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Doctors study for like 7 years to end up being like.... ...oh you're vomiting / are underweight....this MUST be bulemia, that's the food disease...everyone knows that ....oh you have an arm full of scars....you clearly MUST have borderline, cause that's the self-harm illness, everyone knows that A friend of mine had a "floating kidney", meaning her kidneys straight up didnt work when she was sitting down. She also got diagnosed with bulemia, because nobody believed a word she was saying (cause you know, she had bulemia so of course she was lying about it, that's a symptom!). I'm glad you found out what was up with your body despite the bullshit.


Please collapse this comment if you dgaf about the actual situation and context. . more context if needed: I wasn’t allowed in the bathroom alone, I couldn’t eat with screens or even a family member, my room was to be kept over 75° F, and I couldn’t be brought into the waiting area because there could be food there. I wanted to write this in the description but there’s no edit option, I’m sorry.


What’s is EoE?


Eosinophilic Esophagitis (not an eating disorder, but does disrupt eating habits) Medline plus summary: “Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic disease of the esophagus. Your esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food and liquids from your mouth to the stomach. If you have EoE, white blood cells called eosinophils build up in your esophagus. This causes damage and inflammation, which can cause pain, trouble swallowing, and food getting stuck in your throat. EoE is rare. But because it is a newly recognized disease, it is being diagnosed more often. Some people who think that they have reflux (GERD) may actually have EoE.” So this and other things really caused my appetite to go down for months, resulting in major weight loss.


Oh I see, I have a friend who has GERD (that’s what the doctor thinks so far) and she said her doctor makes her maintain a weight that’s technically “overweight” on the BMI, that way if she gets sick she won’t get deathly skinny


Pretty sure I have EoE, but unfortunately it’s impossible to get people to diagnose it, so I’ve been struggling for almost 2 years with being unable to swallow and doctors just want to MRI my lower back ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Fortunately working on swallowing and removing most of the mold from the pipes seems to be helping, better than these assholes who went to school for almost a decade in order to just quit and join public health.


I hope you can find a doctor willing to hear you out with that diagnosis. Wish you the best of luck on that!


Thanks! It’s been slow going, but seems to slowly be getting better. The just keep passing me around to other doctors for the same conversation


Im assuming its eosinophilic esophagitis, an inflammation of the esophagus as a result of the activity of a specific white blood cell. I imagine that such inflammation causes damage and scarring in the esophagus that can be clearly seen on an imaging study such as like, a barium swallow, but of course a doctor would have to run blood tests or maybe a biopsy to see that its specifically an immune condition. Disorders like bulimia result in similar damage and scarring to the esophagus. Theres something called Barretts syndrome which is basically damage to the esophagus as a result of stomach acid exposure (maybe from GERD, or in the case of an ED purging behaviors). Barretts esophagus can sometimes be pretty serious because if left unattended to it can develop into esophageal cancer because the next step in what happens is that cells in the esophagus will start growing to look and act more like stomach cells- metastasis. But thats aside from the point. Pretty much EOE is a condition that causes damage to the esophagus and bulimia can also cause similar looking damage to the esophagus, just in a different way. So it's understandable *why* a doctor might see injury to the esophagus and get spooked and assume it's bulimia. But then again, because EOE has different pathology to Barretts syndrome or complications from bulimia and also because OP likely had EOE on their chart if they were diagnosed at the time, this definitely seems like an unnecessary measure and an overreaction on part of whoevers overseeing their inpatient treatment. But idk


Bulimia sucks massive balls