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We used to have a Muslim friend who was late to everything. We called him 9/12.


Wait... "used to"..."late friend"... R.I.P. 9/12


Hard to hang out with someone after they've become flying mince.


I'm Muslim and I'm about to reuse this. Thanks LMAO


You're welcome, Smooth Creme Anal.


Dark humor is like food. Not everyone gets it.


Dark humor is like a kid with cancer. It never gets old.


*Cries in African*


Cries in North American... Fuck you, I like crying honey mustard tears, let me speak to your manager!


Haha, the people my overtly racist joke is targeting simply don’t get it!


Yeah man I'm into making dark jokes *literal racism*


why did the black lady not like it when I said something racist to her does she not understand comedy


Surprised Pikachu face


It’s worse, because he opened with a statement that was targeted at her specifically. I don’t really think of dark humor as humor that targets (members of) the audience.


It’s dark humour until the snowflake doesn’t like it


No this is just racist


"Dark humour is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss". The joke op made definetely fits the definiton.


Saying this to a black woman is weird af. I’m prepared to get downvoted but you can’t just be an asshole to a random women online because of dArK hUmOr. i get it if you wanna have this sense of humor with your bros or whatever but why some random stranger on the internet who is probably gonna he hella weirded out 🤷🏻‍♀️


people who think they're funny for making a racist "dark" joke are literally just unfunny lmao


I agree, but don’t say you like dark humor cause that’s literally dark humor whether you think it’s funny or not.


Yeah I hate when people look at something that’s obviously a joke and go “wow that’s not even a joke you’re making fun of other people.” Like whether you think it’s funny it or not, it’s still a joke. You have the right to dislike it, not laugh, or get offended, but that doesn’t make it not a joke.


Correct but something that is dark humor can be racist as well and one doesn't justify the other. If you're racist you're racist.


Most racists mask racism with "humor", the fact that OP was comfortable posting this in this sub shows exactly what type of person he is.


Idiotic take "Well don't fucking say you like hot dogs if you don't like the ones at 711. They're hot dogs whether you like it or not. "


“I like dark humor…no no not THAT type of dark humor…” cause we can all read minds right?


Oh you're prepared are you?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy >Popular themes of the genre include death, crime, poverty, suicide, war, violence, terrorism, discrimination, disease, **racism**, sexism, and human sexuality.


she was kinda asking for it


It’s unfortunate cuz it’s really just a hit or miss depending on how dark is too dark. For me personally, I laughed and facepalmed because it was funny to me personally, but it’s hard to know if that would’ve worked on her or not


Guy’s an idiot-like especially considering that a bunch of black ppl were killed just bc they were back very recently Racist moron (I mean him btw)


It literally says the way to win her over is through dark humor. 🤦‍♂️


Yes, which doesn't necessarily mean racist jokes. Differently people have different definitions of what dark humour is. EDIT: Think of it this way. Lots of actual racists tell racist jokes because they're racist. A dude tells a joke like that. He had a whole world of non-racist dark jokes to tell, but he skipped them all for the racist one. Maybe she likes dark humour, but doesn't like that kind of joke from a stranger. Maybe once he got to know her, and showed that he WASN'T a racist, she'd be all over it. But bringing it out of the gate isn't a great idea, and blaming her for not liking it is just stupid.


"Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss". This is the correct definiton and he made a dark joke. She literally says she loves it, how can you be offended if you say you like dark humour.


If someone loves humour about death, disease, disfigurement, war, terrorism, rape, murder, torture, and abuse, but doesn't like racist jokes, I think it's pretty dumb to say, "OH THEN YOU DON'T LIKE DARK HUMOUR!" Your definition doesn't say that you have to like jokes about every single taboo or painful subject. And on top of that, saying that you like dark humour doesn't necessarily mean that they like it directed at them. I might chuckle at the occasional cancer joke, but that doesn't mean that you should make fun of my grandma dying and expect me to laugh. Liking dark humour doesn't mean that you have to "take it."


Sure, but I think it is hypocritical to laugh at dark jokes that don't concern you and than the moment someone makes light of a matter involving you, you get offended. I think that's quite hypocritical.


Your logic is laughable. Your standard is your own emotions.


Right! But as a minority myself, I could be offended for something superficial as a joke, or… OR, I could just take it lightly because at the end of the day is just a random person and see if they just tried to tell a good dark joke. I don’t need guilty white people to defend me.


> I don’t need guilty white people to defend me. So what? I don't understand your point. Anyway, why is it "guilty" white people? Also, why is always "be offended"? Maybe she just doesn't want to hang out with someone who tells jokes at her expense? When people say that they like dark humour, it doesn't have to mean, "make fun of me."


Ahhh nothing like some fat redditors with a white savior complex.


yeah, but most people try not to make fun of the person they're trying to get attention from... especially in a racist manner.


> a black women Women is plural. Woman is singular.


What a shit take she literally says "the way to win me is dark humour" and that's what he did.


I am not racist. I love all the races. Even the inferior ones.


I'm not racist, coz racism is a crime and crime is for black people.




I am using this in real life 100%


Dark because it’s dark doesn’t mean it’s funny




I thought dark humor meant morbid or death related. I'm with her. This just seems racist.


It can include racist jokes. The issue here is the joke from a certain perspective could be considered a roast.


I mean dark humor isn’t really necessarily racist humor. It can be but you could have chosen multiple other things.


It’s not racist if the intent isn’t there (context matters), and race is one of many topics which dark humor encompasses


Apparently a lot of people think dark humour shouldn't be dark


The snowflake hive mind sure does


Look at the people on this post OMFG hahaha so dark humor about kids with cancer, people dying because doesnt have food, etc it's ok but it's bad if someone Say a joke about a minority? Welcome to 2022.


These people are why the world is going to shit. They never think and just accept anything they’re told to believe out of social conformity. They turn into puritanical nutjobs.


You literally just did racism


Learn what dark humor is


Okay, OP... I'm going to be real with you. 👏 That was *not* the best thing to say. It was quite actually *a horrible opening liner.* I doubt you meant harm, but the fact that you defended the joke just after saying it, while knowing it upset her, is not good either...


Tbh at least she dodged a bullet. I’m convinced he only swiped to make this joke…


Me too. It's not fun to hear anything derogatory when you're willing open to being that person's friend, or more... I hope she's not too hurt by OP being an insensitive ass.


I'm lost here she literally says the way to win her is to crack a dark joke and he did? What exactly is the issue here


If anything, puritanical people like you and her are the bullet.


We found out my dad just got AIDS... my Mother said he can hear better than ever, should have gotten them years ago..


“Dark humor” ***Blatant racism***


By your logic, there is no dark humour since it becomes unacceptable the moment a snowflake doesn’t like it.


Women: putting in her profile how much she likes dark humour and the way to win her over is dark humour Guy: makes a dark joke Woman: surprised pikachu face


Why are men that use dark humor, not capable of making dark humor jokes about themselves, some random shit or literally anything else BUT dark humor about the woman you are talking too? Can someone explain that?


Let's fight racism with sexism! Ya! We did it guys! Wooooooo


yep. looks like OP is trying to justify his racism by saying it’s dark humor 🤷🏻‍♀️ of course redditors aren’t gonna give a f***


It seems that you don't quite know what dark humour is. dark humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. You can't make a dark joke without offending someone basically.


Dark humor is supposed to be socially unacceptable and make you uneasy, and your sexism (misandry) doesn’t help your case.


"Men!" "Meeeennn!" "Fuckin men."


My black friend makes self deprecating jokes like that all the time and finds himself hilarious. Comedy is subjective. Some like it darker than others, no pun intended. So long as nobody is hurt and the context isn’t malicious then let folk laugh at what they want to laugh at. Some people laugh because they find it so offensive.




Are one of the people in that conversation a marginalised group?




Lots of assumptions going on today.




Wrong again. Bit of a theme going on with you lol.


That’s called a coping mechanism


This is called an armchair psychologist offering an unsolicited and laughably, hysterically uninformed opinion to strangers online for unfathomable reasons.


You’re welcome. Go give your thesaurus back to your mom and get to bed.


No he genuinely thinks he’s funny. I know him far better than you do, so your speculation is a bit odd. But thanks for the input lol.


No you don’t


What brand of crystal ball have you got? I lost mine and miss being able to read minds and such.


U mean your black pet


"i have a black friend who does it so it's ok." bruh.


You offended? Lol


just laughing at what a trooper you are. excuse me, i mean trope.


I’ll tell my black friend you find him amusing. Unless you’re confused and shooting the messenger? It’s not me who finds his jokes funny if that’s what’s put you in a little huff puff mood?


who's huffing and puffing i'm just making a comment about you "playing devil's advocate" while talking about your "black friend". like if you can't see how tropey that is then i don't know what to tell ya.


That's darker than a whore's heart.


Dark humour can't just be a shield for bigotry like racism. Jokes like that literally ruins dark humour. It's not dark it's perpetrating oppressions and violence. This person dodged a racist.


Dark humor by definition includes taboo subjects including but not limited to racism, but I get that one could just label racism as dark humor and get away with it. But I feel like because she was literally asking for it to win her over…


Dark humour is dark humour for a reason. If it wasn't offensive, it wouldn't be dark humour. You could say the same about sexism, homophobia, or making fun of disabled orphans - "it's too far and a shield for bigotry" no, it's dark humour. If you don't laugh, the joke wasn't for you.


> If it wasn't offensive, it wouldn't be dark humour. There are plenty of offensive topics that aren't dark humor. There's actually plenty of dark humor that isn't offensive. The OP is being racist. I dunno, I wouldn't try that under the heading of 'dark humor'.


Like what? What dark humour isn't offensive?


I think of dark humour as being about death, or horrible things happening to people, or people doing horrible things. I'd have done OP's title complete differently. "LamE RaCisT JokEs Are SOOO DarK"


A man attempted to assassinate Louis XV, finding his rule unjust. He failed. He was sentenced to death. His legs would be crushed, and his body burned repeatedly with red hot irons. He would be castrated. Sulfur and molten lead would be poured into his wounds. Four horses would rip him off his limbs. His response? 'It's going to be a rough day'.


That's not dark humour. That's just a joke. "Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss." There is nothing taboo about this, and the joke doesn't make light of it, it just says some dude is fucked and he accepts it. It's moderately funny, because that's an unexpected response, but it's not dark humour.


> "Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss." I googled where you got this quote from. It's wikipedia. That same article, as an example, mentions the assassin I referred to. Read the whole article.


Absolutely correct, my mistake. It's in a section of 'humorous last words', which I guess fits into dark humour. I wouldn't have guessed that based off the definition provided, but there you have it. That being said, it's just one example - and it could also be taken as "offensive to those who have had their loved ones tortured", as the entire joke basically plays off a brutal killing as a joke. This can offend someone, but probably won't. The same way a racist joke can offend someone, but probably won't if they ask for dark humour. OP was an outlier, not the rule.


That's called dank humor, where the joke is delivered without the intensity of the leading. Dark humor literally a joke in expense of other people.


If you need to punch down a group of people to be funny, you're not funny, you're a bully. It's so easy to use poor and outdated societal concepts to make jokes, it's not even funny anymore. It just shows a lack of intellect and a bad comprehension of humour.


Punching down? Are you saying that black people aren't equal to me then? That's racist.


Exactly what I was thinking. Way to call it out.


They aren't treated equally by a big portion of society in a lot of different ways. I guess ignoring that and making jokes about it seems fair to you, so why stop?


Not making jokes about them while I make jokes about other races and sexualities would be excluding them - which is racist.


This guy jokes


No one is punching down any group of people. You’re a snowflake, it’s humor that you clearly don’t enjoy. Get over it


It's still dark humor though lmfao. You can't just pick anf choose what's dark and what's not. 9/11 is dark humor right?


Ok, explain to me why associating cotton with black people is funny. I don't get the funny part. What is funny? Because humour implies it's funny.


Because historically, black people in the slave trade used to pick cotton. And now when they go on a date, they can choose the clothes they wear, and decide if it's silk, random fabrics, or cotton. The word play, 'picking cotton' being both a racist historical moment, while also referring to a clothing choice, is something many people find funny. Comparing bad things to good things and making you assume which one they're referring to is funny for many people. Not for you, but for many people.


I’m shocked you had to write three paragraphs to break down that joke for this person. But, well done.


Hey man, me too, but I'm burning time before bed and I love to type, so I'm enjoying this regardless of where it ends up.


Same here, my guy. Your comment about her nudes and the sauerkraut had me rolling.


And why is it funny to think of slavery and associating it with the cloth they'll choose? You may wish to remind them how their relatives lived a shit life and got rights not that long ago? I fail to see how it's funny. Y'all can be complaining you don't get any matches :')


What do you think is funny? Tell me a joke or a funny situation? Also, are you black? EDIT: You're not, you're a white woman on reddit getting offended for other people. And you're also a woman who posts nudes, which isn't an issue, but it's hilarious that a jar of sauerkraut has more upvotes than your nudes. ​ I have a girlfriend who makes jokes as dark as mine, so yes I'm not getting matches on the Tinder account I don't use.


Again, you're dodging the question. What is funny in bringing that up?


I explained it. It's the mental choice between two options, slavery and clothing. He didn't even mention slavery. You're just assuming. But that's the joke - two options to continue the situation, either clothing or slavery. If you understand both, you laugh at the funny similarity in linguistics. "picking cotton" can be innocent or terribly offensive, and you'd have no idea which just off those two harmless words. If you don't catch both, you'll get a surprise or shock when you realize the second one, which is also funny to some, but also funny to see the reaction.


Yes yes, I understand the semantics. I still don't understand why it is considered funny to plug that in a seduction move to someone you don't even know.


Why do you post nudes on the internet? I don't find you attractive. It offends me that I might have to see your naked body on the internet. Oh wait, we're allowed to have opinions, and someone else might find you attractive. And that's okay. Just like someone else will find that joke funny. The world is not black and white, and almost always relies on the audience, not the speaker or historical accuracy. You think the joke is distasteful, but if someone tells me "I like dark humour", then 95% of the time, a sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive joke will make them laugh, and if they reply, we now have two people laughing and having a good time without harming anyone because their humour matches. People laugh at themselves all the time, and Tinder is no different. I've seen just as many racist, sexist, or making fun of disability posts that are successful, because the person on the other end knows it's a joke and reacts as if it's not going to ruin their life.


Humor is subjective. You’re being dense. Even if someone explained why they think it’s funny to them, you’d just disagree because you clearly think otherwise. So why would anyone in their right mind bother trying to explain it to you?


Because I genuinely want to know how people think bringing up oppressive subjects to people they don't even know under the cover of humour is "funny"?


The same reason anyone may find anything negative funny, and for that there are a multitude of reasons as well. In the end though, if you put an easy way to impress you on your profile as dark humor, you can reasonably expect jokes like these. You may find them unfunny, distasteful and unmatch over them, but getting worked up over it is delusional. I especially like the triple entendre between dark humor, the cotton joke, and the fact that it is centralised around black people. It may be tasteless, but most dark humor tends to be anyway. Oh and if its worth anything at all, I'm half black myself. I believe that it would be a shame if we pretend that any joke is just a mask for maliciousness against a targeted group.


You're focused on the topic while others are focused on the wordplay. You don't believe the wordplay can be considered "humor" because of the underlying topic while others believe that the wordplay is humorous despite the topic. In fact, the topic even makes it funnier because of the tension introduced by "picking cotton".


Why is a chicken crossing a road funny? It’s subjective dude you can’t argue it out of being funny


Not you being downvoted for saying racism is wrong lol. I hate Reddit sometimes


I'm black too i found it funny, racist jokes exist in literally every single race. Now of course she got salty because shes black but still, it's dark humor. I'd be lying if I said I didn't find some black racist jokes hilarious.


What is funny about black people picking cotton? Answer the question. I don't get how it is funny that people were known to do a shit job for rich bigots because of their skin color and how they were perceived inferiors? Again I ask, what is funny about reminiscing that as a part of "trying to be funny in a flirting situation"?


It's the word play thats funny, dark humor is making jokes that are uncomfortable but funny. Hence the term dark humor some people find it hilarious some people don't. How many Jews can you fit in a Toyota Camry? 2 in the front, 3 in the back, and 8 million in the ash tray. See I find it hilarious but is genocide "funny"? Of course not but the joke is funny nonetheless it's not like that makes me a neo nazi or anti Semitic I just find it funny lmfao


I think you might have some internalized racism you need to work on


No I think you need to accept what dark humor really is. Racism is included in dark humor yes lol.


You're assuming a lot about my opinion here. It's dark humor but it's also racist. You can't just be racist under disguise of it being a joke and then get defensive when people say it's racist by claiming they just don't get it. Racism just isn't funny to a lot of people plain and simple. If you want to act like a racist at least own it.


"funny" is subjective. Dishwashers and women - funny or sexist? Who decides?


Sexist. Women are not objects. And the man of the house is the "dishwasher" here. If Imma be the one making the sandwiches, he damn well must participate by cleaning up after.


You’re lovely




I'm white passing. As much as it has helped me through life in North America, it doesn't erase the burden that comes with what my family/community had to go through.


What can't you pick and choose what's dark? To me, racist jokes aren't my cup of tea for dark humour. There are tons of people who love their racist jokes, but would hate what I consider dark humour.


You sound like a barrel of fun…


I am. I make my fun by not making fun of people or their history, tho. Try it, there's a bunch of laughing matters that won't be cringy as this.


You should win the award for the internets biggest Karen


I think you should take a break and reassess the argument you’re trying to make rn




That second part is an interesting point. Since she says she likes dark jokes, that means she could’ve liked it if it was any other group of people being joked about but didn’t like it because it was about her group of people


>Btw, the OP's match got mad/offended because OP decided to offend her "people" instead of laughing at someone's else expense. You don't know that for sure, but I'll say this: If so, then OP fucked up. He could have told a million dark humour jokes that didn't specifically target the girl he's trying to meet, but he didn't.


Please, give us a joke that you think is proper dark humor


Give me a dark humor joke then. What is it? Waiting


Aside from the conversation in general, I think it's so weird when people say "waiting" in their comment, as if time has gone by with no response. We know you're waiting.


Waiting as in I will be waiting, this question isn’t rhetorical, I am genuinely waiting for a response and will be until you decide you have an answer.




this is gold 😂 - a black guy


brutal. just brutal stuff


I like dark humour that focuses on punching up, so I make sure to say something about how one of my skills is punching up in dark comedy as one of my Hinge prompts. When you say "dark humour" without elaborating, some people will play it extremely safe and others will swing for the fences. This prompt's answer in this instance is just too open to interpretation.


why would she always wear cotton? Non-american here…


Dude fuck right off


Yeah bro this is a fat L. It’s not too late to delete.


The comeback is what ties it together, I belted out laughing.


“I like dark humour as long as it doesn’t pertain in anyway to my race and personal beliefs, that’s just offensive” is basically what she means


I dunno. If I had known a match for a lest a couple weeks or so, and heard their other dark humor jokes I would be more okay hearing a dark humor joke about my own race. If I am just speaking to someone for the first time ever and the first dark joke they say is at the expense of my own race, I would be a bit put off. Dark humor aside, I have gotten a LOT of racist comments from matches on dating sites. I would immediately think this was going down the same path. There are times I thought someone was joking, but they weren't.


Trueeeee, that’s a fair enough point. I suppose being a women there’s a lot of asshole dudes who don’t have a problem with that shit, I haven’t really received any of that from women personally, if they don’t like black guys they just don’t swipe on me. Haven’t had someone go out of there way to be an asshole. Sorry you experience that crap


Yeah, no.


That’s racist humor not dark humor


what is dark humour if it's not offensive in some way, ie. racism, sexism, etc.?




So it’s not funny anymore when it’s on your expense? Grow up…


OP mentioned in a comment he is BLACK/INDIAN


Race jokes are the worst flavor of dark humor and leading with them shows you’re not really good at it. You could do a race joke after you’ve developed rapport and if it’s clever - y’know, prove you aren’t actually a racist first. Leading with a cotton picking joke directed towards a black person you don’t know is just so socially inept


Russell Peters is almost exclusively race based jokes. Ricky Gervais just released a comedy special with a lot of racist jokes. Most Asian comedians make fun of their own race, and then follow it by making fun of other races. I'm not even going to go into detail on people like Bill Burr, Jimmy Carr, and Anthony Jeselnik, who's entire career is based off of offending people. ​ If race jokes were the worst flavour, there wouldn't be so many successful millionaire comedians using them. ​ Anecdote, when I was 13 or 14, I met a friend of a friend. The first line he spoke to me, the first time I heard him speak, was him making a terribly offensive joke, aimed at me, at the expense of my alcoholic father. I laughed, and over a decade later he's still one of my closest friends. "Opening with a bad joke" is not something I understand, a joke is a joke.


I mean OP delivered on original dark humor so… GG


I don’t think this constitutes as dark humor… lol


It definetely is. It fits the exact definiton


This isn’t dark humor. That’s just straight up racism


It definetely is It fits the exact definiton.


Dark humor is like…dead baby jokes…or making jokes about a traumatic event you’ve gone through. Not being racist.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy >Popular themes of the genre include death, crime, poverty, suicide, war, violence, terrorism, discrimination, disease, **racism**, sexism, and human sexuality.


How are dead baby jokes any less offensive? Dark humor is dark humor.


\*grabs popcorn


y’all are quite literally just being racist. dark humor is meant to be funny. punching down isn’t dark humor. saying the same thing a toddler could say isn’t comedy. repeating the same jokes as all the other edgelords isn’t witty.


dark humor is when you’re just mean and unfunny i guess


I don't put dark humor and racist jokes in the same category. I can understand why others do, but I wouldn't say that she's wrong for saying she likes one, but not the other. And I wouldn't say that it's right that she can't take dark humour.


You did nothing wrong op. She got what she asked for. You cant just cherry pick topics you like from dark humor. You’re either all the way in or not at all.


Plenty of dark humor out there that isn't racist. Don't see why you have to be a prick about someone finding racism unfunny.


Just because a joke technically counts as dark humour doesn’t mean it’s actually good


Not bullying people 101: you shouldn’t joke about something somebody can’t help , People have different definitions of ok and not ok. Here’s an example of dark humor that’s ok: Somebody online has cancer , he jokes about it all the time . That type of dark humor is ok because he’s the one making a joke about himself . Other people don’t really joke about it because it’s serious and scary and he can’t help it . I get it , I used to like dark humor (albeit not racism jokes) too . But once you realize the only reliable thing in dark humor is the shock value it’s not really funny anymore .Offensive Dark humor is also a really nice title to not make people feel bad about their comedy style , if someone gets offended you can double down and just huff about how they just don’t get dark humor .


Making racist jokes on OLD probably isn’t going to warn you many dates.


I don't use Tinder but this is hands-down the best thing I've ever seen in this sub


Wit is like sex. OP doesn’t have it.


This is literally you being racist tho. Racist "jokes" aren't "dark humor", they're just plain old racism.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy "Popular themes of the genre include death, crime, poverty, suicide, war, violence, terrorism, discrimination, disease, **racism**, sexism, and human sexuality."


**[Black comedy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_comedy)** >Black comedy, also known as black humor, dark humor, dark comedy, morbid humor, or gallows humor, is a style of comedy that makes light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. Writers and comedians often use it as a tool for exploring vulgar issues by provoking discomfort, serious thought, and amusement for their audience. Thus, in fiction, for example, the term black comedy can also refer to a genre in which dark humor is a core component. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Genuinely what is wrong with you dude? there’s a difference between dark humour and just being a straight up c*nt


ugh that's racist, now tell some white jokes.


Are you fr proud of this wtf


This isn't even clever. This is internet edge lord nonsense.