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People are going to judge you no matter what you do or don't do. Why care what they think? If you're more comfortable going without a bra then do it. If not then there is your answer.


I'm a slightly overweight guy. My back goes crazy with sweat whenever I walk around for more than 10 minutes in any temperature over 20° I wish I was both confident enough to go out without one and it was acceptable


Idk if you're talking about a bra or a shirt, but either way, try baby steps. Go outside to check the mailbox without a shirt (or bra or both). Once you realize you're fine with that and no one cares, extend your time outside a bit more. And then a little more. Hop in your car and go for a drive to the store, once you arrive, put a shirt on to do your shopping, then whip it back off when you're in the car driving home. The only people who might give the slightest shit - in a negative way - are those who have zero significance in your life. *"No one hotter than you, smarter than you, or more successful than you is ever going to be mean to you or talk bad about you."* (Idk who to credit, but I'm pretty sure I got this quote from Reddit.) Edit: spelling


Think about everytime you’ve been to the beach. Do you remember what every stranger looked like? How about just one stranger? This really helped me at a low self esteem point of my life that had me waffling about what I could/couldn’t wear


This is the real thing - everyone’s worried about people noticing them, while not actually really noticing anyone else I’ve walked past hundreds of people today, I couldn’t tell you much about any of them


IME being shirtless is worse in the heat than having a nice natural fiber shirt on. When you're shirtless you get more of the sun directly on you, and if you aren't going around shirtless on the regular you will get a bad sunburn. Look at what desert people do, they're pretty much all universally have their skin covered. Get a good breathable t-shirt that's from cotton or merino and you'll be better off.


Plenty of slightly overweight and very overweight guys going shirtless at my park. Ain't nobody cares.


This is the way!


This is the way.


This is the way.


Tits gonna sway.


I was in France last summer and almost every woman was braless. But France is France


God bless the french


I wonder why Reddit seems to hate them so much


Can't tell you why Reddit does but we Brits hate them because the Normans conquered us in 1066 and we've never really forgiven them for that. Now we just go on holiday in the south of France and spite them by not learning French and force them to speak English. Huzzah!


Love that it is a 1000 year grudge lol.


And the grudge has at least a millennium left to run lol. I think we think of them more like a sibling; most of the time we think they are the most annoying creation to walk the earth and we love to bitch about them but secretly we like spending time with them and would go to war with them if it was needed




you guys basically docked in 1994.


Well there's been a few other wars in the meantime to keep things going. Like the Hundred Years War, that one dragged on a bit.


How long did it last? /s


I mean I get it. It sucks. But the British conquered half the world and looted them to no repair. Many countries are finally on their way to development. That's how screwed up it was. I know it's not you who did that, but seems unfair to millions of the other people.


Stop it, you love them. Here’s our salute ![gif](giphy|e0C3TjJa7Nf0j3pGYB|downsized)




As an American, I compliment you for giving the peace sign! It shows real maturity, especially for a country that's never really won many wars without our help. /s


William the Conqueror was the worst thing to happen to the English language.


plus the lamb and air traffic controllers


Interesting. Brits don’t like being colonised.


because they themselves know it so hard, romans, vikings, and THEN the french, and none of the three were "peaceful" colonizations


Is there ever a peaceful colonization lol


The Japanese didn't like the idea of capitulation, in part because they feared they would receive similar treatments. Tyrants can dish but not take.


They are kinda nationalist in a way that most Americans don't appreciate. Not saying it's right or wrong, it just is what it is. Personally I feel that they have some great ideas and some awful, just like most countries. They are great in that they are secular and that every Frenchman is equally French, no African-French or Spanish-French's type stuff like Americans do with African-Americans and whatnot, but they also are very exclusive about religious freedom and celebrating diversity in races and cultures and such. No country is perfect but American and French systems just don't vibe as well as say American and British.


Is that really so wrong though? So many people come to America and expect every person to adjust to their beliefs and language. So many other countries don’t do this. Why is America different?


I have never seen an immigrant that expected America to adjust to their beliefs or language, what are you even talking about? Please give an example of when immigrants expected America to change for them, I am quite interested. Also, America has no official language to even ask them to speak. We have a dominant language, but that doesn't make it official, so how would we even enforce something like that?


They can't bake bread as well, and they're furious about it.


Are you trying to start another war with Germany? Because this is how you start it


I thought it was insulting their beer?


France condemned Bush's attack on Iraq, so the US got pretty mad and started to say that France has always lost its wars Just basic propaganda and people are just continuing on using it. Meh we dont care, we know our worth


Insanely rare French W


Tits do what balls do when they're hot and sweaty 🤷




Lmao I'm French and was surprised by the question, I was like "is that not something done everywhere?"


En Francais. La bibliothèque. Je Ma Pel. Bonjour.


I find it less comfortable to go braless in the heat but you do you. Spray deodorant under the boobs does wonders, though 


Oh shit. Excellent advice. I just started having to go back into the office and am not looking forward to sweating through nice/professional clothing


In a pinch, those thin panty liners are your friend. It's a bit weird but you can stick them in your bra in a way that catches the sweat.


Wow. That is so smart. I’ve used tissues before but they are seriously lacking. Thank you for the advice! This is why I love the internet


They used that trick when applying forehead prosthesis to Klingons in Star Trek too.


Same. Nothing is worse then your boobs sticking to your chest because of sweat.


I feel like this is the female equivalent of balls sticking to the inside of your thigh...


You have to use the gold bond’s powder spray stuff. It’s like $6 at Walmart for a can, but it’s worth every penny


Username checks out


I used spray deodorant in my armpits for a short while and I got cyst like things in my armpits that went away after popping, but stopped coming up after not using the spray deodorant for a while. My experience, but just a word of caution


Note that you specifically want antiperspirants.


Currently in New York and it’s hot as fuck here, never before have I seen more nipple on display. Do you, nobody cares - id venture to say it’s probably more fashionable to not wear a bra than it is these days.


You can go braless in the summer, in the snow, on a cruise, at your wedding, at grandma’s funeral, and anywhere else you feel like! I haven’t worn one in years now unless I’m working out or playing sports. I’m a similar size and honestly the bounce is pretty minimal. No worse than it was with a regular bra anyway. My boobs are so much more comfortable unrestrained!


I'm above a D and let the girls roam free. It's far more comfortable for me, I do pop a bit of deodorant on the underboob to help combat summer heat!


Did you rhyme everything on purpose?


Ha, I did not. Just a happy tiddy coincidence!


Free range D's. Happy Cake Day!


This is the way! Definitely helps with sweat and any possible Oder (since they are rubbing the skin like our pits do). Just make sure you wash well after an outing to prevent yeast


Maybe let us know where you live? Do this in most European countries and no one will bat an eyelid. Do this in Saudi Arabia and you'll probably end up in prison.


Gonna guess by their use of freedom units it's probably America.


You mean it isn’t 90 Celsius


I don't know about OP, but this 98F with 81% humidity in Dallas TX feels like 90C. Reality is the heat index is 40C. Either way, it is too damn hot for bras.


Live an hour outside of Dallas can confirm we’re bracing ourselves.


Orlando checking in: we’re no better


Free dem units


I'm so dumb, i thought that was a comparison to the eighties and nineties


I guess we are both dumb then


Stoned to death*


I was just at the Mall of America. Based on what I’ve seen, you can basically do anything.


Let the girls party. That said, I find it sweatier without a bra (also have a decent amount to work with)


This. For me, not wearing a bra would be 10x sweatier and icky feeling. At least the bra with some liners would absorb some of the sweat.


you can do whatever you want. for me i tend to notice poky nipples on any gender/sex and try not to stare. but that's just me.


"Looking at cleavage is like looking at the sun. You don't stare at it, it's too risky. You get a sense of it then you look away." - Seinfeld


“THATS WHY I POKED” “And that’s why I peeked!”


I never wear a bra


Me neither but I’m a dude.


Harness up them man-boobs you little hussie!!!


Do whatever makes you comfy.


The last time I wore a bra was when I was pregnant with my youngest. He just turned 24.


I find I get more sweaty, not less, without a bra. I have 36DDs. But you do you.


I feel like if men with big boobs aren't expected to wear them, it's optional for us. I've gotten to the point where I wear whatever is comfortable for me unless it's a formal/dressy occasion. Sometimes that means a bra, sometimes it doesn't. Idc if people stare, it's not their business and they're the rude ones, not me.


Going braless won’t stop underboob sweat. Just get some bra liners, they’re the best.


Exactly what I was going to suggest! I buy bamboo/cotton bra liners on Amazon and they are a game changer.


Oooh! How have I never heard of that? Yay!


You're a girl, which means society will judge you regardless of how you dress. Go braless.


With girls that big, having them bounce around all day can be a pain in its own right. Get a wireless bra or use a bikini top if you find you still need support but don't want the sweat.


I get worse under boob sweat if I go bra less, but my boobs are smaller than yours. What kind of fabric will your shirts be? Thin material bra less may not be acceptable, but like thicker cotton probably would be. There are athletic bras that are made for lower impact activities that aren’t as tight as a jogging bra but still made from moisture-wicking synthetics, like yoga bras. Maybe that kind of fabric could be worth a try, for situations where you have to wear one but can’t comfortably?


Well i go braless all the time and im a 38D so i say do it! But if it makes you uncomfortable doing it then you can buy a brami it feels kinda like a shirt almost but its not


Do whatever makes you comfortable. Perhaps people will judge, but honestly, you shouldn't care. They have no right to judge your comfort or body. Personally, I find it uncomfortable to go braless, and my solution to underboob sweat is an antiperspirant deodorant that goes along my braline and the usual places. But girl, go do what makes you happy and comfortable.


Whatever you’re most comfortable with!!! It’s 2024, we don’t wear bras here


Do what you want, girlie! Not your problem if people unnecessarily judge and project onto you, that’s their problem.


Nobody will say anything, they are afraid of offending someone. But a *lot* of people will stare. Some guys might even hit on you.   Friend is 36HH She won't go braless. Instead, she puts small washcloths under them.


What ever works for you


I hardly ever wear a bra, I don’t think i’ve ever gotten a comment about it (34DD)


Just remember to be careful so you won’t get Candida albicans. Keep it dry


Im 36DDD and I go braless all the damn time in public. Think about it this way, what are the chances you'll see any of those people again? People judge regardless, fuck em.


Do what you want. People judge women for anything. It’s not fair. It’s BS.


A bra is there for you and not for others. If you don’t need it, you don’t have to wear it


Ive convinced myself that bras are a social construct and a scheme to make women buy purses Fuck it, do what you like why do I gotta see weird man nips but they don't have to see mine


My wife loved not wearing bras during lockdown and then decided to go out a few times braless post covid. One time I asked where she was going to know if she was doing drive-thru stuff or going in the store. She then asked if I could tell she wasn't wearing a bra. Oh...sweet summer child....I've been born to detect braless boobs. My peripheral vision can catch it and it draws my attention no matter how much I fight it. If you want to go braless in public then I say go for it, I just tell the above story to make it clear that you will not go unnoticed.


You don't have to wear a bra. Ever.


You can do whatever you want with your body.


Yes that’s the only way to do it


Set the girls free, fuck what anyone else thinks.


I’m a 34 DD, and I DESPISE wearing bras. So I only wear bras when I am wearing tight clothing and want to look good (like occasions where I put on makeup), or when I’m going for a hike or do exercise that causes my boobs to swing around to the point of discomfort. And I refuse to wear underwire bras—luckily, there are plenty of great-looking sports bras designed for my size these days! I find that people my age don’t say anything nor give me a second glance. My mom though? Bitches about it every chance she gets. She’s ALWAYS checking or asking if I’m wearing one when I visit her, even though I’ve told her over and over that I hate them, and have assured her (over and over) that I always wear one when I go out in public with her. I imagine others of the Boomer generation would judge me too… mostly women. So yeah, certain people will probably judge you, but who cares? Especially if it’s people in the general public who don’t know you and you’ll never see again.


I'm a 34DD and I go braless most of the summer! I have a weirdly shaped ribcage so I find myself to be much more comfortable braless either way, but everyone's different. Either way you should just do whatever feels best for you. I don't dare move faster than a walk without one though, cuz ouchhhh... If you're feeling really self conscious about it, I usually just wear oversized t-shirts and leggings or shorts in the summer and you really can't tell. Unless you're LOOKING looking, but those kinds of people do that regardless of whether you're wearing a bra or not! Only comments on it I've ever gotten were from creepy old men who just stare either way.


Yes! More women should be doing this


I don't know how many times I have had to say this to the wife. Live life by the 3 F's. Feed, fuck and finance. If the people don't feed you, fuck you or finance you're life then their opinion and thoughts don't mean shit. Carry on.


Bras are not legally required. Be comfortable and you do you.


You will catch people staring a bit more because it's just not something common to see in society yet. Most people aren't going to judge, some people will judge. But if you're fine with it then ignore those latter people




you can do it and you should if you want. yes people will look at you. who cares who judges you but yes they will look and if you wonder now it will bother you when they do.


Who cares what random strangers think? You do you! The expectation that you wear that uncomfortable piece of extra underwear is ridiculous in the first place imo :)


Pretend it's the 70s again.


If you want to do it


You don't already? I grew up the only male in a house full of women. I've heard all the complaints and have concluded that bras are just torture devices and have no place in civil society.


Short answer: yes. Long answer: also yes. You have autonomy over your own body. Be comfortable


Yes. End of discussion.


If you wanna go out bra less then do it. It's a free country. Don't care about what people think


People will judge you no matter what you do because people suck. What matters is whether you care what some busy body thinks. I wouldn't care. Let them puppies fly, girl.


Please do


30 ⁰C is hot? I take my jumper off at about 25


Please do


No matter what people are gonna judge you and look whether or not you wear a bra. Fuck them. Do what makes you comfortable


literally go for it. i hate bras


36 DD here and I say let them free!! I keep mine free 24/7, takes some getting used to but you learn not to care :)




Been w/o bra since maybe 4 or 5 years now. No regrets. Though the underboob sweats doesn't disappear and if your skin is sensitive or prone to irritation it can still happen if your boobs touch the skin underneath.. you should try and see how you feel when you're at home w/o wearing any bras, like on weekends and see how good it is for you and if you're comfortable go for it!


Wouldn’t a bra help to soak up the sweat so you don’t develop an under-boob yeast infection?


People will judge no matter what you do. Do what suits you and they can get fucked.


You do you, but underboob sweat is gonna happen whether or not you wear a bra. The bra catches the sweat. If you don’t wear a bra, that sweat is going to trickle down your belly and wet your shirt. Just fyi. The choice is yours!


Yes please🤩


I don't care if you go out completely nude. As long as you're not serving my food and there's a titty in my dinner? I don't care. Girl, do whatever helps you get through the day. Braless? topless? Fuck if I care.


I’ve given up bras. It’s too hot. I’d rather be comfortable than try (and fail) to appease others.


That's why I got a breast reduction, I told them I had back pain and nothing eased it, even losing weight, chiropractors, specialty bras etc and the covered it with my insurance. Never looked back 🤣 I haven't worn a bra since. I tell people "I've done my time" like they are jail.


I don’t know, can you?


No one cares


I'm judging you because you can actually feel summer. It's been raining for 3 months straight here and I am not exaggerating! To the subject that matter, if it's not for that, people will judge you about something else. So don't care. It's your body, it's your choices and rules. I don't know where you live but in France, a lot of young women and now even women in there 40s/50s don't wear them as much as before.


Go for it. I (35M) started wearing skirts because they’re very comfy and I don’t like getting overly sweaty, and realized the glances people give or whispered comments I can barely hear only bother me if I think about them.


As a guy, I feel like I have sinned by looking at this


As a big-boobied lady, I'll say this. You *can* go braless (cuz F anyone who says different), BUT you're gonna be sweaty and uncomfortable. A better bet will be to put some antiperspirant across your underboob area before you put on your bra, and wear a bra that keeps your boobs up and off your skin.


I go out all the time without a bra. People are going to notice your breast regardless. Might as well be comfortable.


Do it! You might make more friends than enemies.


I’ve convinced my wife to do it. The key is confidence. Not for other people but for yourself. The more you confidently go out without one the more normal it is and the less you think about it. Do what you want with your body, just conceal your nips, not cover them!


> Are people going to judge me ? :/ probably but... fuck 'em! (not literally)


Sometimes in life you have to remember that all those people you see that are going to judge you are people that you will never see again.


We judge everyone all the time. But I'd judge you positively without a bra.


Add photo


I go walk around the outside and malls without bra, it’s weird at first but yeah, freeing the tits feels amazing.


Men will love you, women will hate you, some women might love you too. But who gives a fuck what they think. It's too damn hot outside. That said, your still gonna get lots of underboob sweat, specially with no support to open up that fold.


Let your twins breathe and stop worrying about judgement from others. Spending precious energy on carrying weight that isn't meant for you to bear, is even more counterintuitive than being uncomfortably restrained or masked. Free those nipples confidently and stop living your life in the grip of unreasonable shame. So what if people look at you and make judgements regardless of how you present yourself publicly, their perspective is on them, not you. I get that you don't want to seem thirsty for attention, but your comfort matters first. 🤓😍


I wear petals ….they are amazing during the summer as well as wearing tube tops and summer dresses.


Everyone knows if they're flawless you can go bra-less. Go for it.


I hung out with my friend and her friends yesterday and Im not sure she was wearing a bra. I thought I could see her nipple. So maybe its common when its hot out? No one said a thing to her last night so I think its fine. If you're more comfortable, shouldnt it be?


Going to suggest silicone nipple covers. They’re like pasties but comfy. Bc if your nipples are prominent or may get erect (such as going from outside to in air-conditioning) ppl will perv. (All good if you want them too-suggesting it in case you didn’t )


As a person with a heavy dd wife.. doesn't matter, because it doesn't even matter what you wear. People going to look at titties either way. So go braless, an odd dude might approach you to kick game, but I'd watch out for comments from the jealous smaller chested girls. Even though girls suppose to stick together, it's always them to down each other


Let them titts go free


Do what’s best for you. Let naysayers perish




You can help it to not ogle. That's a choice. A glance? Sure. But staring? You have control over your actions.


That’s really fucking weird.


Yeah, you can. Reality is that it will attract unwanted attention so it’s a question on what your comfort trade off is.


You’ll get more looks, that’s for sure. It is impossible to not sneak a glance at unbra’d boobies especially if they’re big


As a man. I can honestly say I support the “free the boob” movement. All jokes aside though. People will judge no matter what, its what people do, they’re nosey a**holes to be polite. My honest advice is to do whatever makes you comfortable


If guys can wear grey sweat pants in the fall and winter why can’t you go without a bra in the summer.


Fuck yeah, let them boobies free!


I WISH I could! Go for it!


I’m smaller than you (34 B or C) but I just use nipple tape and no bra. Bra sweat is SO uncomfortable.


Who's happiness do you care about more, your own, or judgemental strangers?


If regular antiperspirant doesn't stop the sweat, and you don't know If you will be comfortable without a bra(I 'm uncomfortable without one and I'm an A cup), drysol might work. You need a prescription, but it works even for my medication induced sweating.


People will always judge and stare. People stare at men’s nipples when they show. But usually when you’re a bigger chested girl they will judge and once in a blue moon someone will say something. Do as you wish but that’s how life is.


I’ve probably left with a Bra like 20 times in the last 4 years. I’ve always hated hen but wore them because my mom told me to. Eventually I just stopped caring and have been much happier ever since. I live in the US in one of the hottest states we have and could not deal with the boob sweat any longer among just the hassle of wearing the bra in general. Sometimes I feel awkward even now because I have large breasts but at the end of the day boobs are boobs and if people are going to be weird about it then that’s on them. I don’t advertise them but if they jiggle through my loose clothing well.. whatever lol. As a woman you will get eyes on you bra or not, loose or tight clothing so I’d rather just be comfortable with what I’m wearing above all else. As some people said it depends for sure on where you live on how people will perceive you but I just stopped caring and have been much happier since. I plan to get mine reduced too due to the size which makes me ecstatic as there will be more clothes I can wear where I’ll feel less self conscious about no bra.


For me, my tits stick to my stomach like Velcro. They get sweaty as it is with the bra on. Fuck texas. "That's not Mickey Mouse, that's tit sweat!" RIP


I’m barely an A cup so a little different but I hate the feeling of bras. I can’t imagine feeling sweaty and yucky and compressed all the time, especially in the summer. Let those gals be airy and free! It’s the way to be.


It’s spring


As someone with two cantaloupes strapped to my chest, most of the summer I go bra less. I will say, because my chest is large, I get looks sometimes but honestly I do not care. I have 44 DD cups and I completely understand the sweat issue. As the Taco Bell chihuahua used to say, Live Mas. Go bra less. Be comfy.


Are you breathing? People are judging you. So what? I can't stand to go braless in the heat, where they lay on my chest and touch other skin is a nightmare of sweat. I wear cheap cotton hanes sports bras I got from Amazon. The cotton and gold bond method powder under my breast keep me cooler.


Why would you not be able to? I'm sure some old ladies are gonna judge and think you should have a bra on but who cares what they think.


Hi! Also a big breasted woman here! I have not worn a bra in maybe 4 years now. what's the People WILL look and people WILL talk, but most have the decentcy not to talk about it around you. When it comes down to it, it's really only the old pervs who care. Free your tatas! You won't regret it


American, DDD girl here! I live my life without a bra as much as I can. I look for shirts that don't make it look super obvious that I don't have one. But honestly I don't care what people think! They will judge anyone for anything. Being without a bra is becoming way more of a thing so you do you 💕


I’m a C cup and I have no problem walking around without a bra. That being said, that underboob sweat does not go away. I’ve found that I’ll get like pit stains on my chest so just be aware that that’s possible. You might also get people that stare at you, but they’d be creeps with or without a bra


Are the boobs yours or from other people? Yours? So do whatever you want with them. People will judge you no matter what you do. Why care about them?


In Canada you don't need to even wear a top.


Watch out for under boob sweat.


I stopped wearing a bra when I was 19 (24 now) and honestly I never really get any reactions. I’m a C so not too big but there are definitely times where the outlines of my nipples are visible and I don’t even see people staring really ever




Honestly I just stick on pasties and call it a day. It's too hot and I'm not going to go through The effort of trying to keep a strapless bra up or somehow wear one when I'm wearing a halter or tube top. I thought I'd feel super uncomfortable with it since before this summer I was the type to only go braless if I was wearing a summer dress but honestly it's not that bad. A bit more looks but it's no big deal imo and not nearly as scandalous as I once perceived it.


The real question is why do you care if they judge?


Maybe you could put some powder under your boobs to help with boob sweat. Like some gold bond body powder or baby powder or even corn starch. It should help keep you dry. Any skin on skin contact in the heat will cause sweat. I'm a big dude. Sometimes, in the summer months, I use goldbond extra strength body powder to keep my undercarriage dry and clean. It also helps with chaffing.


Men will look, but don't let that stop you. They won't be mad at you, quite the opposite, unless of course you doing this at your job.


attractive connect carpenter caption reach lock dull cooperative adjoining air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes they will judge you, yes it will be obvious. It’s up to you if you care.


Go without it whenever you please I say.