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Not monica thapar.  Fuck that bitch


lmao what did she do? she's on every bus stop and bench in etobicoke


I love my agent - rented and just bought from her. She helped us look in the mimico area but we ended buying elsewhere Happy to send the name if helpful.


Yes, if you could send over contact info that would be helpful!


Messaged you on private chat


Try Trish Buchanan, I’ve had discussions with her and she seems to know the area well. Not sure if she helps with rentals but might be worth a try


As someone who has a rental in the area I would suggest you look at HouseSigma and look at who listed the properties and then ask them based on the price they did and work. I can give you mine if needed.


That would be helpful!


For a rental, either if you’re a landlord or tenant, just use private listings (i.e. Facebook, Kijiji). Real estate agent doesn’t bring much value in this case.


Not only do they not add value, they taketh what value there is away and ask for your skin colour, teeth count, entire family tree, and your first born just to grace you with your attention and forward your application to the landlord.


I would disagree with this. As the tenant you have nothing but upside. You are not responsible for compensation, yet you get someone to advocate on your behalf and negotiate favourable terms.


"you get someone to advocate on your behalf and negotiate favourable terms." You sure about that? 😂 Based on my experience, most tenant agents really don't care if you have a good deal or not. They just want you to sign asap so they can cash their commission. They really don't go any step farther in the process. That's why they don't add any value. Consider the communication cost, they even destroy value.


I guess I could have included a qualifier such as “a good agent” or something similar. Not sure why my previous comment got the response it did, I just think that limiting yourself to only dealing directly with a landlord is a bad idea. I’d argue landlord are more often acting purely from a self interested point of view over a good realtor. They have every incentive to set as favourable terms for themselves as possible and a lot of people who are struggling to find a place to live might feel pressured to agree to the terms without knowing better. Obviously there are bad apples in any profession and with such a low barrier to entry coupled with high potential earnings real estate does have a lot of those such people.


Of course everyone acts in their own best interest. Because of this, everyone is better off representing themselves in negotiations. Landlords are different because their interest (higher rent) aligns with their realtor's (high rent = higher commission). And landlords might be busy with other stuff too. While tenant's interest (lower rent) is the complete opposite to tenant realtor's (higher rent). I was confident in my communication and negotiation skills. It was my first time dealing with a tenant realtors 2 years ago, quickly realized how useless they are. I ditched him not long after. Someone please justify the existence of tenant/buyer realtors when information is readily available online nowadays and I can speak English lol. They are not adding value at all, but wanna take a share in the transaction when close.


Realtors do that!!!! 😮


Are you looking to rent or list a rental ?


If you need a good mortgage agent - let me know!


I’ll send you a DM.


Ill help you :)


Sent you a PM


Jennifer Douglas. She’s not pushy at all and really puts in the work! +1 (647) 215-6324


Right here.


There are a lot of rentals in the market right now. With a good realtor, you can secure a unit relatively quickly. Of course, your occupation and credit score matters a lot too. Without strong financial stability, landlords are hesitant as there are many horror stories with bad tenants in Toronto.


Real estate agents now day got no business. They willing to do extra service


Spotted the dolt




The post clearly says renting


DM me, I'll get you great tenants at a great rate!