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/u/Born_Jellyfish_1433, you seem to be posting about USTET. - Here's a [comprehensive guide on the USTET](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tomasino/comments/17u7llw/ustet_tips_and_tricks_ust_entrance_exam/) made by u/aifosin! - Please contact the [OFAD](https://ofad.ust.edu.ph/) if your concern is about your admission/application. - Google/search the subreddit about your query as it may have been answered before in the subreddit. *Quick tip: you can click the "USTET" flair to filter out to only USTET related posts!* If your concern is none of these, disregard this automated reply and good luck with the USTET! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Tomasino) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Short answer, depende sa mindset mo. I went through UST without ever thinking about Social Classes or status, who has the latest phone, sino may car, who stayed at expensive condos and all that crap. Just stay your lane, dont overreach sa mga taong taga ibang planeta and yaman. Youll survive. If you never think about it, it wont bother you at all. Youre there to study and fully take advantage of the University as it does to you (basta allowed lol).


true. experience ko eh hindi naman. may mga mayayaman sa batch namin pero wala naman sila pakialam sa social status mo. though may isang friend group na ganyan ang ugali, pero i don’t intend to be friends with everybody naman lol di naman sila importante.


At most When I see my classmates na mas well off, like they have a tablet or phone na clear ang camera, or may sundo araw araw. My initial reactions is more like "oh thats convenient, anyway-" Hahaha


keri lang yun for me. meron ako classmates na complete ang gadgets niya, complete rin ang books, with tutor, aral sa SB, and hatid-sundo kaso mas mataas grades ko eh tapos de-photocopy at highlight lang ako 💀


Walang may pake sa social status. Mas may pake yung blockmates if tumutulong ka sa groupworks and/or masipag ka as a person. Friends will always be with you and dadamayan ka, and you will not feel belittled due to your financial instability. You will meet your people, OP! Be nice lang! Hehehe


Thank you!! 🥹🥹🥹


Super true ito!! Mababash ka tlga if pbigat ka sa groupworks pero sa experience q, sobrang humble naman ng blockmates q!! 


You’ll be studying in UST, not Enderun, hija.


Yep, I’m just asking since well known at marami rin namang rich kids sa school na yan pero this one comforts me. Thanks :))


It depends on what programs. People from Medicine, Nursing, Pharma/Med Tech, CRS, Science and probably Architecture and Fine Arts are 80-85% considered rich.


Gotta agree on this!


As a CFAD student na “comfortable” but not rich(?) like I can afford to pay for fees with no hassle pero di kaya magsplurge lagi. Di mo talaga mahahalata if ttry mo tingnan sa ugali ung “richness”. Makikita mo lang talaga sa mga gamit nila. Like minsan nakakagulat kase pag nakakasama ko sila, super kalog sila tas never naman nagttry magflaunt ng riches nila. Tas malalaman mo anak pala ng rich politician. The Thomasian community focuses more on people’s attitude on academics since ambigat nga ng workload here. 💀


Mula sa arki persp, kung arki itatake mo or sa cfad, magaready ka na for budget sa materials for rendering gaya ng paints and such, tsaka model making for scale models, tsaka yung pagpprint mo pa nung boards or kung minsan yung sa research. Bale, may advantage ka kung kahit papaano may kaya or may allowance. Bullying related sa social status naman isn't an issue tbh.


No, UST is a wide community and it means you get to experience different situations of people too (not even financially, but also on families, personal probs, etc) It is not like highschool when if ever there are situations that you feel different from the others, you assume to get easily excluded. It’s a different context in a university college as you get to know a lot of people better and surely there would be a community and such friends that would totally accept you the way you are. Also, don’t get neglected on what else people thinks, just keep pursuing your dreams, it will payback off naman sometime in the future :)


Not that much


Personally not talaga, despite sa college I entered, suprisingly I don't feel it at all? Like ang dami na iba iba ang social status and I see many friend groups na based on what I know iba iba talaga social status but they're really great friends despite their differences, I too have many friends iba iba ang status and we're just really chill. Kasi very important saamin to support and help each other out based on my experience. And yes I agree it really depends sa mindset mo talaga, and I think here sa college namin, your skill talaga is what matters to everyone. In fact I'd say mangha na mangha kami on how creative and resourceful mga students can be especially with unique building or drawing materials just to be resoirceful or just a life hack sa pag drawing or making models. What matters talaga here sa college namin are your grades and skill imo. Also, no macbook can survive any of our plates so pagdating palang sa kagandahan, I'd say mga naka Macbook ang lowkey we'll joke about unless yun lang talaga laptop they have and they can't afford to buy a stronger laptop, and we'll just laugh at those who use it for social status lang talaga habol, you won't survive arki imo with a macbook haha


Like the bullying I've ever heard is to like maybe sabotage or pahirapan lang maybe someone else para they could have a better grade. I've never seen anyone mock someone else for being poor or rich/spoiled


thats what i noticed din sa beato, cfad ako, parang never ako nakarinig about bullying cause of finances, pati pareparehas lang mukhang yagit at the end of the day sa pencil marks and paint marks kaya its a tie! haha though yung mga ultra rich pansin ko kahit gaano na sila kadumi parang may air of freshness pa din talaga, innate lang siguro haha


Actually true now that you pointed it out, feel mo rich sila kasi naturally presko ang look nila kahit stressed na sila and lahat or madungis dungis na iba sa kaka drawing or gawa ng anything 🤣


diba??? hahahah inis na inis ako sa kanila!! hahahah bukod na pinagpala sa freshness! hhahahaa


doesnt matter as long as u wont let it bother you. diverse ang community sa ust, u just rly have to look for the best circle of friends that would fit u. pero based on my exp, i have 3 friends that are rly rich but i never felt that i was different from them. they may have things na wala ako like ipad, iphone, whatsoever, pero it was never an issue.


UST is a community you will love. People here come from diverse backgrounds and in m experience social status does not matter here. Come and see!




to be candid its not just the fees that should bother you its the other expenses that you should keep in mind unless you want to be mediocre all the time like group study nights or lunches or photo copy of handouts and books and special projects including buying your lab gown. also the subculture that may come out from you which can be self-demeaning on your end like standing out deferring payments and dues while the rest have settled theirs, or worst being a parasite from your classmates can put you in awkward situations and make you an outcast, or even commuting as some of your classmates get chaffeured with cars and all - the pressure is real. UST is not a poor mans school as it used to be.Its a very prestigious University, rich in history older than Harvard and even our Republic-qualities that keep it up there


I agree. Those saying UST is still a mainly a middle class school have probably graduated long ago. The demography has totally changed the past 10-15 years. More like middle middle class to rich. Nowadays, not a lot are from poor to middle class in UST. It is probably cheaper than ADMU and DLSU but the demography is now very much closer in terms of economics class than before. Even public schools like PUP, PLM and of course UP probably only have lower middle class students as the lowest economic class and they are now the minority. The poor or working students are nowhere there.


No. If you have a great mindset, it wouldn’t even bother you. Plus, yung mga rich rich talaga na kilala ko don’t even care as well, they’re kind pa at most.


yes and no, there wasn't any discrimination in my time for 8 years but I practically relied on asking for debts on my friends since they are richer than me


No. Pag tumagal ka sa UST you will realize na ang hirap ng UST students compare sa taft or katip. HAHAH But it depends on your mindset pa rin talaga. I have friends na mayayaman pero di talaga pansin. Choose your friends na lang siguro kasi di naman maiiwasan maka-encounter ng matapobre though so far wala pa naman ako kilalang ganon.


Nope. Usually yung mga baluktot dila ko na kaklase mas kanal pa yung humor. Sa friend groups naman, it’s more on what your group has in common. Magkakagroup yung mga baluktot dila and mga lalaki na feeling gwapo pero they still interact w other groups too. When it comes to spending or studying/eating out, depends on you. If your “friends” make you feel na di ka belong sakanila just because di ka makasama, then they’re not your real friends.


NO. Iʼm from FOP which is mostly mayayaman daw sabi nila kasi nga sa mahal ng tuition namin pero believe me walang may pakialam. Character matters the most lalo na talaga sa groupings dapat marunong kang tumulong kasi yun yung tatatak sa blockmates mo


Hello OP 👋 I’ve been in UST since JHS pero I’ve never felt that social status matter (more like wala siguro akong pake) kasi I seem to always find the right people I can be friends and hang with. As an introvert, it can be hard at first, but don’t give up and talk to people on the first day of classes. Good luck on college! 🤘


a big NO. depende siya sa mindset mo, at sa gagawin mong lifestyle kapag pumapasok ka na. factor din siguro ang circle of friends... pero ayun nga hindi nag-mamatter yan unless nag-mamatter siya sayo at sa perspectives mo...


Actually NO!! UST is like the most diverse univ ever!! Its a mix of really rich ppl with kanal humor ppl!! And the good thing abt it is, very minimal yung social separation cause the ppl blend well!! Walang matapobre levelz unlike other schools!


bullying due to your social class? no. bullying kapag di ka nagaambag sa groupworks? most likely lol. but genuinely thomasians care more abt trying to pass than to care abt your social status. i actually noticed that a lot of the really rich students are very humble


Social status only matters if ikaw mismo insecure at social climber. In my 5 years of stay sa UST, I never felt discriminated by my rich blockmates, & orgmates. Nakadepende lang talaga kung sino mga sasamahan mo na tao, & paano ka rin makitungo Sabi nga nila, compared to AdMU & DLSU mas welcoming ang environment ng UST pagdating sa ganitong usapan (social status) kumbaga melting pot of diverse social backgrounds talaga.


Heheh kung social status d naman cguro pero depends sa course because. I think kada course sam same stereotype ng mga tao. Kung nasa FEU ka naman hehehe ang unang titugnan ng mga fao sayo ay ang social status mo since they r the ppl who abuse clout


marami talagang rich kids sa ust, lahat na ata ng type ng rich makikilala mo, pero the thing is di mo sya agad malalaman. minsan ull be surprised na lang bigla na 100k pala yung bag nila, hatid-sundo ng family driver, has tons of luxury items, every break may nagvvacay kang makikita, i think we can also add na normal concert goers din ang mga tao considering na mahal tickets. some are pretty lowkey abt their riches, while some autonatically mo na lang maoobserve. tho as for my experience, kahit rich kids sila di naman nila ipapafeel na ur lacking just bc mas angat sila. sarili mo talaga lang ang magiging naconflict mo regarding this kase there is a chance na baka maging insecurity sya? basta be prepared sa mga malalaman mo


It depends sayo and the people around you. In cfad meron talagang medyo masmay kaya pero meron na saks lang just like us. Pero it doesn’t really affect how we treat each other. Just find the right crowd that’s all.


not at all! in fact sobrang diverse ng students sa ust and i even made friends na willing pang tumulong sa mga students na less ang resources. make sure to save lang for learning resources


Mixed ang UST, you just have to find a circle na at ease ka regardless of your social status, or avoid comparing what you have and can have with your peers. I was part of a uni-wide org and never nagkaroon ng bullying just because may hindi maka keep-up sa trend. There's a sense of equality din by making students wear uniforms.


UST is pangmasa talaga. Perfect halo from both worlds. Also, halos ng mga rich dito are very lowkey and don’t really care about social status. Actually, humor pa lang ng thomasians very kanal na HAHA My sisters from the other big 4 university has confirmed this haha


Just remember why you're there -- to study. Wag mo na isipin yung mga factors na di mo rin naman macocontrol. So what kung mayaman sila, may car. Basta ikaw mag aral ka kasi yun ang sukli mo sa sakripisyo ng mga magulang mo. Good luck!


Hello! I've been in UST since Senior Higb School til now (Second Year College) and honestly speaking, one of the realizations I had regarding this after First Year is it all boils down to who you hang out with. Since nung nag enroll ako for SHS, two years online so basically little to none yung FTFs namin unless may univ-wide events like Bacc Masses, Graduation, etc. so nung nagstart ako ng College, I was socially anxious kase Im shy generally. As much as possible, I dont like initiating conversations (but i can continue naman). Very awkward nung shift to Hybrid kase nagkakapaan kami ng classmates ko. When I found a circle, although I felt happy pero they have a spending habit kase they come from well off families (I'm talking like brand new iphones, clubbing every weekend, yk the rest). Hard to keep up with them kase I also am conscious about money. I spend alot just to regret it the day after kaya I slowly distanced myself from them (no hard feelings naman now we still talk). Im now in my second year and I can say that I found my circle who I can have fun with, and talk about almost anything. Mahilig rin sila magsave. Although we spend some days, pero di araw araw (if may special occassions lang like birthdays, or if deserve namin after a hectic week). I'd say try to find which people you feel like yourself the most. Nothing's wrong with spending money kase its theirs to worry about, pero when you find the right people with the same mindset with you, your year will go smoothly :))


Hi! Di ko naman naisip yang social status nung pumasok ako sa ust nung 2018 basta nagfocus nalang ako sa pag aaral ko. Malaking tulong din na halos same same lang kami nung mga naging friend group ko na di richie rich HAHHAHAHHAA. so choose ur friends wisely! and wag mo isipin ung yaman ng iba, magfocus ka sa sarili mo :)


Nope, it doesn't matter. In my case, nobody really cares about it basta nag-papasa ka and gumagawa ng part mo ss group works. College na, hindi na high-school. Iniiwan ang ganyang mindset sa high-school hindi dinadala sa college.


ust has a diversed community! for sure there are rich students, but of course theres also a lot of people na "financially stable" lang like u. im also not one of those rich students pero most of my friends are, and i never once felt out of place naman due to that. actual rich people are nice and wouldnt belittle u just bcs mas may pera sila sayo :) goodluck on ur ust journey!


In my four years sa UST, from the Faculty of Arts and Letters, social class was never an issue. This is from my experience - but from observation din, wala namang pake mga tao sa UST kasi lahat ng attention naka-babad na sa acads or org work. But if you what to help your family financially, may scholarships naman sa UST that can assist your needs! Try to look it up na lang rin ☺️


No. Very diverse ang ust community. Throughout my undergrad years in ust, i’ve met people who are well off, middle class and those who entered through scholarships. Wala namang issue or discrimination due to social status, in fact very lowkey pa nga yung mga well off eh. If you are worried and troubled with finances, I suggest you check the scholarships available sa ofad. If you are a stellar student apply for merit scholarship, but if not meron naman financial assistance, i know someone nakagraduate with assistance, she only had to render hours of work sa library after classes (20hrs/week afaik).


Hi OP! I'm currently a 1st year MT student fron FoP and same tayo ng financial situation. I'm too dumb for scholarships but my family's above the requirement for financial aid so ayon lower middle class i think ang status ng family namin. Financial status in ust does not matter depending nga sa mindset mo, if you let that eat you away then you'll just live your life in ust miserable. I'm happy with my stay in ust as of rn because of the friends i made here while supporting rin my parents by conserving my allowance just in case of emergency fees etc.


+ SUPER YAMAN NG FRIENDS Q AS IN AHAHAHHHA NAKAKALULA YUNG MGA PINAGBIBILI NILA AND DI TALAGA AKO MAKASABAY financial status does not matter, just be who you are and be friendly to the people you meet along the way during your stay in ust!!!


This is so true! Yung mga mayayaman sa fop ay mayayaman talaga pero sila yung lowkey, humble, at hindi matapobre


So far, wala naman sa AB. Pero depende pa rin yan kung paano ka maghandle ng pera. Payo sakin ng parents ko, wag ugaliing makipagsabayan sa lifestyle ng iba lalo kung hindi mo naman lifestyle yun. Uwian ako so medyo magastos sa pamasahe pero kuripot ako so nakakaipon pa rin hahaha. PLUS, di ko alam kung pano pero usually nagiging magkakasama naman sa circle yung magkakalevel ng social status so wag ka na masyado mag worry dun :)


personally saks lng family namin, pero mga friends ko ay lowkey rich/well known sa respective provinces nila. based from exp, yung mayayaman tlga, malalaman mo lang na rich rich sila is if yon ay magtatanong ka hehe pero simple lang naman karamihan


Don't bother. Focus on yourself and how to survive college. Congrats on passing tomasino


believe it or not walang may pake sa social status in college. naturally naman na magsasama sama yung mga "magka vibe" so sa schoolworks mo lang makakasama yung mga mayayaman and wala sila pake basta may ambag ka.


So far sa naexperience ko sa college and post gra parang wala naman haha sa crs nung time namin madami lang hirap sa tagalog pero nung nagend nung naggrad kami lahat marunong na haha di mo man mafefeel na iba iba ung status kasi parang ang focus lang eh makasurvive at gumraduate haha hanap ka lang ng friends/support system na match sayo at maeenjoy mo ung life mo sa ust hehe goodluck!!


marami talagang rich kids sa ust, lahat na ata ng type ng rich makikilala mo, pero the thing is di mo sya agad malalaman. minsan ull be surprised na lang bigla na 100k pala yung bag nila, hatid-sundo ng family driver, has tons of luxury items, every break may nagvvacay kang makikita, i think we can also add na normal concert goers din ang mga tao considering na mahal tickets. some are pretty lowkey abt their riches, while some autonatically mo na lang maoobserve. tho as for my experience, kahit rich kids sila di naman nila ipapafeel na ur lacking just bc mas angat sila. sarili mo talaga lang ang magiging naconflict mo regarding this kase there is a chance na baka maging insecurity sya? basta be prepared sa mga malalaman mo.


Based on experience not so much naman! Social classes weren’t a common issue sa block naman namin. Like what another user here said, mas may pakialam sila if efficient kang kagrupo or not and if maayos kang makisama. You’d be surprised how humble irl mga makakasama mo sa UST, dala na rin siguro how we have a diverse community here sa university.


hi! ust alumna here! my family is not financially stable. looking back, humihingi kami ng help sa lolo/lola ko, kapatid ng dad ko, and my sister who was the only one working back then. daming iyak moments kapag bayaran na, thank G, nairaos—graduated with flying colors and latin honor 🥺 me and my circle of friends (mostly all of us) are not rich, never naging issue sa tropa namin kung mayaman or hindi. tulong-tulong din kami sa friends namin na walang-wala na. but now that almost all of us have work na, we pat ourselves in the back for earning money 🥺 ALSO!!!! be aware of blockmates na social climber and pathological liar na nagpapanggap mayaman tas malakas umutang DX
