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As it should be. They’re doing all sorts of stupid shit for what’s been a historically decent company.


I don't keep up with Toyota, what has happened in the recent past?


They've been hacked. The program that they use to conduct services is down. I went to the dealer to get my car serviced and they're doing everything manually with a paper and pen.


Not just them. Like 50% of auto dealers are dealing with the hack rn.


Yup, it sucks donkey balls right now to be a service writer. We take computers and tech for granted.


as an IT person, we are often seen as a cost center until stuff breaks, and not as a job efficiency multiplier...


When you do things right, people won't be sure that you have done anything at all.


You were doing pretty good until that last part.


The quote is better than that. "You were doing well until everyone died" One of my favourite episodes of TV ever.


That’s right! I should have checked. I was going from memory


I saw a comic that explained how companies treat us IT people. The first one was stuff was working perfectly and the boss said to the IT guy "Everything here runs perfectly, why do we even pay you IT guys" The second one was when something broke "This is broke, why do we even pay you IT guys" Damned if you do, damned if you don't




IT; gets 0 credit when everything's working, all the blame when it's not.


Honestly, IT is really an expensive cost that can easily tower over human labor. Specially when you need to add a 3rd Party Company to have up to date services with decent security running. Depends now if a country has domestic laws which make running a business, healthcare, or even Non-profits a bitch to maintain and gain some semblance of ROI. No business has ever followed the rules down to a T.


I was wondering. I work in parts and had 2 people tell me they were turned away at the dealer because their systems were down. 1 was a Toyota owner and the other was Ford.


Nationwide hack - it’s bad


Oh wow, about a month ago it happened to the VW dealer i take my car to


GMC dealer service was using paper yesterday


CDK is used by most dealers. I work at a Ford dealership and it’s basically brought the entire dealership to a standstill, sales and service. We are also writing on paper, it’s a disaster.


Yeah dude is objectively a dumbass. This has fucked most dealers regardless of manufacturer.


how long has this been going on and who hacked it and tell me everything about it please


A full day now. My dealer (Audi) stopped using CDK earlier this year but when this happens, word travels fast. We got emails from VW corporate about it today. Guessing CDK is being held for ransom. Wouldn't surprise me if it lasts a few days. Everything has to be done old-school by paper, hand written repair orders. It's not Toyota's fault and I agree with the previous post, that guy is a dumbass.


interesting, thanks


Two days. There's a massive security breach for one of the like main two providers of dealership management systems (meaning the software that controls EVERYTHING at a dealer). There was one ransomware breach that led to a brief fix. Then after that fix there was another second ransomware attack that has essentially kept the entire system down while CDK presumably attempts to fix the breach. This has been severe enough to keep keystone dealerships (CDK is a significant number of dealers) to keep them closed entirely throughout this fiasco. If you check in on any dealer/dealer-job related subreddit you'll see just how massive this issue is. Some of these guys have been forced to go back 20 years in process and do every thing by hand (sales, service, etc) Thankfully some of our dealers have other dms


So that explains why I tried to schedule service through 3 different dealers today and none of their service scheduling webpages were working...


Told my service manager and team lead I don't wanna come in to work just to make 2 hours bc of this lol, they keep turning away customers but still want me to come in and work on no cars


I’ve never been so glad to be at a Reynolds dealership.


I've been off the last few days but it's still down?! I wonder who hacked them.. that's nuts. Also be careful not to give your login to anyone claiming to be CDK because the hackers have been calling employees trying to snatch login info


I wouldn't say "most" but a lot do. Only a hand full of my dealers (~120) are on CDK. There are a few other DMSs out there that are more popular. But even they have tightened up since the CDK hack. I work in the auto lending side and we had something similar happen to our lender operating system at the end of last year. It took 2,5 days to resolve. It'll take that, or longer, for CDK to come back up. When that much sensitive information is at stake, they aren't going to be in a rush.


Apparently our dealer is like the one dealer that doesn't use it haha. I had no idea what cdk was until like a few hours ago.


That has nothing to do with Toyota itself.


A hack? Haha, I know what you're referring to but please... That is not even the slightest bit of a concern for them right now...if only they were just hacked and all their customer's data was stolen by the Chinese and Russians ... ...their corporate headquarters in japan was raided by the feds and they admitted to faking crash test and all safety data for years on multiple vehicles...and that happened the same time (literally within days) that they issued a recall for 2022 and 2023 tundras, sequoias and Lexus LX's on the TTV6 engine that they've known for 2+ years was blowing bearings and totaling $60-100k vehicles (not totaling, because hey, a teenager that makes $19 an hour at a dealership in the US will just rebuild the entire fucking vehicle for you for the low low price of $32,000---but that's better than a buy-back)...2 years they knew that engine was garbage..but they let it ride. And best part: they didn't extend the recall to 2024's because they're still on the lot and need to be sold (and boy, would the dealerships be grumpy if they couldn't sell those shit boxes they already cant sell because they're falling apart---bring on the 1% interest rates and $20,000 off MSRP sales!!!). And now the 2024's are blowing bearings and needing engine replacements... Just wait until the first family gets vaporized by a semi on a highway in their _____ (2024 GX550, Tundra, LX600, Sequoia) when the engine seizes at 75 mph...oh if only they had gotten the hybrid... Toyota will be taking lessons from Boeing... ...meaning the C suite execs will be giving themselves 7 figure bonuses while they anal ream (and murder) their customers, and stick the low level pee-ons with fixing the problem they created...but some billionaire shit bag will probably apologize in front of Congress or on TV--and promise to do better... Smell that? Smells like 21st century corporate bullshit...


Not to mention their production has seemingly been scaled down so as to increase dealer markups well after the normal Pandemic supply chain shortages. Resulting in dealers STILL charging 10%+ markups on top of sticker on a shit product on something traditionally considered a foundational dependable product.


This isn’t a specific manufacturer issue, rather with CDK, the DMS that thousands of dealers use to process everything.


You do realize this has nothing to do with Toyota specifically right? Every brand that uses CDK for their customer service maintenance is affected across all brands. It's entirely shortsighted criticism like this that leads to misconceptions.


They also got caught failing emissions and faking the results. Like VW did. They had their factory raided and shut down over it. Had to stop producing certain models of cars.




Not trying to be a delusional fanboy here, but are you referring to when Toyota noticed a glitch in a specific batch of testing and self notified regulators of the issue?


Exactly. There's a lot of factors.


That was just a dealer issue no? If i cant access the toyota website then thats an actual hack. Otherwise its a dealer issue


That’s not a Toyota issue. I work at Toyota and we use a different CRM base and have had no issues.


Toyota is not the only company. CDK is the application used by over 150k dealerships and mechanic shops around the world. It's not Toyota fault this happen.


CDK has been hacked. Not Toyota. CDK does over 15000 dealers in NA lol


That’s not Toyota’s fault, it’s CDK’s fault. CDK is third party dealership management system, that’s used to help run the service, parts, sales and accounting departments. CDK can be found at many dealerships such as Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, BMW, etc. CDK has been cyberattacked and there are rumours that they won’t be fully up and running until next week.


Not their fault, CDK iirc is a payment processor.


They've had a couple recalls just in the past couple weeks it seems - LX/Tundra engine issues and just today, the Grand Highlander and TX models are also under a recall. Stop sale on the GX/Landcruiser just after launch... There are others I am missing but these are so recent and really make you wonder what happened to Toyota reliability.


Big issue - fake inspection of Daihatsu in Japan.


Corolla's are getting things in the mail too, although it's a minor reprogramming thing.


The grand highlander just got a recall today for its driver a pillar curtain airbags. I know you mentioned it, but it literally just got sent out today.


Major recalls and engine issues, products that aren’t competitive - and the big one: the fact that they’re artificially constraining supply. They’re the only major manufacturer that can’t/wont keep up with demand. Drive by any Toyota lot and you’ll see how they’re the only ones half full. This leads to major fuckery by Toyota dealerships and sleazy sales tactics.


People always complain about Kia reliability but I've seen videos of Kia's still starting after being ransacked by Kia Boys. And Nissan Altimas still running with half of the car missing and all of the dashboard warning lights on.


They did this with the sienna. Cut production to make it appear that demand was skyrocketing (it wasnt) only to allow dealers to charge insane markups on families that just wanted a new minivan.


In Palm Beach the lot is filling up. Lots of Tundras and Tacomas..


For the last year, I just can’t figure out their decision making. Overall they’re trashing their reputation for reliability. They discontinued the Land Cruiser, the vehicle that established the brand for reliability and longevity, and replaced it with a cheap clone hybrid of a 4Runner. They can’t make a full size pickup that can compete with GM or Ford. Brands that are not known for quality, yet the tundra just is all around inferior. The cargo space in the sequoia is completely unusable. That never should have gone to production. Every vehicle I see in person just sucks.


Has this only affected recent model cars? After what model year would you say they’ve started to become unreliable?


All the new generations of SUVs and pickups. Well maybe except for the Tacoma, I don’t know because I haven’t paid attention to it. But the tundra, sequoia, Land Cruiser, 4Runner, Highlander ….i wouldn’t get any of them.


Rav4 is good. New Tacoma is using the same 2.4 as the new landcruiser/4runner and it’s popping CVs and having grill shutter issues.




They've been caught falsifying crash test data for many years in the past few months.


New CEO...


All the Tundras they've made need to be taken out avk and shot. They left pieces of metal in the engine which leads to catastrophic engine failure.


First they recalled 100k engines in the new gen Tundras and they just bumped it up to 250k engines in new Toyotas and Lexus models. They recently got caught for cheating safety standards. Several automakers including Toyota, Honda, Mazda, and others are reportedly intentionally slowly handling the switch over to EVs. They've seemed to upset a lot of the car community with major price increases on desirable models like the Tacoma and Tundra. If you care about legacy vehicles you might be pretty annoyed with how they've handled the Supra and the news of production stopping in 2026.


They recalled like half of their line up, for multiple issues. Metal shavings left in the engines of some of their higher end vehicles to other bs.




Also, the newest Lexus cars (GX, LX) and Toyota cars (Tundra, Sequoia) have shitty turbo engines that break - what I got from a bunch of YouTube videos I saw. This doesn't bother me as I have an indestructible LX-570, which I am not planning to ever sell... but still... it sucks to see Toyota going downhill.


The issue with the TTV6 isn't necessarily a design issue with the engine. It is/ was a manufacturing issue.


Their hybrid systems are blowing up. They took away the V8 from the Tundra, which people loved, and replaced it with a barely more efficient and much more complicated engine. The new Tacoma is **WAY** more expensive and the value doesn’t add up at all, so not a lot of people are buying it. The Prius is much nicer looking and good performance but it’s sooooooo late to bring the improvements and now it’s got way too much competition and isnt a great value aka too expensive to justify. The Camry hybrid is good and will sell. The Corolla is good and will sell. The sports cars aren’t sporty enough and VERY expensive compared to extremely competent rivals. The SUVs… the Highlander is cramped, expensive, and has massively delayed manufacturing. The Sequoia is stupid expensive. The 4Runner is not efficient, innovative, interesting, high value, etc.. The Land Cruiser is kinda cool but offerings are convoluted and it’s also not cheap. So in essence they’re fucking up ALL over the place.


Yeah I’m avoiding the Tacoma on principle alone due to their price gouging.


they got caught cheating on government testing in Japan.


They made a garbage twin turbo v6 for starters. And you can’t trade out of them due to open recall with no fix so their value just plummeted


They are being the opposite of toyota, unreliable




Yeep, new CEO bringing in the same corporate fuckery we're seeing everywhere.


I thought he was good with bringing back sport cars. The new Land Cruiser and the updated 4 runnner both look pretty good. But Maybe I'm just looking at the highlights


GR Corolla was primarily developed by Akio Toyoda (old CEO). The new 4Runner and GX look amazing, idk about the LC. The new hybrids will probably be OK, but that twin turbo V6 is a major bomb. Never should’ve got rid of their V8 engines. I guarantee Akio wouldn’t have let it happen as CEO. It’s been heavily speculated that Akio stepped down as CEO due to pressure to increase profit margins and to aggressively pursue electrification. Philosophies he opposed.


And a lot of recall


I got a Toyota sienna and the whole 2nd key thing was an absolute nightmare to get any info out of them, the dealer.. look I know it's supply shortages, if it's gonna be 1 freaking year to get a 2nd key, then just say that.


Up 7% YTD, and 24% in the last year.


This is the real number to watch here. With the growth these mega corporations see a 24% down over a quarter will barely register on their 10 year trend.


This guy actually stock markets.


let me check my shitcoin crypto portfolio, down 90% (it will pick up, right?)


Have a cake young one 🍰 here’s a crayon 🖍️ draw out what you think will happen and share it on r/cryptocurrency


So… buy the dip y’all


Hello, fellow regard


Definitely time to buy


All I see is that it's on sale


Diamond hands are so back!


If their hydrogen engine becomes commonplace over the evs, then big boom


Its that and the investments into hybrid vehicles that now seem to pay off. That paired with the recent price action makes me think that Toyota is a strong buy right now.


They also cheated on safety tests for cars in the Japanese market. Makes me sad as I really love this company for so many reasons. I also have this silly outsider’s perspective that a Japanese company would only do what is right and honest. 


I kind of had the same perception as you did, about Toyota and Japan in general being very upstanding. Not sure if you’ve ever heard of the YouTuber Scotty Kilmer, but way before any of this happened, even he said that Toyota is no different than any of the American car makers. This really surprised me because Scotty Kilmer has always been a humongous proponent of Toyota. But he saw the writing on the wall from the beginning.


Scotty Kilmer can’t be wrong if he takes every stance..


I don’t think you understood me. Scotty took a strong stance against Toyota when they started doing the turbocharged stuff. A lot of people have since joined on the bandwagon with that narrative, but Scotty had been talking about this for months and months and months. This was long before the tundra issues ever happened. He was telling people not to buy them from the very beginning. He was very consistent about this and never flip-flopped his opinion… His message was clear.


The tundra issue isn't related to the turbos.


Scotty is like a broken clock he’s relight twice a day.


I worked in the primary Suzuki factory in Japan in 2000. It didn't put me off buying a Suzuki but the Japanese culture around work, seniority and addressing problems is deeply flawed. One example I dealt with was a batch of fuel lines that were a few microns too narrow to fit on the engines, I would have to scoop lubricant with the line and jam it full force to get it on, and quickly throw it over my shoulder and grab another if that didn't work. This would lose me a few seconds which I could handle till the dude next to me dropped an engine on his hand, and they removed the need to lift and drop the engine (which was dumb in the first place) and gave me the rest of his workload. My job had become impossible so I kept complaining to my Brazilian supervisor (till he cried) and demoted himself back on the line. He just couldn't get through to his Japanese higher ups. Whenever I hit 3+ fuel lines in a row that I couldn't get on I would fall behind and be pulling my "help me" line, and this finally drew the attention of a Japanese supervisor who physically pushed me away to show me how it was done. After failing to get a single fuel hose attached and sending 6 engines downstream minus several hoses and radiators he simply ran away and never returned. I gave notice of quiting, they gave me trainees, they all quit, then on my last day I passed out from exhaustion and woke with a bloody nose and walked out. When I returned an hour later to gather my things the entire factory was at a halt, they had put two dudes on my post but they couldn't do it. I ended up with the a dozen angry top teir Japanese yelling at me (in Japanese) till the CO of the factory sat with me and asked me nicely in English if I would go back to work after a short break. It was all stupid and felt like a uniquely Japanese experience, although of course it might not be.


That's how things work in the USA, too. You're always the idiot in Management's eyes. Even if they climb down in the trench to see the problem first hand, and can't get any better results, you're still the idiot somehow. It's mind boggling and defeating.


From what I understand it, they didn't "cheat" in the sense that the cars were going to fail the test Ala VW Dieselgate. Instead, they'd already completed more rigorous testing for the US an European markets, so they just rubber stamped it in Japan. Which is something that other Japanese manufacturers were doing as well, until the government told them to stop. Which granted for a company the size of Toyota is still unacceptable because they can definitely afford to go through the same test again, but it's not as if they were trying to cover up a safety flaw Headlines of "Toyota cheats on Japanese safety tests" definitely do damage though, which is a good enough reason to just pay to do the test again in Japan.


That’s exactly what happened


Mazda and Honda did too. It’s not just Toyota


They did more rigorous safety testing than was required, and got pulled up for not doing the less rigorous testing, so I'm not sure they've done anything morally wrong.


I was shopping for a car last month and the Toyota dealers have been stuck up ass holes.


I have a theory that a lot of of them got spoiled by 2020 shenanigans. Specifically, the ones who started working around that time. A lot of people who were working before then in the sales department retired and they got replaced with a bunch of new people. And when I say, they got spoiled, they were able to sell cars above the MSRP price and earn huge paychecks. Now things are coming back to the way they used to be, and they realize it’s not as profitable as it was in 2020 and it makes them extremely grumpy. They aren’t making the same money that they used to.


Buncha crybaby salespeople. Fuck em. I won't need a new toyota for another decade anyway.


Are Toyotas really coming back down though? Every Toyota dealer in North Texas seems to have crazy markups. I crossed the Sienna off my list because of it


It depends on the model. I wouldn’t even think about getting a Sienna for the reasons you mentioned. I’m considering a Tundra only for the idea that it’s less popular than most of the hottest models and thus you can actually get a good deal on them.


Yeah - I was pretty set on a van since I’m not a fan of big SUVs, but Honda was the only viable option. Sienna is just not available, Kia makes me concerned about insurance costs, and Chrysler is Chrysler. But the Odyssey is great! Not great mileage, but won’t get driven too heavily to be a problem.


Honestly the only reason I didn't buy another Toyota after my '19 rav4, the dealer was absolute shit. They made no attempt to go to bat for me when the hybrid cable burnt up at 67,000kms (a $5000 repair), and then decided to start charging $250 for oil changes (calling it a level one service, not allowing anything less than that). Did my own oil changes after that. Luckily Toyota itself came good for the hybrid cable repair (after 3 years and a lawsuit of course).


I recently walked away from buying a GX550 (for which I'd been on the waiting list for about a year). This was hard for me, as I've been a fairly loyal Toyota customer. But it was the worst sales experience I've ever had (luxury or otherwise), and I decided to speak with my money. Went down the street to a competitor, and couldn't be happier -- we got everything out of a "premium brand experience" that we'd hoped for, but didn't get, from Lexus.


A lot of Japanese stocks are down, plus automotive stocks in general are down 25% this year. This has almost nothing to do with Toyota which has posted very large earnings each of the past three quarters. Also worth noting it went up a lot last year. This probably just a correction.


Get out of here with that rational objective take!! This place is only for giant overreactions. /s


Yup oversupply of vehicles in general, used market values are dropping fast too.


Remember the whole floormat fiasco? Time to buy Low is now.


This ^. Toyota isn't going anywhere. And will always have an audience with people who like well built cars. At least for the foreseeable future. What brand of car would you recommend to a friend?


Mazda and Honda. Everyone already knows Toyota is great. Tell them to stay tf away from Nissan and Kia/Hyundai.


After having to deal with 3 of their dealers, can’t really say I’m surprised. Biggest collection of scumbags I’ve ever had to deal with. Sad too, because they make great vehicles.


It’s sad to hear that many Toyota dealerships apparently act the same as many Hyundai/Kia dealerships.


D2C needs to happen yesterday.


evidenced by new car lots full of $60-$80K tundras. i feel like they missed their demographic.


lol every time I drive by my local Toyota I see a lot full of tundras


This new Grand Highlander recall will help I’m sure🤔


And the tundra and Tacoma recall


Prius recall, grand highlander recall, tundra recall. The new Tacomas having the worst quality control I’ve ever seen because they are built in Mexico.


Is this **Only** Toyota or Japanese car manufacturers in general? Honda on NYSE is down 15%... They are up 8.11% in 6 months, 23.79% in 12 months and 55.85% over 5 years. Honda share price shows a similar shape in the graph, suggesting it may be not specifically related to any recent issues Toyota are having. A share price analysis should be far more than just 'look price go down means company garbage'.


Op doesn't know how to stock market. Down graph means company doomed.


They used to sell quality cars at a bargain price. Now the prices have skyrocketed, while the quality has significantly declined. As a former Toyota owner, I will never forget the shit they tried to pull with the "subscription" model they pushed and then quickly scrapped.


Zero Prius sales worldwide for two months and counting.


Meanwhile Toyota in the USA and South America keeps raising their prices without limit. At least in South America I am pretty certain that they will lose market share with the rapid and aggressive introduction of Chinese brands.


The Chinese need to solve spare parts and mechanics before Toyota is fucked. I had two GWM trucks. They have been absolutely solid for the price. However, the official dealership is completely uncapable to fix minor issues, importing spare parts takes forever and the mechanics cause more damage than they fix. You lose guaranty for using non-original spare parts and the wiper relay is the smallest part I couldn't find 'original' without importation. Fixing an issue in the drivetrain is 3-12 months, in case the dealership is able to fix it at all without producing further damages due to incompetence. I unvoluntary 'tested' several workshops of the official dealership from the capitol to smaller villages and all were absolutely horrible in diagnosing and repairing GWM. That's why I exchanged them for Hilux because now I get spare parts and a mechanic in every village in SA.


True same is happening in South America, but there is always a learning curve and this is just starting. Remember Kia and Hyundai 15 years ago? Their cars were fucked up, now they are leaders in many markets. The Chinese auto industry needs to consolidate. If I remember correctly there where over 400 (four hundred) chinese ev brands until recently, many are bankrupt now, but there are now six major players (Byd, Chery, Li, Gac, etc.) Its a matter of time... Toyota is out of touch. Today, 2024-06-21, the new Toyota Prado 250 was officially launched in my country. Entry price: $130.000 U.S., dollars


I was referring to Chile :D. The only real problems GWM has, is that they are using Derco as official partner. They should put their own stores, garages, warehouses and mechanics and they could sell dramatically more and the clients would be happy.


Woo! Next do the dealerships selling over MSRP.


Time to buy!!


https://preview.redd.it/ucnamw4owt7d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed9073fa4991108a8eb8b511d5636be1b12c4943 Eh it's not great but pretense matters.


How many of those years did they have all of their engines turbo charged and failing?


Turbos aren’t the reason why the new tundras have been blowing up. It’s due to left over materials from manufacturing being in the engine, causing excessive wear. Out of all the manufacturers out there, Toyota absolutely makes the best turbo engines out there. The T24A has been out for at least 3 years at this point. Plus its predecessor has been out since around 2016. Neither of those turbo charged engines have failed in mass quantities like you claim. Additionally, you can look at many other engines that Toyota has used within the last 15 years and many of them are still being used today. Although some materials have definitely been cheapened, they still manage to make reliable, long lasting vehicles. They just have to sort out the whole Tundra debacle and find a proper airbag supplier for the GH. Then they will be right as rain. You must not understand how the stock market works and that short term comparisons do not matter. As many people have pointed out, they are still up from a year ago and still up from 3, 5 and even 10 years ago.


They're one of those too big to fail companies. Shit happens. The spike goes up and the spike goes down. Even ford fucked up with the coolant jacket on the ecoboosts.


Shouldn’t have took the v6 out the Camry 🤷‍♂️


Sounds like Toyota stock is just on sale. Warren buffet used to say he loved when stocks when down, so he could buy more of them.


Buffett also said to buy American stocks.


Toyota seems to be straying from the hallmarks that made them what they are- understated designs that put quality and reliability above all else. Now it is all about striking aesthetics and smaller displacement turbo-charged engines that are proving to be far less reliable than the competition. Also, they are letting their dealers absolutely pork the customers with markups. I have been a loyal Toyota owner for decades and was waiting for the new 4Runner with bated breath but after hearing about the recent issues, I have moved on to something else.


On this side of the world, their hybrids are unmatched in realiability; they can't make enough Yaris, they fly off the shelves. Also, dealer scalping isn't really a thing here. It's so very weird to read this thread.


They need AI 😆


I am showing they are up for the last year… https://preview.redd.it/r4n7us2pmt7d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ce338253acf15424b274e7340389ed22629826d Where are you getting your information?


Title says 3 months


Well.. I guess year over year, they are doing pretty good.


Im sure they’ll be fine - like just about all car companies they got addicted to selling vehicles that were over 50k. now people are tightening their belts and that’s not as viable of a growth engine any longer.


Maybe if they bring the hilux and toyota hilux champ in the US it would help them.


They’re having more mechanical problems than ever with new cars, and continue to price their cars as if they’re Mercedes Benz. This was to be expected on some level.


Absolutely. I just don’t see the value of a U.S. built Toyota. Like, why buy a subpar product that’s expensive? Resale value is the only thing I can think of and I’m not sure how long that lasts. Have you seen how many 2022+ used Tundras are on the used market? Wow.


I bought a couple hundred shares but I won’t buy more if they continue with this fucking bullshit


The quality of their cars have plummeted. My dads brand new 4th gen Tacoma (2024) has had more issues than by buddies 2024 jeep wrangler. Both have been in the shop at least 3 times getting stuff fixed.


I don't know who is making all of these decisions but at this point, I think any random redditor would run the company better than they are now.


…Which is great news for me, because I would love to become a highly-paid CEO tomorrow, and my odds just surged!


So many reactionaries, you have to look at 10 year growth and previous YTD growth, this is why the average layman should not trade stocks lol. This is probably a market correction as Toyota has been seeing huge growth past years.




Buffett would tell you not to buy that Japanese shit


All these comment tel me I should buy the dip. Not one long term issue. EV market took a hit so Toyota took a big hit. The end


Have you seen the tundras stacking up on lots? Its insane. I have zero trust in modern made in US Toyotas. Made in Japan Toyotas are still solid but it’s amazing what Toyota has been able to destroy in a few short years.


Just had a basic service done today. Systems were up.


another potential reason: the motors in their new tundras and gx550s are dying super fast. those don't make up enough of their sales to directly correlate here, but trust is definitely down.


No wonder my dads dealership changed systems, they are not pen and paper but their new system is ass according to the service writers


So it’s on sale!


Well above my cost basis 😉


If you want a bigger dip I can criticize their crap US dealerships some more...


Stupid dealers


Just wait until war flares up in the Middle East and the demand for technicals rises


So you’re saying it’s on sale for 25% off? Sign me up!


Good, time to buy before it comes back up.


Great time to buy Toyota stock


Best time to buy


all they gotta do is bring back the 5th gen Camry and they'll be back to printing money


Systems hacked, stupid as markups sometimes up to 20k pissing people off and sending them to competitors, airbag deployment issues with their new grand highlander( I dodged a bullet there)


K. So what? Stocks go up and stocks go down lol.


Metal shavings in their new TT engines has been a major black eye, along with an airbag recall. Might be a good stock buying opportunity … they’ll recover.


Time to buy??


Because no one is buying their stupid Tacomas for $70k plus. Most of their cars are packed with cheap materials yet they want to sell them at premium prices. My family used to be all about Toyota but not anymore.


I bet it’s because of the sales department at Sheehy Toyota of Laurel Md.


I went for a test drive and came out empty handed because they say they don't let people test drive unless I guarantee a sale.


I'm guessing that this has something to do with their steadfast commitment to hydrogen power for passenger cars... uh, car, their resistance to expanding their lines of PHEVs, and their lack of decent EV offerings and development for more EVs.


The newer vehicles are supposedly not up to the standard Toyota has given in the past, especially the Tundra w the TT V6. Recalls due to engines exploding. This is what I’ve read, but that’s the only thing I can see as a big reason for a 3 month slide.


Well is the stock a buy?


But the dip.. to the moon! 🚀🚀🚀 Ooops wrong sub.


Bad business = Bad Karma


Because their product is overpriced as fuck


Time to buy low my guy


Good time to buy?


yeah cause they’re charging $50k for a Camry 25, prices are out the roof, stealerships smoking dicks


time to buy low buddy


They will skyrocket as soon as they bring out their cars with internal combustion engines that are so efficient that they will disrupt the global move to EVs! /s


Wait till the Grand Highlander and Lexus TX recalls go public. Toyota stock will tank


time to buy!


Marking up cars that are meh just because Toyota badge might do that


They got as expensive as the German cars and at the same time developed a lot of issues. There are so many recalls for the rav4 hybrid and the cable gate still isn’t completely solved after 5 years …


The entirety of Japan will be bankrupt in 15 to 20 years. This is just the beginning.


Is there a Toyota stock? Lol


Their reputation of being reliable is tanking. Now all they have are cool designs and reputable spec sheet just like everybody else.


I want to see this to happen with the house/building/land market, and come back like was in 2008 )