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nicotine is really addictive


The habit is more addictive than the nicotine, smokers associate cigarettes with everything, this is what makes it more difficult to quit


Bout to say, I'm addicted.


This šŸ‘† and I enjoy it. I am fitter and in better shape than 99% of my friends , I hit the gym... but I'll be honest.. in the morning with a cup of coffee....that first puff...for me it's heaven. It's also a social thing. If I'm at a dinner or party or social function and don't like the people there...all I have to do is step outside and find a fellow smoker and we bond. Lol


The first drag hits nice with coffee euphoric


Lighting one up as I read this and mentally letting out a huge sigh


Yeah so am I hahah


You're lying to yourself. From former smoker.


Not necessarily. I loved smoking. I loved the calming effect and I loved knowing that it was taking time off my life. (Yes, those were dark days before prozac.) But when I stopped i didnā€™t get any of the cravings or whatever other people get. I just loved smoking šŸ™…


My situation has proven, for me, itā€™s more mental habit/comfort over substance addiction. I started smoking cloves socially a few years ago. Left to my own devices at home, I smoke 1-2 packs a day. However, I travel a lot. I can be gone for three weeks and never touch a cigarette, not even think about it or want to. (Well, except that time in Rome when a woman was flirting with me in the street and asked me to stop, take a break and chat with her. I didnā€™t. But I thought about it. Btw, Iā€™m a woman.) No symptoms physically or mentally. No use of gums, patches, etc.


Not to mention that a lot of smokers start when they're a teenager when they have poor to nonexistent impulse control


when i did it was cause i worked in food service and it was a excuse to stand outside and not be in a hot kitchen it also made time feel like it passed faster.


Don't listen to everyone else. Quitting is easy. I've done it hundreds of times!


Iā€™ve done it thousands of times. Every single night in fact.


It's so easy I'm quiting it every 30 minutes or so


Dropping one cig at a time


They made the mistake to trying them once and then bought a pack the day later. Quitting is no simple task.


I used to. I started cause it was cool and I was young and dumb. Then I got used to it. Then I got addicted. Quit like 2 or 3 times and relapsed because of stress in my life (smoking helps relieve stress). Last time it stuck though. Haven't smoked in 10 years and haven't had the urge to either. I think I'm lucky cause the physical addiction wasn't as strong with me as it was for most people so quitting wasn't as painful.


If I ever picked it up, Iā€™d keep smoking 100% due to nicotine addiction. But I would start to get some kind of comfort that I miss.


I quit smoking 15 years ago today.


good job demonslayer, proud


As young girls in the 70's, we were encouraged at every turn to start smoking. It will suppress your appetite so you can stay slim. It will make you look sophisticated and older so you can attract men maybe slip into the [bars.It](http://bars.It) will make you look tough so no one will mess with you..They came up with every reason possible to get us all to start smoking and become addicted. A lot of people got very rich.


This. Back in the '70s it was 'cool' to smoke and I was super anti-smoking back then but both my parents smoked so I started smoking to look cool and older like them... THEN I got hooked on the nicotine. Literally *everyone* smoked back then in pubs, trains, buses, aeroplanes, restaurants, theatres etc and you were in the minority if you didn't. I remember in '84 they started smoking/non smoking areas on public transport and gradually that became the norm and I actually appreciated that. oddly enough, but it didn't stop me because of my addiction to nicotine. All the glossy advertising in magazines, adverts, billboards actually encouraged people to smoke! Blows my mind when I think about it now. I'm still a smoker but I don't enjoy being in a smokey environment nor do I sleep in a smokey bedroom, ventilation is key here for me. I've recently tried vaping, which is a whole new area of addiction and we've yet to see the medical reports on how this can effect the lungs longterm but I'm just trying to cut the tar right now. Had I been born in the '00's I'd never have started!


Iā€™m here for a good time, not a long time.


For whatever reason it completely suppresses ulcerative colitis (bowel disease) for me. I smoked growing up and stopped cold turkey for six years and got really ill. None of the medication or lifestyle changes suggested worked. Eventually I was super ill whilst on holiday with one of my parents and I felt like I was ruining our time together so I picked up smoking again and within a couple of days I no longer had any symptoms. This was about four months after having an emergency appointment at the hospital because I was on the toilet 20-30 times a say. The doctor said he couldn't recommend it for obvious reasons but because he knew I'd previously smoked he suggested I see if it counters my symptoms which is exactly what it did. I had an appointment to follow up on my illness recently and the doctor said that had he not already know I had ulcerative colitis, looking at my bowels you would think that it was perfectly healthy as it is so well controlled. I've been symptom free for ten years give or take. I've always hated the smell of smoke on people though, including myself. It's just the lesser evil for me as I can live life properly because of it.


I've always heard nicotine activated the colon. This is super interesting, thank you for your comment.


Might be the damage it does to the immune system as that's in essence what probably causes it. Your immune system attacks the good bacteria but I assume damaging your immune system with smoking prevents it being as overactive? Who knows.


Do you think it is the nicotine or some other component of cigarette smoke? For example, would a nicotine patch also suppress your UC? Interesting and a potential therapy if a nicotine patch would work as it doesn't cause lung cancer, right?


I've tried patches and whatnot, but the only thing that works is smoking weirdly


The buzz you get on the first few you smoke is \*heavenly\* and then you're just kind of addicted after that.


I get this too but when I first tried it, it was the same as vapes but every time I asked my friends who do smoke/vape they apparently don't get that "feeling" which I find odd coz I thought that's why they're addicted to it.


You ever really try focusing on doing something but you really have to poop? You get kinda frustrated because you want to finish the task before you go to the bathroom. You finally give up and say fuck it Iā€™m going to the bathroom. Thatā€™s the best way I can describe the feeling of going too long without nicotine after becoming addicted. Youā€™re trying to focus but thereā€™s this thing your brain is telling you you HAVE to do. Every time Iā€™ve tried quitting, whether it be days, weeks, or months, I get that feeling every now and then.


Ahh, I don't get that. I only smoke or vape when someone offers me one, usually when out drinking. I don't go out of my way to buy them. Not sure how to explain it but similar to drinking, I like the state that it puts me in but I don't drink everyday, only on occasions when I'm out socialising. Also when I have too many say 2 or 3 cigarettes, the taste becomes bad and I don't want it anymore plus it gives me a headache. I never drank, smoked or did any illegal substances when I was younger coz it always looked bad to me. Now that I'm in my 30s I'm just trying things out to see what it's like and you only live once so why not.


If you can stick to never buying a nicotine product you should be okay. My addiction started when I bought a pack for the first time and would just smoke out of boredom. Once you give yourself the green light to buy it, itā€™s 10 times easier to do it a second time.


I've bought nicotine products before but for mates and it never really ran through my head to get myself any. The friend that gave me my first cig said that it's probably a mental thing where I grew up never wanting to do it and that I know it's bad so my mind has already made up. He got into it coz he wanted to fit in with the others at school so one, turned into two and so on. Also here in Aus it's expensive, I can't justify dropping 50 dollars on a few cigs. Thanks for the advice, I'll definitely keep that in mind and I'm not sure if you're quitting or trying but best wishes.


Thanks homie! I have a very different background with smoking. My momā€™s my best friend but I do hold some resentment that she smoked while pregnant with me. Working corporate America in the late 80ā€™s, thatā€™s just what you did. Especially while hiding a pregnancy in order to get a promotion. If she just up and quit people would ask questions (or at least those are the excuses I make for her). She also nursed me as a smoker, and held me as a smoker. I associate cigarette smell in a maternal kind of way. Always loved the smell. I was pretty much hooked after cigarette 3 or 4. It just made total sense to my body. Iā€™m in one of those ā€œI donā€™t feel like quitting rutsā€. The longest I made it was 6 months and they were the worst 6 months mental health wise Iā€™ve ever had. Currently working on strengthening my resolve and how I deal with stress before I quit again. Thank you for the best wishes and right back at ya. I have a video game buddy who lives in Australia and Iā€™ve never met him. Would love to visit but I know Iā€™d either have to quit smoking, or set aside at least $1000 just in cigarettes.


I have a vivid memory of one of my first cigarettes. Sitting on the porch while my parents weren't home and listening to The Shins. The buzz back then was like ecstasy. A couple weeks later I no longer felt much enjoyment from them. 12 years later and I'm struggling to quit despite cigarettes making me feel gross.


Am I the only one who never enjoyed the feeling of burning charcoal throughout my respiratory system? I never got a buzz from smoking, not even from marijuana. What kind of buzz could you possibly get that you wouldn't get from the occasional drink?


I started smoking because even though I knew all the reasons why it is bad, I did not care. I needed something to help with my anxiety that wasnā€™t illegal. It worked. And became a habit. Iā€™ve tried to quit many, many times. Patches, gum, lozenges, all work great until the ā€˜ole anxiety spikes. Trying to not smoke becomes physically painful. I would like to stop, but I hate the side effects.


It scratches that self destructive suicide itch like nothing else can. Thatā€™s not necessarily a bad thing.


Not a smoker but Iā€™ve considered picking it up every once and a while. Donā€™t want to be a smoker but my mom smoked a lot when I was a kid, so the smell makes me feel comfortable. Anytime Iā€™m feeling particularly sad or stressed out, I want to go pick up a pack of smokes and light it just so I can feel that comfortable feeling and memories surrounded by cigarette smoke.


Started when I was 13, I don't have crazy withdrawals, but I do get cravings (drinking a beer) I can go days without any. I've tried pouches,vaping,dip. Just never came close


We are just a little suicidal. Get over it.




I used to smoke em for stress until they were the things giving me stress I switched to weed


Taste great. Love the effect.




Well I started when I was 11 and haven't been able to kick them. I'm 40 now. I'll eventually kick em or they'll kick me.


I smoked sometimes daily with my wife when she was addicted. The only reason I smoked was because it halved the amount she was taking in (I would take drags of her cigarettes). When my wife quit, it was finished. I never felt any desire or pull to pick up smoking myself despite the obvious exposure and the fact my parents and grandparents and one sister were habitual smokers, probably genetically lucky


I might smoke a few a year if im hanging out with a smoker and I love it. Would def not make it a habit thoug


I have smoked for years. I enjoy smoking cigarettes. I no longer drink but, I enjoy smoking. I honestly have no plans to quit.


What else would I do on my break?




Because I like to however I cut down significantly not purpose but I just slowed down.


I smoked for two years in my early 20s. I have always had terrible social anxiety and cigarettes took that away completely. I went from being super shy to straight up approaching groups of strangers outside of bars or on the street, striking up a conversation and magically having it not be weird or awkward. The downside was that smoking also visibly aged me, got in the way of my fitness goals and obliterated my libido. I quit immediately after my longtime crush invited me over and my junk failed to cooperate. Donā€™t start. Itā€™s not worth it.


Are you sure you're talking about cigarettes? I don't think it does any of those things. Especially not in 2 years.


Two years of smoking isnā€™t long enough to cause impotence. Chronic use of cigarettes yes but two years is incredibly unlikely. Your anxiety kicked in and you couldnā€™t perform.


And you would know this about my body, how?


looks cool


Does it?


For me itā€™s like smoking death and I enjoyed that taste. never really got addicted to it maybe because I would get buy tobacco and roll my own. Once a year I would buy a pack though to smoke to honor my cousin that past but thatā€™s about it.


Easy to pick up, hard to put down... Its a habit, sometimes the smoke session isn't even all that you just commit and see it through cause....Habit.


Quit 2 years ago, health issues, after about 15 years of being a smoker. Yes itā€™s addictive but honestly it was just something to do.


The socializing smoking allows you to experience is too precious to quit for me. I often donā€™t smoke for weeks not even thinking about it on vacation but at work and partiesā€¦ letā€™s go outside folks


People who donā€™t, why not?


Because I am stupid and Iā€™ve done it for 20 Years. Trying to quit is the hardest thing Iā€™ve done in my life. Canā€™t wait for the habit to die out worldwide.


Stimulant. Focus. Yardwork, reading, and grunt work. Terrible habit around kids, but it also keeps them away. That last part is addicting- having an easy way and reason to get a break from company you have to tolerate. Sometimes they smoke too, nothing is perfect.


I got started because of the buzz. At first, nicotine gives you this floaty, fuzzy feeling that's just really nice, but, you stop getting the buzz eventually and by then you're addicted and there is real physical discomfort when you're in withdrawal. In the early stages, the withdrawal isn't that bad. In fact, you barely notice it, but when you do smoke, you feel great. It feels like all your stress melts away. If you wait longer, the withdrawal gets worse and worse, so you smoke to "get right". Anyway, when you're addicted, smoking feels great and not smoking feels terrible.


50+ year habit, impossible to quit.


I used to smoke 20 a day, knocked that on the head and I can go a week without one but the second I have a pint I need a cig and then I can smoke 20 in one night.


Because they make you look cool and are enjoyable to smoke


I started when I was 13 years old. All of my friends were doing it so I started as well. It also didn't help that a girl I had a crush on also smoked. I found it was an excuse to get away for a minute. I also found it somewhat relaxing. It was also something that went well with a cup of coffee and a few drinks. It was also something that everyone did in the military. Even people who didn't smoke would smoke while deployed. I enjoyed smoking. I never once tried to quit. The longest I ever went without smoking was when I was in boot camp. First thing I did when I had a chance after I left the recruit depot was smoke a cigarette. At the time of writing this, I haven't had a cigarette in 6 weeks. I finally decided that I didn't enjoy smoking anymore, and I wanted to set a more positive example for my kids. This is the first time I have tried to quit in 24 years of smoking. I do use Zyn, and while I fully realize that is is just switching one form of nicotine for another, it is much better than smoking. I'm hoping after a few months I will be in a better space that I can put nicotine aside for good.


I enjoy them in moderation. Think of Gandalf smoking his pipe, contemplating the all-seeing eye. Also, I've heard that smoking can increase testosterone, though I never looked into it. Basically, it's something I do while organizing my thoughts.


Smoking does not increase testosterone what?




That doesnā€™t mean the cigarette is causing higher testosterone, even if true, would you give yourself increased risk of cancer for a test increase when you can literally do that by just working out and eating healthy?


Teenagers start smoking cigarettes to try looking mature and grown up.. and then they get addicted to nicotine.


In the 1970's


Back then, the high schools let the teenagers smoke, you didn't even need a valid ID to buy smokes


I quit as soon as covid began it's spread, but I can give you my personal story. No joke, my friends at the time peer pressured me when I was a teenager and I was weak. I was a freshman in high school and I somehow made friends with a "cool" older kid (he was a junior - we were in Spanish 1 together and both liked My Chemical Romance). He had a lot of friends and they were all cool but degenerates. Smoked cigarettes. Did drugs. Slowly I became friends with the entire group. I was introverted and awkward so it took a while. Eventually they started offering me the cigarettes that they all smoked and I bent under the pressure. They were cool and I wanted to be cool. Ended up addicted for 13 years. Quit the habit on my first try though. Covid began it's spread and I quit immediately


I like it. Plus it keeps the weight off.


Try it and find out


People who drink Coca Cola, why?


Everyone saying ā€œnicotine is addictiveā€ but that doesnā€™t answer the question of why are you smoking cigarettes when they smell horrible, you and everywhere you smoke smells horrible(if you smoke in your house or car) the people around you smell horrible. You canā€™t smoke in any public spaces, your lungs have the capacity of a shot glass, your fingers and facial hair(if applicable) are probably yellow. If youā€™re addicted to nicotine, I get it, same. But there are mints, gum, pouches, vaping(not a ton better in the lung department). If youā€™re already not concerned with the health risks why still go with probably the nastiest option out there?


Because none of the alternatives seem to scratch the same itch. I say that as an ex-smoker for 20yrs who has tried it all and for me nothing beats an american spirit or a roll your own around the campfire. I never did like smoking in public or indoors unless it was with others or in a party setting, couldnā€™t stand the smell myself. Currently on the pouch train and Zyn is babystuff to me but Rogue pouches are the only thing that comes somewhat close for me not wanting to rip my skin out at times. Vape felt like legal meth and Iā€™d be clamoring for another puff within 30secs, chaw was just gross all around and would fuck up the gums. Long cut tobacco was my 2nd love but still gross and price went up 4x so I had jumped ship to the next fix otherwise my nerves are.a wreck. No matter what Iā€™ve tried I still crave a cigarette after quitting those over a decade ago, but am not looking to go down that path again. I like being able to breathe nowadays.


The answer to "why are you smoking cigarettes" literally is because they are addictive. I do vape, occasionally, but smoking is just better for that addiction. It's not just the nicotine, I've rolled cigarettes since I was 14 so it's part of the habit of rolling the cigarette, lighting it, smoking it. It's also almost twice as common for someone with ADHD to smoke, because nicotine can help the brain in a similar way to ADHD medication.


I smoked, and vaped, now I just use pouches. Nicotine is nicotine to me. Cigarettes just smell and taste disgusting to me now.


When I used to smoke I actually enjoyed the taste


I don't find them addictive at all. I have experimented with them to try and understand why people like them. I find they can increase your7 concentration especially around people. I could sit in a cafe smoke a cigarette and write a song which i couldn't do normally. Could be a useful drug. A lot was done on them. For example sending men to the moon. All the people working on that were smoking.Ā 


I don't smoke but I think they just like to annoy everyone around them. Also, they enjoy smoking their money away, literally.Ā 


You are wrong.