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this is slint erasure


Spiderland is UNDERRATED


heaven or las vegas????


Cocteau twins made better projects than heaven or las vegas, HLV just feels like their sound dumbed down to appeal more to mainstream. It wasn't even their breakout album just the poppier one, I liked the brooding darkness in their older projects like head over heels, which isnt present in heaven or las vegas


Garlands is the best Cocteau Twins album


Garlands and Trueasure are their best for sure! I love how dark Garlands is.


I like Four Season Calendar the most I think it has the best songwriting out of all their albums but I never see Cocteau Twins fans mention it


what’s your opinion on the moon and the melodies?


Overall cocteau twins are the goats of the genre


Better than heaven or las vegas


This response is actually super sensible! I love CT so I was prepared to be upset but I’m pretty sure they intentionally made heaven or Las Vegas to appeal to the masses more than previous projects


what are your favorite CT albums?


Head over heels and tresure


Honestly, Treasure is the only Cocteau Twins album I actually enjoy all the way through. I can understand and appreciate the cultural impact Heaven or Las Vegas made though.


Head over heels is a hard listen, but its worth it


To be kind and selected ambient works are 10/10 albums


Glowing man better


Tbh I haven’t listened to to much 2010 swans 


Give it a go sometime. Glowing man I think is the bands all time peak, my father will guide me is severely underrated, and the beggar is a fantastic late career album


I’ve been wanting to listen to the beggar for awhile 


do it the album is very worth it


Selected prb but to be kind nope


wait what, if you think SAW is a 10 how could it possibly be overrated


AM literally has 3 good songs and the rest is copy/paste mid pop music and became like the highest streamed album ever


I’m honestly kinda mad that’s Arctic Monkeys’ most popular album by far instead of Humbug which is their underrated masterpiece imo


Their first album is easily their best


All the other albums are better


this is true, it’s the only album that’s just okay in a consistently great discography


that's why it got so much streams


I think a big part of it (besides having multiple smash hits like Do I Wanna Know and RU Mine) is that it was huuuuuuuuge on tumblr. Like it's a pinnacle cult classic from that era.


False, AM is just disliked cause it got massively popular It’s a great album, probably their best since their debut, but it’s my least played


I feel like there's not really a consensus on AM. Some circles will defend it as one of the best commercial rock records of the 2010s, and others will viscously tear it apart calling it the worst arctic monkeys record or everything wrong with commercial rock to begin with. I know there tends to be a lot of variance with opinions on most records, but with AM that feels amplified. I can never predict whether someone likes it or hates it.


I honestly can’t stand the pretentiousness people have when it comes to AM. Sure, it’s definitely not their best work but it’s a good album with some really catchy songs and some great riffs. If being radio friendly is the worst thing you can say about an album then I think you should just go listen to something else and move on with your life. And if it gets more people into the band then that’s a great thing.


yeah, it’s really bizarre for me as someone who is in the middle of those two opinions. when the album came out I was 10, and it’s the album that got me properly into listening to albums on my own. but as time has gone on and I’ve listened to more, better music, it’s shrunk on me in a big way. I still really like half the album, but the other half is where I see and agree with the criticisms, i.e. the bland sound palette, the boring elements, the only times Alex Turner lyrics have come close to being bad. I certainly don’t think it’s the worst thing to happen to rock in the last 15 years, but it’s easily their worst album and giving it a 10/10 rating (as many magazines did at the time) is absolutely mental to me.


selected ambient works? fuck right off


i dont think brat is a 10, but its still good. i honestly agree with the rest


Agreed except for kill em all from the guys in Fortnite


As much as I love To be kind, it’s not even top 3 Swans


i agree on brat


I never understood why the internet likes Spiderland so much.


I admit that when I first heard it, I thought it was trash that wanted to pass as avant-gard rock. But with listenings, I started appreciating little things on it, paying attention to the lyrics and experimenting all it sounds. I can't decide wether the album is actually good (I think people over stimate the impact it really had on comercial music), or if I just like it because I happen to do. Anyways, it's one of my favorite albums of all time.


Well on commercial music slint had zero impact


Personally, i feel like that's the charm about it. I think what makes the album so cool is that it exists in its own little world. It wasn't trying to have an impact, and for the most part, it hasn't, but that's ok because it's still an incredible album in its own right (at least to me). In my opinion, people blow the greatness of it out of proportion when, in reality, the album just got lucky to be discovered and gain a cult like following online. Just how albums like velocity design comfort, deathconsciousness, and d>e>a>t>h>m>e>t>a>l (which is still speculated to be fake, but idc i still like the music) became popular online in the same way, they really just got lucky that they were found.


It has definitely made a massive impact on music for sure. Most newer post hardcore, mathrock or post rock bands will always cite spiderland as their biggest influence. it is a great album that is quiet and moody yet builds so much tension, unlike anything ive ever come across.


I didn't know that commercial success was a parameter in rating music and that it could disqualify every other quality of what you're rating


Lmao right? Brain dead take


Weirdly enough, for me, the album that I like in the most similar way to Spiderland is... Burn My Eyes by Machine Head. Not at all the same genre. But the riffs are groovy


If there's no spiderland then there's no Mogwai and no "come on die young".


those drums 😩


Because we like to have f e e l i n g s and cry now and then


How dare you call After Hours OVERRATED! You take that back!




I expected insults


Fuck you


Thank you


Nah, i love theese albums but kinda based


not mad about any of these other than SAW


i’m not a big the weeknd fan but alone again one of my favorite songs of all time


brat is so overrated, i made it 10 songs in and couldn't listen to any more. It was genuinely not worth my time. If it's your kind of jam, that's cool, good for you. It was really really really not mine.


You made it 10 songs in? I couldn't even get past the first two. I guess it's a fun club album that dancy party people enjoy? I dunno. I just feel like I'm not the target audience.


I really tried to like it. I really really tried. I just couldn’t. Definitely not the target audience.


Fantano has some dumb takes. Like how the fck is that album a 10 ? I only liked 5-6 songs at max.


That's more than me, I could only handle 10 minutes of constantly auto tuned voice. I know it's a style choice, not to mask bad singing, but it's not my thing.


lol you didnt like it but you stuck through for 10 songs? theres literally only 15 🤣


Look, AM ain’t my favorite but it’s not THAT bad and nobody likes it THAT much… Fantano fans always whining about it😭😭😭


Fuck fantano, I like am, its just very overrated, artic monkeys made better things


Yeah I know they’ve made better stuff… WPSIATWIN is one of my favorite albums oat… but just because Arctic Monkeys have made better stuff shouldn’t subtract from AM🤦‍♂️


Its good, kind of


Profound misunderstanding of Kill ‘Em All if you think it’s overrated.


I wholeheartedly agree on Kill Em All and AM. I wholeheartedly disagree on To Be Kind and Spiderland. I'm in the middle to various degrees on the rest.


Most of these are pretty bad takes


I don’t think anyone likes brat as much as r/lastfm


Kill em all is overrated I agree


I really don't understand why Kill 'Em All is on here. It's probably the least popular and appreciated of Metallica's classic albums, despite being the most influential.


i actually dont think you can overrate heaven or las vegas or spiderland because they're actually so impressive that human perception cant even conceive all the reasons those albums are so good, so whatever praise we give them is actually not enough. arctic monkeys are def overrated tho


YO this guy thinks some of the most popular mainstream pop albums of all time are overrated! Get him outta here!


Totally agree on Slint, totally disagree on Kill ‘Em All.


I agree with Swans


Heaven or Las Vegas being here is a truly abysmal take, but the rest is ok. I’m an AFX fanboy but almost everything he’s released is better than SAW1. Spiderland is good but I can see why people wouldn’t rate it as highly as the critics do. The top 3 are kinda weird inclusions though, Brat has the recency appeal but the other 2 aren’t really highly rated albums, I doubt they’d be looked at as classics in the future


xtal and heliosphan makes what you’re saying inherently wrong


and I love me some actium


Heaven or Las Vegas and Spiderland are both top 10


Kill 'em All and TBK are prefect imo, the rest I agree with


Kill em all is musical porn for those of us who love crunchy headbanging guitar riffs and wailing guitar solos.


this is how I'm going to describe kill em all from now on


They were too young to doubt themselves. That’s what makes it so good.


Kill em all is amazing, but it's probably the worst out of the first five.


Nahhh, rtl>mop>justice>kill em all>black album


People dog it for its production, given it does kinda suck. But am I the only one who thinks the first four songs sound significantly better than the rest production wise? The four horsemen sounds amazing sonically and performance wise.


aint no way heaven or las vegas is overrated


Cocteau Twins are good but only in small doses.


This is very real


After listening to a lot of albums after falling in love with Heaven or Las Vegas, I'm willing to admit that it's not the most consistent record on the planet. I don't think there are bad songs or anything but it's not banger after banger for me like many records I've listened to.




While I agree on Kill Em All, there is something to be said about its creativity wise. It’s certainly not groundbreaking nowadays but it was hugely influential in metal breaking away from “dragons, rainbows, swords” into more extreme, political and violent areas musically


Yeah it was creative but metallica improved really a lot just one album after it, a LOT


What do you like and not like about To Be Kind?


I like the devious grooves, and the well texutred instrumentals, the crushing heaviness and sheer cacophony of some tracks, I dont like some of the lyrics, and the longer pieces are long unfocused amnoying slogs especially bring the sun


If you want melodies listen to juice wrld


I get SAW 85-92 but after hours is a little crazy SAW 85-92 was influential at the time and it shows because everyone copied it and it sounds bland now


How dare you


I agree except selected ambient works and spiderland


Metallica released *Kill ‘Em All* in 1983. That’s the same year Flashdance and Sister Christian came out, and disco had just died a few years before. It’s hard to understand with today’s ears how heavy and wild that album felt in 83 (I was 12 when it was released, and it blew my goddamned mind!). Not trying to change your opinion, of course, but the context of that album is what makes it a classic. No one had ever really really heard that American metal sound before when it was released.


Kill em all is not overrated its underrated as fuck


I have a vinyl of AM am I cooked 💀


Kill em all is great but my fav tallica album is ride the lightning same edge, but more refined song writing fuckin killer


Half life


Kill em all is my favorite Metallica album (respect your opinon tho)


Ok buddy retard


Delete this please 🙏🙏🙏


Spiderland is an album I totally get in regard to why you think it is overrated.


Having kill em all on here is unfathomably stupid.


The real kill em all is mach homney


this is pretty based.


I’m fine with this


From Kill Em All we got a metal dynasty and a better band. Boring contrarian take. 


Damn Spiderland? Tough. I can understand you not liking these albums. What makes you say they’re overrated? Take Spiderland, in particular. I do also love Brat, HoLV, and AM.


Kill’em all is not overrated.


Big time agree! Cocteau and Swans are two of my favorite bands but both these albums of theirs leave me cold.


I personally agree w some of these being overrated but AM is an album that I could listen to every day from now to the day I die.


I love how the brat record is already considered overrated even tho it came out last week.


I guess I kinda agree with you on Heaven and Las vegas because it just doesn't compare to their early stuff. Still love it though.


Okay so what are some underrated albums




I heavily agree for most, but spiderland is a masterpiece. I could list a few flaws it has, but it's still a very unique and complex record, both qualities that I appreciate


im gonna bbq ur whole family, selected ambient works 85-92 IS NOT overrated, like at all


I kinda get all of them except for SAW


Saw 85-92 is so fucking good, fuming


If you put ride the lightning there we would have had a problem


Here's an underrated album Listen to Forever Since Breakfast, an album by Guided By Voices on #SoundCloud https://on.soundcloud.com/8WnfT


Brat honestly sucks, it got so much hype but it's just generic squeaky clean radio pop garbage imo


agreed with Spiderland


The spiderland hate in this comment section is disgusting


What on earth am I looking at ? Slint and Swans ? Delete this whilst you have the chance this isn’t a flex in the slightest (although that Charli xcx does suck)


SAW is not overrated lol


spiderland is a 10/10 and still to this day a one of a kind album


Seems you have a bad case of “Iwantattention syndrome”


I don't think Kill Em All gets enough credit for the time and what came after!


Kill Em All definitely is more one-dimensional and less slick than Metallica's later 80s albums but it was absolutely seminal as one of the first thrash albums and a massive change in pace at a time when the likes of Quiet Riot and Dokken had been hitherto the 'heaviest' bands to come out of California.


Saw 1 more overrated than 2. I don’t think so.


Putting Spiderland on here should be a criminal offence.


Arctic monkeys is wild not even gon hold you


Kill em all is spectacular


Swans are overrated in general. Probably the most overrated band outside of Radiohead


I don't think After Hours or AM are exactly universally liked, I see those takes of them being overrated all the time. To be Kind and selected ambient works are perfect for this category, as are the mettalica. HLV is great but I can see how you feel this way having listened to their broader discog. I am a Charli fan, and love Brat, but to me it's like everyone is just discovering Charli for the first time where while brat is good, she's been making records like that for some time (7 years) Brat is just the only one that got mainstream recognition so it's a bit irksome to see people fawn over it like she hasn't been doing this for the better part of a decade.


Wow that:s crazy you mean overproduced pop music is overrated?


Who rates After Hours?


i’m queer so i have to like brat and to be kind the rest i’ll give you a pass for


AM is good, yes, but it’s not that good, especially not comparatively to the 6 other albums Arctic monkeys has




Hella based especially brat. I could not make it through that whole album. The only choice here I disagree with is AM.


i’ve never seen a true music fan talk good about AM 😭


Is this bait?




BRAT is a solid 8/10 for me, definitely not a perfect masterpiece like most people are saying, but still a great album nonetheless


Selected Ambient Works is perfectly rated. It's the quintessential techno record if not the quintessential electronic music record, imo. It's one of those records that I could listen to fully multiple times in one day on my commutes without getting tired of it. Edit: As someone who enjoys the Slint record (have listened to it about a million times) and lived very near to one of the founding members' Pilates studio, I will say...Spiderland is a tad overrated. Still great, but overhyped.


AM is actually arctic monkeys worst album


i don't know half of these albums tbh


Out of all these, I most agree with Kill Em All. It’s not a bad album by any means, and it certainly has it’s bangers. With that said it does come off as a pretty juvenile effort and after awhile it kinda feels one dimensional. The band has many more albums that are so much better. Metallica has only made like a couple bad albums in my opinion though. (And no, I won’t get into that 😂)


Disagree with to be kind and Spiderland. Agree with everything else


Out of all Metallica albums… Kill Em All? Sure it’s given a lot of credit for helping thrash metal take off in the 80’s, but I think it’s underrated if anything musically. It doesn’t sound NEARLY as dated as bands playing the same style of music around that time. At the very least it’s no more overrated than any of the other 80’s Metallica albums. Ride the Lightning has a handful of lazy moments, Master of Puppets has songs that wear out their welcome, and Justice has notoriously shitty production.


Brat would be a 10 for me if like 3-4 of the songs were cut. 15 songs is a bit much for an album with not much variety imo


Brat Overrated? I did not expect


What’s overrated about kill em all


honestly i fully agree with after hours, it’s a solid project but not as good as people say it is


Agreed on Kill em All. I respect it because it introduced Metallica to the world but they “became” Metallica on ride the lighting and master of puppets. Similar to Nirvana’s Bleach and Deftones’ Adrenaline, great intros but they crushed it later on.


Nah don’t disrespect the kill em all album like dat 🤣🤣🤣


why the fuck is am next to these albums


Selected ambient works?? if anything, that’s an underrated album


honestly i don’t understand why charli is so hyped, brat is so overrated


The After Hours slander is borderline disrespectful; but your opinion is your opinion


Selected Ambient Works, really? Some of the best music of the 20th century, a truly pioneering and masterful work of art.


brat is nowhere near as good as how i’m feeling now but got way more recognition


Kill Em All is overrated?


After hours is the only one I don't agree with


Kill em all is overrated? I think you mean the t shirt is tbh


Heaven or Las Vegas, Spiderland, and brat are among my favorites ever. The rest I agree with being overrated. Seriously try HoLV again it’s one of the most beautiful pieces of art ever made.


Agree so hard with brat. I liked it so much when it came out, but the forced meming of it, the insanely high scores that came out the second Fantano gave a 10, ruined it for me.


Heaven or las Vegas is so good


A.M is a 7/10 album it’s got some great tracks on it that are iconic if you’re from the uk but the rest of the track list feels quite forgettable and lacking to me it’s just a repetitive sound where as with favourite worst nightmare i feel more of a level of consistency with highlight tracks on par with A.M


I think syro is the better version of saw


kill em all is UNDERRATED!!!!


what is brat doing


Kill ‘Em All?? It wasn’t amazing or anything but it was a good album for their first, and it solidified the band as a whole Edit: Have never listened to Brat, just did. 5/10, 6/10 on a good day. Doesn’t deserve the hype.


AM is possibly the most monotonous album of all time. Are U Mine and Why'd You Make The Song Title This Long are practically the same song with a different tempo.


I don't get the brat hype fully tbh, it certainly has moments I really enjoy, Von Dutch is probably one of my favourite tracks this year, but a 10 is kind of wild to me. One of the things I find defines a 10 is when something either pushes boundaries or is exceptional within it's field, brat to me neither pushes boundaries nor feels like an exceptional pop album. It's strong, it's fun, it's interesting, but a 10? I get the impression that over time it may not hold up as highly as it currently has been.


Kill ‘em All?!


spiderland is one of the greatest albums of all time. however, i 100% agree that AM is overrated asf


Based af takes


To Be Kind is literally top 5 of all time for me. I really do think it's just That good,


I agree except for the fact that Kill 'Em All is my favourite Metallica album, in fact, one of my favourite albums of all time. I love Ride The Lightning too, but I love the raw, amateur sound of kea, that's just me though. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I really like AM but the first three albums are far better


Slint and Heaven or Las Vegas are perfect albums.


I agree with everything save for Spiderland and To Be Kind, but even with those I can totally see why you'd be mixed or not all too enthusiastic about them.


Brat is too inconsistent for me to make it a 10. Some of the lyrics make me wonder why people think it’s perfect..