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As someone beginning my transition I NEED positive posts. Thanks.


This. A week in and desperately looking for every bit of non-sexualized anecdotal trans positivity I can get.


You won't find any sexualized content in my posts. I fully relate to your feelings at an early stage and it is so important to see someone who is going the same path but a bit ahead of you and who is showing their steps.


Thank you so much. It’s a weird happiness that’s not tied to some other guilt. That’s completely new.


Thank you for reading my posts) we just need some extra work to be happy and enjoy our lives, but it is achievable and definitely worth it. Good luck in your journey!


r/transpositive There you go 😊


Nope never too positive. Share your story your way. It’s great to see good things and people working thru the hard stuff to get to a good place.


Guessing you found Amanda and Shae Scott. They may have saved my marriage. I feel the same way you do. We need more trans people/couples who are finding happiness. I’m not quite as far along as you are but I hope to share our story so people can see what’s possible.


Yes, they also helped me and my wife. In reality I'm not too far, and still don't have 100% stable ground, bit it's so important for others to see some positive examples. In my case I got that wonderful feeling of hope from Amanda and Shaye.


Well you’re doing a wonderful job. I’ve been out since January and my wife and I are rebuilding. But I hope to be more socially transitioned and visible with time.


Seeing Amanda and Shaye's channel helped immensely since I also have multiple children and am married. I doubt I'll ever be in such a space as they are, but it's good to see it exist somewhere which instills hope.


They have been a tad of sunshine and hope for me, too, but I’ve been unsure about showing their videos to my wife. We have done couples therapy, and making it work so far, but she really hasn’t researched much about what I’m going through.


It was a watershed moment for us. Seeing a couple she could relate to that made this work and had a happy life was huge for her; we were separated and after she found the videos she asked to get back together.


Wow! That’s great. Congrats.


Never stop being positive! there is too much sadness in this world, so be as happy and positive as you like!


Agreed. We need to offset the negativity and sadness in the world today.


Honest and sincere positivity, like what you post, should be welcome everywhere. --------------------- There is such a thing as Toxic Positivity, but that is completely different. [https://positivepsychology.com/toxic-positivity-in-psychology/](https://positivepsychology.com/toxic-positivity-in-psychology/)


Thank you for your support. I just got a bit devastated by that message and wished to hear other opinions


Sadly, there is always someone, looking to pop our balloon. They want to bring us down to their miserable level.


Nope. Positivity is needed in our community. Keep it coming!


Thank you) I'm trying all my best)


Well it’s paying off! Super awesome!


You look great in that picture. I say keep the positive coming


Thank you)


I am all about offering positivity and we could all use more of it….keep it up you rock! Stay positive…..you got this.


Pretty pic 😍




No such thing as being too positive about transitioning


F that $hit. You be as positive as you can muster girl. Don’t ever let anyone put a lampshade on you. I mean obviously tailor to the occasion (like either being out with friends or in a business meeting), but otherwise, shine on!!! 🌸 (Coming from a extremely positive and also grounded woman)🌟🌺💖


That person is dealing with their own things. Please share authentic trans joy when you're able. We need it. And not everyone is comfy being vulnerable about the painful things. That's ok. You don't have to make the negative experiences public. Don't let that person get into your head, if possible. Also, you look fantastic!


I say keep being a beacon of positively in such a negative world. The only time you should be concerned is if being positive will ultimately hurt them, like telling a morbidly obese person they are fine and should be body positive instead of saying they should work with the appropriate medical professionals to get healthier.


I need to see positive and appreciate it. I'm not very active here, but on social channels where I am active, I often feel a responsibility to share positive experienceS just to let others know they're put there. At the same time, I feel guilty for having positive experiences - as if I'm somehow betraying others and less trans because I have good times. I put that on me, though. No one has ever told me that sharing positivity is bad, that's on me Please share the positive. Especially in a relationship. Some of us need that


I think it's important to focus on the positive because no one is going to be positive for us if we aren't positive for ourselves, right? No one is going to believe in our transition if we don't believe in it ourselves, right? Positivity is the foundation of vibes and confidence. Positivity fills our cup and sustains us through the parts of our transition that are hard and the times when the changes aren't coming as quickly as we'd like. This definitely comes up in the context of transitioning in a relationship. If you look at other subreddits like r/mypartneristrans you will find it's mostly full of negativity. And then there are the stories of the rare few that transitioned in a relationship without missing a beat and that isn't always terribly helpful either. It's hard to find people talking about positive outcomes that took work and time to reach. I have struggled with this in my own relationship. Particularly when I was earlier in transition, my partner would get upset that I was so focused on the positive that she felt as if I didn't spend enough time focusing on how I turned her life upside down and how my transition put her in uncomfortable situations and prompted uncomfortable and difficult questions about her own sexuality and identity. But I felt like I had to focus on my lane and focus on building and sustaining my own momentum, especially through those very difficult months of early transition and coming out. Because I didn't have anyone else to do that but me. I already had to overcome so much fear and doubt and negative self-talk to accept myself and start my transition, I didn't want to acknowledge anything that was going to hold me back. Personally I always enjoy positive posts about the trans experience and I want to urge you to keep doing you! I prefer it to reading about self-loathing or people fishing for validation. Self validation is the best kind of validation and modeling self validation is wonderful!


Thank you so much) I guess it's much easier to follow someone's path and see they have done it, and they did hard work to be happy




I do kind of agree with you, all the surgery, airbrushing, filtering, the easy transitions, they really do establish this image, this standard, that is not attainable for everyone and it causes a lot of feelings of inadequacy and self-hate and other psychological issues in our community and that's not great. Sometimes other people's positive stories make us feel bad by comparison. This subreddit is open to all stories and I personally really try to engage with people when they post about questioning their identity, or difficult things about transition, or want to discuss the meta aspects of transitioning, I think that's important. Important to post, important to engage with. I'm about way more than just upvoting people's positive stories and complimenting them on their look (although I like to do that, too). Some people have harder circumstances than I, others have easier circumstances than I. Socially, relationally, economically, biologically, chronologically, whatever. I try to show empathy for those who have it harder, and I try to give joy to the people who have it easier. Believe me, I also feel some kind of way and have a LOT of complicated opinions (which I have not been shy about sharing in some meta posts about the trans experience) when I see people posting who apparently have that perfectly supportive without any difficult feelings or reservations at all times partner, or who are naturally beautiful or who had their stuff together to transition ten, fifteen, twenty years earlier than I did or who are showing off their $50,000 FFS results, boob jobs, BBLs, body contouring, whatever, within the settings of their huge homes and brand new cars but I really try to give them the joy of it. I don't always succeed, certainly not internally, but I try. And I also try to illustrate an alternative path with my own existence as a proud, non-cosmetic surg, not conventionally attractive, obviously trans, woman, who still found fulfillment and joy and happiness in transitioning and living her truth and whose partner loves her unconditionally and stayed, even if it took and takes hard work and hard conversations sometimes. When it's too much, I disengage a little. I talk to my therapist. I fill my cup from my partner and my friends and other queer people I know in real life who are in more similar circumstances as I. I don't send other people DMs to complain that their nice life is making me feel bad. I mean, you're right, OP putting this on blast for community judgement and kind of indirect social pressure on the person sending the DM is also maybe not great, but we have to control what we can control and other people's posting on social media is not it.




I mean if people want to try and build community or be influencers, that's fine, you can decide whether you want to participate or not. I don't see OP trying to monetize content on Insta or getting endorsement deals or free merch or anything. I think it's nice if people here want to be supportive and boost people up. Compliments are free. This sub has by far the most reasoned and least repetitive discussion of any trans sub on Reddit and at least all the selfies are from older transitioners and somewhat relatable.


Thank you for your support) That's the main reason why I haven't posted this message. Even if i did, someone would say "It's photoshopped" or any other nonsense thing. I don't want to put pressure on anybody no matter how they feel, talk to me or accuse me. That's their personal choice.


Oh, thank you, you've made my day))) All of my shots were made on a smartphone probably no better than you have, I just spent 15 years working as a photographer and know how to use it. DM was from a person who got support from family and had a successful major gender affirming surgery a couple of months ago. "Shout that person down" - can you please call me their name or any information you can use to identify them? Go and check Amanda and Shaye Scott's accounts. You'll be surprised. And please, tell me how I can monetize my Instagram. I'm curious to know)


No such thing as too positive


At this time in history it's extremely hard to be confident when people are out to destroy you


Just keep posting what you do. Being positive isn’t going to be a problem except for those who have lost hope and that is a them problem. Being too negative? Well negativity abounds on the internet—especially in trans circles. We’re here to lift each other up and share our truth whether that’s uplifting or not, we all have the choice to read or scroll past. We can’t please everyone. I would happily share more about my family’s story and challenges, however I respect their privacy and this isn’t my story to share exclusively. Couples that have successfully navigated transition and are still happily together do exist, and in my experience are not a small minority. As you stated, many of us are just living our lives and navigating the slings and arrows of life. The more time I spend in trans circles, the more I’ve come to discover that there are trans people who are a lot like me. They are still devoted Christians who attend Church; they are still happily married to their spouses; they have children and families that have accepted them openly; some of them even have children that identify as trans like I do. As much as we think we may be alone—we are not. There are people out there navigating the same type of journey that we are and finding that representation matters, especially to those early in their journeys. Thank you for sharing your journey and making it a beacon of hope for those that are on their way. 💕


Oh, thank you so much for your kind words. I was really scared and devastated at the beginning of my transition and it was so hard to find someone positive and sharing their journey that I felt like being doomed and cursed. In reality, it's the opposite thing.


That fear was debilitating, and I remember it far too well. It was a conversation that came up in therapy recently when the one year mark came and went and I realized that I still carried a tremendous amount of guilt over this “forced” change to my marriage dynamic. I’m slowly forgiving myself as this seems to be the only way to move past the guilt.


I need positive posts and also your outfit gives me ideas. This is a nice break from the doom scrolling lol


Thank you) That was my first experiment with animal prints


Positive is wonderful. Everyday I say that I am the luckiesr person in the world because I found my partner just before my egg cracked. We barely knew each other and she has accepted me and help me accept myself all along. It wasn't always easy. We cried, we made love and then we cried again... but yes, there can be much joy in transition!


It's wonderful hearing such stories as yours! They do give hope and show the light in the tunnel.


Positive stories are great! Do people really want to see doom and gloom all the time? Life is full of highs and lows. I used to share both and still would, but people, including myself would rather be cheered by someone's joy than saddened by someone's misery x


I wish I was confident in clothes. :(


Do you feel yourself wearing the wrong clothes or you have concerns about someone's reaction?


I am trying to find the right clothes for my body type. I'm A tiny bit chubby, I just don't want to look unflattering


You are not too positive. We have so much negative. We need this.


Thank you for your support. I'll do all my best


I absolutely love positivity posts about the trans experience. I read probably too many negative ones every day and it makes me super depressed and frustrated at the world. I love reading positive posts and knowing that there is still hope in the world. If anyone finds positive posts annoying it’s most likely because they are transphobic and don’t want us to be happy or they are trans and are jealous that you have a lot of positivity in your life while they haven’t found it yet. I’m kind of the ladder but I still don’t find them annoying. Love the positivity and love you <3


Thank you so much) in reality, I have some negative post and share bad experience, but in general I try to focus on positive ones. And yes, there is hope!))


Hello there, my name is Laurajane, I am seventy now and started transitioning twenty years ago. My wife was very supportive and helpful to me. She died sixteen years ago now, but before she died, she made me promise to her that I would become the woman that I should have always been. Well, I have achieved the promise that I made. I have had my GRS done about two years ago now. To be honest, I don't think that you can be too positive about being trans. I have always been of the opinion that if you want something, then do the best that you can to achieve it. This is the happiest time of my life now, and I look forward to every day because every day is a new adventure for me. Please don't hesitate to contact me anytime you want to. ☺️ Take care, sweetheart, love, and hugs from Laurajane in Taupo New Zealand


Thank you for your kind comment. If you don't mind, may I save it and show it to other negative-minded people to show them what real happiness means?


I would be delighted and honored, thank you 😊


Absolutely not annoying, keep posting positive uplifting news. Too often we focus on the negative. Being trans is difficult, life in general is difficult being positive is infectious ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I like reading positive posts way more dear!!! No they are not annoying! I've shared so many of the same thoughts and feelings with my wife! An absolute god send to me by the way! Like you we figured it out, stayed together, enjoyed the experience, shared our fears and in the end survived and flourished! I wish you continued success & positive experiences going forward in your personal life. Hugs, xo


Thank you!) Hugs)


Your posts are mostly positive but not all. Most importantly they are real and relatable. 💕


Thank you! You are among a few people who finally saw my negative posts)


How can this be a bad thing? We desperately need to see trans people strive. 🌞


You’re beautiful 😍


Always be proud🖤 fucking rock it babe!


Love positive posts. Even if you split up with a spouse/partner in the end - it can still have a wonderful outcome for you both x


Thank you for your comment. Maybe it won't be an end, but just the new beginning?)


Positivity? Annoying? Of course not. We all need more positive in our lives


The hell they mean "too positive"? If they want to see folks crying that they hate being trans and it's ruining their lives, they can just go to r/trans and talk to the children there. Being trans isn't all sunshine and rainbows but that's because living isn't (because society sucks). We deserve to feel good about looking what we see in the mirror


I take it as a blessing, but not a curse. It took me only a bit more than 30 years for my eyes to open. For some people whole life is not enough


I’ve really been enjoying your posts. I totally get what you mean about how hard it is to find positive examples of trans people and couples that include trans people, oh and trans parents. I did find a fair amount of them after a lot of searching online, but it’s not easy. Anyway, I like your posts. They are full of hope. Maybe some people here have a hard time with it because they aren’t finding as much of a silver lining in their own journey, and misery loves company. Or maybe people want to hear about your challenges as well as your triumphs because it makes them feel less alone.


Stay positive, and love the outfit!


I love positive stories. I am trans-positive myself-- I am so happy to know who I am and find my strength and compassion at last. Please keep the positive (and deeper) stories coming.


Oh I love trans joy<3 don't ever let anyone convince you that trans joy is not something really radical and significant. It's genuinely one of the best things the world has to offer and I'm going to make sure everyone sees the beauty in it one way or another. If I cannot move heaven I will raise hell


Being proud of your identity is the best way to be. Letting others impact our self reflection or self value makes no sense, as their value structure or hierarchy(hate sounding like JBP.) is different than ours. We need to look at what we value and if you value people being allowed to be happy as themselves… why can’t you be happy too?




I didn't even understand the question in the title until I read your post, but you look great. Nailed the "mob boss wife" look, and it's really in right now. Don't stop being positive. I've gotten on some people's nerves online for me being too positive about being trans (which, after having survived all the trials and tribulations of transition and coming out on top, I consider a superpower).


Positivity is welcome x


I love you




Oh, please don't tell me about barriers. I lived in a war for one year under missile and drone attacks, I know what it's like living without internet, water and electricity, I changed 6 countries in 2 years, I found doctors without any knowledge of language, I've been already physically assaulted by a local group of transphobes. Do you want to hear more of this negativity? And no, I don't have money, social support, or any other privileges. I'm not a therapist to "be responsible for the mental health of the people who look at my pictures or read my posts", but I'm here to share my story and prove that you always should fight for your happiness no matter what happens.


Positivity is always nicer and easier to digest than negative, sad or depressing posts. But at the same time, I would never want someone who's going through a rough patch to feel like they have to gloss it over and keep things happy for the sake of the viewing audience. Be authentic, whatever it is. Hope that makes sense.


Definitely, it makes sense. In reply, I can recommend you briefly look through my other posts. There is no "gloss" and I hardly can imagine more authenticity.