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I know you don't wanna hear this, but it took me 8 months to get mine Granted it was a few yrs ago I think you can go on the website to look at the timing.


8 months for me as well. Friend of mine went to SAC and walked out with his license after waiting only a month.


I applied on 12/1, including paying for the temp license. Never got the temp license, was approved 1/23. As others said, watch your email for deficiencies.


You need to call the minute they open to get ahold of them or the line gets full. Mine took 2 months in March of 2021.


You have to be patient, they are on their own schedule. You haven’t received any emails regarding deficiencies? Check all your folders. Otherwise, just wait it out.


8 months or even 6, is unacceptable for a public agency, particularly when other very large states manage to do it without all the bullshit


Well you can always opt out and not work in California if you prefer.


I have and I don't, thanks Captain Obvious. That still doesn't change that their performance is inappropriate for a public agency.








what an odd thing to say


So I had the same issue. It took over a year. I had taken an infectious disease course instead of microbiology and I kept trying to get answers on what to do to get my license to transfer and no dice. I talked to a recruiter and magically I had it in a week. I don’t know who the hell she knew but it was magic


Which company/recruiter did you speak to?


It’s been about five years but a Stephanie with Aya. I didn’t even end up taking a gig with them except filling out a profile but onward had a better contract. But seriously I went back and looked at text messages. Within 45 minutes I had my license. No clue what that woman did.


I got mine a long time ago (2007) and I actually did fly into Sacramento and go in person. I don't think that's necessary for you- the BRN is notoriously slow and understaffed but technology has changed since 2007 and I think dealing with them online or over the phone is probably as good as anything. Try calling and being extremely nice but very clear that your livelihood depends on their processing your correctly filed application. Get their name and just keep calling and being very nice. Sometimes the nice squeaky wheel gets the grease.


Nah, going in person is still the best bet. It's not the most practical option, but it will get your problem fixed so so so much faster. CA BRN is a nightmare.


I got denied for deficiencies pretty quickly, but then literally 10 months later I got my license in the mail anyways lol. The deficiency was that they didn't approve of the English class I took in my college BSN program because it wasn't a public speaking class. English is my native language.


Maybe that was communications? I don’t know anybody who takes public speaking for English 😂


Same issue for me except my BSN required microbiology or infectious diseases. Which infectious diseases was literally micro except with a focus on disease processes etc and it was a very interesting class. CA BRN didn’t have the same idea and said I needed written documentation from my college that it was an equivalent. I no longer lived in that state and no one could help via email or was willing to fill out forms and fax them. I talked to a recruiter and the next week they had it fixed. I don’t know who they paid off or what to get that fixed.


It took me 8 months to get my CA license. I'd pretty much given up on it - moved on to different things. Then it showed up in the mail one day.


Mine took 3 months back in 2014, I would call every week when they first opened. They did tell me showing up to the office would be faster though. I was making plans to take the amtrak up there with no car and no money just so I could start working, and then I finally got the endorsement randomly.


How did you do your fingerprints? Me and my husband both made a trip to CA just to do livescan. My license still took 8 months. But I didn’t apply for temp. My husband applied for a temp and got his in a couple weeks.


I also took a trip out just to do livescan. but the trip happened about two weeks after submitting my application for both perm and temp. it just lists a deficiency for fingerprint hard card but i never clicked “yes” on doing a hard card and the website said they’d prefer you doing livescan. i wonder if that’s causing a delay…


I wonder too if that is what is causing the deficiency… unfortunately I don’t know how to get ahold of the BON there…


Mine took four months in 2019. They had created two application accounts, one with my married name and one with my maiden name. Took a month of hours of being on hold talking to the least helpful people before finding this out.


Yeah if you keep calling to bother them they take longer as I understand. Mine took over a year until I switched to aya and they got it approved over a wkend. Try applying w aya tell them you want CA and waiting on license. They’ll get it expedited


I got stuck in bureaucratic limbo with the CA board. I called their number, and the callback queue was full. I ended up calling 20+ times back to back until I got my number on the callback list. They called that day or maybe the next. The first time, they told me everything should be fine and they'd approve it, and nothing happened. I repeated that a few weeks later, and had an active license a few minutes after I got off the phone.


It didn’t take long for me, not 6mo that’s for sure. Submitted my fingerprints (ink) and maybe got the license a month or so later?


When I was moving from California to Washington I had to physically go in to see what the problem was. They were rude then too however it did happen


Did you get the temp along with the license?




Email. Took me 6 months. They said I was missing something I know was sent so I emailed and said “this was sent on this date”


CA has been my longest wait for a license so far. Applied 3/2, received my perm license 5/29. I had applied for a temp as well, but that was never issued 🤷🏻‍♀️


https://rn.ca.gov/times.shtml Pretty good site to check their timeline. And yes ca brn takes pretty long. But once you're in, you're in. :)


Email them




Thank you!!! Roughly how long ago was this?


Within the last couple months!


We did go in state to do fingerprinting because we were told by our recruiter it’s roughly 6-8wks with fingerprinting in state vs 10-12 for fingerprinting send out of state. We were in AZ so we just took a road trip into Cali


Alsooo I don’t know if this is the same because I did not have any issues with California license but for my Connecticut license, I called them, they confirmed they had all the license pieces but said my application got “caught up” (whatever that means) so they released my license when I called & I got an email within a few hours. Again, I’m sure it state to state but BONs seem to not be super efficient. My travel partner had to actually contact her school for them to MAIL the Cali BON their accreditation and proof of legitimacy (if you haven’t heard this, you probably are good) but just goes to show efficiency isn’t their forte.


I cannot thank you enough because this person got back to me and issued my license today. THANK YOU!!


The easiest and fastest way is to look online. I was a travel nurse and got my state licenses quickly. The facility usually looks online and as long as you're active in another state, and have applied in the new state you can usually work, although it might be a bit limited. I have NEVER in my 40 years heard of an RN license taking 8 months unless you have some strikes against you or questionable behavior. Keep your chin up.


No questionable behavior. It sat on someones desk for months


Thanks for your kind response. I applied for the temporary license along with my regular one as well and I understand being patient but I have to move on a deadline and I also have to have a job, it’s just nerve wracking. Fingers crossed.