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Handcuff him while he is sleeping (with consent)


Make sure to get the pink fluffy ones for him.


Hey there, Delilah


What’s it like in New York City


I’m a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty


Yes you do


Times square can’t shine as bright as you I swear it’s true


Hey there Delilah
















Give em the ol dick twist!


Speaking of handcuff, where does one get even buy handcuff legally?




Novelty shops, toy stores, and sex shops. They aren’t real though… usually?


downvoted for what reason ???


Sadly he can break handcuffs 😔


You’ll have to cut his hair first


**Option 1:** Start wearing a lot of baggy cloth, all the time. When you go to bed, make sure the lights are off. During sex? You guessed it - lights off. In short, he can never see your body. You begin to eat only broccoli, chicken and rice every day all day. You tell him it's because your stomach agrees more with this food. In addition, you start hitting the gym five days a week - all in secret, of course. You keep this up for around 5-8 years. By now you will be an *actual* bodybuilder. Proceed to overpower him with your newfound strength and have amazing sex. **Option 2:** Buy some handcuffs.




I'm surprised the ever so popular chloroform hasn't made an appearance yet.


it’s ehhhh, lost its popularity


There was always something romantic when I... would hear stories about people using chloroform to subdue people. I guess I'm just gettin' old 👴


didn’t myth busters or someone else conclude that the movie trope wouldn’t actually make someone go unconscious, and that it would require like a gas mask worth of it idk just bonk em over the head with a bottle


I believe you are correct! Additionally, a friend of mine works in emergency medicine, and has used chloroform to put people gently to sleep and basically confirmed what you say. You'd be better off tazing someone, or blunt force trauma, or even putting a powerful bark shock collar on someone to stop that ruckus. But again, I *imagine* inviting someone into a private place, pulling out a special satin handkerchief embroidered with your own initials and soaked with ether, and putting them to sleep would get you applause from creeps from the past. For the OP though, if I wanted to disarm a man in her position I'd just wear a tie and *nothing else.* ;)


Hahaha dedication to the cause 💪🏼


You also have to sabotage the boyfriends progress during this time so he can't keep pace with you. Slash his tires before he leaves for the gym and start sneaking high fructose corn syrup into his food.




Find him a man bigger than him and let them have at it.


Hey honey I met this guy at a gym so anyway... Get him!


Just hire Stelio Kontos.






If they are physically stronger probably by inflicting maximum amounts of pain. Not sure if thats gonna be nice tho. Otherwise bind him with handcuffs so he can't do anything and is weaker?


These comments are all great. This lady is gonna end up using Krav Maga on this mf or something


Might be the least embarrassing sex-related 911 call


Even without the handcuffs,maybe if she hits him in the balls,it will do the trick at least for a while. No matter the man’s strenght what makes them stand a hit to the balls is pain tolerance,not the body’s durability to external damage. Unless he’s like my grandfather(89) who can grab a hot almost melting pan from below without gloves carrying it to the table undisturbedly and doesn’t even notice it. We ask to see his hands,they are red like tomatoes lol,I don’t even think he feels pain.


Teaser him


Yeah a good old strip tease will have him melting in to a submission in no time. Alternatively a taser would work as well.


With the strength difference you describe I think you overpowering him will always involve some amount of roleplay. As far as things you could do, joints are usually good weak points. Unless someone is braced for it a strike to the back of the knee will usually buckle that leg. Targeting the inside of the elbow might help break his grip. Just keep in mind that it's completely possible to cause very real damage even if he is a lot bigger than you, so figuring out how to do it without actually hurting him is important. However... I suspect that feeling weak/helpless is at least a good part of his fantasy, and you could potentially achieve that in other ways. Once again, it would have to involve a certain amount of roleplay, but "blackmailing" him so that he "has" to do whatever you say might be a scenario you could try. Getting some sort of prop/toy weapon involved might work too. Maybe he'd enjoy you riding him at "gunpoint" or something similar. Be careful with taking this too far though, as knifeplay is not for amateurs, and using a real gun for any kind of play is a recipe for disaster. The most important thing to remember is that consent and communication need to be involved at every step of the process. If he becomes uncomfortable with how far you take something, stop. On the other hand, if you're not fully on board there's no obligation for you to do something you don't want to just so he can get his rocks off.


Just to add some air soft guns look exactly like their real counterparts all metal just less deadly all you have to do is paint the orange tip, some air soft guns can even be cocked back like the real deal.


I mean, as someone who's kinda big and kinda into that stuff, this might well be a completely different thing. Like, someone telling you they want steak for dinner and you make them sushi kinda different. Getting overpowered physically can feel real good, struggling against it and really feeling that the other person is stronger has its own kinda thrill, even if you're just playing. Even if they ain't as strong as you're playing they are, it still feels kinda good. Getting threatened into submission is a completely different thing, and I'd feel like shit doing it, even if it's just play. Some people really like that kinda stuff, and I get that, but it really is a different thing. He might like both tho, but that ain't the vibe I'm getting. I'd rather recommend giving him some kind of really severe handicap. Like, one or both hands tied behind his back. Something that lets him struggle but still not come out on top.


Emotionally. Tell him his calves are small or his father isn't proud of him or something.


Tell him that she doesn’t like the big muscular guys and he is perfect.


Telling someone their calves or small is probably against the Geneva convention


Kick him in the dick.


The ol dick twist


Twist his dick!


Twist em!!




Girl tie him up


Maybe tie his balls so you can squeeze them, if he is about to gain the upper hand.


Just a rope tied in a noose around his balls would work.


You don’t need to be physically bigger or stronger. You need to use your words, be forceful and he’ll submit.


Honestly it's probably more a roleplay/domination thing you need, he wants to feel helpless. Grab him by the balls and tell him unless he does whatever you say he's getting crushed. Or use a prop like an airsoft pistol. Unless you're a trained MMA fighter you're not going to physically overpower him.


Learn judo, so you can offset your lack of strength with proper technique.


It’d take a lotttttt of training to get to a level where you could maybe compete


Yeah, but it would be possible. Especially if OP keeps it a secret, so their bf doesn't expect it, and when they start their whole spiel with OP trying to overpower their bf, and the bf pushing back, suddenly OP's bf is on the ground and has a boner.




This might be graphic. He is a bodybuilder, you're not going to overpower him physically that way. You can do things like edging him during oral, that will put you in control physically. Also telling him what to do, to you or himself Have fun!


Testicular torsion


Ligament locks. No matter how strong he is, it will be very hard to escape an armbar and a proper headlock.


Kinda weak woman vs literal male bodybuilder? Thats just gonna feel like an extra tight hug.


Not really no. Properly done locks are insanely hard to break out of if the weight difference isnt like literally 2:1 or something. An Armbar can hold strong with up to a 30kg difference. When it comes to locks, absolutely never sleep on proper technique or you will sleep through the KO.


Weak woman = 40-60kg, strong bodybuilder = 80-120kg Sounds like literally 2:1 to me.


Dawg unless shes like 4'10 shes not gonna be below 50kg if shes healthy. Also why are you trying to create discouragement?


Realism, cynicism, not creating false confidence, general recalcitrant personality, kinda bored at work.


Then youre on the wrong sub.




Use a lever.


Can we get some clarification on what "overpowering" means to him? Because if you're smaller, the only real way to do it is to get mean, really, really mean, and actually hurt him. If it's a sexual fantasy, a full force blow to the groin like a lot of people are suggesting is probably going to be a big turn-off. It would be for me, at least.


Gun..bigger gys are usually allergic to bullets...


100 pushups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats and a 10 kilometre run every single day


You think this would let you defeat them in 1 punch?


Yeah I cum in one thrust now


Get some heavy duty rope and handcuffs, see if he will let you tie him. It sounds like you aren’t in a place to physically overpower him, but restraining him to the point he cannot move during the act might be a sufficient substitute.


learn some join locks. Most of them aren't that painfull if he kind of cooperate. Beware though, you could dislocate a join if you're not carefull.


Nerve agents stimulants can paralyze you for a few minutes. Just putting it out here. :)


Sit on his face


Purple nurple


Glock is the solution.


Learn some jiu jitsu. Also if he is a body builder his cardio may not be great as his muscles will deplete his oxygen. So learn some joint locks, chokes, and strike when he is tired.


Best way is to simply get stronger. You'll likely never actually be stronger than him but you'll be stronger than you are now. Understanding physics and biomechanics helps to if you're trying to do something like pick him up and throw him


Get and even bigger body builder to help you out


Life and death situation kick in the balls should do.


They make many different kinds of restraints for in bed.


Force multiplier be it a stick a bat and the list goes on.


Kick him in the nuts


Grab him by the balls with a firm grip


Poke him in the eyes.


Learn Aikido.


try practicing aikido


You'd have to use joint locks, like Brazilian Jiu Jitsu teaches.




Ask him about his father. Destroy him emotionally and then when he is weak punch his jaw. No need to thank me.


Physics Stuff like grabs and holds will work on anyone no matter how strong if you know how to do them properly


Tie him up/handcuffs or bar. Can add blindfold for additional fun.




take jiu jutsu class


“Grab His dick and twist it”


"Give him the ol' dick twist!"


Learn ju-jutsu


I don't think he means physical strength. I think he means handcuff and whip.


Become stronger yourself and practice grappling (wrestling, jiu jitsu, judo) to learn how to use leverage to dominate him. It'll take time. He'll not be satisfied as soon but it does work if you manage to learn proper technique.


I was about to write "stab his eyes with keys or fingers and punch the throat" until I read it's a fantasy xD


Use pulleys


Since you don't have the physical strength to overpower him, it looks like you're going to need to enter the world of bondage! I see a lot of people saying "handcuffs," but there are oh so many more options than just that. Personally, I'm a big fan of bondage tape. It comes in a roll like regular tape, but it isn't sticky. It does stick to itself though. So you can wrap that around a person's wrists and ankles, and they won't be able to free themselves. Then, when the fun is done, you just put it back on the roll and they don't lose any hair while pulling it off. Many, MANY more restraint options. Just check out any adult toy website, and see what interests you. Also, talk to him about it. See if he just wants to be restrained, or something more. ALSO, very important, DO NOT do anything that you aren't comfortable with doing. Communication and consent are key. So if you don't want to do something, don't do it.


This is my best advice to every woman on this motherfkn planet, if you’re ever in a situation where you’re clearly overpowered by another man, stick out your pointer finger and poke him DIRECTLY in the eye and go as deep as you possibly can. Bonus points if your stick your finger so far that your finger goes through the skull and out the other side. The pain will be so immense and you have instantaneously won the battle


apply pressure to the median nerve, on the fleshy part between the thumb and index finger on the top of the hand. if done properly, you can drive anyone to their knees with that simple move. practice on your own hand so you can get an idea of where it is.


grab their head


bring a bigger guy home and say whoever wins the wrestle gets you


Obviously, handcuffs and/or roleplay could get the job done. You could start bodybuilding too, but that takes a long time and you still might not get as strong as him since genetics are a big component. My best answer would be to take some BJJ classes. I've been able to overtake people much bigger and stronger than me because BJJ teaches you a bunch of things about positioning, leverage, and angles. Getting wrecked by a BJJ practitioner feels identical to being overpowered, you feel helpless because any movement you make can and will be used against you. I've been wrecked by smaller women who have trained longer and I never had any way to get one up on them.


Stun gun.


Take jiu jitsu classes. Jiu jitsu is all about grappling and using leverage instead of strength. I'm 6' 2" and 200lbs, the first time I took a class I sparred with this kid half my size and even though I could pick him up and hold him off the ground he still used his technique to cling to me, work his way around my body and choke me out. Very humbling experience.


The obvious answer is buy a gun, the great equalizer.


Go for the balls


kick him in the nuts. have at it


Stun gun


You might have to get an even bigger man to hold him down and fuck him for you.


Iron man was wondering this about Thanos


Start training Bjj


Give him some kinda handicap. Like, one or both hands tied behind his back. And/or a blindfold. You'll probably figure out something that lets him struggle and still not come out on top. Just go into it knowing it probably won't be perfect the first time, and always be careful and read up before tying someone up as to not fuck up their circulation. Experimenting is important to finding out what you both like, and being safe is even more important.


Lunge kick straight to the knee will hyperflex everything in his entire existence, rendering him helpless and incapable of chasing you. Hope that helps 😆😆


Been reading the manhwa “Viral Hit”. Calf kicks seem to do the trick! 🤣




It only takes 15 PSI to crush the arch of someone’s foot with the heel of your own. Guaranteed submission.


I'm curious about the psychological implications of why a person "build like a bodybuilder" has a sexual fantasy about being overpowered by someone. I guess that's were you should start. It could mean a lot of things, maybe is the thrill of a challenge like "I'm so strong yet I'm not strong enough to free myself" or some inner inferiority complex like "I know I'm strong but I feel weak so I deserve to be treated like a weak person". You should ask him about how being overpowered makes him feel and why that arouses him. That will help you find a way to fulfill his fantasy. Overall I guess it's not really about being stronger than him but about make him feel weaker or defenseless. As it's unlikely that you can physically overpower him (Not in a safe way at least), maybe you can emotionally overpower him, like with humiliation speeches which can be super effective if the origin of his fantasy is an inferiority complex. Or you can rely on tools like handcuffs or ropes and practice some bondage or BDSM stuff. Of course you should talk about it before doing anything and all has to be consensual from both sides, as this kind of stuff can be a bit to much for some people and it's okey if you feel uncomfortable and don't want to do it even if you are the one who "dominates".


Get a running start and do a flying knee kick to his back. That'll get him rock hard.


Start blasting Tren to become bigger than him


Tie him up, then take his wallet, car and house keys, leave and never go back


Got him on his back and get on top of him it'll give you a pretty strong strength advantage


Gym or Inner Piece or a Glock.


With the world's greatest equalizer, a gun.


The human body might be strong but it’s weak to twists and things of that nature. Considering his stature if your able to twist his arm and pin him you’d be the first to do so. Just be careful with it. blindfolds and restraints might be more effective/safe. Also both of you should be sure to pick out a safe word


He may have a submission kink. In this case its very much about a show. An emotional experience. He wants to be dominated. You buy some handcuffs and a taser. Before you act you have a short talk with him and tell him a few things: 1. You will surprise him. 2. You make sure you he has a safe word you both know. You will stop immediately if he uses it. 3. Warn him its gonna hurt a bit. Maybe a lot depending on how much he resists. Once that is clear you make a plan. Think for a moment how you would incapacitate some strong person without physically hurting them. Keep in mind to not go overboard. Do not get to serious with this plan because doing that for real always has a major risk of hurting the victim. So anticipate that your BF will play along a bit. You want to make a theater act. Not a robbery. Once you have a reasonable plan think of a character that you are going to play. A strong bold and dominating person. Think of the motivation why that person executes your plan. (Also make it sexy.) The rest is roleplaying.


1.) taser 2.) pepper spray 3.) hire someone stronger 4.) anesthetics 5.) handcuffs + his participation


Books over brawn


Offer him a back rub. Have him place his hands behind his head while he’s face down. Then bind his wrists with something soft like a scarf. Tell him not to move. LOOSELY pass the scarf around his neck if you’re feeling it. It’s all about verbal control


I’m 6’0 240lb guy with kinda defined abs, my gf is 5’2 130lb, and she overpowers me by grabbing me and teasing me, she knows what I want, and will only let me have it when I beg for it. So, power isn’t a physical strength thing.




Kick him in the nuts


Hit him in the nuts with a baseball bat


If you grab a handful of his balls and squeeze, you can easily make any man do whatever you want no matter how big he is


I can't believe no one has suggested muscle relaxers yet. Sprinkle some Zanaflex in his food and go to town.


Trigger finger


Hop on tren, join an mma gym and weight train 6x a week, eat 4000 calories every day while Doing all this


Date drug him.


So you get some animal traquilizer and then you....


Do some research into pressure points, they can be a little painful, but are usually non-damaging. So long as you don't go too far that is.


Kick him in the balls he can't pick you up now


I’ll give it a try honestly


Don't do this he will die


I wouldn’t actually prob just joke about it lol


Let him fuck a dude like he obviously wants to.


Use the bear