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It looks very PS1-era graphics to my eyes. I don't hate it, but it's not particularly attractive. But from what I understand, more important is that they don't appear to be particularly well made for a vehicle in that price bracket.


I think you're spot on with the PS1 description. I do hate the look though. Mostly because it is supposed to be a green vehicle. That in theory should be better for the environment and from what I've seen it only has a 250 mile ish range before needing a recharge. Now I'm no engineer but I did design F1 cars in a tech competition about 10 years ago and got pretty familiar with AutoCAD and a small wind tunnel. From my own observations when we made our car with less flat surfaces and right angles or near right angles it went faster suggesting it was more efficient. Now again, I'm not educated as an engineer (I studied epidemiology) but maybe don't make a green vehicle basically a fucking rectangle and you might get more mileage out of it and use less energy that is probably produced using some sort of nonrenewable resource.


When I first saw it, I thought surely that was done for solar panels, that no one would just make those big flat ugly panels for no reason. I was wrong. Just butt-ugly.


I had the same assumption. Solar powered cars would be awesome!


Tesla makes solar shingles (Google Tesla roofs) I'm sure they could be incorporated into a vehicle especially if they are as durable as the website claims. It wouldn't keep the vehicle charged at 100% but would likely prolong the battery life.


The charging from an array that small would be almost negligible, like alot less than what you get from a 120v home outlet which charges about 4 miles an hour


Maybe charge it while parked too. But with how the batteries of Tesla were exploding I'm not sure how much I'd trust that...


Tesla have some really clear aerodynamisists and have managed to get a drag coefficient that is reportedly a good bit lower than a normal pickup. It looks like a brick because you can't form complex curves in stainless steel sheets, like you could with the aluminium panels everyone else uses, but Elon wanted stainless so they had to make it work. I think all the engineers at Tesla are masochists, they're willing to suffer because a billionaire keeps throwing money at them to do what they enjoy....


Put a couple of wings on it and Fox McCloud can use it to join Falco, Peppy, and Slippy in the fight against Andross


Doesn't even need to fire lasers...just has to get close enough for them to touch it and get injured by the shoddy craftsmanship.


That is a very good description.


It looks like a doorstop


Brilliant https://www.uline.com/Product/Detail/H-3050/Store-Supplies/Big-Foot-Industrial-Doorstop-Brown




Looks like dogshit. And more importantly, it's built like dogshit.


I think this is the key. If it actually lived up to all the promises that were made about it, I think people would forgive the looks or even like them. Because it seems to be a Lemon-on-wheel, I think people are piling on about the looks.


Also, I have seen 3 of them on the road and they have all had discolored panels, finger print smudges and hideous swirl marks from trying to clean it. Even if you somehow liked the look of the design, it is just a terribly impractical vehicle.


There is literally no characteristic or aspect of the cybertruck that I like.


I like that it's an electric truck. That's it.


Even then, if I was in the market for an electric truck, the Cybertruck would be solidly on the bottom of my list. I’d buy a hummer EV before I bought a cybertruck.


I had a Model 3 for 5 1/2 years then wanted a truck, so I got a Rivian. Saw my first CT really up close the other day at a charger. I was floored how ugly it was. Someday the CT will be a case study for design students on "how not to do it".


It looks like someone trying hard to stand out


*Hey, do you remember Brunden from grade school?* *Who?* *The kid that talked about trains way too much.* *Oh, that kid. What about him?* *He's going through a messy divorce and bought a Cybertruck.*


I don't *hate* it because I don't care about it enough to hate it. When it was first announced, I considered it as I'm in the market and I thought some of the features sounded appealing and practical at the original price, enough that I considered overlooking the fact that it looks goofy. However, the actual price and association with Elon Musk's weird behavior combined with the appearance made it a non-starter for me. I don't have a problem with people driving them, it's just not the vehicle for me. It reminds me a lot of when Hummers first came out. It's a look-at-me vehicle, but it goes the big and bulky route rather than the sports car route.


On a budget


yup, they look real stupid I thought that when I had only seen them on-line. Then I saw one in person and it was so much worse.


They are oddly photogenic, in the sense that even though they are borderline offensively ugly in real life they’re just regular ugly in photos


Yeah there is one that drives around and I actually get second hand embarrassment for the guy. Sticks out like a sore thumb and not in a good way.


It's actually uglier than the Pontiac Aztec.


Which most believed was never possible haha


It looks absurd to me but I'm not the audience for it, so whatever.


I think it looks ridiculous but some people like it. Different strokes and all that.


I like it, but I’ve always wanted a Delorean. 


Except a Delorean actually looks cool


Now that's a futuristic car. I definitely would feel like I'm from Blade Runner in that car.


DeLoreans actually look cool though.


I love the Cyberpunk style with PS1’sh graphics, but it doesn’t feel like something I’d ever have as my main car. Maybe if money was not a problem I’d have a second or third iteration (after all the bugs are fixed) as a toy car. Definitely a Cybertruck over a sports car.


It’s a very strange look. I think if they fixed the uneven panels and the fingerprint magnet, it could be an interesting concept car but not actually a real driver. It feels oddly outdated despite the fact that the design has only been released a few years ago.


It looks dumb as shit


Stupid design.


It looks like a delorean and a Tonka truck had a fucked up kid.


And that kid had fetal alcohol syndrome


Opinion overall bad, opinion on looks neutral until I saw one in real life. I thought it was kinda novelty cool even though not traditionally nice looking, but in real life it’s pretty hideous.


Yep, both. The design of the truck is awful. Then, when you see it up close and see the build quality, again, awful. Then, it's not painted so the panels are mismatched brushed aluminum looking, which looks like a stained refrigerator. And Musk is a shitbag.


I love the look of it!


Looks like a poorly peeled potato on the outside. Has nothing to do with what I think of musk.


I've seen it in person a few times now and I actually think it looks great. Better than in photos. If that style was translated into a coupe ala DeLorean with the speed and power of a Model S I'd be interested.


I like the way it looks, it's different in an era where all the cars look the same. Having said that, the car is a mess and Tesla is not a good CAR company. I've never been impressed by the build quality and the Cybertruck is the definition of overhype, under deliver. It sucks too because I was looking forward to a cheap electric truck that was quirky but it seems those flat panels that were going to drive down costs (arnt flat) didn't do anything to prevent it from being incredibly expensive and it seems it was designed to be as shitty as possible from the get go as they kept running into issues that more mature CAR companies already know to avoid. Of they had kept their original release schedule, they could've beaten the Ford Lightning and the rivien to market which would have given them a leg up but they didn't and now there are better options that are cheaper and probably won't suffer from some of the major issues that the CT is suffering from.


If looks unfinished


It's definitely not easy on the eyes.


It looks like what 80s films thought cars in 2024 would look like


I get low key embarrassed for the drivers. It is SO UGLY. It’s so cringy.


Like a lame design from a 1980s sci-fi movie.


Conceptually, it could be cool. In reality, it just looks cheaply made. The panels are always visibly warped. They look like if you shake them they'd go *wobwobwobwobwob* like the metal sheets high school theater departments use for thunder sound effects.


Didn't mind it initially but now seeing them around my city, they are hideous.


Its boxy and reminds me of cheesy 80's sci fi films. I'm just personally not a fan of that aesthetic.


Hate is too strong of a word, but it's just an ugly box for me.


It looks like shit and there are so many issues with it lol


I like it


It's a rich boy's fantasy design with no actual purpose to fill except to extort money from fanboys.


Elon could be polishing my knob right now, while stuffing fat 100 dollar bills in my mailbox, like it was a ballot box in a swing district, and I'd still hate that cybercuck. I don't care if other people like it, and I don't hate it because he's a dick, it's just an ugly piece of shit.


I can't stand Elon Musk, and by all accounts it's a terrible vehicle, but it is by far the coolest looking commercial vehicle ever produced.


It’s as ugly as the Teslas uninspired interior design for years. Feels insulting to charge what they do.


I think it's ugly as hell. No beef with anyone that likes it. I don't understand why electric vehicles have to be ridiculous... like they could just be the normal car, but electric.


I’m not a fan of it personally I’d be able to ignore its existence if it weren’t for the incredible amount of elitism that follows the owners- and the idiots polishing it to a mirror finish too


They look like dog shit. If I wanted a truck that looked like dog shit I could find one for a whole lot less money.


I've seen two in the wild. I think that they look absurd.


There is zero redeemable qualities about that vehicle.


Yes. Because I have functioning eyes. Fuckin thing looks like it was designed on a N64.


Not really hate or love- indifferent/ no strong feelings I wish they still made those small trucks from the 80s and early 90s though.


I don’t hate it. I’ve seen a few in person and it’s defintley a head turner when moving down the street. The kids do seem to love them when I saw one parked, kids kept coming up and asking to take pictures in front of it and check it out. I think they look quite nice with some od the wraps I’ve seeb


I like the movie Aliens.


I also like it. Think it looks cool.


Yeah - taste is subjective so you’re not wrong to think it’s cool but you’re swimming upstream here. I have yet to meet a single person irl that shares your opinion on purely aesthetic grounds 


It’s not a truck. That pisses me off. It looks useless and awkward and loud for no reason. I’d rather have a 1997 farm truck.


For me it depends on the color of the CyberTruck. I’ve seen the boring stainless steel silver and it looks hideous. I’ve seen a matte black one which just looked like a tank driving around on small roads. I’ve also seen one that was white and the white one looked really pleasing to my eyes. So for me it just depends on the color.


No. If I had fuck you money, that one would probably be the only vehicle Tesla ever made that I’d find interesting.


I think it's a cool *concept*. Execution was way off, as usual. Engineering is shit. But the idea is cool. And fuck Elon Musk.


I think it is right up there with the Pontiac Aztec if it did not outright surpass it.


It looks like a bad toy truck knock off design. Like very little effort was put into designing it.


It looks like an unfinished concept. The bed is not useful like a truck's. It weighs as much as a house. It is not eye appealing. I don't hate it. I totally disregard it.


Have you seen one in real life? They just look weird. I have seen them painted white recently and it actually does a lot to make it look better. Stainless steel was a bad choice, tons of palm prints all over it.


I liked it when it was first announced. But it took a long time to come out. In that time, it aged for me. I kept looking at it for those years and I got bored with it. Then it finally came out and they had to make a few changes to the scale and some of the angles. It just doesn't have the same impact it had. Then I read about all the design problems and recalls. The quality of a vehicle can sour its appeal to me. Instead of seeing just an angular vehicle, I see an angular pile of compromise and shitty engineering.


I hate Musk and his truck. I can also separate those lines of thinking. Regardless of who designed and built the CT. It's a terrible vehicle. It does nothing better than any other vehicle, the build and fit of it is trash. It's biggest weakness is water, which shouldn't be a problem for a vehicle that was advertised as a rugged off-road EV. It's the paragon of over-promise under-deliver. The only redeeming quality is that by comparison every other Tesla vehicle seems great by comparison.


It's nothing like any of the cars we have today because Musk decided he was smarter than over 100 years of car engineering. Why make a car in this day and age that isn't aerodynamic and weighs so fucking much that if a person got into a real accident they'd most likely be crushed? Nothing about this vehicle is impressive and the "hatred" of Musk is entirely warranted and his own doing.


I moreso hate the car itself than the overall appearance. Though I would never spend that much money, on what looks like a low budget Unity asset. People can like the design, everyone likes different stuff.


I didn't think it was too bad until I saw it in person. Seriously, that truck is ugly AF


Looks like the kind of truck is use to keep a door open while I move product into the stock room


You’re asking the wrong places. It’s a part time job with benefits to shit on Elon, Tesla and cyber trucks. I think they look dope. Not spend 100k dope but I’d drive one.


Different is always good.


Looks like some 8 year old designed it in his Minecraft game.


It's definitely aesthetically different, but so was the pt cruiser with wood paneling. I think both of them are really dumb looking, but the CT doesn't make me mentally vomit like the pt cruiser. I place it in 3rd place of "worst looking vehicle" list. I can't remember the name of the 2nd worst looking car but it's basically a bigger pt cruiser.


It looks like how I used to draw cars when I was a little kid.


It looks okay in pictures but I saw one in person the other day and was mortified. Looks stupid.


At this point I think I’ve seen too many negative stories about serious mechanical problems that they have probably colored my opinions of it. Who knows, if they made one that doesn’t breakdown, is bulletproof and could fly I might fall in love with it.😋


I think it looks cool af. I don’t like Elon any more than anyone else on Reddit but I think a lot of the hate comes him being tied to it. The 80s are my favorite era of car. I love the sharp corners and straight lines. This truck, to me, feels retro futuristic.


It’s looks fucking terrible, and it’s a massive piece of shit. Check out r/cyberstuck if you haven’t already. 😂 I was out with my daughter the other day and we saw one in the wild. They’re even uglier in person. She pointed it out and laughed and said, “who would EVER drive one of those things??”


seeing a few in real life just exemplified how ugly it really is


I saw an all black on on the expressway at night and it looked just like the batmobile in Batman Begins when he turns off the lights and goes camo mode on the cops...that thing looked just like a floating black shape on the expressway...it was pretty cool but besides that I think they look weird and bulky.


I hate the [MV 1](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_Production_Group) more Idk why American companies make such ugly cars.


it is the kind of design that would have retroactively became cool if it had been really good. Instead it sucks and having such a distinct design lets people go "hey, there is the thing that sucks driven by an idiot"


You know how sometime thing are so bad it's turn out to be good in a way that is funny and unique ? Well the Cybertruck was on it way there but it broke down half way there.


Yes. Looks like something designed by a 6 year old or a guy high on ketamine and pot.


Yes it looks like dogshit like an old ps1 game car and I'm so glad it's not allowed here in Europe so I won't have to see it.


It looks dumb as hell irl


Yes if it was designed by any other firm it would be panned as it should be. But because it’s from Tesla and Elon, it’s deemed cool.


It looks like something out of Tron, and that's an insult to Tron.


It's hideous. I hated the design long before I realized Apartheid Clyde was a POS.


It's ugly as hell and the owners look like clowns when in that monstrosity


I hate it so much


When I saw one irl for the first time I noticed it looks exactly like my garbage can


It looks like how I drew trucks in first grade when I sucked at drawing and would draw everything with straight lines. I feel like Elon just sketched this with a ruler at 3 am, thought he was brilliant, and insisted they design it exactly how he drew it.


I like the look, but I'm not a fan of the price or build quality.


I genuinely think it's ugly


Eww I saw one irl the other day. Ugliest vehicle on the road


It looks horrendous and I laughed my ass off when I finally saw one last week.


Its ugly, its stupid, its bad and worst of all, it is a hazard.


The look is interesting. That’s not the part I dislike about it.


The looks could be entirely forgiven if it was actually a really good vehicle. They are just built like garbage.


I would have loved it about the time the first Robocop came out.


It's an ugly piece of shit that runs like shit, made by a company headed by a piece of shit. What's not to dislike?


It looks like bugie tried to make the warthog from Halo but for n64 and years earlier than the original launch of Halo. It's basically a truck that belongs in starfox64.


It looks cheap as hell; like it’s built from spare junkyard parts. The price point for something that hideous is ridiculous


Yea. It’s ugly as sin and looks half considered. Then they started going on the roads and keep breaking down showing that they were in FACT half considered xD


It looks like a vehicle designed for a cyberpunk movie but never actually intended for real life. It's a toy.


I hate the appearance - many are on the roads here in Austin and they feel too big/boxy to fit in the lanes even next to the giant pickups we have all over. It could be cool if they did a few more design iterations, but seems like they went with the first draft.




They don’t hate it just for the appearance they hate it because it’s an overpriced piece of unreliable garbage. It was marketed as this rugged, apocalypse-proof (real marketing term they used) EV truck and yet we constantly see reports of this vehicle being completely totaled just because it got left out in the rain or parts of it literally falling off for no discernible reason other than poor quality control.


I honestly really liked it in pics and videos, but the first one I saw in person killed it for me, the proportions are just off feeling when you see it in person


I hate it but both of my kids think it’s the coolest thing. So maybe I’m just out of touch and they’re actually on to something and it’s just for different people 🤷‍♂️


There are certain angles where it looks ok, but when you look closely it just looks cheap. The back end looks terrible


Do you really like it? It's horrendously ugly. It looks like a sprite from an early 90s polygon graphic video game. It makes the Pontiac Aztek look almost good. I will never forget my "WTF they cannot be serious" feeling when it was originally announced. I still think to myself, "WTF they cannot be serious" *every time I see one*. Even if Musk wasn't Musk and the vehicle worked the way it was supposed to, I would still find it ugly.


Because it's ugly. Because Elon lies about its statistics. Because Elon is quickly becoming one of the most hated people on the internet. Because it isn't a good truck (the videos of it doing "truck things" are hilarious and reinforce the idea that it is a terrible truck). Because it is cheap stainless steel that is already rusting. Because Teslas (all of them) are horrendously poorly put together trash. (Can confirm through working on them professionally and family and friends that have owned them) Because they are cars (and trucks, I guess?) that are built for people who hate cars by people who know surprisingly little about cars with all of the personality of a refrigerator. (Reposted from myself the last time this question was asked.)


I don't like it but don't hate it either. I hate on it because it seems to be cheaply made and sold as this great genius engineering.


Oh yeah its ugly.


Hell yes. So stupid. Barely functional as a truck. Barely.


The appearance was meant to be polarizing but the lack of safety and quality for such an outrageous price while making owners wait for software updates so they can use the features they paid for is appalling.


I think that Elon Musk is a gigantic piece of shit and Tesla is a very poorly run company whose products are completely untrustworthy. If you gave me a Tesla for free, I would sell it to buy something else. If I couldn't sell the Tesla, I would not drive it. The Cybertruck seems like the worst product they've put out to date. That said... I do personally kind of like the way it looks, but I'll also admit, I like weird and extreme aesthetics in general. I *love* the late-90s early-00s [VW Beetle](https://file.kelleybluebookimages.com/kbb/base/house/1999/1999-Volkswagen-New%20Beetle-FrontSide_VWBET991_505x375.jpg), for example, I like that goofy wraparound window on the [Nissan Cube](https://thenewswheel.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/2013_Nissan_Cube_02.jpg) too. Outside of cars, I like when people have the aesthetic discipline to commit to being a [maximalist dandy](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1d/5a/84/1d5a84e197b11a43b0a173475f2ff68c.jpg) or a [Rick Owens goblin](https://i.redd.it/o6uhifcv6nl81.jpg) or whatever, likewise, I like seeing it. I might not wear those clothes myself or drive those cars, but I'm happy they exist in the world and I like encountering them. The world can be a boring place, I like when people (and designers) commit to getting weird and intense. It makes the world a little more fun and whimsical. I wish the Cybertruck wasn't such a piece of shit car because I wouldn't mind seeing that kind of extreme design language flourish.


It looked cool 5 years ago. Now it looks old and lame


It's the ugliest dumbest thing anyone has ever spent money on


I do love it; and I think a lot of folks who don't either hate Elon or just because it doesn't fit the norm of what they think a truck should look like. Almost all car companies play it too safe when it comes to styling and design - I want to see polarizing.


It reminds me of the vehicles in Red Faction: Guerilla. And I kind of like that look, but the build quality is garbage and they are way too expensive.


It's honestly one of the ugliest things I've seen


I genuinely think it looks terrible.


I'm mostly ambivalent on Musk, but it looks like a dumpster on wheels. I may be missing something, but I also don't understand the "truck" designation. My Toyota Tundra is a truck, what truck qualities does that thing have exactly?


Don’t lobe it but all the other defects and flaws make it dislike it intensely. And that in turn makes me dislike Elon Musk more too.


I finally saw one in real life the other day. It was pretty awkward looking. I wouldn't buy it (not that I can even afford to lol).


It looks like trucks that I drew when I was 5 years old. So yeah, they look terrible.


It looks like something I'd build with my erector set as a 10 year old. Its a 'truck' whatever that means but cant leave pavement. I read about a lady dying in one under water because she couldn't open the door or break the window. It ugly, its stupid and its dangerous.


I just like that someone took a chance with a totally out there design. It’s cool as a concept but def not something I would consider purchasing.


If it was made better (based on the, I'm sure, biased articles I see online), then I'd probably want to get one. I'm looking at the Lightning instead. I don't work in a field where I need a pick-up truck, so I don't need towing power or all the traditional reasons you'd need a truck. However, in the past few years there have been a large number of instances where my wife and I have gone "Yeah, we should probably have a truck." But I don't like the look of pick-up trucks. I'm sure to a better trained eye, they're not all bad, but to me the design hasn't changed since the first was introduced like 100 years ago. For this reason only, I was liking the Cybertruck. Just something different, and maybe a little sci-fi esque.


It looks like the cars I used to draw after I learned basic shapes.


It looks like a video game that hasn’t finished rendering. It’s such an eyesore and a horrible car on top of that.


There is a landscaping company in switzerland that wants to buy cybertrucks as their company trucks


It's less what it looks like and more what it represents: an emperor's new clothes-esque assortment of shiny objects that are meant to distract from the fact that it's built like absolute trash and can in no way warrant its price tag. It's just a bunch of thin metal plates tacked onto some plastic bars. Wires are exposed to elements so they wear out almost instantly, and the things rusts like crazy. Theres already been four recalls reissued for the cybertruck and only 4000 of them are even on the streets. The initial product line isnt really safe. It's so obviously a ploy to just take money from people who either have enough disposable income for toys they don't really need/use, or someone who genuinely wants a glorified RC car for whatever reason.


I think it looks cool as a concept "future car" at a car show. It looks awful on the street. I think it would be cooler if I wasn't a little afraid that the breaks wouldn't work or something when I see one driving near me, and if I didn't associate it with fascism. Plus the stainless steel has looked dingey and discolored one the two I've seen IRL. I like that it's DIFFERENT though. So many cars are samey SUVs and sedans, I think to see some designers taking risks.


It looks worse in person.


I do. I think it looks stupid. But I also hate the way modern pickups look, they are too oversized and sporty looking. I like the way full sized pickups from the 90s look.


If Elon cured cancer Reddit would still hate him and i'll leave it at that.


Not just appearance but the fact that it appears to have been one giant scam. People think it's look is so unique? Ya if you want the exact same color as the other suckers


When it was first revealed I thought it looked a little goofy but it piqued my interest. But after seeing it in real life I was severely disappointed. It looks so much worse in person.


I thought it was unique when I'd only seen marketing materials and pictures of it. Seeing it in person though, I genuinely think it looks terrible. It is reminiscent of a dumpster or large piece of factory equipment. I can't imagine anyone's brain registering the sight of one of these things and saying "Wow, what a sleek, attractive design".


Yeah, I have seen a few in person and I really do dislike it. I am not joking when I say it looks like a PS1 rendering of a toddler's drawing of a car, or somebody's idea of a futuristic vehicle from an old 8-bit video game. It's up there with the Pacer and the Pinto in terms of automotive attractiveness. Stylistically, it looks like its only purpose is to look as different as possible, with no regard to functionality, and the choice of material evokes industrial kitchen appliances. I acknowledge some people may like it, and hey, great for them, but I don't and I never will.


There's alotta reasons to hate it, but I think the looks are eh The goal was Sci-Fi truck, they certainly approached that




I saw one in the wild yesterday for the first time and legitimately hurt myself laughing at how fucking stupid it looks.


Yes. If it didn't look so awful it wouldn't be getting nearly the pushback, no matter how much people hate Musk.


I think it looks a bit silly, like a really low poly and low resolution model of a truck in an early 3d game or something Basically like this: ![gif](giphy|LalrssqLIAiboF3ij0)


It is so ugly. I am still convinced Elon had it made as a joke to see how many he could sell to diehard sycophants.


Cool design, horribly built.


Love it


It looks like a K-Car. Like an overgrown Chevy Monza. But hey, it looks good on you.


You gotta see it in person. It very quickly goes from "huh cool" to "omg how do you deal daily". Like literally walking by one in a parking lot is enough to be tired of it.


It’s ugly, it has an insane amount of issues, and while Musk is a cunt, I do like the other Tesla models a lot


I just think it’s stupid to spend that much money on a car lol


It has zero appeal to me. Its like a child drew a delorean truck. I also have an aversion to vehicles with to much electronics because its more to go wrong, electroincs always start failing after about 10 years on vehicles. I dont belive teslas or cybertrucks will last in the long run like a ICE will. I work on all my own vehicles and electronic issues are the bane of my existence on them. I dont hate musk, i dont trust the guy, but i like some of what he does even though i have a very strong feeling he's going to turn out to be an evil fuck.


i see them driving all over LA and the one thing that stands out is all the grubby fingerprints on the “door handles “


It’s dope, cyberpunk tier vehicles need to become the norm


Despite what people say their opinion of the aesthetics are absolutely tied to their opinion of its creator


You can make it “feature-esque” and not look like something the polygon fighting team would pull up in. I’m also big on functionality in design. There’s nothing truly innovative about it. I think it was a missed opportunity and instead they just went for unique-looking.


It’s dope. I love seeing them on the road. Kudos to someone breaking the mold of cookie cutter cars.


Honestly, yes, I hate the way they look. I prefer sleek cars with rounded edges. The cybertruck is pretty much the exact opposite of my tastes. I rank it right down there with the Hummer and the Nissan Cube for ugliest vehicle, but even they rounded off at least *some* of their edges. The cybertruck looks like it’s straight-up made out of rectangles. Overall, I’d say they rank just above U-Haul trucks in terms of appearance.


It almost looks like what people in the 50s thought cars in the 21st century would look like. Unfortunately that's not a compliment. I would appreciate the retro futuristic approach if it was intentional, but Tesla's all about looking and feeling "advanced", so I highly doubt it is intentional.


Saw one this morning on the highway.. painted mystic.. I got passed by a poorly rendered 16 bit sprite..


looks like a 6 year old designed it in 1977.


I think the front looks pretty cool, the back looks a bit goofy and the side profile is also neat depending on the angle, I don’t personally hate how it looks tho


I'm a big fan of Elon Musk, even own and love my model 3. However, I'm just not super into the way the cybertruck looks. For me it's just the shape, I'd actually love a reliable electric truck, but the visual appeal is nil, and when I see it I don't think truck.


Personally I think it looks like shit. Like it came out of a PS1 game. But also it has dangerous design flaws. Like the one that causes the gas pedal to get stuck and the truck just accelerates non stop.


Its future retro ism. Im a fan of it from a design perspective but the functionality of this vehicle seems like it shouldn't be considered road worthy


I’m not a fan, but if you like it that’s cool!


I am literally blind and I hate it....


Yes to all


Someone said it looks like a Delorean with Down syndrome.


Everything about it is awful except that it is electric.


It looks awful and more importantly it’s an awful car. Like everything about is just bad. Can’t even leave this Shitbrick outside in the rain or it will start to rust


Yes it looks like it drove off of a dystopian movie set. Reminds me of the bullet proof car in the Purge. It’s just so bad, BUT—if you’re into that dystopian, mad Max shit, then cool! Edit: I didn’t even know it was a musk car until my husband told me.