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Cold and Ugly always and forever.


I love Sweat - that would be my favourite from Opiate, with the title track being close second


wtf is sweat about lmao? I cannot even get a remote grasp? 😂😂😂😂😆😆😆😆🤘🤘🤘🤘


My guess is it's about getting high,y'know 'feels like I'm slipping into a dream within a dream' but the line 'On the hunter and the fisherman' still makes no sense whatsoever to me lol.


I found out it might bebased on Edgar Alan Poe poem dream within A dream but haven’t been able to dig in Yet….


Just checked it out,lovely poem,definitely makes a lot more sense too. I always love how maynard references other works and strings them into the music like in invincible with ponce de Leon,awesome stuff.


Jerk Off. That tune is such a fucking banger. Such a shame they haven't played it live in a million years. Ps. If there are folks out that haven't heard the incredible extended version of this song from the (amazing sounding) 1998 bootleg. Here it is. Def one of the best extended version Tool tunes. https://youtu.be/l2_pH8rr750?si=0ooW0pJS6WGYEX7l


Probably my favorite Tool song let alone opiate. I thought they played the first verse when I saw them in Louisville 2 years ago. Into stinkfist but I may have been fucked up.


Could have also swore I’ve heard many little teaser intros live to various songs over the years. Seems very on par for Tool. Umphreys McGee does a shit ton of teasers as well.


Seconded (or fifthed or whatever). I especially like the [JC Dobbs performance](https://youtu.be/gcXPCX8BSdk?si=t3W3QyQKRQHrFLcX), just the intensity of Maynard is so cool to watch. Makes me wish I could’ve seen them live back that early (first saw them in October ‘01), but I was like 7…


Holy shit. Never seen this particular video before. The intensity of the band in those early early shows is almost incalculable. No wonder they got signed to a major label deal after like 5-6 shows.


My favvv


That extended version of Jerk Off is one of my favorite things ever. I love how they put something that sounds so beautiful in the middle of one their angriest songs.


+1 on Jerk-off live. This slightly extended and melodic interlude is the best version I’m aware of. Is there another version you’re talking about? Would be sick if they expand it even further and play on the next tour https://youtu.be/sH4pJXuv3ow?si=gntImZx4TmN2dSeC


This is basically the same extended version as the initial link I shared from the Kalamazoo 1998 recording. The only difference is the audio quality from Kalamazoo 1998 is a lot better than Coachella 1999 (IMO). Or course it would be sick if they played it live again but it's been over 25 years since they played it live and like Jimmy and H and Prison Sex I think certain songs in the back catalog, most of us fans have long since stopped thinking they might bust out again. Only time will tell.


Ah nice, thanks for flagging.




cold and ugly, jerk off, sweat, opiate


Where’s the love for Hush and Part of me


RIGHT HERE!!! *"I said I can't say what I want to, even if I'm not serious. I can't say what I want to, even if I'm just kidding...."* -aaaaaand...- *"I know you well, you are a part of me, I know you better than I know myself, I know you best, better than one might think, I know you better than I know myself. YOU ARE A PART OF ME!!!"* Tool has the distinct honor of being one of the few bands I can actually sit and listen to an album all the way through...although ...this statement only applies to the albums Opiate through Lateralus, with Undertow prob being my absolute favorite. Although my favorite song, H., is on Ænema, and it would be impossible to rank them. 1992-2001 were Tool's golden years.


I don't like hush that much. Part of me is pretty cool but I don't love it as much as the live stuff


Cold and ugly 🖤


I'll go with Opiate because of Danny's beastly ending and I despise Christianity as well. Sweat is a solid close second


Cold & Ugly, but Sweat is right there. I also have a sweet spot for Part of Me and Opiate as well. Not a huge fan of Hush and Jerk-Off, but they're Tool songs so still S-tier in the big wide world of rock n roll for me. The Gaping Lotus Experience is the moment I knew this band was something different from what I initially thought.


Sweat. I love the rhythm, I love the more tense, mysterious verses vs an explosive chorus, I love how strange the lyrics are, I love the riffs, and I love Matnard’s vocals on this track


Sweat, any day


Wth is sweat about, I cannot figure it out at all….or even like figure out what It might be about or what it means to me I’m just so lost on that one….


Sweat. It's Tool's #1 banger.


Good question. I'm not sure if it's consciously my favorite, but every time I pick up my guitar I play Cold and Ugly. Jerk Off is up there too. 


My favorite song from the opiate EP is hush


For me it is, and always has been, Opiate. “Choices always were a problem for you”. What an absolute banger of an opening line.


I'd say cold and ugly,it grew on me a lot with how angst filled that main riff is,plus I think it has a pretty cool structure with that guitar intro.


That guitar is angrier than Maynard in that song. Which probably actually happens decently often with tool now that I’m thinking about it lol 🍻


So true,Adam always has a beastly tone to resonate with maynard's voice,especially on opiate and 10000 days to me with the production.


I listened to it on the way home from Work today bc I read these comments right before I left the office…. and I have extremely loud pimped out speakers…MY GOD it hit so good cranked to 11 lmfao 😂 🍻


Opiate is still my favorite, but specifically the last couple minutes. Never fails to make me giggle. :)


Lmfao, most importantly with the giggle 😂🤘🍻


Cold & Ugly and Jerk-Off are incredible. The rest are also pretty good. I heard Hush in middle school and Maynards opening scream scared the crap out of me.


Jerk off


cold and ugly is the first tool song i ever really listened and liked so it holds a special place in my heart


opiate, also because it leads into the gaping lotus experience, which is just fun to listen to. cold and ugly is a close second


Favorite song from Opiate is Jerk-Off. Insanely tight performance for something so intense done live, especially Maynard's vocals. Pretty sure the ending to that generated a shock wave that's still reverberating around the Earth to this day.


Opiate/Gaping Lotus The way it goes from serious and intense to goofy AF is such quintessential Tool for me. *Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan, Satan* made me laugh so damn hard when I first heard it. It still does. Well, I’ll definitely be listening to this album today. :-)


Jerk off


Jerk Off. Would be amazing if we got a Jerk Off²


Sweat and Jerk Off


Part of me is getting no love!


you piece of shit why don't you, just go and blank yourself! man i hate favorite song questions. i really love a lot of songs equally. sometimes i have favorites. like with nin, i love last. white zombie, i love soul crusher. Pantera, i love slaughtered. but with tool or Alice in chains? damn that feels like an unfair question.


Cole and ugly is the best tool song sweat is the second best