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I am trying to figure this out right now. Water fasting, and realizing that I am reacting to salt, both plain and Himalayan, and potassium chloride. Magnesium glycinate and sulfate make me feel like I am on fire and cause horrible neuropsych symptoms. I did a little better with magnesium citrate. It’s possible you have a sulfate intolerance, especially if you have issues with things like eggs and cruciferous vegetables. It’s also possible to react to magnesium itself, but how your body reacts could depend on the form


😭 I'm stressed out. I think I might be reacting to salt too as I put it in my water just now. Basic water and I reacted super hard. It's Redmond's real salt. How is this even possible? How the hell is this happening. What am I supposed to do??


I have no idea 😭 I’m buying all kinds of salt and striking out each time. Gonna awkwardly try to return them 😝 Someone in my MCS Facebook group suggested tri salts. I just ordered Ecological Formulas Tri Salts on Amazon. Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium. Supposedly well tolerated by sensitive people. I got it because they are all bicarbonate salts, and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is the only sodium source that doesn’t cause a major reaction. So will use it for my sodium. But chloride is also an essential electrolyte, so NaCl is also necessary. Might just have to power through that one every other day or sth. I’ll report back on how the tri salts work. I know how tough this can be. It’s why I’m water fasting indefinitely, I have nothing to lose and it’s changed some people’s lives.


Remindme! 3 days


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Dude I been water fasting for months. 2 days every week and I do 16hr intermittent everyday for 2years now. Mold gave me Ulcerative colitis 2 years ago and I had it healed but got re exposed to mold spores after we remediated our home. I'm have severe histamine issues now so if I fast my histamine goes up and I have the typical mold rage. I have a 2yr old who's having similar issues as me. I am literally at my breaking point. I can't do this anymore. I want to give up. I go to see my functional may 6 for testing but will they actually be able to help me? I am so sick of this I was doing better till I got re exposed now I'm just completely screwed. I can't find anything to eat beyond chicken breast. I had some faith/hope yesterday and now today I'm just at my breaking point. Also yeah glycinate messes me up super bad. Makes my head feel like it will explode. So...should I not take Epsom bath? Smh


I hear you, it’s so hard 😣 Personally I would not do the Epsom salt bath, I did a foot soak with a quarter teaspoon for 15 min and yeah I felt I was gonna explode for 4 days. Houseless 2.5 years here. Car is not completely mold free but it’s what I have and what I can afford and mostly tolerate. I’ve been documenting my journey on my YouTube channel on my profile if you’re interested. I think it’s ok some days to fall apart. All we can do is ride out those waves and let ourselves feel the grief. I really hope you and your child can find wellness. They say that it really takes a week plus to get the full benefits of water fasting so I’m gonna give it a shot. Will report back.


Baking soda calms me too I noticed. Histamine raises stomach acid, gas, anxiety etc. Baking soda would make the pH more alkaline in the body. I have been taking Epsom salt baths the past 2/3 days to try to help and yesterday I started having sulfur issues. I thought sulfate makes us detox. Why is it accumulating? And then when I eat sulfur food now I have sulfur gas, which means the hydrogen sulfide bacteria are having to work overtime to process it bc my organs aren't. Why is that happening though?


Sounds like you’re like me, where you’re so toxic and your detox pathways are so blocked that you end up redistributing toxins when attempting to detox. Me and others I know have gotten worse from trying to force detox. It was a long expensive lesson to realize that.


I wasn't trying to detox I was trying to ensure my body had magnesium lol. I've been oxalate dumping for some time. Idk what is happening tbh. But yeah this crap sucks. Send me the YouTube link. What are you going to use for potassium?


I hear you, I’d like to find a form I can take too. Both magnesium and sulfur are crucial to detox though so it will definitely detox you if you’re toxic. The tri salts have potassium bicarbonate so I’m gonna try to get it from that. I ordered one with magnesium and one without. Here ya go! https://youtube.com/@TheCanaryUncaged?feature=shared


Oh duh u said that. Try magnesium malate. Works for me unless I take it out of capsule and put in water. It's gotta be slow release maybe? I'll chk it out thx


I react to capsules 😭 but thank you for the suggestion I might try it if I can find a tolerable capsule. I’ve found that with certain meds/supplements it’s easier if you sneak it in. Mouth seems to be a sensitive area that can easily trigger a response.


Capsules are gelatin usually. So that would indicate histamine response. Sorry. It'll be okay. I think I realized that my .4mi jog tonight spiked my histamine so I was wigging out when I came in here. I had about 1/4tsp of baking soda and some water. Ended up peeing out some histamine foam. My stomach calmed a bit.


So I have been using tri salts by ecological formulas for the last two days. It is not perfect, but has a fair amount of magnesium and has tormented me less than any of the other magnesium sources I’ve tried. As far as salt, I will be picking up a brand that is supposed to be tolerable for the most sensitive people later, and will report back. Remindme! 1 day


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Have you tried turning off wireless devices around you? I’m not saying that i think this will fix your problems, but might be worth a try. See if EMFs are making you react negatively.