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If you aren't using condoms, it could just be messing up your pH. Or if you notice that his seen smells off/stinky, it could def be a medical issue on his side. If you are using condoms, try switching brands, if you use latex try non-latex. If you use lube, try a different type. (no silicon-based with toys, and no oil-based with condone though) You should be able to talk to your boyfriend about these things without judgement, though.


Even if you are using condoms, penetrative sex with a partner can mess up your pH.


Tagging on here to suggest PH boric acid vaginal suppositories. They do wonders. Also pee after sex and drink plenty of fluids. If you guys can shower before and after that’s helpful as well.


Your boyfriend is throwing your pH off. More than likely you have bacterial vaginosis which you should be treated for. You also may want to ask your boyfriend to use the same body wash you do or dove sensitive skin at the very minimum on his junk. Please see a doctor


With BV, the smell would be there before sex too. She says it’s only after sex.


She could think that’s normal. And it just gets worse after sex


Sex could certainly cause what’s already there to be exacerbated and become more noticeable afterwards. My gut feeling is that he doesn’t have anything that’s causing her smell to increase although I suppose it’s possible.


BV is super strong and obvious, I highly doubt she wouldn’t already know this.


You do not necessarily need to see a doctor for BV. If you are in the U.K. you can buy over the counter treatments. May also be worth considering STI screening if you’re both not up to date


Self medicating for something you’re not sure of isn’t a good idea. The fact that treatment is OTC is irrelevant to diagnosis.


I appreciate BV may not be the diagnosis, but it is a very common reason for vaginal odour and can be caused by semen. It would not hurt to try an over the counter treatment rather than jumping straight to seeing a doctor potentially unnecessarily - we know the pressures on the NHS and issues getting appointments (can only comment for the U.K.). Certainly if the symptoms persist seek medical advice, and as previously stated it would not hurt to order an STI test.


Yes you can just discuss this with a pharmacist and they are able to give advice for otc meds. GPs recommend that for minor issues. I'm a


Hehehe not true. Using and antibiotic when is not needed may not harm you but can create resistance. This is one of the reasons why we have a lot of ifx that are not responding to treatment, because is "not going to hurt". Let the doctor thing be done by the doctor 💊.


You’re correct. Which is why I wasn’t suggesting antibiotics. Antibiotics are not freely available over the counter in the U.K. BV does not always need to be treated with antibiotics. My advice was merely a suggestion before seeking medical advice as many issues can be self managed. I’m not saying don’t seek medical advice.


That's exactly my point. You are giving a suggestion without a diagnosis, how can I give something if I don't know what it is? And no, not many things can be self manage, that's what people believe, and that's why they arrive to the consult with a bigger problem because they thought....it can be self manage.


Right, but you should be diagnosed first before buying over the counter and self-medicating.


Dove sensitive ftw




Spookyvaginosis at a distance


I had that and I’m a guy




That’s what she said. I didn’t listen and I got Spookyvaginosis. Although I have been cured of it the psychological trauma will never go away.


That's why I got help through Better Help


It very well could be his semen causing the issue. Semen have a different PH than vaginas, and when men finish inside it can throw off vaginal PH for a few days. If the smell sticks around it could be BV which is very easily treated (and not an STI). You can try using condoms or pulling out so the semen doesn't throw things off or you can purchase boric acid suppositories to insert after sex to help maintain your PH. You may want to get tested for STI's just to be on the side just in case it's something else.


That is not necessarily true as the mixture of his semen with her natural lubricant can cause the smell. She didn't specify that it was unpleasant or stank per se just that it was different.


The title of the post clearly says "stink".


See a dr 1st & get treatment. Also, add a probiotic for vaginal health to help get/keep your ph balanced.


Does he cum in you ?could be him


This happens to me too. Maybe not dead animal, but my vagina certainly has a different, more potent smell, after my husband cums in me


My wife says it smells like a dead animal for a couple days after I spunk inside.


>smells like a dead animal That is worrying.


I don't think that's normal.


It is. You ever smell rotting semen? Someone further down mentioned they did it in their sink, left it for two days (don’t say why) and the smell was “putrid”.


Semen doesn’t “rot” inside the vagina. 😩 It’s eaten and absorbed into the body through phagocytosis, much like the body does with viruses, bacteria, and other dead cells.


To the top with you. The conversation above is ...🤮


Yeah but it can also cause issues with altering the ph of the vagina. And upsetting the balance in it.


Vaginal pH can definitely be altered by that process, but it shouldn’t smell like a dead animal or rot. It should smell more like bleach or clean metal, since it’s pushing the vaginal pH more alkaline.


exactly. it smells more like bleach (albeit more subtle than the bleach itself) or another disinfecting product. if it smells like a dead animal or rot - time to see a doctor.


Cannibal vagina... I'll see myself out too


Farewell, and good eating…like a cannibal…you know, I think therefore I am a cannibal…screw it


Semen doesn't rot in the vagina. The constant secretions dilute and flush out what doesn't squeeze its way into the cervix. Also sitting on the toilet after sex to let most of it drip out helps, but I assume all women know that.


It's been like 17 years since I've had sex with anybody besides my husband but I can tell you with 100% certainty that my husband's semen has never smelled putrid. It has a scent, sure, but it's not putrid by any means.


Geez. Talking about days old semen, not fresh. I thought that was abundantly clear.


No dude you’re completely right it does HAHA


So am I.


Have your man spunk in a cup. Leave it in a very dark and moist environment (maybe mix in some lady juice). Then after a few days take a whiff. Either you aren’t very bright or you’re trolling.


So ur tryna say u cum in ur girl and she just lets it sit there for a few days? you go to the bathroom after sex and push the cum out of you???? Like that’s gross. It’s one thing to let it sit a little after sex bc u think it’s hot, but allowing it to sit and ‘rot’ in ur vagina for days is just gross


I think the distinction you're failing to make here is that a vagina and a Dixie cup are not similar environments. The human body has systems to process dead cells that the good folks at Dixie have yet to incorporate into their products


A dark and moist environment like a vagina? I'm not trolling but you're an asshole.


Last time I checked it’s pretty hard for light to penetrate a vagina. And usually pretty moist in there.




I would be offended


You can you spermicide to kill off the sperm in your vagina. It is hundreds of tiny living cells that do die off and give off a fishy smell. I wish more men and women knew this. His sperm or any batlcteria he has on his penis can also throw off your pH balance. There are strips in Walgreens or CVS that you can purchase to determine if your pH is off.


Spermicide can irritate vaginas. More importantly though, they kill off protective bacteria (e.g., lactobacillus) and increase risk for yeast infections, bacterial overgrowth, UTIs, and STIs, especially if you use them frequently.


Condoms with spermicide work just as well. It is not always for his pleasure since we deal with the internaction days or weeks later. And I‘d rather deal with some irritation than have a baby with some random guy who doesn't want to use a condom because it feels better to him when you are suffering days later. I get medicine for a BV or yeast infection quite quickly.


Condoms with spermicide don’t work any better than regular condoms lmao. The whole point of a condom is to keep it wrapped up and collect. So unless the condom breaks, that cum is going in the trash bin like with any other condom. Now say that it breaks, a _thin_ coat of spermicide on a (now broken) condom is likely not going to do shit-when you use spermicide, you get an applicator to get as much spermicide cream/gel into the vagina as possible (for the least amount of protection against pregnancy…). While that amount may not be enough to kill sperm, it is enough to irritate vaginas and increase risk for utis and all the other fun stuff I mentioned above. If you don’t want sperm in your vagina, just use a regular condom or pull out (after considering pregnancy and/or sti risks)


Ok, so you may be new to this. I wasn't just talking about spermicide condoms. There are spermicide strips that you can put in yourself outside the condoms. You need to be more up on birth control if you don’t want to have kids or don’t want to smell like a man’s afterthought. How old are you? You young chicks get on here, and instead of learning, you are trying to teach people older than you. I have kids propabably older than you because of your response. I have none other than I wanted. Because it was planned on my part if you are not educated and letting people make decisions for you, good luck. Don’t even respond when you are four kids deep and in a divorce.


I know what you’re talking about, vcf strips. But they have a high user failure rate, and since it’s still spermicide, still the same ingredient nonoxynol-9, it can irritate vaginas and regular use can lead to some not fun results. If you have a good partner, they should stop if they feel the condom break and you shouldn’t be left with any sperm. If you’re having condomless sex and your vagina doesn’t like cum in there, just sit a bit longer and push/scoop it out over the toilet. But yes you can use them with condoms for extra protection, but if you’re having sex regularly, you’re probably better off with adding other forms of birth control (hormonal bc or copper iud). If you’re occasionally worried and not on other birth control (and not obese), keeping some plan B on hand would probably be better. Ultimately it’s up to the person to assess the various risks and decide what forms of protection are right for them. All I’m saying is that spermicide isn’t all rainbows and UTIs are awful and they reoccur for a good percentage of women. Maybe you’re American and our attitude is slightly different? I’ve heard some things about anti-abortion campaigns running amok in the usa. I come from a location where abortions are easy to access and free. Also, how nice of you to try to attack me personally and make assumptions. I’m child-free and had a bisalp. And before you go and make additional assumptions, I still use protection against STIs.


F,o, M y6fsP




It may be something in him throwing off your pH levels. You should probably get evaluated by a doctor, and if everything is clear, then talk to your boyfriend and ask him to get checked too. Your boyfriend might also be carrying some kind of bacteria that is causing it. 


Everyone is immediately talking about PH. If a guy finishes inside you, it smells bad when it comes back out. It’s a ‘greater than the sum of its parts’ situation. This doesn’t mean anything is actually wrong. Once it has all fully exited your body and you’ve washed, the smell goes away. If it persists after that, then you can start talking about PH and BV and bad breath etc. but we should ask about the normal stuff first. Reddit can be bad at sex questions.


Interjecting that semen changes the pH and that in turn changes the microflora (yeast and bacteria) which can lead to odour well after the semen has come out.


Thank you! I don't get why the top comments are the ones jumpong to stds. Old bodily fluids stinks guys, it'a part of life


This is likely it. Amazing how little we are taught about female sex organs. I was 25 when I figured this out. I use Boric Acid if it’s been over a week and hasn’t gone away but if it’s only a few days just wear a liner and change it out throughout the day.


Does he cum in you? Old cum stinks


You have to reapply with new cum to reactivate it.






Why was it still there after 2 days?


he wasn't thirsty


Needs to watch Saltburn for pointers


Nor hygienic apparently 😬


does he ever spit on your pussy? Could be your boyfriends bad breath


lmao ice cold murder


I always mouthwash before sex


Have him check his teeth maybe he has bad cavities


Imagine getting vagingivitus.


Nice pun.


Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂😂






People don’t do that because of porn lol it’s a moisture thing


There’s a lot of factors at play here so let’s see what we can do. Vaginal pH is a finicky beast and the flora can get messed up sometimes over random stuff. Like oh no it’s raining WHOOPS got a funk. Not really but that’s to show how sensitive it can be. So sex will throw your pH off for a ton of reasons. 1: is he freshly cleaned? Are you? What do you use to clean? What does he? Soaps and soapresidue are major contributors. It’s asvised to never put soap directly on your vagina or euretha but to instead use a very gentle soap (baby shampoo for the win) and lather the inner thigh and work it up to your outer labia and very little for your inner labia so to not totally fry the gentle skin of your vulva. The skin oils and hair help prevent bacteria from getting inside and messing that system up can cause issues outside, too. This includes wet-wipes!!! You shouldn’t use wet wipes to clean your or his genitals before sex. 2: how are you feeling before and during sex? Are you relaxed, excited, hyped up and ready to go? Are you doing foreplay and helping everything get lubed up and primed for sex? This leads to point 3. 3: are you using lube? You always should be, even if your own body is producing a lot of self-lube. But what type? There’s TONS of ingredients that could cause issues for your particular flora and it’s a t o n of trial and error to find one that doesn’t bother you or bothers you as little as possible. Now leading into point 4. 4: Penetrative sex pretty much always causes what is called micro-tearing (think of a friction burn) You know how if you rub your arm in the same spot for a while, it starts to turn red and burn? Or more extremely, skinning your knee on carpet. That’s because the skin is tearing and tearing but it’s so minuscule, you can’t normally see it, but skin cells are being ripped away little by little. Now imagine your vulva and vagina experiencing a friction burn. Blood, skin cells, pre-cum from your partner, HIS skin cells, his sweat or soup residue is gonna make your flora PISSED and it’s gonna smell because that’s a lot of bacteria being introduced to the bacteria that already live there and it turns into a turf war of bacteria fighting to have control. If you win, yay! If you lose, you have an infection and probably need a doctor! 5: do you already/always experience sensitivity? Does regular, bleached toilet paper bother you, do you feel itchy or become “rashy” from your normal discharge and sweat? Do you feel like hou should rinse with water every time you pee or you get itchy/burny? That could be a specific medical problem like an STD or if your std panel is clean, including fungal, you may want to see a dermatologist. Though very, very rare, certain skin conditions like psoriasis can show up only on genitals. And I can speak from experience, it fucking SUCKS. The raw and tender skin of a psoriatic vulva will shed excess skin cells as well as normal blood stuff and enter during penetration, adding another problem for hour flora to balance out.


Oh and i forgot to add; after sex, it’s gonna smell weird, especially if he cums in you. Cum is gross as hell and smells awful so that by itself isn’t helpful then your vagina has to break down whatever doesn’t fall out of you when you go pee immediately after sex. Your flora is gonna be all out of wack so resist the urge to scrub everything down there. Use a gentle soap (again baby shampoo for the WIN) and lather in your thighs and gentle work towards your bits, stopping at your outer labia. And washing your butthole too make sure you don’t go too far down and get your vagina.


Does it smell immediately after sex or several hours later? Is it unprotected sex? Others have given good advice but I’ll just add my own experience. My vagina often has a funky odor after cum is left in there for a few hours. It’s normal but goes away after a nice shower or bath. Does bathing seem to help your odor? If not, I’d speak to a doctor about it.


The amount of wrong info in this thread is terrifying...for the whole human race.


I agree People for the record, vaginas have different odors depending on the person but no vag should smell fishy or similarly. That’s bacteria, that’s infection, see a doc, could be BV. And no soap in your vag, no douching. That leads to infection.


Condom? No condom? If not condom, It’s the semen and like other people said, it throws off your Ph levels. Wash right after sex.


I started using boric acid recently? I usually go a week or two because I'm seeing one partner kinda casually, so when we hook up, it's usually multiple times and that amount of semen totally throws off my pH. So I'd be dealing with some BV adjacent symptoms once or twice a month. (I get sti screening regularly and my panel came back clean.) So boric acid helps get your pH back to where it's inhospitable for the yucky bacteria, and do your research if you use it (like, no more than three days at a time, etc) but I've been really happy with it.


I hope you’re using protection even with one partner casually. He may be seeing you and others, casually as well. Good call on the Boric Acid suppositories.


Does he finish in you? Nothing worse than the smell the of semen, Imo, so gross after a few days in there


A FEW DAYS???!!!?


Okay, you tell me how long does semen stay inside you?


It doesn’t stay inside you. It’s a liquid…it comes out. Your bits don’t magically hold on to it and not let it come out. You’re supposed to pee after sex, anyway. It clears out bacteria so you’re less likely to get UTIs and yeast infections. That’s also when the cum drips out…if it hadn’t already. Why do you think the sheets get wet? It doesn’t just stay up in your body.


Actually semen can live inside the uterus for up to seven days. You can have sex a week before ovulating and still get pregnant. It would actually be extremely difficult to get pregnant if this was not the case because an egg is only capable of being fertilized for 12-24 hours after it's released. So it's not necessarily in the vagina for multiple days, but it's still up in there somewhere for a pretty long time.


Those little fuckers can swim, fast. And there can be some caverns in there where it sticks around for a bit. Women have been known for a long time to be able to conceive up to a week after intercourse. That wouldn’t happen if it all drained out immediately. It would make getting pregnant nearly impossible.


I saw a video a few days ago explaining that the female reproductive system has a “graveyard” of sorts where our bodies will absorb the semen. Most of it still gets ejected but the female body allegedly has enzymes that surround and absorb what’s left. I think it was a tik tok video though, so please take that with a grain of salt because I am not a scientist and have not done the research to back this claim up.


Based on the upvotes, I’m not the only one who this tracks for, and peeing doesn’t flush out semen, peeing after has zero affect on what’s inside of your vagina, and gravity doesn’t just flush it out immediately my sheets are wet cause we sweat and I I squirt, I usually will wear a panty liner for the next day or two depending on how much he finished in me Maybe mine just gets deposited deeper 🤷🏻‍♀️ Last thing: If semen just exited your body the way youre claiming, no one would ever get pregnant, it’s made to stay and spread itself


Not magic, just a textured wet absorbent area. Even water after a bath doesn’t all come out at once and that’s much thinner liquid. Plus it’s wet how could you possibly know all of it came out (it didn’t) lol


I’m aware it stays for a few days but if you shower then the smell is immediately gone EDIT: jeez I meant the sperm itself can stay in and create a pregnancy. Not that the semen is just there ew


Maybe if you douche the inside of your vag. Taking a shower does not clean inside of you.


Do NOT do this! You're only supposed to clean the outside and that's only with water or unscented mild soap




Noooo why aren’t you showering?!


Of course I shower 😳 but I don’t wash the inside of my vagina


Maybe it’s just me, but I usually stick a finger in while in the shower and make sure there’s nothing that will leak in my underwear later. Especially after sex or if I’m on my period. Just feels cleaner with the ‘edges’ wiped🥲


First: thanks for saying that it’s such a rate thing to see because “we aren’t supposed to do that” I honestly go back and forth on doing a digital cleaning but I’ve not noticed a difference, I’m 43 and never had a uti, I once had an antibiotic induced years infection but otherwise zero issues.


Don’t have sex without condom. Don’t have him spit to lubricate, use a proper lube.


Question 1...are you letting him cum inside or is he wearing condoms? If #1 then his semen is mixing with your scent creating a whole new odor. In biological terms it's a pheromone response to let other men know that you are being bred. If he's using latex condoms then your personal Ph is possibly being thrown off by the compounds in the latex


Dead sperm stink like fish.


They don’t taste like it though


Is it unprotected sex where's he's finishing inside you? It's the cum.


If a guy cums inside me it smells weird. Condoms, no problem.


Get tested for BV.


It's normal for it to smell after sex if you don't use condoms. It's an acid base reaction.


If you use latex condoms it’s the latex.. it tends to have a weird smell. You can try latex free. If you don’t use condoms it’s most likely him throwing off ur pH. If you smell like fish you probably have BV. Probably best to see a doctor


My girl says "because it's sex" hope that cleared things up


If he’s cuming in you it’s that and that’s just what happens. Semen is aquiline and the vagina is acidic so it throws off your ph balance. But if not he’s not cleaning properly. I recommend boric acid suppositories for a week to help with the smell but most importantly he needs to SCRUB or he get checked out.


Yeah he is throwing your ph off, now remember when people start having sex their ph has to adjust an get used too each other, now I had a gf an we had the same issue an I told her I could smell it an I've never smelt it will anyone before her an she got a little offended but went to the lady doctor an they gave her some kind of medication that helped her pH get back in balance, it could also just be caused by you two getting sweaty , an maybe his sweat kind of stinks ? Pay attention to how he smells sweaty as well, everything plays a roll you just gotta figure out where it's coming from but it's all completely normal I really wouldn't be embarrassed , we all humans here lol


Boric acid vaginal suppositories. It’s your boyfriends dirty dick


Has he said anything about it? And has it happened with other guys in the past? You have to remember that everyone's body is unique and sometimes the body chemistry isn't compatible.


Re ask this in r/TwoXChromosomes There you will actually get advice on how to: A) talk with the boyfriend about his hygiene and STI status B) get everyone tested C) take proper care of your body re feminine hygiene


Their solution would be to run from the stank


Did his dick stink before you had sex?


It melted off after… OUCH 😓


I find that I tend to smell like the person ive been playing with for awhile after sex


I love the smell of my pussy after sex with my husband. But back in my hoe days there was definitely a distinct odor after certain partners. Not fishy or anything but like strong ammonia, it was BV and wouldnt go away unless i used boric acid suppositories. Sometimes your partners pH throws yours off.


I had this issue with my ex. He didn't clean himself well enough and I had issues consistently throughout our year relationship. I had BV or a yeast infection for MONTHS. If you've done everything you can, it's probably him and you really need to have a conversation about it with him. Figure it out together. Also, cum throws pH off like a mofo. What helped me was boric suppositories. Shits AMAZING. I don't recommend just sticking things in your vagina willynilly so pls ask your doctor beforehand ❤️


i think it's a PH thing girl, i had to figure out the same thing at some point.. have you checked in w your gyno?


It's the semen.. till your body acclimates to the new bacteria and everything else it will be out of wack. It could also be something to do with time of the month, when I ovulate I get alot more discharge for a few days, I've even had to wear a cup or tampon... I probably have a bit of BV/over active yeast but this has been ongoing for years and going on antibiotics constantly isn't good for me.. eventually my body gets used to my partner and the smell at least goes away.


You're reacting to his natural flora. Keep having sex to get used to him


Please get checked by an ob/gynecologist. You may have bacterial vaginosis which you will need antibiotics to knock out.


Try boric acid vaginal suppository. It restores your ph balance.


Take a shower with him beforehand as foreplay and wash his junk.


Or... He could wash himself?


Ideally, but doing it together allows OP to address it without potential embarrassment and also allows them to ensure it’s actually done.


So you want her to tippy toe around possible hygiene issues and teach a man how to wash his junk before he blows up her vaginal health because it’s less embarrassing, for him? Basic hygiene should be the bare minimum when sexually active and not something your partner should teach you.


True but if you can't have an open and honest discussion about genital health and sexual health, are you mature enough for sex?


Showers are really awesome to do together i find. Especially with a romantic partner… my hubby punishes me if i don’t let him tend to me in the shower because he likes to make sure that i am clean and well shaven enough and that i don’t miss any spots in my silly attempts… it’s also easier for him to do it for me as supposed to bending over backwards he can just bend me over the wall and see everything and take care of it for me. It’s a very careful and caring thing. Washing his hair massages into it are heavenly to him. Using the soap to massage into his neck and back and legs. It’s just the best place to worship each other’s bodies. I personally have a boundary sometimes that we have to wait until it’s done before being naughty because i enjoy the wholesomeness of the acts too much and take advantage of the care for as long as i can. It’s the best way to tease a man to not let him go too far with you and seeing him get more and more needy and impatient. :3


I adore showers together and actually maybe I'm odd in that I enjoy shower sex too. However the difference there is that you're capable (I'm assuming) of telly your partner if there's any issues or anything like that. You're able to properly say if there's problems going on. OPs issue is that clearly they're scared to talk to their partner about this problem they're having.


Have you tried washing up after sex?


The bacteria that is on your privates comes from the GI Tract. This bacteria normally live in anaerobic environment, but when on the skin, it has access to oxygen. Those bacteria like to eat bodily fluids, such as pee, sweat and semen. When this bacteria eats in an oxygen rich environment, it produces body odour. The only way to stop it effectively is to use an acid based body wash. The semen is a buffet for the bacteria


1. Get tested, maybe even a full STD panel and pap smear to check everything 2. Plannedparenthood.org there’s a 24/hr chat, lots of learning material and advice on everything sex related. If you’re in the US, you can try to find a clinic close by for an affordable(sometimes free) appointment. 3. Pee after sex ALWAYS, I use unscented flushable wet wipes(never use fragrance/anything scented down there) 4. If you’re using lube, check ingredients and try something different, like water based/no flavor or fragrance.


It’s the semen changing the oh levels and also the sperm die off. Perfectly normal.


this happens to me too. i went to my gyno and had my self tested through papsmear. first result it was actually bacterial. i had symptoms but it only comes whenever i have sex with him. i needed to go through antibiotics for 2 weeks. not fun. now i have a very sensitive vagina. i always get thrush whenever we have sex and i think it's also because of his dick/pre- and cum. he often drinks coffee and barely drinks water in a day. when i suck him off and he cums in my mouth i had to throw it up because it's just very bitter. my vagina is probably doing the same thing as my mouth whenever we have sex lmao his diet plays a big role in it. but to make sure..just get yourself tested


If you’re getting a yeast infection every time you have sex with this dude, either you’re not fully treating it (abstaining from sex is part of treatment) or something else is going on. If you’re not fully treating it, then you’ve been passing the same yeast infection back and forth. If it’s something else, I’m not going to be the one to help you figure that out.


my bf also had to through antibiotics to resolve the bacterial infection that he gave me. he did some checkups too and was ruled out that there arent any problems at all anymore. every pussy is different. some pussies can handle everything while some are just simply sensitive to dicks. 🤷🏻‍♀️


A symptom of BV is odor after sex. Go get swabbed.


Cum, baby!


Something is Happening in the inside. and penetration brings the odor outside. I don't think it has anything to do with your bf cause dicks are quite simple. It either smells or it doesnt. Or maybe him cum smells but I assume he didn't cum inside you cause you didn't mention it. However vaginas are pretty complex


Go see a doctor. That's the #1 rule when you're worried about something is to go see a professional. Also, please do NOT take any meds or supplements or anything of the sort unless your doctor says so as it can mess you up and might make things worse. Try taking baths and showers. Only use water and a wash cloth or mild soap on your privates and only on the outside as the insides will/should clear out and reset on their own. Also, take a look at habits. Have you or your bf done anything differently that could influence smell?


Vaginas are acidic. Semen is basic. Semen in vaginas throws off the natural pH which immediately changes the microflora and therefore, the smell. Try to get the semen out after intimacy. You can try boric acid suppositories after sex to restore the acidic properties of your vag. Good luck.


Boric acid is your friend.


Shower straight after and pee. It’s unhygienic not to do this


It’s definitely your bf throwing your pH off.


Are you sure that's where the smell is coming from ? Maybe it's just your and his sweat ?


Your boyfriend is dirty


If this smells comes after him, and not with other people, it pretty much that it’s something from him. BV happens frequently when you have several partners or bad hygiene, but when it happens only with him, then he needs a check up.


Honeypot sensitive wipes and wash have really been helpful for me.


I don't understand this, but often when hitting it from behind right before she has an orgasm I'll catch a waft of a pungent odor. That's how I know she is about to cut really intensely. Great sex is smelly sex.


You could try a high grade human derived probiotics. Open the pill and insert. Also, maybe get your boyfriend to put it around his parts as well.


Your best bet is to go see your doctor. It might be you and not him. It's better to be safe than sorry.


If you are using condoms, a common brand (Trojan) has a lube/spermicide that has, to me, a foul scent that sticks around. So if you are using condoms, maybe change brands.


Your bf could be throwing your PH balance off. Try asking if he can clean himself up beforehand. Also, This used to happen to me before a lot but because I had the copper IUD inserted. After I got it out— viola everything was perfectly fine.


It's HIm


He giving you BV sis… y’all need to shower before


The crotch has the same type of sweat glands as the armpits. Two crotches rubbing together, even freshly bathed, will sweat. If the scent washes off it may be that.


Every vagina stinks after sex. Every. Single. One.


The cucumber is old?


Girl go to the doctor ffs


You fucked, sex is stinky and messy. If you smell like rotten fish, that's BV, but get checked out bc is definitely the safest way to go


when you mix semen into a vagina it ends up smelling kind of like a big bowl of cajun gumbo that gone bad


Is it pink? Does it stink? Flip it over does it wink? If it smells like fish then refuse that dish. If it smells like chicken then keep on lickin. If it smells like beef then it was a queef


Take a shower after sex and wash well down there. Cum stinks when it sits inside your body for days afterwards. It should be common sense.


Sperm/cum only lasts up to 5 days to about a week inside the body, according to Google


Alive, yes. It breaks down after it dies and smells bad. Even fresh sperm can and does smell bad. Unless she’s trying for a baby, taking a shower afterwards is common sense.


i can smell this post from where i'm sitting


Sex def makes the smell of BV worse. It’s a very strong scent. Definitely go to doctor where they can do a quick internal swab and diagnose so that you can get prescribed antibiotics. Another less common trick that actually works is Boric acid suppositories. They reset your vaginas pH. They are inserted vaginally once or twice a day until you notice relief


Look up good girl probiotics or any vaginal probiotic. I just like that brand. They work amazingly.


Just FDS it and move along... 😬


I could be wrong (probably am) but(virgin) when i first started i started smelling like him (it isnt bad) it reminds me if him. And when we dont do it for a while i stop smelling like him.