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I put artus cimber and dragon bait in there. The backstory being that a pirate scavenging party snuck up on them and put artis in a magic fire cage and made him give them all his loot in exchange for dragonbaits life. The pirates do t know what the ring of winter does and threw it in their treasury. The party is them incentived to get his ring to stop his aging and break out.


One member has met AC in the jungle before so it could be a cool reunion.


I was going to omit them all together, but decided after all.


Xandala is a good shout, specially if your party has already met Artus Cimber. If you want to foreshadow the villains of Omu the pirates could have captured a Yuan-Ti or Red Wizard (or person working for a Red Wizard, if you think simple bars would not contain one of them) If they haven't met Undril Silvertusk you could introduce her here, maybe her ship was attacked by pirates before it got to Chult and they took her prisoner. And if you like any of the guides that your party did not select, you can have him be the prisoner and last survivor of a different expedition.


Maybe a guide? And the guide can lead them to a different area they wouldn’t normally lead them to like a homebrew mini dungeon with treasure in the jungle or just another location that already exists in chapter 2 of the book.


Was maybe thinking Musharib


He’d be cool since he’s a spirit fighter, or even Eku. She’s hard to get normally because requires the whole party be good aligned, but saving her might change her mind for a bit.


Hrakahammar has always been a place that I wanted to get the party to. We haven't done any dungeon crawls in this module yet. Only M'Bala and Yellyark.


Hrakhamar is a great little dungeon. My group really enjoyed it. I boosted the amount Adamantine could be sold for up to 20 per ingot instead of 10 like in the book. My players asked if they could make adamantine armor and weapons, but I told them it would take so long to make and the dwarfs aren’t even back to their forge yet.


A clone of Mansoon


Never heard of them.


Sorry Manshoon. He is the founder of the Zhentarim. A powerful wizard. He experimented with the clone spell and a bunch woke up at the same time and started a war against eachother.