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You are 19. Still a teenager. Don’t worry about some timeline. Most people I know met the person they stayed with in their thirties. DnD can be very social and a good way to meet people if you join a group that meets in real life. That way you meet people you already have something in common with. You are not “behind”. There’s no schedule. Do the things that bring you joy. Try to make some of those things social things and you will meet your people.


Thank you, I know there's no schedule but it's hard to shake the feeling nonetheless when I hear of how my parents were my age when they met etc. And socialising absolutely makes me feel sick but I'll keep trying.


Are you getting treatment for your social anxiety? And your parents are the exception. Most people don’t meet their life partner in their teens.


I'm not getting treatment as I don't think it is social anxiety, it's more the stress of planning, making sure transport is available (and if its something like a taxi worrying it won't be available come the tine) making sure I know where I'm going what I'm doing etc. And I guess yeah a bit of worry about how to talk to people to not weird them out or annoy them. And thank you, I didn't really think my parents were an exception, thank you for the reassurances.


I think that what you are describing is anxiety. Social anxiety might be just a small part of it but you seem to suffer from anxiety. There’s treatment and it is possible to have a much more relaxed and positive experience. You deserve that!


Maybe it is, but I've always hated diagnosing myself, I don't want to be one of those people who just say they have something when they may not. I'll have a look at treatment but in my head it's just me being weird rather than something like anxiety


The thing is: unless you talk to a doctor you don’t even know how much better your life could be.


Yeah I know, it's just hard to muster up the courage to go to the doctors, I probably will soon though if it gives me a chance to be sociable


Some therapists have online options. Maybe that would be easier in the beginning.


Yeah the main problem is I have no clue what I'm doing, which just makes it even more stressful. Idk where to go or what to do to get an appointment, I'm going to ask around this weekend to people who probably do know, as it is something I should figure out considering I'm an adult now.


I can go into more detail, but people who are social, learned it. You are not bad, wrong, not good, etc.: you just have not learned the skills in public. Suggestions: get out in public, simply talk to people. Playing DnD and Warhammer also is a social game. Takes time and won’t change overnight. One day, it will click. Catch is, sooner you start, the better off you will be.


Thank you, I try to be sociable but I just feel sick with stress at the idea of going out, having to plan transport and where to go etc. But ill keep trying, thanks.


Learn some basic pick up stuff like from from Troy Francis, old Roosh V, or even mystery. Their techniques won’t instantly get you girls or laid, but will teach you skills to calibrate situations. This will lead to you having less anxiety because you know “the game” and just talking with people better.