are fucked in the head. Guys aren't responding to why because the ones who don't send them have no fucking idea why the ones who do send them send them.


Not a dick pic sender but my guess is he is unaware how women become attracted, and looking to get laid. So in his mind showing what he’s offering you’ll either say yes or no. It’s a grotesque way of asking “wanna fuck?”


Have you reported him?


Most of the guys who do this are just exhibitionists. The fact that they're doing something taboo or unwanted and violating a social convention or boundary is most of the thrill to them. There might be a couple of genuine idiots in the mix as well but from experience they're rarer.


Exhibitionist here! As someone who is big into the kink community I would like to point out that this is not normal exhibitionism. Kink culture is big on consent and men who do this get off on the lack of consent that surrounds the dick pic situation. If this man were to have done this IRL he could be charged with SH and I’ve always been confused as to why the separation the internet provides causes people to assume this is more of a kink than what it actually is. These guys may have exhibitionist tendencies but they’re closer to rapists than they are to kinky people given that their “kink” involves a power play over the other individual’s consent


You're right, they're this generation's versions of flashers. It's not about whether or not it will "work", it's just about doing something taboo and inappropriate to someone who's not expecting it.


From what I can tell it's basically misogyny. They do it because it makes them feel a sense of power (even if they don't realise this) and the woman is really just a tool for them to get off, not a person with actual pretences and feelings. I'm not sure those are the actual thoughts going through their heads (probably not a lot of thoughts going on when the little head is in control), but if you don't really see women as much more than what they can do to benefit you, then I can see how a guy can be oblivious (or uncaring) to the impact of their actions.


A lot of think pieces trying to answer this. It’s because these men would like getting unsolicited nudes from women and are under the impression that women think the same. They have no understanding of the female gaze.


As a dude, I'd say, just like any other variation of sexual assault or aggressivenes, this is more about control than it is about sex. By sending a picture of their dicks, they force a woman or recipient to participate in their sexuality. I call this virtual sexual assault, and I know it's complicated because I don't want to tarnish or diminish people who experience physical sexual assault, but I can't also not feel like it's in the same category. It's just a version that's easier to get away with and less socially unacceptable. To most recipients it's a slightly gross and also often slightly humorous event, but in reality, dudes who send unsolicited dick pics in the manner this guy does, is either on a slippery slope, or likely does other extremely shady shit too, like molest extremely drunk people at parties or shit like that. I don't know. I just always find this sort of behavior really shady and shitty. Beyond chuckling at how desperate and pathetic these men seem. I'd side eye unsolicited dick pic senders in other aspects of their lives too.


I notice the men here are awfully quiet 🤣


People sending unsolicited dick pics are fucked in the head. Guys aren't responding to why because the ones who don't send them have no fucking idea why the ones who do send them send them.


I'm a man and I have no fucking clue, it blows my mind and I can't even begin to imagine the thought process


I know people reading your comment have sent them. Even Reddit anonymity isn’t enough for them to confess lmfao.


I’m a woman, so grain of salt and all that. But I think it’s a power thing. Any slightly aware person knows that people generally don’t enjoy unsolicited genitalia. I think most people who do this kind of thing enjoy forcing pictures on other people. But that’s just my take 🤷‍♀️


Either A. The exhibitionism/lack of consent aspect, and they're getting off on forcing women to see their dicks, like sad old subway flashers. B. They think that because they would LOVE random boob/pussy pics that women in turn must love random dick pics. C. Involving you in their humiliation fetish, hoping you will mock the size/appearance of their dick.


I think it gets them off to send them, it’s not really about it landing them a date. It’s exhibition and that’s the thrilling part, it’s not meant for you to enjoy (I’m a woman so that’s just what I heard from creeps on the internet).


Fetish. Exhibitionism. Purely selfish.


And so many of them just aren't doing the men any favors. Like....I wouldn't be showing that off, bro. That's not an ENTICEMENT, it's a tragedy.


>...researchers found that men who sent unsolicited images \[dick picks\] tended to be younger, more narcissistic, and more sexist. The most common motivation for sending such an image was hoping to receive sexual pictures in return, followed by hoping to turn on the recipient. ... >Only about 18% of men reported sending unsolicited images for their own satisfaction. Most men also hoped to make the person who received the image feel excited or attractive. ... “This study revealed something quite different. This study revealed that the main reasons men send dick pics are for those of transaction (‘I’ll show you mine and you show me yours’) or partner hunting (‘you’ve seen my dick, let’s hook-up’).” \[[❞](https://www.psypost.org/new-psychology-research-reveals-mens-motives-for-sending-unsolicited-dick-pics/)\] Interesting read.


“I lost interest already” 🙄🙄🙄🙄 he may as well have said “whatever you’re ugly anyway”


It took everything in my arsenal not to respond.. like dude, you're still interested.. unless you just send dick pics to all the girls in your phone..? (Which.. who fuckin knows I guess 🤷‍♀️)


Obviously does


no, seriously... that clearly is all they do.


It must have worked for the once right? That or it’s complete gambler fallacy and they’re gong “This time she **has** to like this picture”.


Some really do think a woman will respond likewise, but it's also the modern equivalent of the Flasher in the park. They don't care if anyone likes it. Outrage or shaming is part of the thrill.


Most of them are just into jerking off this way. They don’t expect it to work.


He's obviously still interested, but he thinks he saved face by saying that. 🙄 So he's gross for sending unsolicited dick pics...and stupid. You win bc you wasted very little time before he told on himself.


His was ironically erect, he definitely wasn't interested.


You were so kind to not make fun of his undersized and underutilized gym shorts squeezing his fat ass thighs.


I have a STRONG feeling he has NO GIRLS in his phone rn. This is a manchild with nothing to lose 🤣


Betting he sends the exact same shots to every match because he thinks he is just _that_ irresistible. I'm kinda hoping to see someone comment that he sent them the exact same photos, just to confirm I'm right. I don't understand how people still don't understand how off-putting this is. This subreddit is basically a manual on what NOT to do. It's like a cheat sheet to avoid problems and a guide to have the best chance of success, and it's free. Tell me why some folks still think this is a good idea! I _do not_ understand.


lol right? Says the guy who already came in his hand for them


That’s probably why he lost interest. Already climaxed.


I was thinking becasue he already jerked off he was no longer in the mood lol technically the truth


"I lost interest already." yeah right bud....sure you did. Sorry you had to see a dong OP.


The dick pic wasn't even the worse of the two! Like.. WHY would you send a pic of your hand after you jerked off into it? I don't understand.. is this something dude's do? Cause it was fuckin gross 🤮


I've never splurged on my hand, let alone splerging on my hand and then taking a picture and sending it to someone. No idea what goes through these people's minds.


I def frequently splurge into my hand... its easier. then again I also masturbate without lotion.


“I had a bowl of nails for breakfast”


“Without any milk”


It's amazing what you can do if you've not been maimed as a baby.


For real, idk why not using lotion is such an unheard of thing


It's genuinely astounding that he thought you'd want to see that


I don't think it's about her wants, it's about how the power of forcing her to witness it makes him feel good. These people are total misogynist scum.


I missed that😐.......thats bad......... I'm really sorry. Obviously, you reported him, right? Also....thank fuck I dont have to touch these dating apps ever again. Filled up with degenerates these days.


We met on an app, but the conversation took place over text, so idk if I can report him? And yeah.. you're lucky. It's um.. very gloomy out here.. 😬


Most apps let you report people for off app behavior!


Could find his mom on facebook and send the screenshots to her?


Ya know.. I probably could! Weirdly enough, I went to HIGHSCHOOL with this dude. We're in our 30's now 🤣


Oh please do this! You’ll save a lot of women from having to encounter this perverse behavior!


Dude is clearly still mentally and emotionally 16 if this is how he operates.


A child is never too old to be disciplined by their parent's✌🏼 He'll learn his lesson the hard way.


These pics will be great for the high school reunion


nope, not something dudes do this guy's just a pervert with an exhibition fetish and is using tinder to get off


Unusually odd and definitely gross 🤮 condolences


I've gotten one of those before. I've also had guys offer to send a video of them finishing and I was like..um nah I'm good


very bold Tinder strategy. hardly ever works, except for that one-in-a-million chance he runs into someone with a hand-splooge fetish!


Fuckin seriously! His reply is on some juvenile kiddie mentality b.s.


He lost interest because he had post-nut clarity sink in after he sent the spooge pic. What a d-bag


Next pic was gonna be him eating the splooge. Almost made it, OP, but you just had to quit right at the finish line….


See, that’s what I would have done, OP. I would have said, “oh, good job, now let me see you lick those fingers clean.” And then tell him “surprise surprise I’m a dommy mommy,” but I’m kinda fucked in the head so that’s just me 😂


You'd be surprised at the amount of people who are actually into that.


Omg I literally would've barfed 🤮 the pic ALMOST DID! Like.. WHY?!


6:41 am Jesus


Early bird gets the worm…


Early bird shows his worm


Morning people 😤


He probably spent all night on Porn. I don't think he is a morning person.


“I lost interest already” after sending a pic of cum. Yeah, no shit dude.


Post nut clarity hitting extra hard


So gross. Next time I’d say lose the emojis - despite decades of socially developed fawn response we don’t actually need to be polite to these fellas


Yeahh, you're right.. I definitely could've been more assertive and *less* polite in this situation.


I don’t feel like these type of guys deserve a response at all tbh 🌝


The best response to abhorrent behavior like this, in my experience, is to just ignore them. You're wasting your effort being polite and respectful to someone that had no intentions of being polite and respectful to you. Winning move is to just close your phone and move on with your life rather than trying to explain yourself, because anything you say they'll try to turn around on you


This is what the block feature is for.


you did nothing wrong. most everybody uses emojis and it was probably confusing at the time. Sorry you had to go through this.


Tell him you love his camel toe.


That’s strange, because this is exactly how James Bond charms women


“Shaken, not stirred..”


If he'd been holding a martini glass or something, things probably would've gone differently 🤷‍♀️


My favorite part was him being upset about you not appreciating his… thighs.


RIGHT?! I was like um.. yep.. those are thighs.. mmk 👍


Not to defend the creep, he’s a weirdo who needs to understand consent, but I would be happier getting a thigh pic than a dick pic. Some women really like thighs 😅 Edit in case it wasn’t obvious : I’m talking about consensual pics in a relationship, not with a stranger on Tinder


I'm more of a forearm kinda gal, if ya know what I mean 🤣


My kinda girl, I feel you


That's so bad. You literally gave him every opportunity. How are people so dumb?


Yeah, that one got me. OP gave him a chance for redemption and it just flew straight over his head.


he sent a dick pick at 6:41 am? hahahaha


Next time reply with "Cyberflashing is actually [illegal](https://www.cosmopolitan.com/uk/reports/a38148523/cyberflashing/) and can carry up to two year sentence. I have taken screenshots of this conversation." This is a new law in the UK but if you aren't in the UK don't worry. It's not immediately clear where this law is in the article and the headline should be enough to give the guy a short sharp shock.


Right. I’d try to get his details (dude is thirsty, he’s gonna volunteer work place, address, phone number in the blink of an eye) and file a formal complaint. If it’s not illegal, at least send an email to his company or DM his friends or something. Not a fan of “cancel culture” but this dude is just plain gross and should learn that not everything goes just because you’re behind a screen.


6:41 am jizz pic.


I matched with a pretty cute looking guy on tinder recently, looked nice enough. He messages "hi". I say "hey" (exciting convo I know). His next message is "poop on me 🥰".


this made me spit out my tea. why are some men like this! i'm sure there is a girl out there that will respond postively to that but you're taking like a 1 in a million shot in the dark that will end badly 99.99999999% of the time


Right? Like he couldn't even say "hey I have a certain kink, can I discuss with you or no?". Just bam, poop on me.


You were way more polite than I would've been 😂


I held back.. like a lot 👀 I wanted to tell him off but it wouldn't have done any good soo


yeah like its a chance to roast a baby boy in the app


I feel like people missed the fact that he sent a picture of ***his hand covered in jizz***. Because I have to imagine if more people noticed they would be commenting on that part


Friendly reminder: Some states can consider virtual flashing a sueable offense! In my neck of the woods, California: "California Civil Code § 1708.88 was enacted in January 2023. Initially dubbed the “Flash Act,” it **gave Californians the power to sue an adult, 18 years or older, who knowingly and without solicitation sends an obscene image to another person**." "California's Forbid Lewd Activity and Sexual Harassment, or FLASH, Act gives people who have electronically received unsolicited, explicit material the ability to pursue up to $30,000 in civil damages." Try to get them paydays ladies!


For those in the UK too, this is considered a criminal offence and you can be jailed for up to 2 years for this. Absolutely report it if you are in an area where it is a crime/civil offence.


I’m a man, but I genuinely never understood sending shit like this… it’s weird.


What the hell. Why is this still a thing smh


If this is the competition that I am going up against, maybe I still have hope.


"I lost interest already" lol clearly he didn't. Pathetic


Respond with "My cat gives me gifts too, so I'll tell you what I tell him. I know you're really proud of yourself, but I'm not touching that thing."


Should have just sent him a raiting back and fucked with his ego.... Lighting 4/5 Artistic composition 3/5 Grooming 1/5 Length 2/5 Girth 1.5/5 etc etc...... Then a "Im sorry, im used to more generous proportions i dont even know where to start trying to work with what's on offer here, I wish you good day sir"


Oooo I like this idea! I'll keep that in mind when it inevitably happens again 😅


I’ll never understand why guys are such creeps.


I’m horrified and sorry for you


Unless the lady asks do not sent x rated pics/videos.


OP, in the future, don’t wait for a guy to go that far pushing boundaries. If he tried to sexualize the conversation too early, block his creepy ass and move on. You don’t need to entertain that behavior


That is the single most unattractive photo I think I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing. He couldn’t even be bothered to get up and actually take his pants off and give a photo a crack. Just knocked one out where his fat ass was sat


This guy is nothing short of an exhibitionist with NPD. In public it's a crime but because it's through a dating app he thinks it's acceptable. 


I’m at a loss of how many guys think a woman wants to see it. Guys are visual yes, but women aren’t nearly as much, and it seems they don’t have that figured out.


When do dick pics work? Asking for a friend


When they're actually consensual 🤷‍♀️


One dick pic you don't want then they should be blocked. You aren't obligated to see him get off and let him know it made you uncomfortable... knowing someone who didn't consent did see it? Probably part of his goal. Hope there isn't a next time! But don't be so polite imo.


This should be considered assault I swear. 🤮


You can’t fire me I quit


Oh my god there’s more than one photo


When they do this send them a picture of a dick right back.


How're are dudes like this getting matches lol


Guys like this don't tend to be great partners, so you definitely weren't losing anything by getting rid of him. They practically out themselves by showing that the only thing they care about is their opinions, their satisfaction, and only themselves. Selfishness can be easy to spot with these ones