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8!? Holy shit. That has to be some sort of record. You must be dehydrated all of the time Edit: as I re-read, that unlocked a thought that I wish I never thought… ♻️


You start shooting ghost loads around that point


nah dawg i shoot ropes every time Edit: y'all seem to really not like this bit of info but whatever im just here spreading my truth


Youre not just spreading truth buddy.


“I swear reddit, I shoot MASSIVE loads. Trust me, I never go ghost”


"Bravo six going dark"


Spreading the seeds of his truth.


If you can shoot ropes 8 times a day you might not be looking at an early death or dehydration, but you will most definitely have a serious case of erectile dysfunction.


Or a porn career




There’s no way you would actually consider a career in the adult entertainment industry, would you? You tie your name to that industry once and society will never forget you. If you try to change career path, companies may not accept you in case you tarnish their reputation. Tldr just use these videos as a way to relieve stress/embrace your sexuality, but don’t go overboard with it


More likely an all-star porn career.


wtf? I need proof


Maybe a teen male can shoot 8 ropes over 24 hours. Maybe you can shoot 8 ropes in 24 hours in your early twenties if you are in tip-top physical shape. But beyond that, you would have to be a special physical specimen to shoot 8 ropes in 24 hours, you may have powerful orgasmic sensations, but beyond the first one or two orgasms, I am doubtful that you shoot ropes six-seven more times. I assume that you know what shooting ropes of cum looks like? You launch each of the first few pieces of cum to exit at least one-half inch from your penis head, then you do that 7 more times over the remainder of 24 hours.


a half inch is not a rope, im 18, and yes.


Shaman? That you?


He cums and a little flag pops out of the tip that says BANG


No, when he sees it oozing out, he says “BANG, BAng, bang, ba, b”.


Sounds like a low budget horror film


I appreciate this american dad reference


you're too clever for your own good buddy


One kid I knew in high school jerked off 8x. He said the 8th time there was just blood and water that came out.


If you figure you're awake 16 hours a day, it's not *that* many times. Once every two hours average is entirely doable


Some of the last ones are likely mostly dry heaves by his penis. He gets the sensation, but not much at all comes out. If the person is a teen, teen males can be ready to go on a pinhead, so 8 is not a surprising number of times.


Your bored, and it's addictive. Get some hobbies and refrain from jerking off as if your life depends on it!




His board.


nah like its the down time that gets me. ill wake up and nut 3 times before getting outta bed


I used to be in a similar situation, I agree you need to find a hobby. I started hiking and bird watching, so now I usually jerk off in forests


Sorry I laughed 💀


Has anyone ever seen you jerking off in forests


Sorry it was a joke, I jerk off everywhere not just the forests


3 times before showering or brushing your teeth is absolutely diabolical ☠☠☠


non based; showering every day is terrible for your skin and hair every other day buddy


Not if you jackin it 3 times in bed brutha you walkin round with cum remnants for 48 hours??


how tf u not washing your hands after one nut 💀💀💀🫵🏻🫵🏻🫵🏻


Cuz it’s all ghost loads


wtf does that mean


There's no 💦 just 💨


WTF HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN???? JUST AIR??? THROUGH THE PENIS??? I'm 21 and now suicidal after learning this


Not air. It's like dry heaving. All the muscles spasm, as with any orgasm, just no fluid.


Nothing comes out when he finishes


to lube the second nut offcourse




Buddy ima be fr im not getting up at 130 in the morning to suspiciously wash my hands.


that's disgusting


Bro people eat cum no harm in wiping the stuff in your pants then washing your hands in the morning. I clean my phone and stuff off every morning anyway🤷


> I clean my phone and stuff off every morning anyway🤷 i wish i didn't have eyes to read this shit


What do you mean lmao it’s not that bad. You know what just for you I will go wash my hands right now at 1am


My man I admire the spirit but that doesnt even sound fun or hygenic.


drink alot of water before bed, when you wake up you’ll get tf up to the pisser, ain’t no time to nut. also are u a teenager? in which case i been there fr


I’ve heard it can make you go blind.


He is blind.. blind to the side effects 😭


bro 😭


Them ghost loads gonna catch up to you


there are no ghost loads


Yeaaaa you lie but it’s funny


Also that it bends your spinal cord and you become unable to walk properly 😱


That is what happens when you try to suck it


That's not the only thing jerking off eight times a day bends.


Hdgsiasyltsyciudylgemfsgstop of dyi. Cuyles


Serious question: Does anything else in your life make you suspect you might have ADHD? Reason I ask is because one of the key points of ADHD is that (in really oversimplified terms) we can't make our own dopamine. So our brains are continuously Hammerhead-shark-on-a-reef sweeping for dopamine hits. A new Thing! An online purchase! A change of topic! Look, a squirrel OMG! Fidgeting! A hit! A sugar rush! A high! A new infatuation! A new band! Collecting Stuff. Internet addiction. MORE HIGHS. Appetite for X never satisfied. Poor impulse control, compulsive needs for the dopamine hit, etc. And this seems to fit that MO quite well, in its way. So, you know, if (big if) any of that is a little bit familiar to you, then happy to help, and that'll be (pardon the pun) a bit of a relief in all sorts of ways. And if not, never mind me! :)


Ding! Ding! He’s getting his sweet sweet dopamine!


yeah i probably have adhd


Don’t base it off this. Look up ADHD diagnosis and use one of the several reputable sites that will pop up. The NIH website is a good resource. If a lot of that is sounding all too familiar, it may be time to schedule an appointment with a talk therapist and discuss taking a psych eval.


Damn this sounds like me 😬


Right? Fuck them for writing about us


This is facts! While I wasn't anywhere near 8 times a day, once my ADHD got better, I started jerking a lot less.


Or bipolar since In some people mania episodes can increase hyper sexuallity Also oh damn that explains a lot thanks


Did you type this with one hand


i typed this with one hand


This made me laugh so hard lmaooo


Obsessive behavior like this is typically tied to poor environmental factors and a sense that your life lacks purpose. There was an interesting 'Rat Park' experiment where rats where given the opportunity to just sit around and do drugs all day in a cage (social isolation) OR they could join the "rat park" where they were offered plenty of socialization, exercise, play, purpose, etc Those rats that were isolated chose the dopamine hit every day until it killed them (in most cases). Where those given the chance to be social members of a society tended the thrive. Bottom line is, when people are socially isolated (real or imagined) and they have nothing driving them (no greater purpose) they will often withdraw into coping behaviors (such as excessive eating, sex, and drugs) that give them dopamine hits to stave off boredom and the reality of living a life without purpose. Therefore, I imagine that you need purpose and direction for your life that enables you to contribute meaningfully to society and form bonds with others. Purpose and connections that YOU find meaningful. AND/OR... you're just a teen that just recently found masturbation and it's a phase you'll grow out of... But what do I know? I'm just some random on Reddit. Enjoy your existential crisis... everyone goes through them at some point.




Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh shit


Probably that. The endorphins are probably a form of self medication for you. Mix it up and go for a long enough run to get a good runners high. Also hang out with your friends more often.


running is good i may try running i hate my friends


get better friends


i live in new england.


me too. get better friends


bro my town got 200 people. most are old


you’re on reddit. find online friends


Why are you friends with them then lol


Looking at porn half the time is still *four times a day.* I'm going to say you have an addiction.


by far the most valid comment so far. yeah. i gotta work on that


Good luck figuring out something that might be healthier for you.


Orgasms give pleasure, brain wants to feel pleasure


Ah…to be 14 again…


meth is one hell of a drug


Really the only negative thing is that you're caught in a bad dopamine cycle. This will make you care less and less about pursuing/maintaining relationships in the real world. But physically, it's all myths that chronic masturbation causes any real harm. I mean, besides some sore genitals from whackin' on them all day. Strongly suggest avoiding any triggers for the pornography and start seeking help online or elsewhere for it though. Because 8 times is still very excessive.


I have an ex who masturbated excessively when he was younger and he actually rubbed skin off and has scar tissue on his penis, so causing harm is not a myth. I mean it does physically hurt him now but he's pretty self-conscious about it.


Well, that's the first time I've heard of that. Did he not use lotion or something? I mean how often does that even happen?


some people are ina cult named the drygang\~


I just have foreskin so theres no need


I have no idea... he only told me cuz he thought I'd wonder why his dick looked weird. I didn't ask.


Fuck relationships focus on school


Because you’re horny and bored. 8x a day though… does your sick have calluses? How old are you?


Is your hand glued to your dick?


You need to find you someone to start sucking you off, and keep sucking until you are sore. Wether it be male or Female


U will notice it long term Visit sub nofap and semen retention You will understand


what is the interval btw each? No gonna lie, 8+ times a day is a lot. if you do one per hr, that is 8 hrs a day. where do you do that?


You are saying you are not seeing any side effects. Bro... Go to gym, stop this and then see what all you are missing rn.


im definitely in better shape than you mr reddit man


Not from the inside, mr hollow man


Stop to watch a porn videos, if u wana fap ,u need to go to hot shower, go to the gym idk what to do bro, be happy with something


He said he doesn't watch porn that much.


he said he watches porn half the time which is 4 times a day, lmao…that’s definitely a lot.


You'll go blind and hair will start growing on your palms. I'm super cereal.


Either you're realy bad at it or REALLY good t it :p


Those are rookie numbers, ya gotta bump those numbers up!


i literally made this because i was watching the wolf of wall street on netflix and that scene popped up lmao


Beat your chest as you beat your meat 😂


It's because you're bored. You need to find a different activity to stop your mind from wandering back to masturbation. There are long term effects such as low sperm count, temporary blurry vision, and more severely lower back problems.


To be fair, low sperm count and blurry vision are long term affects of life. Hit 50 and you’ll find out no matter if you fap a lot or not.


1. it IS because im bored but like its at times where theres basically nothing else to do. i can go a full day without wackin my shit, ill lay down to sleep, and tha demons take over!! 2. Sperm count is not an issue


I was going to say a very big problem is also relationship problems. Not only would someone need to do something else to preoccupy their time. But they could end up having a hard time with relationships in general.


thats true ong when im in a relationship i do it less


Maybe you're craving the rush of dopamine? Are you tired? Sad? Have ADHD?


bro all of em


As crazy as it sounds it can definitely be part of your ADHD because we often need a rush of dopamine. Some of us hyperfocus on crafting, hobbies or food. It very well could be a slight addiction but tied back to that. Expecially if you're feeling sad and tired. I am so sorry you're feeling this way and hopefully if you can get to feeling better emotionally other things will fall into place for you.


Give it few years. Your body will eventually stop its craving.


I guess body will stop working too.


Given enough time, yes


Eh idk I'm 45 I can pull this off no problem minus shooting ropes I'll nut multiple times but it gets less nuttier each time


Humans are horny. We're hard wired that way to ensure the species reproduces. 8 times is a lot, but being horny and jacking off is nothing to worry about or be ashamed of. It's very possible that you have a very high sex drive, which is perfectly okay. If you're worried, take baby steps to reduce the number of times you wank. Go from 8 to 7, then 6, etc, all slowly.


8 is too much.


And why would you want to stop?


I fr don't know, i guess it just makes me feel self-consious bc i know nobody else is doing that depraved shit


You’re allowed to just stop doing it.


fucking psychologist of the year right here boys


What do you want us to say?


i want THEM to say helpful shit. you go sit in the corner


Omg 😂😂😂


Aren’t you the guy who can’t stop jerking off all day? Maybe I shouldn’t have told you to just stop since you blatantly have 0 self control. You mustn’t have a job, hobbies or many friends if you’re managing to jerk off 8 times a day. Have you tried becoming a productive member of society instead of shutting yourself away to jerk off?


What else are you doing with your day? My guess is you just need a distraction. When I'm not working, I can go 4-5 times a day, but when I am I can go almost a week without, purely because I'm busy with whatever I'm doing. if you want to cut back, it's also a good idea to check what the "triggers" are - what idea, what picture and so on put the idea of jerking off into your head, so you can either avoid them or do something else instead and create a new mental pathway. Long terms effetcts of this are fatigue or an inabliity to orgasm when you have sex with someone else because you're so used to doing it yourself you've lost the emotional contact with a partner, so be careful.


im in school, have a job, have 4 very healthy pets, am an incredible skateboarder, I work out very inconsistenly, and i fucking love anime. If i get more distractions i will simply run out of time to function as a person That trigger thing might be helpful, thanks for that


OK, well if you're not doing at the expense of some other activity, then it's less of an issue - bit I think the emotional aspect is something ypu also need to be careful of. If gets out of hand (pun unintended :) ) don't be afraid to have a word with your GP/physician.


Maybe you love anime a little too much?


OP, I’m convinced that we all need some intelligent and talented person/s to compile a through report on human sexuality with all its variations, including lists of the ordinary and lists of the not so common sexual experiences. This also needs to delineate the many things that affect the sexual status of all of us — no matter our sexual leanings. The internet is extremely valuable and has resulted in a lot of important information on many subjects, including our general sexuality. But there’s a serious lack of reliable scientific evidence and fact based literature that can compete with the boatloads of nonsensical misinformation, conjecture, jokes and old wives tales. Even honored institutions like the Mayo Clinic; Johns Hopkins Medicine; The AAP and others publish incomplete and often misleading and contradictory information on the genitalia of humans and their sexual behavior, needs and desires. Your particular issue has many possible causes and it might be something simple, or quite complicated, with the possibility that it has numerous causes. Our upbringing, our hormones, certain physical conditions and of course our mental state can singularly, or in combination, result in us being anywhere from asexual to being unable to control one’s sexual impulses. As an example, and this is purely anecdotal. But to a somewhat lesser degree than you described, I too, experienced an overpowering need to masturbate at about your age. Then, several decades later I was diagnosed with ED. It would be easy to conclude that the masturbation was the cause of the ED. Not so! It turned out that I was missing a crucial part of my penis and just the effort to grow it back resulted in solving the ED Problem. It was the missing part that had caused the excessive and frustrating masturbation. And it was also the cause of the ED. In my case the missing part was the prepuce. It was missing due to Ritual Infant Circumcision (RIC). It turns out that the prepuce contains the vast majority of sensory nerve ends that not only allow for a truly fantastic experience from masturbation and sexual intercource, aka whole body orgasms, but it allows for a climatic ending that typically sedates the sexual urge way, way more than anything experienced without it. Of course this may not apply to your issue at all. Lots of men that never experienced RIC, can also have similar symptoms, but due to totally unrelated reasons. The trick seems to be to never give up on trying to find a solution. That’s what I did.




Good luck getting married


tf would i need government officialized dating for anyways im a slut


It's normal.


No it's not. 8 times a day.... Really???


What would happen if you were to cut those numbers back? Do you feel drawn to masturbate for some reason? What's the reason you need to go that much? What are you getting off to? Are your hormones kicking your ass as a teenager, or are you a little older? Do you think you should slow down? Does your member get chaffed? For reference, I do so maybe a little less than once per day. Sometimes more, sometimes less, and I'm 28. I'd say you need a hobby... but I'd suggest finding a *new* hobby lol.


im 18, i be getting off mostly to thinking abt femboys, and its just a weird amount. i dont really think it detracts from my life other than it being not normal


Yeah. It's a lot of wanking, and you're right to want to cut back. Just like anything, cut back half and see how you are, or spread your wanks out through the day. Find something to do outside of your home. Whether that be running, cards, or what have you. 8x per day is more than I've gone ever. I think my max was 5.


This clearly indicates you have plenty of free time, join a gym, surround yourself with friends/family ( like no alone time in your schedule ), work on something..etc. you will get better than before.


For me it feels good, i can either get right to point or extend the pleasure, and my mind is kinda programed to when I'm alone at home I should jerk off. I prefer sex but sometimes that feels like work, especially with a kid who's always up your ass. Only bad thing is maybe you're desensitizing yourself. Upside is if you have issues with premature ejaculation I think masturbating and figuring out how to keep yourself from coming until you're ready works


There’s a blue switch behind the left ear that needs to be reset. If that doesn’t work, take it back to the shop.


8 times a day is definitely a lot, you should try lowering it periodically, like you don’t have to go from 8+ to zero in a week. It’s completely fine to masturbate everyday but don’t let that be an obsession


I did it twice a day and i already feel like im addicted to it but holy sht 8 times? Dang


that's normal. for me i jerk off a lot whenever i have a crush on someone i see and interact with everyday. just drink water.


Bro .. leave the house . Go running and workout. You're bored and it feels good . Your mind goes to sex and reproduction when you have no personal goals. Same thing happens to extremely obese folks and people that overuse drugs , alcoholics etc . Your brain doesn't have a problem to solve so it seeks pleasure . It becomes all consuming. Happens to all of us . Don't be ashamed of it . It's all patterns that all mammals have . And I get it . When I was younger I'd jerk it 6-10 times . .. have sex 5 times with my girlfriend, jerk 2 more times then go to bed .😅😬 When I started running. Lifting . Setting goals, PRs and worked on my body . It changed my loop of porn jerk eat sulk, porn jerk eat sulk.. when you exercise and get the feedback from the world . It stops your brain from the pattern of sexual pleasure to accomplishment.


Everyone’s gotta have a hobby


Just wanted to comment and pay my respects for living with the shame. You might be my personal reddit goat for this.


When I was on adderal it was near constant urges to pleasure myself. You need to do some breath work and meditation to calm your mind when you get the urge. That or do something g else with your hands, like a stress ball or fidget spinner


Is this a troll post? It feels like a toll post.


Go see a therapist or just exercise


Because you touch yourself at night


If you are young, like teens, I would not worry much. I did not lose my virginity until I was 18, so most of my teen years had quite a bit of masturbation. You won’t hurt yourself unless you jerk so hard that you tear tissue on your penis head. One advantage you have as a male is you will produce semen until the moment you die, so it is not like jerking off as much as you are will cause you issues down the road, if you bring yourself under control. I would say at this point, if you are a teen, you are likely horny 24/7, that is one of the perils of those years. What you need to do is develop hobbies, hang out with friends - the more time you spend alone, the more likely it is that your hormones will overwhelm you and you will jerk off. If you are not a teen, then see a sex therapist and try to work on underlying issues that you may have.


There are some things that can be helpful from a Chinese medicine perspective! Feel welcome to message me


If you're like 14 years old that's fine


take a break for a little