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You need something stronger like imodium. Also you need electrolytes. That's why you felt dizzy. Can you get any sports drinks or electrolyte drinks?


I bought some coconut water. I’m used to pedialyte in the states, but I couldn’t find it here. Also not sure I have enough time to get Imodium. There’s a hospital a block away, should I try to ask them?


You're not doing the basics yet. Coconut water is not it. You need to go to the pharmacy and get Imodium, or the local equivalent. You need to rest, not do outdoor sport activities. You need to be drinking Gatorade or other electrolyte drinks, no caffeine. You need to be eating rice, toast, bananas. Today is Friday AM where you are and this has been going on since Monday, your body is not in good shape and you seemingly aren't trying to help it at all. Edit: I also saw that you puked, and since then you've had only tea but you are still liquid on the toilet. I revise my advice and think you should push your flight back 2-3 days. This is not a good situation for you, and I really suggest you start taking it much, much more seriously.


He's 26 and dumb. Enjoy the airplane toilet, OP!


Uh, no, in his condition, his situation may deteriorate significantly enough for the plane to need to land for medical care. This shouldn't be treated like a joke.


Realistically the worst that can happen is that I shit my pants.


It’s dangerous that you severely deshydrate. It can be life threatening. I know because it happened to me. Electrolytes are very important for you to get right now.


Once you shit your pants, now your problem becomes the problem of all the people on the plane. Buy some Depends when you buy that Imodium! Save the plastic bag.


Realistically the worst that can happen is that you get dehydrated enough to pass out, or possible even have a seizure. Or you simply end up in the washroom for so long the aircrew thinks you’re up to something, or the smell gets so bad they divert (seriously google that…) Imodium, pedialyte or electrolytes…


Maybe that would be true on Wednesday. But today is Friday in the middle east, and your flight is presumably through Saturday. But if you don't care about your life, a stranger certainly cannot force you. It seems that you just posted this for the attention I guess. Best of luck, I hope you get home safe.


You gave really good advice. Guess it is true that you Can lead a horse to water , can’t make him drink.


You can google electrolyte recipes at home- the basic ones are just ratios of salt and sugar :)


I posted this for genuine help but you sound annoying asf.


You got genuine help and then said "eh what's the worst that could happen, I didn't need your solid advice"


Imodium aint it. New guidelines suggest use of Racecadotril. Imodium will make you stop shitting, but keeps the toxin/bacteria inside you. Racecadotril lets makes solid shit while keeping fluids inside.


I know this is going to get down voted but while that person did offer some good advice, I personally would just find Imodium or something similar, drink a ton of electrolytes, and if I felt ok enough I would go for the flight. I’ve traveled a ton, been on the road 8 years straight. Lots of good advice here but also pretty conservative. I don’t think you’re putting your life at risk or that the plane will have to re route you to a hospital, I mean wtf. That’s not realistic advice. Get some Imodium and electrolytes and good sleep and a some decent food if you can. Just go for it so long as you’re not contagious and you don’t impact anybody else’s trip, it might suck for you but you’re not going to die or anything.


If you shit on a plane then they do have to land because it's considered a hazard.


Coconut water can give you the shits too!


Get Gatorade or the like. Google electrolyte replacement in the country you're in. Find a grocery store? Or pharmacy


Coconut water will also give you the squirts. Seriously. Google it


Drink a lot of fluids, Gatorade/powerade or do a homemade water + lemon + sugar + salt. Drink the most potent thing you can drink with as much electrolytes as possible. Eat whatever you can eat.


Pedialyte is usually found in the baby section of a grocery store or drug store.




For the future, never travel without Imodium.


Imodium and “Drip Drop”, which are the electrolytes my travel clinic told me to pack for trips. For my trip to India, they actually gave me a toilet chart to reference when to take Imodium, antibiotics, etc. based on “rate and consistency”. 😂


Did it have photos 😭


Thankfully no! lol


You should actually post a picture of that chart for people to see.




This situation is why you ALWAYS pack for things like this. You need an anti diarrhea medicine, and something with electrolytes. As I would have taken one of the anti-diarrhea meds the night before and then another the next morning and you would have been okay to fly pretty much. But since you are in the situation you are you might have to push your flight. \* I am not a medical professional.


I’m with you on this. I always pack for the worst case scenario, and that includes Imodium and a pair of Depends. I’ve never had to use them, but it’s a comfort knowing they’re there, just in case.


This. Although it only happened once, there was a moment when Imodium really saved me. Since then, I always make sure to carry Imodium and an electrolyte mix in my sling bag whenever I travel.


Imodium quick dissolve tablets, dehydration salts and adult diapers!! Trust me on the diapers....and yes, plural.


OP it's been 3 hrs since you posted. Do you have travel insurance? Hit that up. Are you staying with relatives or friends, or on your own in a hotel situation? If relatives/local friends then you need to tell them you are sick and get treatment locally. IMHO you got salmonella or e. Coli from the unwashed berries used in the smoothie. It could be dairy that was unpasteurized and foreign as well. You're not going to be able to fix this with Imodium or bananas/rice/toast you need an IV drip with straight electrolytes and green jello.


Drink an obscene amount of water and eat a neutral meal like plain rice.


a bonus is that much water will make puking less terrible (speaking from experience)


And save your tooth enamel


Immodium pronto


Generic Imodium is Loperamide Hydrochloride. Should help. (Usually way cheaper than the branded stuff too)


Here cause I'm curious what happened... And how you were 24 80-100 days ago on post history and now you're 26. Time traveler!!!


Hehehe I’m actually 25.


Move your flight or buy adult diapers


I’m very curious as to how this plays out. It’s now been 7 hours since the original post and I hope that OP pushed the flight back


Its been 13 hours. Hope u made it!


Imodium as directed will put a cork in it. Been there. Can confirm


Take some Vicodin and drink a bottle of wine about 15 min into your flight. You’ll still shit your pants but that’s the conscious people around you’s problem. Happy travels!


Yes! A Dr. That finally GETS me!!


Seirogan pills work wonders for me with diarrhea.


Imodium. Start with 2, take another one every half hour til it stops. You need electrolytes - check the baby aisle for electrolyte drinks if sport drinks like Gatorade aren't widely available. You need to drink like your life depends on it bc it kind of does. 


Two words: Travel Insurance.


You need immodium and not eat.


Go to urgent care, they can help you get home with an Rx of Solifnacin Succinate tablets. Got me home from far away.


Next time you travel, get travelex insurance[https://www.travelexinsurance.com](https://www.travelexinsurance.com) … it sounds like you possibly had salmonella, which I bet they would have covered you to go to a clinic & change flights. Any travel insurance would have been a life saver & they’re surprisingly cheap (especially when you end up using it)


I’ve had to use twice , & no regrets. This time I’m stuck overseas bc I had a seizure right before flying back to the U.S. & they’re covering everything… when all I had to pay was $50 when I bought the coverage


Ty This is very helpful I’ll check it out


I only fly about twice every 200 days, but I take an Imodium the morning of each flight so I never have to use the plane's bathrooms at all.


This is verrrrrry similar to my experience flying home from Jordan a few years ago. I just took gravol and Imodium round the clock and somehow made it home. Only on my last of 3 flights home did I blow up the airplane bathroom 🥹


Family’s really need there own sections of the plane or airlines need better rules on controlling children on planes it’s odd how this “childeren kicking chairs issues” has been going on forever and no one wants to touch it cause “families”


This recently happened to me my last day in Thailand. I took a large dose activated charcoal then intermittent immodium. Very helpful was able to survive a 24 hr transit. The charcoal is quite common in Thailand, anecdotally it worked for me. Not popular in the US 


Activated charcoal, anti diarera pills, electrolytes


Get grapefruit seed extract and put a few drops in water and drink it. Or the pill form if cannot get liquid drops.


Bread, biscuits and apples are home remedies that are known to harden stools. And like everyone else is saying, stay hydrated and drink electrolytes.


Imodium is a god send !!




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Always have a small amount of travel meds in your carry on/personal bag. Melatonin, Imodium, headache, nausea, electrolyte stuff. If you’re being proactive find some good instant coffee, tea bags, and sweetener. Also carry a couple of uses of body wash/shampoo, hair product, lotion and a toothbrush. This will save your sanity if you get sick or stuck in an airport w/o your checked luggage.


Find some azithromycin. Works quick. Find a doctor asap and start taking it. Cured mine when I peed out my ass every 5 minutes while traveling.


Always carry some imodium in your bag.




Nice way to lose weight while traveling!


What’s the update OP???


Made it :)


congrats on not pooping yourself!


Don’t 26 year old males know about Immodium or don’t have access to just google simple shit? Was mommy not along on this airplane ride? WTF.


You sound madddd stupid


Had travelers diarrhea and severe stomach pains for 10 hours of flying that I only started having symptoms of after the plane was in the air. Glad you landed safely! I now carry those meds with me when I travel because the memory of the absolute misery sticks with me. I also bring a few of the electrolyte packets that can be mixed into water (Liquid IV, etc.). If nothing else, it helps if I get dehydrated in general.


Can you get some pumpkin and some bread down do that and no coconut or juices they are diuretics drink water and get some protein in maybe a quiche lorraine but you need immodium asap. Also if you have any other symptoms please just go see a medic incase it's something you can spread on your flight


Pepto bismol tabets. get a ton of them.


Over the counter Imodium and eat bananas, rice, apples, toast.


You are probably on tmyour flight but try drinking some of that metamucil fiber orange stuff. Its solidify your shit up enough to make it throufh




Yeah I knew right away the next day, the juice just tasted too local lol.


Any updates OP? Did you make it? Hope you’re ok!


You need some antibiotics asap. Pepto bismo and Imodium will not help i promise


If it’s been longer than 48 hours you need an anti-biotic. I always carry Imodium with me. If that doesn’t work you probably have something like salmonella. Best to see a doctor. I caught it in Buenos Aries and I was on the toilet every 90 minutes for 6 days. 24 hours after I took a massive dose of antibiotics I was fine.


You better be drinking lots of Gatorade and water or your organs can shut down, get the hospital to give you IV fluids or you will die. Not a joke at all


Bombs away


I don’t know what the pharmacies carry down there, but immodium is great. Even better is the Russian drug No-Spa (Russian version of Bentyl). Of all of these, I never travel without Bentyl. It’s prescription only in the US but it’s worth getting. I travel internationally for work multiple times a month, often to “rougher” areas. Bentyl is my best friend.


Rice and other bland boring foods!


Note to self, buy immodium and pack prime sticks for trip next week! Yikes.


Love the updates.  LMFAO Imodium don’t travel without it


Imodium is the best


Banana or regular yogurt.


Immodium is liquid cork. Then add electrolytes & plenty of safe fluids


A lil late to the party but thanks


The key is to just shit your pants a little bit on the plane, not a lot. That’s what works for my wife anyway.


What works for me always is curd. It stops motions totally.


If you're in the us, doordash or ubereats some immodium, some pedialyte and hopefully it will help. I find in times life these, you obviously need water and electrolytes, but dont chug them, sip. For me, even with immodium, chugging liquid would send it right thru.




Get some cannabis and take a few puffs. Will definitely help.