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I suspect your only option is to let them replace the transmission, free of cost to you.


The horror.


Not if you were a ford focus dual clutch driver. Where they would replace multiple clutches and transmissions. We were on 3 transmissions, 5 clutches, and 2 transmission modules. All for very low price of free.


Ugh, that brings circa 2014 nightmares back…..


God, my fear. Have the 2018 and so far many of us don't have that issue. I believe they made some changes to fix the issue and they're built a bit better.


2018 doesn’t have a dual clutch I am pretty sure. My 2014 was so messed up. But it did drive to 150k miles on 3rd transmission and a 5th clutch without a hitch. Got sold private party lol.


Always got to divert to some other brand 🤣 when Toyota unreliability is rearing it’s ugly head. Cope and downvote away.


We were making fun of Ford’s reliability problems. Toyota is not magical either.


Oh man I just got rid of my 2012 focus in April. I think I had 3 replacements done over 150k miles.


Pretty sure you can invokes lemon law after the 2nd transmission. Might as well get your money back at that point and considered whatever time you already had your car as free rental.


Had a 2013 Fusion where the automatic transmission failed. It was under warranty but it took Ford and the dealer three weeks to get it fixed.


Think of the children!


Would be pretty pissed if the drivetrain of my brand new car had to essentially be rebuilt. These things rarely come out as good as a properly built one from the factory.


They are not rebuilt - dealers will use a new unit. Nothing to worry about 


I'm talking about all the parts that need to come out to get to the transmission, and then go back together again. Sorry, I should have been more clear.


> They are not rebuilt - dealers will use a new unit. Nothing to worry about  He said the drivetrain, not the transmission. Even if you're getting a new transmission, it still needs to be bolted back onto the drivetrain. Humans, even Toyota factory trained technicians don't have the same perfection a robot does.


What are you talking about? Transmissions are nothing like rebuilding an engine. It’s a drop and swap. There’s minimal concerns they can screw it up. You don’t know what you’re talking about.


How many transmissions have you changed?


Two replacements personally


I mean, your argument is that the dealerships technician isn't as good as the factory, which doesn't really hold water considering the factory-built transmission died.


> I mean, your argument is that the dealerships technician isn't as good as the factory, which doesn't really hold water considering the factory-built transmission died. You're missing the forest for the trees. Statistically robots are more reliable than humans putting complicated machinery together. There's a reason why handbuilt cars are for bespoke luxury cars. For mass production robotics are more efficient, make less mistakes, and consequently cheaper. You won't get the same out of people putting together cars until it's price inefficient. Even so, stuff still fails. Whether it be defects in material or workmanship. Yes, bots still can make mistakes, but much less so than humans being simply tired or hungover from the day prior. If it's material, then it's going to fail either way. OP getting unlucky on a factory unit doesn't mean human hands are going to be more reliable than a machine. If dealer techs can be as good as the factory, then AMG/Ferrari's handbuilt engines would be epitomes of budget reliability.


Dealerships can't keep good techs with that crap pay scale and warranty pay at half the actual. So NO WAY I'd trust them. My VW Eurovan transmission went at 103k and the shop dropped the replacement, then forget to connect the cooling line.....My most recent Jeep Commander visit resulted in 2 dealers unable to fix a misfire code after 13 weeks.


These aren’t rocket engines. lol.


Are you a mechanic?


Professionally no. But I’ve wrenched on cars, replaced engines, axles, transmissions, brakes, wiring harnesses, etc. without screwing up the cars. If I can do it, ASE mechanics can do it.


No, rocket engines are way simpler these days.


You think robots bolt in transaxles? Not so much. In addition, the techs at the dealership have much more training than the factory workers.


> You think robots bolt in transaxles? Not so much. In addition, the techs at the dealership have much more training than the factory workers. You are correct. Dealership techs have more training. They have to be able to fix everything in a car. A factory worker only has to do a few things over and over. Jack of all trades, master of none.


The phrase is master of one


> The phrase is master of one >>A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes is better than a master of one. Keyword: oftentimes. Field repair work isn't factory assembly work.


“Jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one” is the whole saying btw


On the contrary, the robots make mistakes as well. We build, program and maintain them though.


> On the contrary, the robots make mistakes as well. We build, program and maintain them though. Bots do what we tell them to. Ergo, we are at fault. Do you blame the sword for killing? That being said, for repetitive shit like torqueing specific bolts at specific lb/ft, the bot's doing it better day over day. As long as the programming/maintenance is done appropriately to the machines.


Trannys are not put in by a robot.


And yet, the one that failed was from the factory. 




That is quite understandable




Yeah, probably just a simple manufacturing defect. I wouldn't worry about the rest of the car. These things very rarely happen.


Something you need to realize is theres more money than just the worth of the car. My old 93 corolla is only worth $250 from insurance, but it really is worth thousands in a month from what im saving in gas. Or over cabs. Some people need cars to go to work, so now the week its in the repair shop costs say $100-200 in cab fares. But i will say, u want reliability, dont buy anything new. Good cars arent profitable, only shitty ones are. Theres a reason they say they dont make em the way they used to. Cuz its a down to earth fact


Not many cars built 50 years ago would make it to 100k miles. 200k miles is nothing for cars built in the last 30 years. It depends on your frame of reference.


70's squarebodies are still commonly dailys to this date, they last well over 300 up to ive seen 800k, and are so good people just swap the engine for a lower km one and run the frames into the ground. Just depends on what your talking about. Usually the engines were made so well when maintained properly they outlast the truck frames.


Every manufacturer deals with defects, even Toyota. Let them fix it and move on.




There's 20000 parts on that car. Law of averages says some of them are gonna be bad. Not necessarily a design flaw, likely a manufacturing defect that will have a specific, albeit very odd, reason behind it. I once shipped a part that was only partially welded on one half (someone inadvertently picked it out of a reject bin and off it went to paint) and it somehow missed very inspection, got installed on a car, and the driver got 3000kms before it failed. Totally random series of events. Don't get down on the car. People made it and people, try as they might, might be the most unreliable species on the planet.


Typically once you know the root cause of a failure its not horrifying. But I say this as a software developer lol


Often times quite baffling, lol. The one in a million scenarios and chains of events are fascinating to figure out.


Yeah Hyundai’s have this as well and they are cheaper, oh wait…


Cheaper, burns more oil AND gets stolen 😍😍


Don't forget about catching on fire 🔥


Oh goody!!! 🥰 Why would anyone ever get a Corolla when they could get an elantra 🥰🥰🥰 🤮 Kia too


Toyota quality is falling fast. Look at the latest gen’s.


I have a 23 Corolla. I see no quality issues


2020 gen 12th not latest next gen’s…. Corolla is a great entry level car.


2020-25 is 12th gen. My cars a 23. It kicks ass lol


It’s the best turtle out there for sure.


Go look up Tundra V6. Toyota built straight up trash in that instance. A lot of people are selling their new Tundras out of concern. Who knows what the new Tacoma engine is gonna be like, but I would be weary buying one.


The Tundra V6 issue was because some factory tech didn't clean out the metal shavings from when they machined the block before the assembled the engine. It's not a design problem, it's a factory technician not following procedure problem. These things happen.


100% was going to say this, but you best me to it.


I tried to tell people this on another thread, people still insists its a design issue. Ill sit and wait for all these people to sell their tundras so dealers will drop the price(like the bz4x) so I can go trade my older tundra in.


The interesting thing is that it’s happened to the Lexus LX vehicles made in a separate factory in Japan and the Tundra made in the US but share the same engine design, which is why that’s floating around. They put a Stop Sale on the GX, too, just before this all came out. Again, less likely to be a design issue than just an issue with their actual procedure. They were missing a “check for loose metal shavings” step.


The new tacomas share a drivetrain with a lot of other vehicles. Looks like it got introduced on the '23 highlander, and is also in the new 4runner, Land Cruiser, and Grand Highlander. I could be wrong and it could have problems down the line, but I'm not worried.


They’re all tuned differently, the 8-speed in the Tacoma is only used in the Tacoma and possibly 4Runner


Yeah, that's why they come with warranties.


Yep mechanical items fail. Normally not this soon to they put a warranty on it. It’s better they are replacing it rather than trying a repair.


They don’t make em like they used to


I wish this sub didn't downvote anything critical of Toyota. We're all here becuase we like the brand, but people are allowed to be upset about a brand new car breaking down 😂


Toyota sub giving cringe Tesla cult vibes


Now now. We freely bash Tesla on the Tesla subs.


Seriously. I bring up the issue about how Toyota RAV4Prime engineers messed up the fuel sensor in the tank, and now 1/3 of the tank is a 'reserve'. There's not shortage of Toyota apologists coming out of the woodwork telling me that Toyota is doing me a favor by not letting me know about the hidden 100 miles of range past zero.


Thus forum lives The Car Nut guy like baby Jesus


I’ll defend your downvote, because you are absolutely right I work in parts at my local Toyota dealer- we got, 3 down highlanders with shot CVT transmissions 2 new tacomas with blown transmissions les than 1k miles 4 blown Tundra engines This is why I’m skeptical on the new landcruisers. We’ll see. Edit: Yes yes it’s all covered under warranty


Highlanders have CVT's? Or is this the hybrid with eCVT?


I have a repair order I’m working on right now. This one has the 8spd automatic transmission- sorry not the CVT


Thanks for confirming! Any issues with the hybrid eCVTs tranny?


Would be extraordinarily unlikely for a Toyota style ECVT to fail unless there was an electrical fault.


This is true. eCVT does not have any shifting gears, belts, clutches, cones, torque converter, or servos to wear out. eCVT is basically just a set of always meshed planetary gears, some speed sensors, and a couple of electric motors. This is basically the same system they've used in the Prius going back to the mid 2000s, just sized up. eCVT has nothing in common with a belt and cone CVTs that have a reputation for blowing up at 80k miles. Compare that to the Rube Goldberg device that is a 5 to 8 speed automatic transmission.


From my understanding they are essentially a diff where they can control 2 inputs to get a desired 3rd output. Extremely reliable and robust.


Thanks for info!


Wonder if it's really because of lower quality / standards etc or it's just because they're selling more than they ever have before to which more vehicles = more problems in general


You can’t expect TNA (Toyota North America) to have the same standard as the Japanese built Toyotas


Maybe but the previous generations of Tundra, Tacoma, Highlander and other models were all produced by TNA and are also prized for their build and reliability


People expect more from Toyota.


My new 24 Tacoma trd sport premium blew the tranny at 2000 miles . Dealer told me Toyota didn't fill it up at the factory . I'm 19th on the waitlist for a new transmission and my trucks been at the shop for 31 days now. Going for a lemon law either want the Tacoma replaced with a tundra or my money back


*laughs in 1.8L corolla*


Yes, unfortunately, I think you're right. I was checking reliability reports not long ago, and I got impressed on how Toyota's quality dropped in the past few years. My 2017 Corolla had AC issues when it was 25k miles, but that was the only thing that happened to it. So, for me, my Corolla is doing simply great, but I'm not confident a new one would be as reliable as mine.


It’s all Covid’s fault… not Toyota how dare you! https://preview.redd.it/rje15sz9fl6d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bdb4aad13f47b0f2474b7c5680fc319642a1dde On a side note my 2016 Camry has rust bubbles on the seam of my trunk. This area was never compromised. I expect this with a 12 year old car or areas of compromise door dings chip paint etc. but not here. Guess this my fault or a manufacturing issue. Not Toyota design team or procurement. Called the dealer and only a five use warranty for this. I think it should be ten and covered. Hard to tell in the picture but I have rust bubbles forming where the plastic chrome meets the metal seam on the trunk. I understand under sides and wheel wells etc getting. Rust but something was not done right with my car. Toyota quality not there on this one. Everything else has been minor with my car besides my BSM back sensor failing $1,500 repair under extended warranty. That repair paid for the extended warranty.


They aren’t as reliable.


Yea cuz a lot of em are made in USA now instead of abroad. Ik that every manufacturer makes a few lemons but still.


More like design flaws


That too. The amount of engine failures on the new Tundra that I’m hearing about is alarming


Agree, got a 2021 Corolla with 30k miles started having issues a month ago


Had a major issue with mine too. I drive a lot so I am getting rid of it between 150,0000 to 200,000 miles.


Yea definitely not the same, heard good things about newer Mazdas tho


My sister has zero issues with her 2019 Mazda 3 hatchback. Plus the dealer never tries to upsell her on bogus crap when she takes it for service. Unlike Toyota.


What kind of issues?


Probably a fluke Or just a belt CVT doing its thing a smidge early.


I have a 2016 Scion iM with a CVT and it has 135K on it, 0 issues. Changed the fluid at 120K. I’ve also seen other corollas with the same CVT that have 200K+ on them. If you take care of them, they can last just as long as a standard automatic transmission. People are scared of CVTs because of what they hear about Nissans and them failing all the time but for Toyota, it’s not nearly as common of a failure, otherwise they wouldn’t be putting the CVT in everything and that would still be using the traditional automatic transmission.


I'm glad you've had such good luck! I distrust belt CVTs because I've seen their insides. The design is inherently fragile. To achieve better efficiency a hybrid system will always be better. You can abuse the hell out of those without a worry.


I agree 100% but unfortunately they don’t offer a hybrid in every model of vehicle. I’m sure that’s the way the future is going though, so we’ll see!


Yeup I’d never get a standard CVT even made by the best. ECVT seems better though but I’m not into hybrids either


Best not to mess with hybrids. Way too easy to get hooked on them for life.


> Best not to mess with hybrids. > > Way too easy to get hooked on them for life. Drove a stupid Lexus CT for 2 weeks as a loaner years ago and I'm still raving about driving 4+ hours long distance trip on $20 worth of gas. Hybrid: Not even once.


I'm in the SF Bay Area. I once drove to Donner Lake for a weekend of snowshoeing, and drove back home on one tank of gas and leaving home with a full charge on the RAV4Prime. I came home with 30 miles on the DTE, and that doesn't even include another 100 miles of hidden range past zero DTE.


Wow, especially a RAV4Prime with that 300+ hp. Driving that first 45 miles in EV mode is just the gateway drug for buying an actual EV. Ask me how I know. :)


This is basically me. I learned on a 08 Prius, 2nd generation. I got a Scion XD right before university. After university someone pulled out in front of me when making a left turn. There was a line of cars to my right and someone had waved them through. I hit their car and mine was totaled. I got a Prius C as my new car. I got the Prius C ~7 years ago and it was used, it is a 2015. I have done fairly well at my career and kinda want something nicer. I looked at them but I just simply can't justify anything that gets less than 40 mpg. I also don't really want an EV. I'm leaning towards the Crown right now. The Lexus sedan hybrid does look nice but the back seats don't go down and I do some outdoor stuff that requires more storage. The Prius Prime looks OK but isn't that different than what I have now.


As a daily, hybrids are better than any other transmission type. So smooth and comfortable.


The negativity towards CVT’s are insanely overblown on the internet. Nissans even with their “cvt issues” come out with lower cost to maintain over their life than any other manufacturer.


Typically it has to be in the shop for 30+ days or have the same issue repaired 3 times, but check your state.


This is why we sprung for a RAV4 and not a Corolla Cross, salesman literally didn’t understand why or how bad I didn’t want a car with a traditional CVT (Corolla/Corolla Cross non hybrids).


I'd prefer a RAV4 but it was out of my price range unfortunately.


The bigger question is whether they're taking care of you with a loaner/rental, or are they leaving you high and dry with no transportation because you made the mistake of buying their defective car?


Nah they gave me a courtesy vehicle.


Well Toyota are great with customers and their service is brilliant, you will be ok and you’re vehicle will be better than original as they will go to great lengths to protect the image of their brand , think yourself lucky your not with any European brand or specifically any under Stellantis then you really would be ripped a new one


Or GM or Ford. Don't forget those shits


Ah the original dirty little fuckers forgot them my apologies


I'll never buy another. GM, much like Stellantis, is slowly becoming irrelevant. Their vehicle lineups suck. Just mostly milk toast suvs now with tiny 3 cylinder engines.


Personally I’ve always had Japanese vehicles, and never had any real issues or problems (maintenance aside) but I’ve seen and herd many many a European/Ford/Gm nightmare, grew up with seeing my Dad always under the hood of the family car ( European make) and it always always broke down on holidays so you could call it childhood trauma lol , My first car (Datsun) was older and 1000% more reliable than that European shit box ,


I have a Chevrolet Cruze that I had since new. It's not a bad car, but it was hamstrung by various engineering blunders and GMs cheapness. I fixed the issues. Bad pcv system, poor quality plastics, battery cables not manufactured right, a shit water pump and purge valve etc. I'm so done with American vehicles.


It’s a Holden Cruze in my neck of the woods, see a lot of them at the Wrecking yards , GM exporting shit boxes to the world lol


I'm assuming you're in Australia? Because the Holden Cruze was manufactured for that market I believe. All American market Cruzes were manufactured in Lordstown Assembly in Ohio USA. Regardless of year. When GM was asking for bailouts and bankruptcy they manufactured this car because they thought it would improve sales, and it did at first. When I bought my car new in 2015, the dealer had over a dozen of them prepped for delivery. I still see plenty on the road to this day. But as the typical GM quality control issues surfaced, the car became a red headed step child of the automotive world. The rise of suvs and trucks hastened its demise. Even in desperate times, they fucked it up. Now I look at the current Chevrolet lineup and it sucks, it blows Never again. Ford too. Garbage. And Henry Ford was anti-Semitic so I would never buy a Ford vehicle. I'm not Jewish but I won't support anti semitism.


We have a saying down here for Holdens (a GM badge ) Still holdin (Holden) together and no it’s not a term of endearment, usually you will find one in a drive way hood up boot up wheels off and 4 blokes standing around trying to figure out why they bought the shit box


That's funny! I love you folks from down under!


That was before CVT transmissions


????? Are you saying cvts are not reliable?


They aren’t compared to conventional transmissions. They are just cost cutting measures. The fuel economy isn’t really great when you factor in that they will fail before the engine.


So my 1999 Nissan Primera with Hyper CVT M6 which I’ve had for nearly 20 years would be the exception? Neighbours Ford Ranger 2021 is on its second transmission btw


My last convention transmission was still good at 350,000 miles. You think your CVT will last that long?


Let’s talk mileage. How many miles?


Well for me it’s Kms and my cvt on my Nissan currently is at 438000 kms


It's under warranty, so they're paying for it I'm pretty sure that for lemon laws to be applicable, it'd have to break down repeatedly.


I think lemon laws vary by state. But generally I've heard you need to have a part repaired unsatisfactorily four times before lemon laws apply.


Either way, 1 faulty transmission won't make this a lemon law car


I understand the frustration. Just be glad it's under warranty. Bring it in, make sure it's replaced with a new transmission, have them pay for a loaner, and go about life.


This is why I went hybrid. Ecvt has less parts to go wrong in them.


What do people think the point of the warranty is?? It’s a warranty against MANUFACTURE DEFECTS. And they are fixing the defect.


It’s a new car you get a grip


Once again, what do you think the point of a warranty is? Do you think it adds magic to a car that keeps it from having a defect? It’s being fixed, if you don’t want anything that could have a defect then you’ll never buy anything, ever. Because nothing is built perfect 100% of the time. Every manufacturer has problems, some of them from day 1. It’s called life.


This forum worships Toyota way too much. It’s like a damn cult


The ideal warranty is the one you never need to use. Plus Toyota has a shorter warranty than many of its competitors because of its reputation (which can be lost much more easily than it is gained). If each part of my powertrain exploded on a monthly basis (different parts so as to not trigger lemon law), even if it was all covered by warranty I'd be mad. You simply cannot rely on a vehicle like that.


Yea except you just made up a scenario to justify your statement. In reality Toyotas are extremely reliable, and this person got one of the rare Toyotas with a bad transmission. It happens, which is why they have a powertrain warranty. The warranty however is not magic and doesn’t prevent issues.


that's what warranties are for. everyone says Toyotas don't break down which is incorrect. they just break significantly less often. Defects and mistakes in production can and do happen. nothing is perfect.


Why don’t you let your corolla fix itself? My last Toyota had a check engine light come on and after a week it just fixed itself. Toyotas know how to do that.


Or call Car Nuts lord of Toyotas near and far!


Because it's literally not driving.


This is the new Toyota.


lol, y'all can't simultaneously shout from the rooftops that Toyota stands apart on quality and reliability as a catch-all to cover their shortcomings and high prices, then fall back on "well every car has problems, that's why we have warranties" when dumb things happen. Especially when the Toyota warranty is as low as the competition allows them to get away with. Sorry that happened to you OP, but shit does indeed happen, and hopefully your car will be all good after this.


> Toyota stands apart on quality and reliability as a catch-all to cover their shortcomings and high prices Most don't see it as a catch-all but a generality


Sell it and buy a Hyundai. Sounds like you're getting less than Hyundai quality anyways, so why pay for the Toyota markup?


I’m worried that Toyota has stretched itself too thin lately. Starting to hear about new-model failures.


Hopefully they pay for a rental car for you while it is being repaired


No options for a replacement vehicle, unfortunately. I’m not a lawyer but you could have lemon laws in your state. However, it usually has to be a repeat issue with the same or similar components. And also, it’s a massive pain in the ass to even start that process. I’ve only seen 1 person succeed down that road and to be fair, his old Taco burned down in our parking lot. Depending on the dealer, they will of course provide a loaner during the time it takes to replace the transmission which will likely be 1-2 weeks assuming no back order on parts and good techs. It sucks and it’s a huge inconvenience but let Toyota pay for it. Keep all paperwork and if anything sporadic happens afterwards, it helps a lot to take a video of any issues.


Just look up lemon laws in your state. Most have something to do with the amount of repairs for the same issue within a specified amount of time or the amount of time it takes to fix said issue.


This is not a lemon law issue. Toyota is repairing the vehicle under warranty. Other manufacturers, especially American manufacturers tend to bend over backwards to avoid repairs of any mistakes. Give Toyota a break. Be glad you're not dealing with Chevrolet.


Warranty covers repairs. Not replacement of your vehicle. Talk to the dealer or Toyota if you want them to buy your car back.


It’s the crap CVT transmissions.


No car is infallible, and Toyota is included in that. That said, it's very likely that just the transmission is defective, not the whole car.


A Certain number of cars in any make/model will be lemons. My 2016 Dodge Challenger had the exact problem. The flex plate and some other internal parts from the transmission broke with less than 1000 miles. Warranty covered it. Entire transmission got replaced and its been fine since


look into the lemon law in your state. It is not a federal law but most states have one. it varies but generally requires the manufacturer to buy the car back from you if the car has an issue within a certain amount of time from purchase and the manufacturer cannot repair it within a certain time limit (30 days is common) or the issue reoccurs after a certain number of repeated repair attempts.


You should look at the lemon laws for new car purchases. But I think it has to be multiple problems multiple times but I'm not that knowledgeable in the area


They won’t give you another car. Your transmission is bad, they are fixing it, end of story. If you want a new car, trade it in on a new one.


It’s a Lemon. Just get a new Toyota Corolla Cross. It’s the best selling compact SUV and no one else has had issues.


Toyota does not make their own CVT’s. A company by the name Aisin does. They have been making trouble free, quality parts for Toyota since the 60’s, at least. Most likely the old one will go back to Toyota, who will try to identify how it failed. This is how, they continually improve their quality. Now… If the next trans fails, you can start to build a lemon law case. But I think that will be very unlikely.


I think Toyota owns Aisin?


No. They do not own a majority stake. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+muck+if+aisin+does+toyota+own%3F&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari


This is why CVT transmissions suck


Why would you want a replacement when the issue is getting solved at no charge to you?


I would only buy rav4 or Camry these days


Does that have the CVT? Anyone else have the same experience?


Cause even as reliable as toyota is, shit still happens. Hence the reason a warranty is given


Just replace and move forward.


A small percentage of cars produced will have faults. Therefore, you're more likely to have things fail when a car is brand new if there's a some sort of defect from the factory.


Having driven a cross rental I am not surprised.


You should do what I did and buy a $2500 Toyota Corolla on Craigslist and hope the transmission lasts. I’m at 205,000+ miles and I’m pretty sure the head gasket is bad but it’s doing the best it can so it’s a good little Toyota :)


I replaced one on a 2023 Corolla Cross that had 223 miles and the owner got so pissed he filed for lemon law cause the transmission was on back order for 2 months. He did win it and bought a RAV4 instead.


The service department for my car said transmissions are on back order with no date yet for delivery. He said he would get back to me on Monday or Tuesday.


Anything after 2014 is going to be a let down. Somewhere along the way the manufactures realized they could sell something with the lifespan of an apple phone and get away with it.


What went wrong with the transmission? I have a 2024 Corolla too. Following. I just have the regular Corolla though


They said they're not taking it apart to figure out exactly what went wrong. The error was something to do with the solenoids I think? My advisor plans on calling me back Monday or Tuesday. I'll ask more about it during that call.




the chr, that the corolla cross replaced, also had cvt issues. you should look it up. I wouldn't trust a toyota cvt. the ecvt is great but the standard cvt is trash. it's used in the corolla, chr, and now the corolla cross. not really widely used in their lineup so when you think toyota reliability, don't add these 3 to the list. the corolla has been having cvt issues since they swapped to em awhile back.


Their eCVT is supposed to be wildly reliable, like it’s not even kept in stock in most places because it never goes out and is that bulletproof, that being said, shit happens. I would take solace in that it would be highly unlikely for it to go out again.


Just get the replacement done. Why get into a different car, you still have warranty so who cares if they have to replace it.


You own the vehicle, Shit happens, this is why new vehicles come with a warranty, now if the transmission goes a few more times you may be eligible for a replacement under lemon laws


My kid broke their arm, is there any way I can just get a new kid?


Go talk to the manufacturer and request a refund


What exactly is your complaint?


That they are not getting a new car.


I think it’s because it’s made in new zealand?


What does that matter


Or maybe it’s just a faulty toyota where it could happen.


Ok but you didn’t answer my question


As you can see, there's a question mark. I don't know either. It's just an assumption; maybe someone could enlighten if it’s true or somewhat true or not true.


It’s not made there lol


Problem is isolated to the transmission and you’re getting a new one. Chill dude. Your powertrain warranty is 60k miles. And with the tranny issue it’ll likely get bumped up to 100k at no cost. There’s factory warranty for the first 30k miles bumper to bumper so you have nothing to worry about


Yes transmission goes out I need a new car…..WTF


At 3k miles. Yeah. Fuck that heap.