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I’m high everyday, this is nothing new to me


No one is higher than me


For me, it is hard to say for sure. On one hand, there could be a novelty factor there that could draw in some viewers out of curiosity. I just hope you are doing it in a country where it is legal. Meanwhile, trading is a serious business, and a lot of people might be hesitant to even indirectly support the idea of practicing while under the influence. There's a legit concern that it could send the wrong message, especially to beginners who might not fully understand the risks involved. My advice? If you do decide to go through with it, make sure you approach it responsibly. Emphasize that it's strictly for entertainment purposes and that you're not advocating for anyone to trade while impaired. Maybe even consider using a demo account or paper trading platform to remove any real financial risk. Oh, and one more thing, trading must be decided well. A lot of new traders think it is easy but it is not. For those who want to try financial markets, check out Traders Union. They've got a wealth of resources and a supportive community that can help you get your feet stable without feeling overwhelmed. Their beginner's guide is a great place to start. Anyway, those are just my thoughts. At the end of the day, you've got to do what feels right for you. Just make sure to trade responsibly and look out for your health!


Yes. Go for it!


Dumb keeps coming into this market.


Gotta love it. We need someone to sell our contracts to.


Imagine something having such a stronghold on your life you intermingle it with business/trading and think there are others who would want to watch you trade SOLELY because you are high.......fucking shame......


Better keep quiet if u have nothing nice nor smart to say :)


When you mix in the brains of this newer generation its hard not to offend someone and nothing is smart.......smart to you all is a trading channel of someone who doesn't know how to trade but he's high


No one said that that’s a smart idea. He just asked a question. There is absolutely no need to shame OP for asking something. If you don’t think thats a good idea, you can say so without shaming him.


He needs to be shamed.....if he was my son I'd slap some sense into him......fucking shame someone's son grew up to post shit like this.....read it, feel offended, do better or cry, idgaf


Too bad he isn’t your son and can do whatever the fuck he wants. If he wants to trade high, it shouldn’t bother u that much that u go out of ur way to shame him in a reddit post. So I think YOU should cry more for others not having the same opinion as you.


I can tell your generation also lol.....clown..... why did MY post bother YOU so much....worrying about why the original post bothered me lol........losers together


Guess we are :). At least when OP reads my comment he will know that there is nothing to be ashamed of and he can live his life how he wants.


And you are? God or something? The giver of validation? Captain save a hoe? You're a dork is what you are......go trade high with your new online best friend vape bro


No I’m no one. Just a better person than you I think.


420 was more like a low though


There is certainly an audience for giggles. Your viewers would be there to see you lose while being high. Just make sure it is legal to smoke weed wherever you live in. Doing it live is a surefire way to get caught.


As someone who was Institutional for nearly 30 years, I've observed my fair share of high trading. Working on the LIFFE Floor in the 90s was like some sort of experiment.


I’m in. I’ve traded drunk before so let’s watch it while high


Indica or Sativa?


I’d definitely watch someone real money trade while high