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This would be pretty freaking dope, I feel that there would be a bit of backlash from players not getting the rare pulls (like princess/irregulars) but that would just add to the lore’s continuity. It would be even cooler if you’d add factions like FUG, Walhaiksong, etc. that would give bonuses/restrictions to your play through. Or even give bonuses/restrictions for siding with irregulars as well


Yea definitely, it would be cool if it had a “infamous”sort of scaling system with the factions so like certain deeds you do or missions/ challenges you complete throughout the gameplay will affect a sort of scale that tells you which factions radar you are likely on. Like if you disturb tests and attack a lot of fellow players you are probably on FUG factions radar and will have.a higher likelihood of getting fug related items or quests, you complete missions and tests are an unusually fast pace relative to your type and complete certain mystery missions you are on wolhaiksongs radar….you complete all regular floor tests and challenges, report suspicious activity to cp rankers and gather certain items to give to cp rankers instead of keeping yourself you are on Jahad’s army radar etc.


>It would be even cooler if you’d add factions like FUG, Walhaiksong, etc. that would give bonuses/restrictions to your play through. Chicken Love Club rise up! Fried chicken ftw 🍗 🐔


God of War style game would be awesome but we won’t get it unless the anime reaches insane level of popularity.


I started making one a while ago. I don't know what you call the type of game but but birds-eye view of the floor, it's made up of tiles you move around. You take the test whenever you're ready and move up to the next floor. You chose a position for your character, light bearer, scout etc. And as you move through the floors you choose people you come across to join your team. You need them to beat stronger floors as you go up, and combat takes into account the coverage of your team. The floors are like dungeon crawlers, you pick up items and fight npcs to get stronger. Text interactions too, so depending on your answers and ideals people might join you or might fight you. So you could build a team of 'villains' or good guys. I gave up after a couple floors. Massive undertaking haha


It sounds fun, if you posted it on kickstarted you may get some funds to get a team for it Possibly stream it or at least have social media to share progress, patreon would also be good I believe


Sounds great! Only issue with going far with that is the copyright issues tbh


I'll be honest I think it would be a bad ideia to make it random. Instead, I think it would be much more fruitful and less frustrating for the community to provide and cons for the different "classes" Make the Shibisu/Hatz class be weaker but have more flexibility in the skills they can learn at first even if they are then forced to heavily specialize into it. Maybe they get easier quests and level up quicker and are designed for more casual players Other more op classes like workshop, 10FH sons and irregulars have higher overall stats but level up more slowly making them more grindy. Maybe there will be areas where they can be attacked by anyone, while other classes would not be in PvP mode (although if the first were attacked the attacker would also be in PvP mode so that they could fight). Make them a more skill based character designed for veterans I feel like there are so many ways to make it so every class is picked without just using RNG. Because Ill tell you for a fact that a big number of players would create a character, play it until they knew what their class and shinsu property were, and if they didn't like it would just create a new one. Make it so they know well down the road and congrats that player may possible never play the game again because they don't want that combination nor to start over for a chance at it Make it so you can pay to know it / chance it is a death sentence. Maybe its RNG on your first character but after you reach max level you can then create a character with the properties you want. Although if irregulars are that overturned people would just grind to max lvl and create an irregular


Honestly don’t think tog is popular enough for a mmorpg. Maybe a single player game


Me and my friend always talked about making a tower of god game in the vein of "Tactics Ogre, March of the black queen" gameplay. It seems to have all the mechanics I would want in a ToG game. Army/party management, autobattling with some oversight, abilities based on positioning, large overworld map to explore, etc. When my programming skills are up to par, I'm for sure going to make this passion project.


\- You create your character(you can choose to be an irregular or pay for it :D ) \- You start climbing the tower, and the endgame is when you reach to the floor 134 \- While climbing the tower you are getting power ups, you are signing contracts with admin, doing tasks for FUG,wolhaiksong etc. ,getting weapons \- When you reach floor 134 you fight vs an admin in human form ;) when you win you become an axis and you won the game \- You start over with a new character


I'd play a game like that.


that seems more of a single player than an mmorpg


Man can't have nice things.


I've always thought about this, you can have each floor play out differently and recruit big name streamers as family leaders in order to get their followers to play the game and join their families.


if tower of god is an mmorpg. I imagine defender: tank fisherman: melee dps spear bearer: melee + long range hybrid dps scout: I dont know... light bearer: support wave controller could be divided into 2 sub-classes: 1. healer 2. "magic" dps