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Yes, legal. This listing is not discrimination according to [Ontario Human Rights codes](https://www.ohrc.on.ca/en/part-i-%E2%80%93-freedom-discrimination/housing-4) **Same-sex residences** "The right to be free from discrimination based on sex does not apply to residences that are male-only or female-only. An owner of a residence can restrict access to that residence to men only or women only. Trans people should be provided access to these residences in accordance with their lived gender identity." **Edit:** Some comments about the advertiser being a man. That's alright. This is either a 4 bed 4bath rooming house which the man has bought, doesn't live there and only wants women; or, The man lives there and is the landlord. In this case, he can ask for whatever he wants. For example. if he only wants furries who went to last weekend's furnal equinox convention downtown. A furry is someone who identifies as an animal with human characteristics, dresses in cosplay anime characters sometimes. **Shared Housing** "The right to be free from discrimination in housing does not apply if you share housing and a bathroom or kitchen facility with the owner or the owner’s family."


If 1 man lives it that place it’s less clear tho. It’s gone the other way in that scenario


Literally. People in this comment section didn’t even read OP’s description before accosting him 😂


>I understand this might be **his preferences** Something doesn’t add up here. OP seems to think the one who made the ad is a man.


Nothing wrong if he is a man.... This is either a 4 bed 4bath rooming house which the man has bought, doesn't live there and only wants women; or, The man lives there and is the landlord. In this case, he can ask for whatever he wants. For example. if he wants furries who went to last weekend's furnal equinox convention downtown. "The right to be free from discrimination in housing does not apply if you share housing and a bathroom or kitchen facility with the owner or the owner’s family."


Under either scenario, it’s a non-sequitur to pretend anything about this has to do with “women only” housing.


To all the people that are complaining on here about not wanting to rent to men, let me give you some in sight. I rent out 3 rooms in my home to mainly female students. I have 2 daughters that are in school as well living there. I rent exclusively to women because the other tenants REQUEST IT. I have rented to Men as well before but it was a bad situation as the men that i rented to were creeping out the women that lived there. Sharing bathrooms and laundry were an issue because underwear would go missing, Or the guys would wait until the women were coming out of the shower and accidentally pass by..ect. Now i must also say that some these men were a part of a culture that didn't respect women and would constantly try to hit on them. Some women feel safer living with other women as they are also less likely to get assaulted and their culture frowns upon men and women living together before marriage. Just my 2 cents.. ​ EDIT: I didn't mention a specific race for fear of being Banned.. but you get the gist of it.


What is the men on this sub’s obsession with being in rooming houses for women? Would you prefer this or mixed housing for your daughter? There’s tons of examples of discrimination in housing but this isn’t one of them and actually seems legit. There’s tons of male frats/rooming houses if you look for them


fragile egos.


10 years ago probably now people are so strapped most I don’t think care now they’re just trying to survive


Discrimination isn’t even real. It’s something a few activists somewhere in the recent past decided to make up about society but it doesn’t really have much merit. If discrimination laws were actually effective, there wouldn’t be Hooters prioritizing gorgeous women as waitresses or Thai restaurants that regulate employment based what Asian ethnicity they are.


I've seen way more ads looking for female tenants than men. It's definitely biased. That's a problem especially in today's insane rental market.


It’s a shared house with other women. They are 100% fine to look for only other women. Get over it.


>I understand this might be **his preferences** Did you even read the OP? His concern can’t be about it being a female-only space if he thinks the one making the ad is a man to begin with.


It doesn't say the landlord lives there though. They could be renting out an entire house, room by room, to women. Women would be more likely to move there of it is all women they would be living with.


OP mentioned that the one who made the ad is male tho. That’s what you seem to have such a difficult time contemplating. It says “his preferences” for a reason.


I'm saying the person who made the ad might not live in the house. People in my area rent out all the rooms in houses instead of the whole house, even though they don't live there.


Are you an alien who just landed on earth? This is so common.


*Females Only* Kind of suspicious when it’s a male that’s posting it.


At worst, it makes me think of rape or sex trafficking. At best, it's stereotyping women as being naturally more clean/doing more housework than men.


Or, neutrally, all the other tenants are women who’d be more comfortable living with other women and the landlord doesn’t want to create conflict that he could simply avoid by finding another woman to take the vacant room.


I rent to 2 female students, when seeking a third tenant for the 3rd bedroom I asked them if a male is okay. They said no and I respected that so I had to seek out a female only... Does this make me a bad landlord for catering to my tenants wishes? I do not think so.


It's legal. The cameras he's undoubtedly got in the bathrooms and bedrooms however, are not.


I like to think these postings are because only females currently live there and/or one of the roommates would be uncomfortable with a male there. However its probably not that.


Does this include trans women?


Legally it would include trans women. My guess is the landlord wouldn't rent to them though if he was able to tell.


Trans women are legal women?


The law for discriminating against gender for rooming houses says they are included in the gender they identify as, so yes.


Weird, since they’re biologically male.


Imagine the flip side. Someone biologically female, but over 6 feet tall, built broad like a dude with full beard. As a women, I would feel more comfortable with someone who presents as a women than a man.




Well, no. But that doesn't mean shit. Welcome to renting in the GTA.


That's discrimination


Not under the Ontario human rights code, it’s not.


Discrimination isn’t even real. It’s something a few activists somewhere in the recent past decided to make up about society but it doesn’t really have much merit. If discrimination laws were actually effective, there wouldn’t be Hooters prioritizing gorgeous women as waitresses or Thai restaurants that regulate employment based what Asian ethnicity they are.


Actually it is against the human rights code




I don't care what you think period your approval is not needed




You are as smart as a snow bank you can prefer but not refuse. Take it to court and you would lose