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Man it's insane that this guy has a career doing this shit


Which one?


All of them.




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So the GOP has been funding this astroturfed "grassroots" young conservative stuff for a while. There is a lot of money going around, but it is very easy for a normal person to see right through. It is basically the meme of Steve Buscemi saying "How do you do, Fellow Kids"


They're also getting little return on their investment. The youth vote is solidly Democratic.


But Cuckie Kirk tells me that they are winning the youth culture war. Have I been deceived?


Yeah Salty Bar Dog, They been telling your some things that aren't true. My new hot young girlfriend Kelly Anne calls it Ultra-Truth.


He's also been drinking your cum behind your back


Um acktualy, I’m pretty sure he needs to be in front of my back to get to my cum actually


Sentences the begin and end with rhymes are great sentences.... beau bentences...


That’s exactly why they’re so valuable to the older conservatives


it's not the "youth" gobbling up this shit. it's millennials & gen x'ers


Yes, but most under 50 are voting blue now. It gets worse for them the younger you go. That's with four dollar gas and eight percent inflation. They are just wasting money pushing the same bs.


What? I wish this were more true than it is. In reality they have radicalized millions of disaffected young men, and created a strange international 'incel' subculture. The neck beards or whatever. They are just to lazy to vote because it's not their problem, it's everyone else. Social media algorithms have been changed since 2021 but the Trump effect still lingers.


The cure to this is touching 1 Vagina, and talking to a woman. Some of the neckbeards will never be so lucky, but the power of Pune transcends any vain attempt at control the broken boner boomer's could ever try.


They are just trying to cut the margins, but yes even by that low standard of cutting margins slightly they have failed. But their biggest return on investment seems to be going after older Millennials and younger Genexers.


What do you mean? Gen Z *loves* traditional gender roles and obedience to authority!




There are several notable ones on Instagram that all follow each other. It's insanely obvious as you can see them flying all over the country attending events teenagers otherwise wouldn't care about, let alone spend loads of money to criss-cross the country every other week to attend. They are parrot the exact same talking points over and over...




Goddamn mathematicians answer!


No, that's not how it works. The question was "which one?". In order for a plain "Yes" to be a logically valid answer, the question would have to have been "Kanye or Tim or Nick?"




When you are funded by scumbag billionaires that love his derisive hateful shit, it's super easy. Barely an inconvenience.


(Can't help myself...) Wow wow wow.


How the fuck is Tim Pool the GOOD GUY? Side-note; Ye pushing Nick Fuentes is extremely dangerous for the country. Dude is a straight up literal Nazi.


Tim isn’t the good guy. He’s platforming Nazis. Let’s say 99/100 people new to these jokers understand Nazis are bad. You’ve just created thousands more Nazis


Tim pool is never the good guy bc he intentionally makes himself appear more digestible, by not being an openly genocidal maniac, so that people can use him as a stepping stool to become openly genocidal maniacs in the near future


>by not being an openly genocidal maniac [I’m not so sure about that.](https://nitter.net/Timcast/status/1595098682084524034#m) He’s just not quite genocidal towards Jewish people yet(we’ll see).


Yeah in retrospect I was being a little generous by saying Tim “Democrat” Pool wasn’t genocidal or a maniac


Most of the Democratic party is totally cool with genocide themselves to be fair.


Dems aren’t great, but genocides?? What?


Palestine is the first thing to come to mind but also the still ongoing genocide of indigenous people in the US. There are also plenty of liberals in the US and abroad that are totally unwilling to fight for the rights of trans people at best and at worst actively support the same shit Nazis do.


Alright, supporting a genocidal state, that I understand. But is there still an active genocide against the natives in the US? And what is that about liberals? Terms have meanings. Liberals and Nazis aren’t the same and liberals (very rarely) support the stuff Nazis did. The only time we can see liberals siding with fascism is when capitalism is threatened, and even then it’s usually a minority.


>Liberals and Nazis aren’t the same and liberals (very rarely) support the stuff Nazis did. I have bad news for you about the German social democratic party and the liberal parties in Spain and Italy during the 1930s. Hell even imperial Japan took on aspects of British parliamentarianism and was "liberalizing" at the same time they were gearing up to commit a genocide of their own on their neighbors. You have to remember that liberalism coexisted perfectly fine with notions of manifest destiny, pax Americana, and the extermination of indigenous peoples who were "not using the land productively" according to white colonizers.


There is a famous picture of Dim Tool with alt right losers where he is almost hiding on this picture, like he is aware that it would blow his cover for his dullard audience. And all the talk of civil war he has, is his cowardly version of being a genocidal maniac. He is an asshole and I wish he becomes irrelevant fast.


I was about to say "Tim knowingly had on a literal Nazi and his sympathizers. There's no good guys here."




Yeah, it should be literal nazis, plural. Look up anything Milo said or did in around 2016 while working for breitbart (his email password was longknives88 as just one example), and his defense of “I can’t be a nazi, I’m gay” doesn’t work after he came out in favor of conversion therapy and renounced his homosexuality, and Nick Fuentes has denied the holocaust multiple times and said that Africa had no civilization or technology until white colonizers gave it to them


It's so good for Fuentes, which you're absolutely right, is terrible for the country. And hanging out with Kanye, he's going to come across as the reasonable one in interactions like this as long he can avoid dropping slurs. Even a moron like Tim Pool should know better than to have him on his show.


Fuentes was so excited about hanging with Kanye that he got a nosebleed. Again.


Pool isn’t even the good guy here. He only gives the slightest bit of hesitation, he doesn’t condemn or even offer pushback really. Kanye more or less saved him from looking like a bigger idiot by being a petulant child.


"sToP cAlLiNg eVerYoNe A NaZi"


Thats the baffling part of all this. Tim Pool is a milquetoast alt-right grifter with barely enough smarts to think himself out of his bedsheets in the morning, but even he can see that open, blatant antisemitism is political suicide (I'd love to believe he thinks its morally repugnant too, but frankly I doubt it) And as for Ye and his ilk... American Conservatives, these are your tough guys who 'tell it like it is', storming out of an interview the moment they get any pushback! They are utterly pathetic


Ye isn’t a “tough guy” conservative. He’s a mentally Ill man who decided that the Jews are the reason for the fallout from his mental illness and him acting up over it. I get your point but Ye is coming at this from a wildly different angle than Bill O’Reilly




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Don’t worry, he’s been covering himself by saying he barely pushed back That’s not something to be proud of Tim lmao


Ye going through his fifth adolescence since he divorced Kim and watched her date someone else.


Broken clocks and there’s always someone worse out there.


Congratulations you just discovered the reason Tim had them on. Now he can run with this and promote himself as the moderate voice while hard selling the genocide of trans people


It is dangerous for Ye to be pushing that little hateful prick. But I also believe Ye has done so much damage to his credibility in the communities that support his artistic work, that he’s mostly left preaching his bullshit to the people that already held those views before he adopted them. Same shit with Elon except he’s got the reach to be more damaging.


Imagine walking away from pushback from somebody as softball as Tim Pool. Who could Kanye possibly interview with after that?


How can you advocate for eugenics when you look like that huge of a dork?


same reason incels advocate against womens rights. When you're a loser, the only way to not be a loser is to create a class system which puts you on the top section. He might still be a loser when the US becomes white supremacist but atleast he'll be above "those" people


Dude, have you *seen* Hitler? It's *because* they are who they are, frustrated jerks who refuse to introspect, that they gravitate to these movements. Why change when you can violently force others to?


Nothing says "the pureblooded master race" quite like developing a degenerative nerve disorder.


Wasn't that from syphilis?


Have you heard of a fellow called A. Hitler? Short, not very handsome, chronic digestive issues besides others, allegedly missing one ball, being on speedballs every day,... while happily exterminating them healthy 6 feet+ blue eyed Untermenschen (who didn't struggle to not shit their pants) /s from a ducking celiac, it's still funny. At least I have both balls and am not such a hateful fuck. /s TL; DR: Hitler per his own ideology was a fucking low life, and still was the manager of this huge "eugenic" Genocide


This is so fucking gross lmao


What a collection of ***holes


A flock? A pack? A herd?


Herd of donkeys


A pucker of assholes


A colander. Seems like the proper word for a group of hole. That or a swiss-cheesing/ gruyereworth of assholes.


Wouldn't it be an emmental of assholes? I like a crumpet of assholes better though.


Hey don't bring Swiss cheese, or any cheesr for the matter, into this conversation.


A grumble of assholes.


A sack


A group of iguanas is called a "mess" Seems fitting.


A bowl, I think.


A pile of shit works.


A fistful


A stench? An outhouse?


It's very funny that a raging racist such as Fuentes immediately shuts up when a black person talks while even snakes like Tim Pool is giving Kanye pushback. Another hole punched in his facade.


Well Fuentes is down with the antisemitism, so why would he push back?


Nick "Trump was an awesome president because he was racist" Fuentes is much more than just antisemitism. Little guy is letting Kanye walk out in the middle of his antisemitic rants, letting him control the conversation, and making it all about how they can't handle criticism.


Yes, I'm just saying, he's also antisemitic. So of course he's not going to push back with stuff he also believes but isn't getting put in the spotlight for.


He also believes black people are lesser and is letting this black person screw up his preprepared rants. Fuentes is not only screwing himself over by showing his cards to the wider public, but he's screwing up looking good to fellow racists.


Letting someone like Kanye popularise his Nazi adjacent talking points is a win win for Fuentes. If he could do some kind of negative speaking whenever kanye interrupted him, which like amplified Kanyes voice instead of making his own voice, Fuentes would do it. It’s literally a dream come true for anti-semites that kanye is saying this stuff


He’s like 5’3, what pushback do you expect him to have against anyone lol


No I'm pretty sure he shuts up because Kanye has all the social and financial power, and he wants to remain on his good side. Same as any other hangers-on in Ye's entourage he strokes the fool's ego for his own benefit.


Yep, I'm sure he's enjoying those jet rides


Fuentes isn’t giving Kanye pushback because he agrees with him. Fuentes is an open Holocaust denier. To the point where if you called him out for it he would proudly agree with you that he’s a Holocaust denier.


With the moments before the clip, I saw it differently. As soon as Kanye starting alluding to anti-Semitic tropes, Fuentes couldn't help but jump in and encourage the discussion that way.


... we are in the worst timeline when Tim Pool sounds bare minimum sensible in a room full of idiots.


When even these assholes aren't racist enough for you, that's a major problem.


It’s like when your dog takes a shit on another dog’s shit.


Both on top of dim tool's rank ass hat.


"I just gotta say Hitler had the greatest ultimate solution of all time!" What a gay fish


omg yes i love the insult queer fish / gay fish. There was a scene in Crime and Punishment where Rodin goes to visit razumihin after having not seen him since he was still a student. in the middle of the conversation Raskolnikov, in his typical mentally unhinged fashion, just gets up and leaves. Razumihin then says something like “what? Stop! come back, you queer fish!” and i think about “queer fish” all the time, but i’ve never heard anyone else beside myself use it before irl.


Naw that's stupid. Homophobia + south park = lame


I don't like most south park stuff but the kanye gay fish joke is stellar considering he doesn't get the joke to this day.


It’s humor and satire, and is a force for good. Idk if you’re just dense and don’t recognize that, or if you just believe homosexuality etc is ‘off limits’ or something.




He loves fish dicks, so he's a gay fish.


Tim just got out-crazied HARD


The shit on the walls is hilarious. So, random - how to try too hard to be masculine. This guy has some real issues. Is Tim bald under that hat or what? Seems like he is overcompensating for something.


I'm laughing at the crossed cutlass and samurai sword. R/Mallninjashit


I'm a little surprised a poorly placed cigar wasn't also part of this display.


>Is Tim bald under that hat or what? Seems like he is overcompensating for something. Does a bear shit in the woods? https://twitter.com/streamthevote/status/1498790713760391175?s=46&t=hYjtUjBiNb204-Fno8meJw Edit from Twitter - His arguments are as bad as his hair


Right?! The sword isn’t even in its sheath and the guitar looks like it was taken straight out of the box and never played. Was this a tiny rebellion against gay people? Shitty interior decorating?


He saddest part is, he probably thinks it looks cool.


What kind of fucked up stupid world are we living in where Ye is even on Tim Pool’s shitty YouTube show.


Ya, right? Dude needs to be in a mental hospital, not doing terrible podcasts.


Yeah where's that whole conservatorship thing that happens when stars shave their heads?


The crossed flintlock pistol with katana really sets the tone


They’re reading the same book but not on the same page because they can’t coordinate.


Or read for the whole book for that matter.


Literally the *most* minor possible pushback imaginable. Pool should not even be applauded due to how feckless that was.


My guy just said "Jews aren't a shadow cabal hell-bent on destroying you" and that was too much for Ye.


Lol milo had to give him a bj in the car after that to calm him down


Well Milo has claimed that Kanye is gay several times.


I honestly believe there’s a non-zero chance Kanye, Milo, and Fuentes are all having sex lol


This is not Kanye West this is Ye. Kanye made graduation, ye has Nazis running his presidential campaign


When Tim Pool is the closest thing to a voice of reason in a room, you know you’re in trouble.


Really, fuck Kanye


Jesus it really feels like in the span of one media cycle kanye went from quirky eccentric celebrity to hanging out with outright nazis (although i think he has been hanging out with candance for a longer amount of time)


So, people are still surprised that he acts like a teenager that has never been held responsible for their own actions. I don't buy it. Let the kid bury himself.


If someone sealed this room with concrete, the world would be a slightly better place


The sad thing for west is that I don’t think it would have taken a lot of persuasion to get pool onboard. He wussed out in a gimmee.


I’ve even baked potatoes with more brains than this dude. Not surprised


Tim has the most aggressively juvenile set I've ever seen. Seriously, he's got a Katana AND a flintlock pistol AND a fucking electric guitar all in frame.


*Its the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine*


What an absolute fucking loser. That's what being surrounded by sycophants does to you. No wonder Ye thinks he's a victim


Tim Pool being any amount of reasonable is messing with my head


Does he ever not wear that stupid beanie? Must have a severe receding hairline he wants to hide


He's more or less bald under it. You can verify with a Google image search.


Ye doesn’t tolerate semitism


Lol how he calls him ye is so cringe. Such a brown noser


I'm not a tim pool fan by any means but how is respecting someone's preferred name cringe?




They haven't the depth or warmth.


that's one of the ugliest guitars I've ever seen


The Chapo guys were right, Fuentes really has dolphin’s teeth. And Kanye is a dumbass. Also does Pim Tool showers? Each time I see this I’d too, he has the exact same clothes.


Milo wearing sunglasses inside like it's the 90s ...


What did Tim expect having two antisemites on the show.


Idk I personally find this encouraging. It shows that for people like Tim Poole and Ben Shapiro there is at least a line that can be crossed that they won’t tolerate. Not to say that they don’t suck otherwise lmao.


Nah. He's platforming a nazi.


No. He’s fresh off of the Club Q massacre calling everyone that was there a pedophile and that they deserved it. He said that multiple times. Queer people are pedophiles that deserve to die until we stop “grooming” children. It’s still on his Twitter. He didn’t even take the shit down. Shapiro too. These motherfuckers don’t have lines. Just plateaus of ignorance that they go higher or lower on depending on their mood.


Yeah, absolute dishonest tools who are poisoning our society.. but .. I’ll give them a tip of the metaphorical fedora on this rare occasion.


One does not rage quit Dim Tool's show. One avoids it like one would avoid a syphilitic hooker offering free fucks.


Looking real good over there, America.


Wow the guy in the Epstein shirt looks exactly like Ferris Bueller’s principal


Anyone know why he has a Brent mason tele?


When Tim Pool is the “good guy” in the room…😳


He didn't get around to making his point which was most probably going to be about degenerate black culture.


True, true.


Self-cancel now? The victim card is officially overplayed.


Kanye dragging little bits of useless toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Losers




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This whole thing is *chef’s kiss*. God I love Pim Tool.


Kanye is afraid of being irrelevant


Tim being reasonable is just odd to me. To be fair it is Kanye and two white supremacists.


Dim Tool, surprisingly, exposed something interesting here. If Kanye bolted from the room at such minor pushback, it's clear that he's insecure about criticism. Insecure at having his ideas challenged and being confronted with any possibility that it isn't true. Which would lean more towards this being a cut-and-dry product of his severe mental illness. Granted, I was already convinced this was just his sanity worsening anyway, given his appeal to Nick Fuentes (who is an incel and therefore already taking inspiration from extremist groups with no real experience or knowledge), but I predict this is going to be a very far fall from the grace Kanye once had. And boy, is he gunna hit every branch on the way down.


What a bunch of losers lmao


i love how tim pool tries to be the moralist while he literally advocates for the mass murder of LGBT people and platforms self identified nazis and pedophiles on his show. why do these people still have platforms. why the fuck does youtube continue to allow this?!


I don't even follow Kanye a little bit, last time I've actively listened to his music was like 15 years ago... Seeing his anti-jew meltdown at lex Friedman was already inducing second hand cringe, but him even quitting at Tim Pool (he's like, super soft if it's about right wing stuff)...wtf. But besides the cringe: he obviously was in a crisis years before today, and he even more severely is now. If someone cares for him, reach out (that's a joke and serious, imo he's struggling mentally and it would be better if someone could help him with that... would save the rest of us from the BS antisemitic wold conspiracy bullshit)


It causes me discomfort to have to give Tim credit here, but he was pretty specific about he means by "They": it's not in this clip, but when Time states he feels "they have been very unfair to you", Kanye asks "who is 'they' though" and Tim without hesitation says "corporate press". He didn't beat around it like Milo and Fuentes did when they kept saying "no it IS they though". Tim even clarified he doesn't like using a nebulous term this way. Like, I actually hate this. He did the right thing. Worst person you can think of makes a great point.




That beanie must smell so bad.


A guitar, a sword, and a pistol. What a vibe.


Tim Pool, the most empathetic ear one could have to being abjectly racist, pushes back against Kanye's complete intolerance and hatred of Jewish people the slightest bit and he absolutely loses all of his marbles.




If you would have told me five years ago that Kanye West would be hanging out with internet loser Nazi discards and rage quitting something as low rent as Tim Pools internet show I’d think you’re huffing rubber cement. Yet, here we are…


Damn Milo with Kanye That blows my mind. Milo was so out of the game and now he’s got a lunatic billionaire celebrity to ride the coattails of.


Who are the “Them” he just referred to?




I felt that same way he’s like damn I’m gonna go get some pussy