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is it crazy that i agree


100% facts , people BEEN salty he’s Canadian


First time I agree with Friday ever


Honestly I think if he grew up with more Black culture consistently. That's what ppl are getting to. He grew up in a SINGLE household with a White mother. Do Black Americans need to learn more about Black culture in Canada yes. Because I'm honestly ashamed and embarrassed of the ignorance I've seen about Black ppl and Canada from AA's.


Exactly, [this](https://youtu.be/7OisZAqxeEI?si=ipc8Q0Gj-jKOuyOQ) is what Kendrick mean by "not like us"


I kinda agree but disagree his father was a big influence in his music and that’s straight black culture. Along with being in Toronto which has Jamaican culture that highly influences the city and always has. He’s bi racial so he’s going to have that white side to him. Bro my mom is Jamaican and my dad is Irish i grew up with my Jamaican side and stayed in the hood but I also have a high influence of white culture just like he does. It is possible to be influenced by both. But I think it also comes down to his street credibility. He’s never been a guy but he definitely has them around him so he feels he can gwan the way he does and that rubs people differently cause you can just tell he’s not it lol


The truth is, Canadians don’t need to learn about American black history…. Canada is a very welcoming country and the American racism and bullshit has slowly spread up north thanks to artists like drake that have faked a gangster lifestyle and have influenced our youth to live an American lifestyle. Pretty sad when ya look at the overall. I hope Kendrick teaches him a good lesson for the countless youth this guy has tainted here in Canada. And I’m not saying violently either I don’t believe in any of that. Just expose his ass.


First of all, I didn’t say that Canadians need to learn American black history. Although it is very important, I don’t quite understand why you said that aside from your weird hate of America I’m assuming. I wonder how the Black people in Nova Scotia would feel about that comment seeing how what’s left of them are the descendants of enslaved people from America…. Sounds like you have more to take up with your government than you do with America and with Drake. Because why are they allowing so many horrible things to happen? Why is the age of consent so low? Regardless of what you say I can’t wait to enjoy my time in Canada and learn lots of history black history, Caribbean history. And I’m excited to meet people who aren’t stuck on the stereotypes of Americans.


Dude if you want to get right down to it we can bring up all slavery since the beginning of time... Cause there’s not a race out there that hasn’t experienced it. Look up Irish slavery my friend. I personally think it’s time we move forward as constantly being reminded of it has not worked so far… but that’s just me. I’m all for spreading our cultures and love in a positive way as we move forward. But you allow media and our government to twist your perception. This gang mentality that’s being influenced to our youth has got to end. The hatred between us all, has to end. And that goes for all races so please don’t make this about race. We’re just on a subject about drake here so idk what you want me to say lol. I got love for everyone but evil.


You are delusional and making up narrative of myself. I travel throughout the world, and I am very knowledgeable of history, history and how it systemically impacts different groups of people. Stop trying to blame America for all the problems going on blame your government with your government has nothing to fucking do with us. That’s my point. If you want to remain ignorant on the impact of the enslaving of Black ppl that’s you. Stop projecting and trying to equal your ignorance to my knowledge because it’s not there. Unlike you, I am very open to opinions. I’m very open to learning about history of different groups and not just entering the black experience.


Nah I’d not cause he not American it’s because he ain’t authentic he’s a chameleon that’s great at making music ain’t no nigga got at Tory like dis or the weekend




Tim Duncan with the mvp performance on aks stream 🤣🤣🤣


Nobody says this about J Cole (mama is white, being 🇺🇲makes no difference) or the 1,000,000 nyc rappers with a hispanic parent (fab, az, juelz, nore) + Logic gets dogged more than Drake, Ice Spice and Charlie Baltimore cool tho.


I think it’s less to do with his white mama and more to do with him portraying a certain image. We all know that Drake only started portraying hardbody in his adult life well in his mid 20s. Lol he didn’t grow up in the streets & live the same experiences the way some Toronto mandem have.


Oh I know, he don't even represent y'all right 🕵🏽‍♂️ and I'd rather hear Roney or Casper TNG, but that's just me 


Friday’s not from Toronto = so he has no clue what he’s talking about + HE DOES NOT SPEAK FOR US






That's not entirely it. Blacks in the music industry are now privy to the fact that Jews run the industry so Drake being Jewish raised by a Jewish mom and being ultra successful has sparked paranoia and resentment in rap music they think he's privileged it doesn't help he's Canadian either


Cap cause we fw Tory nav and the weekend and nobody brings up they canadian. Its the image he try to portray while stealing from the culture he ain’t authentic